I think I have mentioned before how the Chinese Dimpol and I have a "schedule" that we follow with regards to our so-called social life: Friday is with friends, Saturday is date night, and Sunday is for family. Of course, we don't really follow that schedule to a T (depends on availability also), sometimes we go out with the little lords on Friday, sometimes we go out with friends on Saturday, then many times, the Yub and I would have date night during weekdays because he picks me up from work. When the little kiddies were younger we didn't go out on weekdays since they would always wait up for us before going to sleep. Now, since they're so concerned about waking up early for school, they're already in bed by 7:30pm-8:00pm -- the time when I'm only about to leave work. With that, the Yub and I are able to go out more on weekdays because the little ones do their homework, eat dinner, and sleep early without waiting up for us anymore.
You could say it's like YEHEEYYY! PARTY! PARTY! TUGS! TUGS! for us now since they're older. He he he he he!
Anywho, one Friday the kiddies deserted us, our friends blocked us on Facebok (hi hi hi hi), while our family removed us from their inheritance. So that meant it was only the Yub and I that Friday for our date!

And the Chinese Dimpol and I went to new SANTOLAN TOWN PLAZA by Rockwell!!!
(Ang haba haba ng intro ito lang pala... He he he he he!)
The mall was fairly new and had many unopened stores.
But these 2 food trucks caught my eye.