DISNEYLAND was not hailed as the "Happiest Place On Earth" for nothing. And yes, I strongly agree. Even if there may be more exciting or technologically induced theme parks opening up here and there, DISNEYLAND will forever be the place where all my childhood dreams came true.
I remember when I was a kid growing up (yes a little "tiyanak" does too you know), I would always wish to go to DISNEYLAND with my family. I was such a fan of all their cartoons, characters, and songs! Every time I go into "DISNEY mode", I am suddenly enveloped with different feelings of love, warmth, and fun. I remember watching in awe as the DISNEY Princesses would meet their dashing Princes and get that lovely feeling knowing they will be living "happily ever after". Yes it was something that I used to wish for all the time -- that I will meet my own Prince soon and we will go to DISNEYLAND.
From all of my day dreaming, I have already been to DISNEYLAND (US and HK) many times where each trip was more memorable than the last. But for me, the best would have to be THE YAPPY BUNCH's DISNEYLAND invasion this 2014 because not only were the boys old enough to explore around by themselves but I saw the fun they had upon with the new sights and rides that were whipped up for the little Prince Charmings.
Thinking about it now, yes this 2014 trip for us was very memorable because I always daydreamed that I will be able to save up and have fun with my Prince where "dreams came true".
And yes it did! Only this time, I went to DISNEYLAND with not just one but 3 PRINCES!
Now THAT is something I am surely to be HAPPY ever after for! :)
Yes... we L-O-V-E DISNEYLAND!!!!
Yub parked in the 5th level of DISNEYLAND LA carpark so it was a LOOOONG way down via escalator.
EGAD! I HATE high escalators!
Once we're down, we waited for a shuttle tram to take us to DISNEYLAND LA park!
Yohooo! This shuttle tram ride is for free. Just take note that their last trip is an hour after the last theme park closes (DISNEYLAND PARK and DISNEYLAND CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE PARK).
I cannot really put the exact time since park skeds differ each month based on the rides that are open then.
BTW, when we checked the DISNEYLAND WEBSITE we discovered that the attractions closed for our tour date were IT'S A SMALL WORLD, FINDING NEMO, and PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN rides!!!
BOO! Oh well... Moving on...
Thanks DISNEYLAND LA for the free shuttle tram ride!
Even if you have older kids with you, I advise that you rent a DISNEYLAND LA stroller to put your things in. OR, bring one if there's an extra piece lying around. I don't know about you but we're all about packing extra shirts, snacks, drinks, towels, and tripods that we DO need extra help with all the bags!
Yep! You could actually pack a few snacks and drinks. DISNEYLAND LA allows that. Just don't bring food enough for a big Coleman cooler!
While Yub was lining up to get our online tickets validated, Andrei was keeping himself busy staring at a DISNEYLAND LA fountain.
From disneyland.disney.go.com/ |
DISNEYLAND LA park tickets!
Yahoo! And we are finally inside DISNEYLAND LA!!!!
We were thinking about which ride to go to first. We then decided to check out the DISNEYLAND LA train ride in Main Street to go around the park.
It was a pretty short wait because we discovered later on that it stops on ALL DISNEYLAND LA Main areas (Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, Adventureland, and Frontierland).
And here's the train!!!!
I read in a website that if you wanted to, you could have your kid stay at the front of the DISNEYLAND LA Mainstreet Train with the driver. This is something we'll have to do next time since I was only able to read about it after our trip.
It's still okay though since the boys were pretty happy with our DISNEYLAND train seats!
Good bye people at the entrance!!!!
Like I said, the DISNEYLAND LA train went around the parks' different "lands". It also went inside this tunnel showing robotic dinosaurs!
And we're near our stop!
After we're done, it's time to strut around DISNEYLAND LA Mainstreet!
The YAPPY BUNCH went on a weekday but still there was a LOT of people in DISNEYLAND LA!
I seem to remember DISNEYLAND HK having the same Indian guy!
I read in DISNEYLAND trivia that you won't go 30 steps without seeing a trash bin.
Besides that, DISNEYLAND LA staff were always around to tidy up things.
That's why everything in DISNEYLAND LA was clean as a whistle!
We asked the boys where they wanted to go first in DISNEYLAND LA, and their immediate choice was TOMORROW LAND!
One of the newest attractions in DISNEYLAND LA was the STAR TOURS!
The DISNEYLAND LA Star Tours was a 5D ride where C3PO takes you around the memorable places of the franchise.
Sorry I'm not sure if it's 5D, 4D, or 7D.
All I know is that it's not 1D -- "Baby you light up my world like nobody else... "
While we were lining up in Star Tours, the kids were entertained with the sights of C3PO and R2D2!
Yes, they were moving and communicating with each other!
I think we were supposed to be in a "Star Port" so there were also illuminated windows with shadows of passing wizards and aliens.
Check out our STAR TOUR glasses!
Oh yeah! The Chinese Adonis rocked it!
Little Andrei was a bit hesitant to wear the glasses. He was not really fond of hydraulics under his chair.
The Star Tours ride was about 5 minutes long and a definite must-try if you have boys with you!
We loved the ride as well since we were such STAR WARS fans! I think we went on this one twice!
It was a special treat too that the little lords saw a storm trooper walking by in DISNEYLAND LA!
The storm trooper may be looking for "prisoners" but I bet he thought "These were not the boys we were looking for..." He he he he he!
The next ride that the boys went for in DISNEYLAND LA was the Astro Orbitor!
Mati wanted to ride all by himself on this one...
Sniff... sniff..
The same goes for the Chinese Adonis...
It's okay. He smells anyway.
Andrei stayed with me on this ride. I tell you when it took off I was screaming and covering my eyes. I HATE HEIGHTS and we were a bit far off land!
I think what got me more nervous was when they stopped the Astro Orbitor for awhile because some kid wanted to get out.
Haaaay... How I wished that was me!
Another new attraction in DISNEYLAND LA was the GET TO KNOW YOUR AVENGERS display.
"Tony Stark makes you feel he's a cool exec with a heart of steel...
As IRON MAN he speds away, he STRIKES and SMYTHES with his repulsor rays!!!"
I wonder if I got that right?
Mati was so happy to see the different models of IRON MAN suits!
I told them to go around a bit and they just looked at THOR'S section.
As much as Mati wanted to see the other items on display he wanted to go back real fast to IRONMAN!
They wanted to try IRON MAN's SUIT UP!
In this special IRON MAN section, the kiddie stands on a mark and Jarvis would give him a good scanning.
And with that, ANDREI is now IRON ANDREI! Ha ha ha ha!
Oh how Andrei enjoyed this one!
After suiting up, Jarvis would ask you to practice how to fly.
Which Andrei did! At that time IRON ANDREI'S repulsors were charging up.
The IRON ANDREI onscreen follows what his human version does.
Even burn itself up with his own repulsor rays!
OH ANDREI! Ha ha ha ha!
Next up is Mati!
He decided to do some dashing poses while Jarvis was scanning him.
Could you see the IRON MASK going slowly to his face?
And now we have IRON MATI!
Mati stayed in true IRON MAN character and flew the way Tony Stark did! He he he he!
The little lords had so much fun in this party of DISNEYLAND LA!!!!
After the GET TO KNOW AVENGERS in DISNEYLAND LA, we went to Redd Rockets Pizza fort for lunch!
Wow! We were so hungry at this point! We wolfed down some salad, pizza, and pasta! YUM!
As usual, it was Andrei and me who were left eating! Yub was eating my leftover pizza because I got so full from my salad. He he he he!
After eating, the boys cooled down a bit via the Redd Rocket ship spraying out water!
I told the boys that I only wanted one ride in DISNEYLAND LA that we should all go to!
They don't have this (yet) in DISNEYLAND HK that's why I really asked the boys to take a chance on me with this one. He he he he!
Naks! That's ABBA for you! He he he he!
The boys were a bit hesitant but I assured them this popular DISNEYLAND LA ride was not scary at all!
Mati looked around and saw some tomb stones and other creepy things.
I read online that the names on the Haunted Mansion tombstones were true!
I also read that while other DISNEYLAND LA lawns were clean and cut up, they let the leaves grow and die in HAUNTED MANSION for that old/scary effect!
The line was moving slowly that Andrei's teeth went back his gums. Ha ha ha ha!
The two just played with the monopod to keep themselves company!
I'm so happy that now they're at an age where tantrums are a thing of the past.... Well almost! He he he! They were both so behaved in DISNEYLAND LA!
Inside The HAUNTED MANSION in DISNEYLAND LA, we were all led into this dark room with a chandelier. After a ghoulish voice gave his introduction, the place goes dark and the floor went down.
It's pretty creepy for first timers. He he he! Some kids cried while Yub screamed (hi hi hi). Good thing my boys didn't! Andrei hugged me tight though.
In HAUNTED MANSION, you and your companions do a bit of walking before the ride. Too bad it was very dark inside so we were not able to take a lot of pictures..
I will never forget these statues because it had that effect where it "follows" you wherever you go.
Later on we hopped on the HAUNTED MANSION "Doom Buggies" which gave us a tour around the house.
The most unforgettable one in HAUNTED MANSION is when you pass by their main dining area and you see all sorts of ghouls and ghosties dancing about.
There's also this murderous bride character in THE HAUNTED MANSION who killed all of her husbands!
Before your ride ends, you pass through this grave yard where these 4 talking statues give you one last warning!
It was during this time that there was a technical difficulty in the HAUNTED MANSION ride so Andrei and I were waiting in our Doom Buggies for about 10 minutes! Ha ha ha ha!
Anyway, I was not able to take a picture of it but when your Doom Buggy passes by a mirror take note that you guys ARE NOT ALONE in the ride...
Dan dan DAAAAAN!!!!!
Anyway if you want to know more trivia about The HAUNTED MANSION,
After the HAUNTED MANSION ride, Mati said it was not scary at all. As for Andrei, he wanted to watch the movie!!
My little boys are so sweet. I guess they're doing this because they know I loved this ride.
After THE HAUNTED MANSION, we went around New Orleans in DISNEYLAND LA!
While we were walking there was a band wearing these colorful costumes belting out some songs.
The next stop for us was DISNEYLAND LA's FRONTIERLAND!
Of course, when you're in DISNEYLAND LA, you should ride on the JUNGLE CRUISE!
Could you see Andrei?? |
When we started queueing up for the JUNGLE CRUISE, we thought the lines were just enough for us to handle.
But looks are SO deceiving. The JUNGLE CRUISE line had a lot of left and rights, up and downs, inside and outsides, that the people around us were groaning already!
When we caught sight of the JUNGLE CRUISE boat we thought we were near.
But... we were wrong.
Oooh! It was my first time to see a scarab and a scorpion up close! Even if it were both dead... He he he he!
I know we should've sat in the middle but we preferred to sit on the side of the ship to get a closer look at whatever view there is.
I remember the first time Mati and I rode this one, he cried after guns were shot out.
The JUNGLE CRUISE guy gave him a cap and a button that read "I'M A DISNEYLAND HONORARY MEMBER" to pacify him.
Awww memories...
Are those lions living with or eating a zebra?
For a kiddie ride, THE JUNGLE CRUISE was not really kid "view" friendly.... Ha ha ha ha!
I'm just kidding. The kids did enjoy the tour filled with suspense.
I said "suspense" because it's not everyday you see a witch holding out shrunken heads! Ha ha ha ha!
The kiddies liked the ride since they were able to see some robot animals in comical situations.
I was so proud that Andrei was not scared at all! He covered his ears though when he heard gun shots from the fake hunters.
After THE JUNGLE CRUISE ride, the boys begged to go back in Tomorrow land since they want to try out AUTOPIA!
Well it was at this point that I surrendered the idea of going to Sleeping Beauty's castle because boys will be boys and they ALWAYS go for cars!
It's okay. They still make me feel like a princess anyway.... most of time. Ha ha ha ha!
There were a lot of lines in AUTOPIA but turnover was fast so we were all moving.
Again, Mati wanted to go by himself!
Andrei however, wished for his mommy...
Awww... I love you Andrei!
Autopia is a replica of traffic roads complete with different lanes and stop lights.
There are just 2 pedals for the Autopia cars -- the "gas" pedal (which is really an electric charge) and the brake pedal.
As much fun as it might be, drivers were discouraged from bumping other motorists.
I discovered later on that Yub did not ride at all so he could take a picture of us.
I bet he's embarrassed now!
Mati was right behind us.
The little lords loved AUTOPIA! I think they have the same attraction in DISNEYLAND HK!
After AUTOPIA, Mati and I had some strawberry slushies to cool us up!
Yub and I realized later on that we spent a lot of time in Tomorrow land because of the boys. We didn't mind so much because we know that this DISNEYLAND LA trip was really more for them. :)
So with that, even if there was also an ASTRO BLASTERS ride in DISNEYLAND HK, we took this one again for the boys.
The ride was pretty much the same with its Asian counterpart where kiddies will be greeted by a big Buzz Lightyear!
I was not able to capture it with my crappy camera but his face movies via a reflected animation.
The rides don't really stop so it's really a hop-in hop-on for everyone....
with care of course.
And so we're on!
The concept of the ride is to shoot as many red dots as you can with your laser blasters.
I only took pictures. He he he he!
At the end of the ride, I got a 0!!! My boys proudly declared they were L3!!!!
After the ASTRO BLASTERS ride, we saw that it was 45 minutes before the DISNEYLAND LA parade. So we have to look for a good space to park ourselves in.
BTW, my right arm is extended that way because I was motioning a clueless passer by to stop. Ha ha ha ha!
Mati and I found a good spot at the side of Sleeping Beauty's Castle.
It's really advisable to look for spot way before the scheduled parade in DISNEYLAND LA because a few minutes later, people just sprouted up everywhere!
If you were looking for Andrei and the Chinese Adonis, they went to the ASTRO ORBITOR ride again as per my little lord's wish. There was still a lot of time anyway.
Andrei was so happy! This was one of his favorite rides!
Mati passed on this and just wanted to stay with me. I bet he was just lazy to walk too! Ha ha ha ha!
And a few minutes before the parade started, Andrei and Yub got back!
Wohooo! Front seats baby!
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Check out the hat I'm wearing is what Andrei has been wearing the whole day. Yup! I never throw away anything. Ha ha ha ha ha! |
I remember 7 years ago when Ate Baby, Mati, and I lined up to watch the DISNEYLAND LA parade!
And now we have Andrei with us!! This makes it MORE special!
Yes! As much as it's fun to have other friends around, my husband and I really prefer it to be just US in our theme park outings! We only want our attention to be with each other and the kids.
We're sentimental and weird that way!
Don't judge us for shooting a lot of pictures. We were waiting for the parade to start and this was our way of "coping". He he he he!
BTW, people around us were REALLY amazed with our monopod!
And so the parade starts!
Thanks Mickey for letting me take a picture of your behind. :) He he he he!
Chip and Dale, and Goofy!
Make way for Prince Ali!!!
The kids were engrossed with the show and would point to me characters that they were familiar with.
It's AH-riel!
Yohooo! 2 of my favorites in one shot!
Of course, this little guy too!!!!
Snow White! Sleeping Beauty! And Rapunzel!
Cinderella and Belle!
I REALLY love Disney princesses! They still leave me in awe EVERYTIME! So pretty!
Mati's favorite is always Peter Pan!
There's Tink!
Ha ha ha! Check out Andrei watching with his mouth open!
The Chimney boys doing their step in time!
And the parade ends with the lady who is practically perfect in every way!
Mary Poppins!
After the parade, the boys agreed to go to Fantasy Land! Wohoo!
This is me and Yub recreating our favorite pose at every theme park we go to! We won a prize for this in a Valentine's Day contest by the way! He he he he!
Since Mati loves Peter Pan and this was highly recommended by Ate Jit, we lined up for PAN'S FLIGHT!
There was a line but it's okay. It was fast moving anyway.
The ride did not involve any sort of virtual effects. You would go on a Ship Buggy and really go around replicas of special scenes from PETER PAN!
"There it is guys second star to the right and straight on till morning!"
The right starts with you seeing Wendy, John, and Michael in beds.
Then later on you get a tour of London and Neverland with the music "You Can Fly" and "Second Star to the Right" in the background.
Egad the "Second Star to the Right" song always make me choke up because it reminds me of my very lovely and fun childhood! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy now with my new family.
But you know what I mean. EVERYTHING is different through the eyes of the child... I was filled with ideals, dreams, and fantasies.
NOW that I'm all grown up, I discovered that reality DOES bite. Ha ha ha ha! It's a good thing I have the Yappy Bunch and my family to still give me my daily dose of loving memories!
Next up for us was SNOW WHITE'S Scary Adventures. This was simililar to Pan's flight but not as breathtaking. He he he he!
Our last ride in DISNEYLAND LA was requested by our honorary boy Andrei. (We were in the US to celebrate his 7th birthday).
The DISNEYLAND LA carousel!
This was a very simple and "basic" ride compared to the other ones in DISNEYLAND LA. But still, you can't deny the fact that sometimes an ordinary ride in a carousel makes for a grand ending for a theme park day!
The older boys, who heckled Andrei's choice of ride, admitted to having fun later on.
Because what matters is that we're all together and happy with each other's choices!
And our DISNEYLAND LA day is almost done. Unfortunately since we visited on a weekday, there were no fireworks.
It's okay. The kids don't like it anyway!
Good bye Walt Disney! Thank you for creating this wonderful world of DISNEYLAND!
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The little lords with their light sabers -- their souvenirs from Disneyland! He he he he! |
We will go back here again DEFINITELY!
1313 Disneyland Dr, Anaheim,
CA 92802, United States
+1 714-781-4565
I super love love Disneyland!! :) Proud to say I've been to all Disneys!!
ReplyDeleteEven at my age, I still love going!! Pero may question ako - ikaw lang ba yung happy or pati husband mo? Kasi in my case, it's just me thats super happy (aside from my daughter) si Panget parang 'duty' lang.. Hahaha!!
Hiya Didi!!! Me too!!! It's something that I will never outgrow!! Wow! Good for you sarap naman! I haven't been to Disneyland Paris, Japan, and Florida! Sana soon! He he he he!
DeleteWith regards to your question, yes he said he enjoyed our trip to Disneyland but when we were planning what to do for our next trip to the US he only included Universal! I guess one visit to DISNEYLAND was enough for him! Ha ha ha ha ha! I was the one who reminded him pa about it! I guess boys being boys, he grew up with Transformers and GI joes. Me kasi my family and I would always watch Disney classics together that's why Disneyland would have a never ending impact and hold on me. Ha ha ha! So yes maybe like your "Panget" in a way duty din sa kaniya. Ha ha ha ha!
I love your term of endearment by the way. Thanks for dropping by :)