Once upon a time before the pandemic...
The Chinese Panget loved playing basketball (he used to be in their varsity team in high school and college) and would play if time permitted. He cannot do so as much as he wanted now because of work and also, because medyo tanders na sya and his friends, it's difficult to find playmates (ha ha ha ha).
That's why when his Rotary Club (Makati group) invited him to join their team, the Yub gave an immediate yes. He missed the competition and the exercise. At least he won't be pressured too much because the other players will be in same age group. He he he he!
So for one Saturday, THE YAPPY BUNCH joined the Yub's first game to give our noisy support. Afterwards he said we'll have dinner and make a real family night of it.
Yun lang he said that what we eat depends on if he wins or not.
Kekekweng kweeeeng!!!!
It's basketball time!!!!!