How to throw a successful surprise birthday party?
I have given about 20 plus surprise parties but I still get excited every time I plan for one. For me, it's because each celebrant and situation is different so there is always a new kind of fun in every party.
And to think, this time the VIP for the day is the Chinese Dimpol -- my Yub, my boyfriend for life, my Captain Maharlika, my husband. This night should be special and it should be ALL ABOUT HIM.
So while planning Yub's surprise birthday party, I could think of many tips and points, but the most important thing I have have to remember is that I should do a lot of acting!!!!
Yep! That's where I put my frustrated theater skills to use. Not only would I act so convincingly but I would also create a back story (with props) to really throw off the celebrant.
I'll share more as I go on. Though this was a simple event, it was a loooong and well-oiled process to make everything perfect. Nothing is more gratifying than seeing the celebrant getting shocked then giving the sweetest and most happy laugh afterwards.
Now THAT is always my favorite part.
As for the Chinese Dimpol, the ever deadma-boy, he gave a very stunned and dazed reaction. He really can't believe what was happening. He didn't know what to say! Yayyy!!! But all throughout the night, you would feel his joy, his gratitude, and his excitement at seeing his good old true friends. And one thing's for sure, we were all feeling the love at celebrating somebody's special 4-0 party. It was really an unforgettable night for him and for all of us!
What a very successful night!!! Happy Birthday Chinese Adonis! You are so loved!

HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY YUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you may ask, why DID I throw my husband a party? I just thought that it was high time for him to spend a night out with his favorite childhood friends (whom he rarely meets up with) at this momentous time in his life.
To think that during my 40th birthday, he didn't do anything AT ALL. Yup! Not a thing. But even if I'm past that already, I thought of using that reason in throwing him off for his 40th. Early February, I was already telling him, "Yub, ikaw na bahala sa birthday mo. I WON'T DO ANYTHING since that's what you did for my 40th".
But really, it was just an alibi to program his mind how nothing will happen on his birthday.
Or so he thought!