
Friday, January 3, 2020


I have mentioned in my previous year-ender blogpost that after my Daddyowzers passed, I realized the importance of spending more time with family, friends like family, and with those people who really mattered. At my age (sa hamak na 25... he he he) I have come to terms with the idea that life is too short and we should always spend it with the people that we truly love. Before, I would consider many times "pakikisama", "duty", or "kailangan e" in my everyday decisions. But after my hero went to heaven, the person who taught us that family should ALWAYS come first, I started not to care anymore and just lived my life on my own terms (without sacrificing kindness and all things good of course).

With that, a burden seemed to have lifted from my chest and each day just became brighter! I only did the things that gave me and my family happiness -- which is with each other.

As a result, the year went by like a blur because as they say, time flies super fast when you're having fun. And I'm really thankful (hashtag blessed... he he he he) that it's because of the love of my family and true friends and not of any superficial material things (or people).

Check out the second half of our beloved 2019! It may just be simple for you but it's all a blast for me that I wouldn't EVER want to forget it.




July 7, 2019
We started off the second half of the year by joining Yub's relatives in celebration of this cutie lady's baptism. Peechee, Yub's cousin, mistakenly got him as one of the ninongs.

Haha ha ha ha! Kawawang bata!!!


Material things may be discarded but true love won't be forgotten. I'm happy that my Dad's love for the family extended so much to the little boys that up to now they honor him. 

Awwwww..... They always run to their lolo!

July 16, 2019

In July, I came across this definition of HAPPINESS that truly struck me. 

One time I went out wearing heels, a fashionable blouse, and dangling earrings. I guess I looked good because somebody said that with my get-up I looked like a success who has “arrived.”

I said thank you but in my head I wanted to tell her that I have “arrived” a long time ago. Not because of my clothes or trips but because of my family and my Yappy bunch (Yub and the boys). Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping, going on trips, plus I want to make more money, and I have goals, but these are not my only basis of somebody who has “made it.” You could be the top CEO of a company with loads of cars but if you’re not happy (mentally and spiritually) then it’s nothing. 

Many people have their own version of success and happiness. For others though, they have had it a looooong time ago and are already very happy with the success of having a loving family. 

I love you forever my Gatdula and Yappy Bunch! 

Last July, my timeline was filled with pictures of old geezers. Yep. Nauso ang old person filter!!!! Syempre I didn't want to be left out. Ha ha ha ha!

I wonder if I'll look like this when I grow old.

July 25, 2019
I joined BGP Marian and family to celebrate her Dad's birthday. So pugi ano??

What I love also with regards to attending BGP's events is that they always have it in PEKING GARDEN! He he he he!


July 2019

For this month, EAT BULAGA celebrated their 40th year. Would you believe that I've also been working here since 2008?


July 31, 2019
HAAAAAY... Kids lie right? He he he he!


August 3, 2019
In the first weekend that August, we attended Sky's fashion show party. Our kiddies participated and Andrei did such a good job!

As for me, I helped out a good friend in hosting and settling the kiddies.

August 4, 2019
Celebrating Anthony's birthday in KIMPURA!!!

YEEEEEY! Our favorite!

August 7, 2019
That Wednesday, it's the start of the boys' schoolyear. Yep. The fun's over little guys.


August 9, 2019
Yohoo!!! I attended EAT BULAGA's 40th Anniversary Party!!!

Could you guys see me?

August 11, 2019

That weekend, we met up with our BP Group to celebrate Jojie's birthday.

Yeheesss! We love NIU!!!!!

Egad. I ate so much.

He he he! This may be simple to you but it's a big deal for us.

August 14, 2019
Tips in getting a hub!!!

August 14, 2019
This year, my friend and I became top fans of Yorme... Ha ha ha ha ha! As in we would harass his FB live posts and make all sorts of comments.

I saw this app and tried it out. I think some people believed that it's true. Ha ha ha ha ha!

This is what I meant by our Facebook "harassment"... Ha ha ha ha!

Nanghingi pa ng load no? Ha ha ha ha ha!

August 19, 2019
In the days leading up to the holiday in August, I told my Mom, "Mommy ilalabas mo ako? It's Quezon City day. I don't have work."

My Mom was like "Dapat ikaw manlibre."

Ha ha ha ha ha! But I was adamant!!!

I have money naman and I always treat my Mom when we go out. But for that day it's my exclusive holiday (since only Quezon City workers don't have work) and I felt like a kid that should be treated out. Ha ha ha ha ha!

So I made several lambings with Mommy.

We went to my choice of  The Grid in Powerplant Mall where my sister (who's a doctor with her own clinic and hours) joined us.

Ang saya saya! He he he!

August 21, 2019
We enjoyed a recent lunch in MARUGAME UDON that we invited my Mom to join us again.

Syempre before going to Uptown Mall, my bunsoy requested that we pass by this car exhibit.

My baby bunsoy talaga love luxury cars!

One of Andrei's friends, JCO, was celebrating his birthday and the gang had a getogether.

They was supposed to be a sleepover kaso we had plans the next day that we promised Andrei we'll pick him up ultra late.

So the Yub and I had a date then waited in Starbucks.

Ay this night I remember we were besides this couple with a third wheel. The third wheel was SOOOOO noisy and kept on talking nonstop. Ha ha ha ha! She made a long monologue about how she's still waiting for THE ONE.

Hala. I hope I was not like that before with BB Aning and Jonahs. Ha ha ha ha!

August 24, 2019
Before, Saturdays are exclusive for Date Nights. Now we always invite my family (especially Mommy) and the boys to go out (the yub and I could have dates on weeknights instead... he he he).

After Daddy passed, we always invite Mommy to go with us (even if we'll be friends). Usually she would join us. Other times, she'd stay home and watch koreanovelas. Ha ha ha ha!

August 26, 2019
In the last holiday of August, the boys and I had a Korean!

August 28, 2019
I love office birthdays because we always get overfed by the celebrants. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Check out ginormous pizza for Ate Yoj and Ate Dalden's birthday!

August 29, 2019

Love my boys' costumes?

August 30, 2019
The Yub and I attended this Harry Potter theme party. Had mucho fun there!


September 1, 2019
After our Harry Potter party, we passed by BGP Marian's place (who was not able to attend because she didn't feel good). At the same time, Jonahs will be celebrating his birthday so the BGP and Manong Fred had a mini-salubong celebration for him.

Syempre at first we didn't want to bother BGP from her rest but she insisted. She's been staying din at home for so long daw. He he he he....

Thanks BGP and (belated) Happy Birthday Jonahs!!!!!!!!!!!

September 9, 2019

My little gentleman is going off to his retreat! God bless you dear Mati! Listen and feel more of God’s love in your 3 days with Him. We’ll miss you! Yes, even Andrei (even if he won’t admit it).

September 15, 2019
The Yub and I attended our first Parent Teacher conference for the year. Even if I know that they're all behaved naman and performing well, I'm still nervous. I hate having to talk to teachers. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm thankful that everything went well and that the boys' teachers were very nice. Let's hope that it would be a great schoolyear.


Who are Downton Abbey fans here?

Was really hoping on watching this with Mommy in Powerplant Mall but as it turns out...


September 21, 2019

The BGP finally felt better and was game to a Saturday meet up.

We had dinner at our new favorite (and where she could eat something)... MARUGAME UDON!!!!!!!

Check out my ultra loaded Gyudon!

September 21, 2019
FINALLY, September 21 came. It's time for WRESTLING!!!!!!

Supposed to be the Yub was the one who'll watch with the boys. But he suddenly had an event with work that he cannot be absent from so I went with the boys' instead.

The good thing about me being there instead of the Yub is that since I'm not familiar with the new wrestlers (except for Roman Reigns na pugi pugi), I was okay with going out to buy them snacks and souvenirs.

The bad thing was that since I'm not familiar nga with the new wrestlers, I kept bugging Mati and Andrei to tell me who's who. He he he he he!


Need I explain this pa???

September 28, 2019

We attended the surprise birthday party of my Dad's cousin and as usual, we hogged the photobooth.

He he he he! Cute naman namin e.

September 29, 2019

More chores for you soon Mati!

September 29, 2019
As much as the Yub and I would love to go out as a family, one of the boys would always voluntarily stay with their Lola as her bodyguard. Even if my Mom insists that she's fine by herself at home and watching her koreanovelas, my boys don't want to leave her by her lonesome (unless we're meeting up with the Bawal Panget Group. Ha ha ha ha). So usually it's just either me, the Yub, and one of the boys.

That's why in the times where both boys are free, we really ask (or demand) them to join us for family night. Usually they're lazy at first but later on, they're all smiles na. Ha ha ha ha ha.

I love nights like these. Syempre in a few years they would have more lakads with their friends na. But still, the Yub and I agreed that there should still be a day they'd reserve for us para we'll always have family dates.


October 1, 2019
SUPER great feeling talaga.

This happened again last night (I'm writing this October 30, 2019), I was tired from work and after cleaning up our dinner, I was going to clean the bathrooms upstairs.

When I went up, lo and behold, malinis na!!! Master Mati cleaned it again for me!

YAYYY! Super great feeling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 4, 2019
For our 20th year of MAG-UN anniversary, the Yub treated me to some steak!!!!

Weh he he he he... Syempre I'm going to "share" my steak with Master Mati. But not in the way you think.

I'm mean I know.

October 7, 2019
One of Andrei's friends was celebrating his birthday. Andrei joined his group for a mini-pizza party.

October 10, 2019
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! Magkaasawa ka nga naman na ganito!!!!!!!!!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Humihirit pa e.

And FYI, being compared to Aling Dionisia is never a compliment. Hahahaha!

October 12, 2019
Karen and Rocio were going to Italy to attend the wedding of Karen's sister, Kristine.

With that, she and Kuya Jay treated the family to a private dinner in Valle Verde Country Club.

October 13, 2019
I was initially not feeling it but Mommy was curious to see Lea perform. I was able to get tickets and happy that we watched it.

I didn't expect to, but we enjoyed SWEENY TODD!! Lea is really a gem. Ang galing niya!

It's Mommy's birthday!!!

Before, we would sing to her at 12:00am. However, we discovered that she has a hard time sleeping again afterwards. That's why we decided to just sing to her at the earliest decent hour the next day.

And as always, we ate at our favorite KIMPURA!!!!

Thanks to Kuya Jay and Anthony for the treat!!!

October 18, 2019
 Eatogether with BP

GUESS who and who????

May kuripot na napamahal, may nagset ng lakad but forgot to advise hub kung kelan, may nanlibre ng donut pero walang nakadinig, may nambully sa matatanda, at may pumasok sa men’s room and nakaboso.

Additional... who among the guys had a thorough colon cleansing? Ha ha ha ha!

Just from the descriptions alone you’ll know that it was one crazy meet up! Till our next kitakits BPs!!! 🙂

October 20, 2019
My kapatids and I planned a surprise birthday lunch for Mommy!!!!

We only invited about 40 pax (kasi yun ang kaya ng budget namin... ha ha ha ha ha ha) so we really limited it to those who are close to her.

Check out her cake!

Happy Birthday Mommy!!! Your family loves you so much!

Yep! Daddy was with us then!

It was a super successful party!

October 25, 2019
The following week, ako naman ang nasurprise.


October 25, 2019
AHA! The truth comes out!!


October 26, 2019
One sign that my boys are truly growing old na is that they are making plans with their friends na. Before they would tell me what they want to do and I would contact the parents to fix it. Now, sila na talaga.


When Mati asked permission I told him "Sige, as long as you take pictures."

I then heard him mutter "Sana pala di na lang ako nagpaalam..."


He took pictures pa din. He he he he he!

October 27, 2019

Every year, BGP's aunt invites us to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Peter Alcantara at their home. St. Peter is their family's patron saint.

October 27, 2019
Excited pa naman ako to go home and watch the horror specials.

In the end.


October 28, 2019
And like I said above, the boys make plans na on their own with their friends. Andrei told me that his friends will be sleeping over soon for a horror night. I told him that I'll be available on this weekend but he said that it's much better on weekdays since everyone's available.

ABA! Ayaw talaga ako nasa house!!!!

October 29, 2019
The next day, Master Mati had best buddy Johans come over for some Gundam!

October 31, 2019 
For the last day of November, Andrei went with his ninang BGP Mariane and PaoPao to do some Trick or Treating in Dasma Village.

Too bad I wasn't able to join them because I had work. Grrrr.... Ayan tuloy konti lang pics because of Manong Fred!!!

Tee Hee! Kidding!

That night, the Yub and I followed in Recipes to celebrate dear Pao Pao's belated birthday dinner. Yep! We're the only friends invited.

SYEMPRE! BGPs kami e!!!!


November 1
We visited Daddyowzers in the cemetery!!!

Too bad we're not able to get a family picture because Ate Jit went to her hub's family at nighttime, Kuya Jay wasn't able to make it because Karen's not feeling well, AND my Mom with the seniors (Daddy's sisters) didn't want to have their pictures taken.


He he he he he!

November 2, 2019

Yep. He's not my son!!!

November 2, 2019
Every year, 2 things signal the official start of the holidays for me:

a) When I hear the song "Christmas in our Hearts" by Jose Mari Chan (which would probably play as early as September).

b) When I have my Starbucks Toffee Nut Latte!!!!

November 4, 2019
Since the boys were on their sembreak, we were able to have a Sundate with them! We decided to try out the Food Hall in BGC Uptown.

November 9, 2019
That week, the little lords participated in their school's cheering competition for their intrams.

November 9
Sayang I was not able to join them because Mommy and I had tickets for CATS.

When I told the boys, they were anything BUT sad. They were like "Okay!!!!!" I asked why and they said "At least nobody would scream our name and take lots of pictures."


November 10, 2019
So trivial I know but when I saw my fat and lazy cat GBF (Giant Beardo Face) snoozing so peacefully at our rooftop, I just found him sooo adorable!

November 13, 2019
One night, I was able to prove how much my family loved me by hiding under our lacy curtains.

Would you believe that NOBODY saw me???? As in my Mom and Kuya were like "Si Jaz?"

GRRRR... I'm so big na nga e. He he he he! Oh well... Maybe I'm just THAT good at hiding.

November 15, 2019
Master Mati stayed in his school's charity home and spent time with his DBTC bros who are studying via scholarship. My big guy was grateful for the experience because he learned more the value of money and education.

Yay! Thanks DBTC!

November 16, 2019
The next night, the family came together to celebrate the awarding of my Lolo as one of the pioneers of the Aglipayan church in Cavite.


Kuya Jon and Daddy's sisters received the award.

November 17, 2019
On Sunday we attended the birthday celebration of Karen's Mommy. the whole family as there to chika chika and eat delicious food!

The baby bunso performed with his ate Cio and friends. Yun lang medyo he got lost with their violin music. He's more used to Beatles. Ha ha ha ha!

November 19, 2019
Finally the BGP felt well enough to go out! Yay!!! Instadate with our best friends!

Except Fred.

November 21, 2019
I saw this online and realized how MANY could relate with this. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Dami nga tinamaan e (yung mga hindi naglike... bwa ha ha ha ha ha!)

November 22, 2019
This was before that schoolteacher thing.

Kaya nga GUILTY PLEASURE because it's something NOT to be proud of!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!

November 23, 2019
Saturday used to be our date night but since the Yub and I could go out EVERY NIGHT (after he fetches me from work) we decided that this could also be our family Saturdate as well (on Sundays kasi after mass we go home agad for our usual lunch with my Mom and sibs).

So yeah, the boys agreed and even if we just had dinner at the food court and played in the arcade, WE HAD SOOOO MUCH FUN. As in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He he he he! The normally bored boys (when they're with us) agrees I'm sure!

November 26, 2019
The office was surprised when Roderick Paulate and Aiza Seguerra went to TAPE Inc!!

We've seen Aiza many times but it's our first encounter with Roderick. He was very nice and friendly.

November 28, 2019

We made Crabstick Tempura and Pork Tonkatsu for Andrei’s class because it’s “Bring Japanese Food” day!!

November 30, 2019
For the last day of the month, the Yub and I went with the kids to watch the Christmas On Display show!

Originally this was in COD mall in Quezon City. Then when the mall got demolished, it moved to Greenhills Shopping Center.

Happy to discover that it's right back home in the old location of COD and still calling it as such.

Yep. We'll never stop with this tradition even if the boys are old na.


December 2, 2019
When you're older pala, the things that you'd ask for gets smaller and smaller. Seriously, I'm really happy with my family and what's going in my life that I'm not asking for anything else.

That's why I posted this status.

BUT, my family is not included here. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!

December 2, 2019
If you think I'm a good girl based on my above status, think again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

December 4, 2019
We went to Japan in celebration of Mommy's birthday. When we arrived, we saw her favorites! Yes! She loves Kathniel SOOOOO much.

Pwede na daw kami umuwi afterwards. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

December 5, 2019
Of course, we cannot go to Japan without going to Disneyland!!!!!

Mt. Fuji was happy to welcome us in Japan that he showed himself it his full glory.

Parang postcard at the back no???

We've had many meals in Japan but the Ikinari steak is the most memorable.


More on the blogsssss!


December 14, 2019
When Mati officially entered his teens, we gave him a surprise birthday lunch. Andrei wished then that when it's his turn to be 13, we'll do the same.

Of course, a Mommy never forgets. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


My bunsoy is so happy because he said it's "bigger" than his Kuya's celebration. Ha ha ha ha! As we were finishing with our lunch, Andrei and Mati had a mini-concert.


That night, we had our simple Christmas getogether for the BP Group!

Since we finished past 12am, it became a mini-birthday salubong for him when the kiddies sang a birthday song. Yay!!!!

December 18, 2019
Later that month, we had the most awaited EAT BULAGA Christmas party!

Now, what did I win??? He he he he he!

December 20, 2019
That weekend, we had a belated celebration of Rocio's birthday!

December 20, 2019
I caught Mati snickering while looking at his phone.

ETO pala dahilan!!!


December 21, 2019
That Saturday we had a simple Christmas dinner for our GAT'S Condo staff who have been with us for decades. We're all so thankful for each and everyone of them!

December 23, 2019
And for those who think my sons are angels....

December 23, 2019
The Yub and I made some last minute shopping in Robinson's Galleria. And since we wanted to save money, we ate in the foodcourt. Hay naku. You be the judge if I'm just toooo praning with what happened while I was eating.


And yay!

Finally it's Christmas!!!!!! Before heading to mass, we had a traditional picture with the Powerplant Mall Christmas tree. Been doing this for 10 years now and there is NO stopping us!!!

It’s been 10 years since we started this tradition (of having our fam pictures taken with the Powerplant Mall Chrisrmas tree) and we’ll continue to do so for many, many more to come!

Happily losing the 10-year challenge here because the boys grew so big na. Even the tree got big na din! Haha! 

SURF AND TURRRRF!!! Egad this was SOOOO good! We wiped out everything on this table.

Missing Daddy of course, but I know that he's always be with us...

Merry Christmas y'all!!!!

Dec 25, 2019
After cleaning up, we drove to Quezon Province to visit Yub's fam. The kids were excited (especially Andrei) because he'll meet up with his cutie cousins and see his Tito Allan's fireworks.

These days, we are SOOOOO addicted with THE MANDALORIAN!! I swear, that I think it's much better than Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and Rise of the Skywalker.

I love how they put in a LOT of Easter Eggs for true Star Wars fans (as pointed out by Kuya Jon). I hope they make MORE seasons scat!

Oh and baby Yoda is just the CUTEST!

Yep! This totally replaced Game of Thrones for me.

December 29, 2019
Last year we missed doing our family tradition of HOTEL HOPPING!

I'm glad that for this year, the Yub suggested we try out the BGC area. Now even if we only had a HOP, it was still an unforgettable experience for us (as expected).

Dec 30, 2019
Even if there was a long weekend where we could have a family getaway, we usually just stay at home because we would NEVER miss BGP Mariane's birthday celebration at her home.

SYEMPRE!!! That's always marked RED on my calendar!

I have been going to BGP Marian's bday celebrations since college (when we got close). 

In the picture you see above, it's Yub's first time to go to BGP Mariane's birthday dinner.


HALAAAA! Nakakamiss bigla!!!!!!!!!!



Except for Andrei -- he's adopted naman.


Before, I would only have movies here that we've seen in the theatre. Now, I thought of also including the movies we saw at home that we would like to remember because it was an important night for us.

It may have something to do with my favorite movie and sharing it to our kiddies. Whatever it is, if it's here, we don't want to forget it.



The BEATLES were a big part of my childhood (along with Frank Sinatra) that when the movie played their songs, it got me all choked up because it was different. Not because it was bad but more that it made me question what kind of a world will we live in without the Beatles and their songs. Nobody could really do it like the originals.

I’m extra happy too that my baby bunsoy shared our love for the Fab Four and was even the one who really wanted to watch the movie. He also felt the same way I did.

Awwwwww..... 🙂


Not really a "movie-movie" but ZORRO THE GAY BLADE was one of my favorites as a kid. Enjoyed watching this with Master Mati!

The sequel to IT.... IT IS!!!

Kidding! He he he he! Got that from Bill Hader.

Sayang Master Mati wasn't able to join us. R-16 e.

September 18, 2019
My officemates treated us to a block screening of PANTI SISTERS since it stars our Dabarkads, Paolo Ballesteros.

The movie had many funny moments and before I knew it, the 2 hours was done!

September 28, 2019
We recently had a LETHAL WEAPON Movie Marathon and my big guy loved it too!!!!

I was not able to go with my Mommy and Ate Jojit but the Yub knew how much I loved it so he treated me to a movie night.

Yun lang nakatulog siya.

It's okay. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! That was sorta expected.

I LOOOOVED IT!! Sayang lang Matthew wasn't there #cannotmoveon

October 19, 2019

November 2, 2019
Was not really keen on watching Zombieland and would have preferred Terminator Dark Fate (because it had Ahnold and Surah Cahnor) even if my big guy asked to watch the former.

(When he was young we would usually watch what he wanted. But now that he's older, we're teaching him that HELLO HINDI NA SIYA PWEDE LAGI MASUNOD!!! He he he he he he he he!)

We read though that Terminator Dark Fate KILLED OFF JOHN CONNOR at the start of the movie!!!

WHAT GIVESSSSSSSS??!!! What a stupid idea!!!!

With that, we just forgot that Terminator Dark Fate EVER existed and proceeded to watch Zombieland 2. Buti na lang din because we LOVED it!

The boys and I would usually watch a LOT of movies at home but this one stood out because dear Mati asked for it. Imagine, a 15 year old requesting for this serious movie? Cool huh!!!

December 20, 2019


May not be as good as 4,5,6, (not by a long shot) but I was especially kilig with ReyLo.... Ha ha ha ha ha!

December 21, 2019


Yep. All caps were in order.

December 22, 2019

Every year!!!

It ain't Christmas without watching DIE HARD!!!!

Gotta admit that we prematurely finished our Hotel Hopping because we wanted to watch FIELD OF DREAMS. I know that it's just on download and that we could watch it some other time, but we don't have EQ that way. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Let's just say that this is one of my favorite movies as a kid and it really gives me a thrill that the boys are asking for it.

And yep! They loved it too!!!!!!!!!!! Andrei can't stop whispering, "If you build it, he will come...."

He he he he he he!



July 13 and 14, 2019
We have heard a lot of raves about ANVAYA that we all got curious with it. Finally we were able to book a weekend for a family bonding weekend.

And yep! The raves were true. We so love ANVAYA!!! Hope we could go back very soon!!! Will treat the boys again. He he he he..


October 12, 2019
The Yub planned an impromptu staycation for the family in Edsa Shangrila.


Since it was very sudden, we allowed Master Mati to just stay home. We figured, at least he'll keep his Lola company.

Yes. Ayaw na magsasama ng loko. Oh well...

He missed out on a great weekend! Sayang.

For our Japan trip, we stayed in Sotetsu Fresa Inn in Tokyo! 

It was a cozy, comfortable, and very clean hotel. We had a very good 5 days and 4 nights here!



July 4, 2019
I met up with my HS buddy Sandra to treat her out for her birthday. The choice that night was Japaneseeeeeeee!

He he he! Is this too much? Believe me it aint. Sarap niya!!!!

July 5, 2019
When the Yub and I are craving breakfast food, we always think of KANTO!!!

July 12, 2019

KOREAN FOOD is all the rave these days and there are certain restaurants that stand out in popularity.

One of them is ROMANTIC BABOY and FINALLY we're able to eat here!


July 13, 2019
Our Tagaytay Trip is not just about relaxing and chilling. We're also here to EAT! And we're happy to have already tried the very popular BALAY DAKO.

As well as BULALO POINT for dinner!

July 22, 2019
In a recent family project, we ended up in RICO'S for our late lunch.

How did we find this newly popular lechon restaurant? Hmmmm...


July 26, 2019
Consecutive date nights could get expensive that's why the Yub and I are always on the search for a deal.

We found FINIO and for only P299.00, each, we had an all you can eat deliciousness!!!!

July 27, 2019
After buying school supplies, it's time to EAT!

PANCAKE HOUSE I missed you!

August 1, 2019
Checked out Country Side in Katipunan and it was MEH.

August 8, 2019
Craved for some cheap eats in PARES RETIRO!

August 12, 2019
My love for MARUGAME UDON starts!

August 12, 2019
Get together with HS mates!

HARU Japanese Restaurant!

August 15, 2019

August 16, 2019

Before our "BIGLANG LIKO" moment ( ha ha ha ha) we ate first!


August 17, 2019
It's a pancake and doggie night!


August 20, 2019
One night, we needed to buy Andrei a swimsuit. We went to Decathlon to check out their goods (because it was strongly recommended by friends).

For dinner, we saw our favorite AYSEES in their foodcourt!

August 21, 2019
A MARUGAME UDON holiday with the fam!


September 1, 2019
THE YAPPY BUNCH greeted September with an Italian feast!


September 7, 2019
We have finally tried POPEYES!!

September 8, 2019
It's my Kuya Jon's birthday and we had Sunday lunch in SUN MOON! A family favorite!


Joint celebration na pala to with Mother Mary birthday and Ate Jit, Anthony anniv!

September 13, 2019
Korean Fridate!

I forgot where. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

September 14, 2019
We had a Saturdate with Andrei and we told him he could choose where we'll have dinner.

He said he wanted to try out MAMA MIA since we haven't eaten there yet. 

September 29, 2019
Sunday family lunch!

YEHESS! MONGKOK never fails.

October 5, 2019
Finally got a taste of the popular MAD MARX.

Hmmmm... I'm not sure what I feel about it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

November 8, 2019
It was an uber fun Fridate with Team Virrey! We were all laughing and joking the whole night over our favorite Conti's food!

November 21, 2019
The Yub and I finally tried out BENCH CAFE with Team Mina and woah... we enjoyed the food. Not only was everything delicious, the prices were so reasonable, PLUS, the restaurant was so chic!

As in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 1, 2019

Since fhey have no classes tom, we had a Sundate with the bunsoy (while the big guy went with his lola). Had a looong discussion where to eat (I wanted Kenny, the Yub Ooma, while the Andrei liked Cibo). Nagpompyang pa kami (where I won). In the end, we went with Cibo because we’re happy when the bunsoy is happy! Hehe!! 🙂

December 21, 2019
When I posted my last MAD MARK'S dinner with the Yub, a reader said she would always have THIS.

Syempre, I "listen" to my readers and woah, I'm glad I did!!!! I should have ordered this before pa!

See the blog post HERE!

December 22, 2019
Doing some last minute shopping!!!! Had a Korean dinner as chosen by the little boy.

Uy si Yub muskulado!!! AYSUSIE!!!!!!!!!!

December 27, 2019
My super overdue bday treat for mareng Gail.

I've eaten in ALBA before but this is the first time we're going for the buffet and WOAH... It was super good.

Biro mo, I had NINE plates!!!!!!!!!!!! Inangku!!!! Good bye diet forever!!!

Check out the blog post HERE!


So that's that.

If your eyes got hurt with this ULTRA LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG recap I really apologize. But to be honest, this very haba-haba post is actually for me and I'd just like to share it with you.

JUST FOR ME?! I'M SO SHELLFISH!!! He he he he he!

Well yeah! Because really, I felt before that 2019 was a crummy year that went by so fast. But after looking at the food trips, the getaways, the bonding moments, the togetherness -- it made me realize that yes, 2019 was an AWESOME year.

(Of course it would be perfect if my Dad were with us but somehow I still feel him whenever we needed him. It's like he'll always there guarding and guiding the family.)

So YEAHHH... 2019 was indeed a GREAT year and guess what?

I'm sure 2020 will be AWESOMER!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Let's hope I manage to remember the resolutions again!!!!!



I LOVE YOU DADDY!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi ms. Jaz. Happy New Year 2020 ����

    I got kilig when you mentioned that you listen to your reader about tne mad marks food because I am that reader hihihi ��

    Hoping to read more blogs from you this year mwah mwah ❤

    1. Huloooooooooooooooo dear Tinemon!!!! Belated Happy New year!!!!!!!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha! I should be the one kilig at you commented on my blog with a very great suggestion! Ang sarap nga niya!!!!! Even my son enjoyed it! So sulit siya for the price and the taste! I think it's my new favorite in Mad Marx from now on. Gusto ko uli kumain there because of your suggestion ha ha ha ha ha!

      Thank you soooo much again!

      Yes more will come, sorry! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Again will focus more on personal experiences kaya baka may uulit na restaurants ha? Ha ha ha ha!

      Thanks again mwaaaaaaaaaaah!
