For the past week, my husband and I have been meeting up with Mareng Gail and Pareng Jun that I am almost nauseated at the thought of seeing them again. Imagine, in the span of 7 days, we saw each other almost every other day, talking about the same thing, looking at the same faces. Tsk... tsk... tsk....
Not really to exaggerate or anything but I think I almost had nightmares of her! Ngiiii!!!!
I was ready to send her a PM in FACEBOOK to ask for "a break" ("It's not you... It's me...) but then she offered this special discount deal she got for BURGOO where you'll pay only P599.00 to get P1,000.00 worth of food.
AMAZING right?
And so just like that, we're meeting up with THE CAMPOS again. Tee hee!
I told you, with ERICJAZ FOODIES, it's ALWAYS about the food.
Tee hee!
Duh. I love my Mareng Gail!!!! That's how deep our "sisterhood" is!!!! Obviously, I'm joking!
Or am I? He he he he he!