When I was a little girl, I got a kick out of watching US advertisements. Of course before, since the "magic" cable was not yet available, I would only get to watch these commercials via the betamax tapes of my aunts who would record US tv shows such as Mission Impossible (new tv version) and classic movies.
AND my favorite of these commercials would always be the ones from CHILI's. Not only was everything so fast paced and colorful, but all the food were oh so bursting from their plates and seem really juicy!!! I remember that as a little girl, my fervent wish was to be able to eat at Chili's even just once. I don't care where or how, I just want to be able to see and taste the spread which I always see in their commercials!
I can't find the exact commercial which entranced me before but this seems to be one of them... CHILI AD!
He he he!
Anyway maybe that is the reason why when Chili's was franchised here in the Philippines, I did cartwheels and immediately did a solo dance of joy! My dream of eating there will finally come true!! And come true it did... MANY times. My family would always dine there and would have great nights filled with food... bursting with it.
With this, every time a special occasion comes my way, I always make it a point to dine at Chili's.... Come to think of it, most of my unforgettable events include CHILI'S and one would be the first time I met my husband at a blind date. Yep! Chili's was the culprit (their nachos specifically)! Heck, we even gave out Gift Certificates to Chili's at our wedding!!!
Maybe Chili's and I were together in the past life... I don't know... Coincidence? Ha ha ha ha!

Maybe Chili's and I were together in the past life... I don't know... Coincidence? Ha ha ha ha!

On February 14, 2009, Valentines Day, we decided to celebrate our cute-sy patootsy love by dining at the first place we met. Yup! Branch and all... We first laid (ew?) eyes on each other at Chili's Greenbelt! Don't you just love blind dates with a happy ending?
And don't you just love waiters who suddenly decide they want to be a photobomber?
Call us excited to eat here or what, but we ordered more than we could handle. As soon as the server put down plates and plates of food, my eyes bulged and I felt my mouth go dry...
Food was extra good believe me! But it was just too much. Like the Filipino age old saying goes "Tingin pa lang busog na" Ha ha ha ha! Next time I will try to limit my choices... I'm such a takaw mata yknow (ala Manny Paquiao)
So I decided to go back to Chili's with reinforcements and with a vengeance! This time I will be able to enjoy truly the food!
I love that my little son Mati is turning out to be a foodie like Mommy. He told me he wants to start his own blog too but would write about his adventures with his Ninjago toys. Ha ha ha!
I will help him start up and most definitely, this will be his profile picture.
Hopefully he will write about his adventures with food too!
Like Mommy, Mati could chug down glasses and glasses of iced tea. When he grows up, I will definitely miss the time when I could be practical and just share 1 glass. Most definitely, I will have to order another one for him when he's all tall and muscular. Ha ha ha ha! I bet we will have contests on who gets to drink the most iced tea .
This was my post Birthday celebration (February 27, 2009) and woah look at me! I'm just 43 years old... or is it the other way around?
Let's EAT!
Yub's favorite in Chili's is their FISH AND CHIPS (P385). He usually orders extra lemon to spritz over that fried fish for a tad more of that fresh bite. We love that everything is fried just right and still maintained their juices. He eats it bare, while I steal his tar tar sauce and put it over everyhing.
As for me, no one and I mean NO ONE could ever steal ANY of my grub. Unless you value your life.
JUUUUST kidding! I would usually share.... ketchup. Har de har har!

I would only dare to share with my son because he IS my flesh and blood. Otherwise, nada.
You think I'm kidding? Ha ha ha ha! Maybe...
So it IS a wonder that my guy has stuck with me for so many years. If you are asking yourself the same question, it's because I AM JUST THE SWEETEST WIFE there is.
To prove that, here we are celebrating his post birthday (March 14, 2009) at Chili's, yet again. I treated him here. So see? That's the secret to a long and happy marriage. Treat your guy always to chili's. Ha ha ha ha!
I love that you don't need to ask for refills in their iced tea. It's like their servers have this ICED TEA senses that would alert them when a glass is about half empty. This is me on my second glass...
Grub is here so LET'S EAT!
I always order the CHICKEN CRISPERS (P300) and request the sidings to be converted to their rice pilaf and steamed veggies. I also ask for extra bleu cheese dressing for an instant salad with my meal. He he he he! This has been my default order here at CHILI'S. Not only does each chicken strip, is plump and juicy, but they are VERY crispy. I think there was a time when I bit into one of these bad boys and something squirted.
I hope that did not come off as something dirty.
Our spread. Yub also orders an extra side of Onion Rings because we cannot have enough sides. Plus it's great to munch on something crunchy while you're savoring each morsel of your chicken/fish.
I have another horrible picture of me eating but I don't want to scare you all would I? So I just erased that and posted this sweet version of me.
HOW-EH-VER, I cannot say the say thing for my husband. So sorry for him that I'm doing this blog. HA!
And THIS is for snoring so loudly last night!! Ha ha ha ha! Kidding!
Okay okay... I redeem myself with a handsome version of him eating... here. If you don't find him handsome as I do, well most probably because we are MFEOW... Made for Each Other WEEEH??!
I love that in Chili's the waiters are attentive but never invade your private space. AT LEAST, I am still free to do this while eating there...
Of course my husband, being the guy that he is, decided of thinking something nasty while fishing out his fish tinga :)
Since I work at EAT BULAGA, I settle for just doing the "Kagat Labi" pose while eating.
Come to think of it, even if you do not work at EAT BULAGA, you might have the tendency to bite your lip sa sarap! :)
Have 32nd birthday to my Mark Anthony Fernandez :)
And there you go... EVERYTHING is wiped clean :)
Okay fine. I left a cauliflower and a slice of bell pepper. I seem to remember being on a diet then.
Here's to my wish being fulfilled again and again at CHILI'S
Chili's Bar and Grill
Greenbelt 5
2/F Greenbelt 5, Legaspi St
Legazpi Village, Makati
(02) 729-2862