I think it is the natural law of heredity that whatever your parents have shown or expressed to you, you will pass it on to your kids. Or if you don't have plans of getting married and multiply like my sister (!!!!), then it applies to your friends, pets, or unsuspecting nephews.
Take my family for instance. My Dad always believed that family bonding is a true and significant investment that he always took us out little brats to movie date nights, out of town getaways, and foodie trips.
So right now, that is what the chinese stalker and I do to the little monsters: We take them to movie night outs, save money for faraway trips, and eat in all sorts of restaurants with them.
HOWEVER. There is really nobody like my Daddy-oh because even the little brats want to go with HIM instead of us.
Notice how I used the term little "monsters" and not little "lords" like I usually did? He he he he! THAT'S why.
It's so funny if I may just do a detour. I remember inviting Mati once to eat Japanese with us and watch a movie. The little monster cried and threw a tantrum screaming "I DON'T WANT TO WATCH A MOVIE AND EAT JAPANESE WITH YOU! YOU GUYS ARE BORING!!"
JUST BECAUSE we do not let them play video games!!!! Grr!
When they act like that I would always tell them how my Dad would invite us out to watch a movie and us siblings would jump as if we won a gazillion prize in the lottery. Oh well. I tell that to Mati and Andrei and they would just make these gestures with their hands with matching rolling of eyes that would signify that yes, "Mommy is getting boring."
Okay so I'm far off topic now. Getting back, one of my fondest memories as a kid is going out with my family and having a steak dinner at HOUSE OF MINIS. For a little wide eyed and big fore-headed girl like me, it was such an experience because I don't know about you but I felt all grown up and classy being served my own soup and salad. Then, there is a different kind of thrill hearing, seeing, and smelling the sizzle of the hot plate when gravy is poured over the thick steak.
So from then on HOUSE OF MINIS has been a go-to place for us when we want to experience that same luxurious service at more than half the price of other steak houses out there. I tell you, the first time I took the boys to HOUSE OF MINIS, it was such a meaningful time for me.
I guess that was why my Dad and Mom would always take us out no matter how much us 4 siblings would make a ruckus in a restaurant: because it just feels like your world is complete at that particular night and that you have everything.
And believe it or not, experiencing the same sort of high at HOUSE OF MINIS with my little boys just makes me and my husband want to go forth and multiply.
Ha ha ha! Kidding. Now lets get back to the steaks....

My family and I would always eat in HOUSE OF MINIS in Greenhills shopping center. But since I work in Quezon City, the more convenient branch for me would be the one in Ugong Pasig City.
Even if I'm more used to the dark steak house set up like the one they have in HOUSE OF MINIS Greenhills (My dad said steak houses are dim so that you would not be able to see the blood in medium rare meats), the well lit and well spaced design of their dining area is a welcome change!
Even if HOUSE OF MINIS was crowded that night, my Yub and I still felt comfortable with our own little corner space.
This is me sporting my ever useful "smile" on the unsuspecting HOUSE OF MINIS waiter. I forgot what I was requesting for but I think my efforts were wasted since I discovered later on that they were very considerate in customer requests (e.g. such as convert salad to bread) that I did not need to flash my sweety sweety smile!
So if you see me doing this "smile" on you, better beware because you will be under my spell....
For every order of HOUSE OF MINIS steak special you get a bowl of their hot and creamy soup of the day.
This bowl of soup is pretty big and could fill up a little lady on a diet.
Certainly not me. But this is truly satisfying with the bread.
Also for every order of HOUSE OF MINIS steak special you get your very own small plate of simple salad.
Yub, the typical carnivore only that he is, requested his salad to be converted into extra servings or dinner rolls.
You could see whats cooking at HOUSE OF MINIS' bright and well ventilated open kitchen.
I ordered the HOUSE OF MINIS Steak Ala Pobre (mini P290.00)!
My Yub, the chinese stalker, got himself a HOUSE OF MINIS porterhouse (regular P350.00).
Just in case one or two of you are wondering why I always refer to my husband as THE CHINESE STALKER is because he IS EVERYWHERE. When I go out with my friends, he is there. When I go out with my sister, he is there. When I go out with the little rugrats, he is there.
Wait... the last one I just realized of course he SHOULD be there. Ha ha ha!
I always joke to him that he does not have friends that is why he always joins me in my plans. He would answer back though that it's because he doesn't have anything to eat at home.
Seriously speaking though, my husband and I are always together. You know how other couples need "breathing space" from their partners? I don't need that. I want to spend every waking moment with him on my available time from work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the ideal wife and we have hit some big highs and lows (sometimes up to now) but that is just how we feel about it. We spend a considerable time away from each other already since we work so why do we have to continue that when we go out? Also, why get married in the first place if you want to have a "day-off" from each other? I sometimes tell my friends that me and my hub do not keep any secrets so it's okay if he's just there with us. Besides, if my friends don't want my hub to be there, then they're not my real friends at all.
I'm way passe the girl's night out thingy. Would rather have the Chinese stalker with me every single available time that we have. And he feels the same.
And if the little lords are with us, then so much the better!
Now back to the steaks...
Do not expect HOUSE OF MINIS steaks to be the same meat quality of the other expensive restaurants out there but for its simple price that comes with soup, salad, bread, and dessert/coffee, I declare that it is quite a great deal!
Plus, the steaks, though not Wagyu or Kobe, are still thick and tender. You are sure to have a bulging tummy afterwards!
Yeah... if I may borrow the favorite words of dear Spanky Enriquez...
with gravy...
and corn....
I rhyme... all the time!
Just in case you meet up with me and my husband and you get freaked out when he gives you this leering smile, well don't be.
That smile means "Stop taking my pics and lets eat already!"
You wouldn't blame him for being too impatient when you have in front of you this big slab of juicy HOUSE OF MINIS steak!
HOUSE OF MINIS Steak... So buttery tender to slice and chew.... YUMMM!
Each HOUSE OF MINIS order comes with your choice of a scoop of Ice Cream or coffee.
Such a simple but satisfying ending to a great meal!!!
After that first meal in many years in HOUSE OF MINIS, TEAM YAP became regulars. Here we are at Mati's 1 week birthday celebration last January 2012! For Mati's 1 week birthday celebration when he turned 8 years old, one of his wishes was to eat at HOUSE OF MINIS.
My husband and I thought of this gimmick to celebrate TEAM YAP birthdays not just for one day but for a week! What we do is ask the celebrant to write EVERYTHING that he wants to do for his birthday in the duration of a week and we do it!
Now, we are having so much fun with that "tradition" that we now have a 2 week birthday celebration! Ha ha ha!
Going back to the steak....
Mati is thrilled that now he is not sharing food with Mommy or Daddy... He now gets his own order at HOUSE OF MINIS and was particularly excited that the waiter was serving him his OWN soup and OWN bread!
HAPPY 8TH birthday Mati!
Andrei was not with us because he went with his Lolo and Lola to Cavite. It was the feast of the Sto. Nino and they heard mass there. Mati was supposed to go with them but he had set his mind already on dinner with Mommy and Daddy at HOUSE OF MINIS.
I was wearing the pearls Mati saved up for and gave me last Christmas. It makes Mati and me extra happy wearing the pearls every time there's a special occasion.
Of course, his birthday dinner at HOUSE OF MINIS fits the bill on this fashion requirement :)
We also ordered Mati's favorite, HOUSE OF MINIS' Baked Clams (P160.00).
Yes it looks like it has more cheese than it should but Mati likes it that way and could finish this whole plate himself.
We also ordered for him a HOUSE OF MINIS steak regular and looking at Mati shield himself with the red table napkin gave me a flashback of my most vivid memory at HOUSE OF MINIS.
I remember as a little girl that while I was waiting for my order, the next table was already being served of their steaks and this beautiful lady was doing the exact same thing with her table napkin to avoid being splattered on with the sizzling gravy.
She sensed at me looking at her longingly and thought that I was staring because I was hungry (when in truth I was just in awe of her beauty and I was thinking that was how grown ups should act being dainty and all). The lady then gave me a very sweet smile and offered some steak to me. Of course my Mom and Dad politely said no and thanked the lady. Afterwards they told me it was bad manners to stare.
Up to now I will never forget that scene. I may not exactly remember the face of the lady but I could still recall the figure, the smile, and the kind voice offering me some steak. That made me, a scrawny girl with a big forehead, felt good that night.
Because of that, now I know what to do when some snotty kids keep staring my way!
NOW, back to the steaks....
Mati was concerned a bit that a big glop of gravy might jump onto his face like an alien...
But he was fine later on as he got a whiff of the sizzling meat and gravy from HOUSE OF MINIS!
Let's EAT! Happy Birthday Mati!
This HOUSE OF MINIS tenderloin cut was thick and juicy!! I was surprised that at the affordable price, the meat was fork tender!
Daddy pouring HOUSE OF MINIS gravy over Mati's rice! He he he he!
We talked to the manager of HOUSE OF MINIS and told him how it was Mati's birthday and he wanted to be a chef when he grows up. They were so kind to let my birthday boy take a look inside the kitchen and meet the chefs!
After our dinner, Yub and I sang to Mati a birthday song (see my instant birthday ice cream scoop with blue candle)!
Check out Mati's happy smile! He told us this was his best birthday week ever!
Hopefully his one of a kind experience in HOUSE OF MINIS will give him the same special memory I had when I was a kid his age!
Here we are again for Yub's 1 week birthday celebration last March, 2012.
We have become such regulars of HOUSE OF MINIS that it has become a staple for our usual week long birthday celebrations.
I guess one of the most meaningful dinners that we had at HOUSE OF MINIS was when Yub and I treated my Mom and Dad here. The whole meal gave me an extra level of emotion seeing that my "heroes" were enjoying the same steaks we had decades ago but now with our new little lords.
If you have noticed, many times I veered away from the subject of HOUSE OF MINIS and reminisced on my life's special memories. Don't get me wrong, it's not because HOUSE OF MINIS is something you just put on standby and forget because it is more of a comfort zone which you get back to when you want to relive how everything could be simple yet so special. Also, it is because HOUSE OF MINIS has been with us for so long and still serving the same quality of food that everything about it triggers a walk down warm memory lane!
Now let me tell you about this one time at band camp...
Kidding! Back to the steaks!
House of Minis
104 E Rodriguez Jr Ave
Ugong, Pasig
(02) 672-3448