
Monday, December 31, 2018


AND another year is done.

I can't believe how fast 2018 went by!!!!

SERIOUSLY, in the first 6 months, I haven't gotten used to this year ending with an 8. And when I'm finally getting the hang of it, DING! DING! DING! HAPPY NEW YEAR! He he he he he!

It's just funny how looking back, the memories seemed only like yesterday when it's actually been months. I have to be honest though that even if we had a lot of laughs and activities this year, our special occasions were marked with tears.  The reason behind this of course is that it's our first year without our dear Daddyowzers and we're all coping with his absence. Still, even if there were tears and loads of sentiments, our year still had a lot of blessings and moments that we will never want to forget.

Check out the first half of our 2018, THE YAPPY BUNCH way!

And it's officially 2018!!!

Take a look at my New Year's resolutions....

Parang I wasn't able to fulfill all of it! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

("Yup. NADA!!!" -- Jaz of 2019)


Normally the Yub and I spend our New Year's in my husband's hometown in Quezon province. For 2018 though, I cannot bear the thought of leaving my Mom and brother by their lonesome (they don't want to to leave the house naman because it's my Dad's strong belief that our house shouldn't be left "alone" at New Year's Eve). 

So with that, we said good bye to 2017 and hello to 2018 with my family!

For the first day of the year, my Mom treated her sisters for dinner in TUAN TUAN in Powerplant Mall!

It was fun! I hope we could have more getogethers with her sisters especially with Tita Baby (who's always busy with their store).


You'll see in the link above our many celebrations.

One of which is our BP dinner in Mann Hann!

At the 3rd week of January, THE YAPPY BUNCH spent the morning with new friends organized by Don Bosco!

It was a special time indeed and the boys were able play with people from all walks of life. The getogether was a great way to share their blessings as well.

At the end of January, guess what? Our bunsoy Andrei joined MR. BOSCONIAN and won Best Talent!!!!!

Check out Andrei's team!!!!!

My bunsoy only joined MR. BOSCONIAN because he wanted to show everyone in school how he could play drums.

And THAT he did!!!

(Fast forward May 19)

And if I may add, Andrei doesn't just LOVES playing drums, he knows how to tune it up too!!!! He did this after the Yub and I brought home his new floor tom and we were so impressed! My baby is REALLY a drummer!



Seriously, I was just getting used with our New Year when HELLOOOO! February is here!!!!

And February greeted us with this pasabog (yes pasabog talaga ginamit kong word) with this new commercial from SHARON AND GABBY!

OMIGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRD! My Sharon-Gabby heart is exploding!!!!!!!!!! Super kilig!!!!!

(Ha ha ha! I really included it in my memories no???)

For 2018, we decided to have a different kind of CHINESE NEW YEAR and celebrated it in Lucena!

That February, Team Campo and THE YAPPY BUNCH treated Team Navarro in CIBO in Powerplant Mall!!!!

For VALENTIMES 2018 naman, the Yub treated me to a delicious steak dinner!!! I really enjoyed our simple but masarap date!!!!

It was my first Valentime's without my ROGER, kaya ayun, waterworks when I got home! 


When the Yub and I went to Ramen Nagi to claim my birthday ramen, my joke on the server backfired on me.

Since one of the requirements was a government issued card, I joked "Senior Citizen pwede?". The server just answered "Okay po mam!"


The day before my actual birthday, THE YAPPY BUNCH and Penny celebrated with my Dad in his hometown in Cavite! We bought his usual favorites of Jollibee and Mcdonalds for my "mini-party"!

For my actual birthday, I treated the family to a KIMPURA LUNCH. Afterwards, we headed off to attend the wedding of dear Gizel and Hiro!

I LOVE WEDDINGS! And this surely was a great way to celebrate my birthday (libre dinner... kidding!)

Again, it was a happy yet sad birthday because it's my first celebration without my Daddyowzers. The bunsoy didn't let me forget it with this greeting too!



The start of summer beckons!!!!!!!!!1

March is the birthday celebration of the Yubhub.... So when mine ends, his starts naman!

It may be mababaw but in the middle of March, my favorite IKA-6 NA UTOS afternoon serye ended. He he he he he he!

It was actually a stupid show but it entertained all of us in the office. 

On March 16, my bunsoy became a ring bearer for my cousin's wedding!

I wasn't able to attend the actual wedding but we were able to catch up in the reception....

Congratulations Elaine and Jeric!

March 17 was the last day of school for the boys. With that, the Yub treated out Andrei and his first for a day of fun!

And summer OFFICIALLY starts for us!!!! 


Time to party! Tugs Tugs!

That March, I thought of teaching the little lords about being thankful of their blessings and made them do a "Things I'm Thankful For" journal.

There were a lot of complaints at first but they got over it. He he he he he!

March 25
My BP Group also had its first gimik for the summer with a dinner getogether for Sasha's birthday in TGIFRIDAYS

March 27 - 28
During our getogether with the BP, the little kiddies talked about having a sleepover in Team Navarro's house! Since they live so nearby, I agreed.

Based on Andrei's wide smile, he had a lot of fun!

March 30
At the end of March, we went to Daddy's hometown for Holy Week. For 37 years, we've been participating in the religious procession for Holy Thursday and Black Friday.

Again, it was a bittersweet vacation for us in the province because our Daddyowzers was not there. We offered all prayers and laughs to him.



One afternoon, my kumareng Mrs. THE FOOD ALPHABET sent me this screen cap of the Chili's website!

UUUUUUY ENDORSERS! He he he he he he he!!!!!!

Could you find out where we are?

I hope this is not an April's Fools joke.


April 1
The bunsoy was having a vacation in my Kuya's house in Antipolo and was so sungit when I tried to make lambing.


April 21
When I don't text him naman, he gets sad. He he he he he he!

At the first week, the Yub and I immediately bought our tickets to our much awaited AVENGER'S INFINITY WAR!!!! It was going to be shown at the end of April but they're already pre-selling so we're a-buying!

We are SO excited obviously!

If you think we're spoiling the little lords, don't worry, they ARE earning their "rewards"!

My big guy worked in our family business to buy his summer stuff since we didn't give him allowance. He he he he he he! 

The same goes for the bunsoy Andrei.... He worked in my sister-in-law's canteen in Rosehill!

That week, the Yub and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary with the little lords in SAMBOKOJIN!

The next day, it was supposed to be my Mommy and Daddy's 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Oh well.... 

April 11
Since we could stay up late on schooldays the little lords and I would have regular movie nights. One time I invited the bunsoy to watch TITANIC and fell in love with the story of the tragic ship!

My bunsoy got obsessed!!!! He posted this pa in the anniversary of the ship's sinking!!!!

Now, he can't stop watching documentaries about the TITANIC!

He even included it in his "5 Things I'm Thankful For" day!

That night, I had an AWWWWWWWW moment with my big guy.

The Yub and I were not perfect parents but we really try to give what we can to our kiddies. I'm glad that whatever shortcomings we have, he still considers us our "HOME."

And to think, Home is Where the Heart is! 

As for Andrei...

Hay naku! Just read the status!


April 18
As for our Master Mati, he was able to go with us for food trips even on weeknights. Yayyy!!! He's a foodie like his Mommy kaya it was more fun with him around.

(Fast forward to June 22...)

Yun lang, even if we do want him to go with us on date nights, he has his own thing now. I don't mind too much though because at least he's staying with his Lola.

HOWEVER, I would appreciate it if from time to time he'll be more enthusiastic of my invites for him!


Yun lang, when we too out our doggie Penny one time, I discovered how my first born is REALLY not a baby anymore.

Aba! Aba!

In the middle of April Andrei made his first Instagram account!

Hope you guys could follow him!

When he's not making crazy posts, he's also reading about his favorite THE BEATLES with the book given by his Tito Spanky!

Towards the end of April, THE YAPPY BUNCH attended the debut party of dear Yanna.

He he he he! 

Yup! There's ALWAYS something to be thankful for!

April 28
At the end of April, the Chinese Dimpol,Andrei, and I met up with our foodie family THE KTG for our annual summer fun in Antipolo!


And if you're looking Master Mati....



In the first week of May, the Yappy Bunch and Team Virrey met up for a hot day in ENCHANTED KINGDOM!

My big guy also made this status that touched my heart SOBRA.

For Mother's Day, the little lords greeted me with my favorite flowers!

And as per tradition, Master Mati and I had a date!!!!!

The Yub and I treated naman my Mom and the family in ALTA BY RELIK!

May 15

On another day, the bunsoy and I had a MOTHER'S DAY DATE with his favorite Japanese dinner in OMAKASE!

Yup! It's already tradition! He he he he he!

May also marked my anniversary in EAT BULAGA!


Happy Anniversary to me!

May 14

The next day was a holiday and came out to vote!!!!!

Syempre, not without strengthening ourselves with our favorite Chinese food first!

They say a sign of raising your kids well is when they could make it on their own without your help.

I'm happy at the thought but it also made me sooooo sad and unwanted at the same time.


May 28
At the end of May, my brother invited the little lords again to go up his mountain for a mini-vacation!

The boys always get loads of fun in my brother's house in Antipolo so I wouldn't deprive them of that. Yun lang they have TOO much fun that sometimes they don't want to go back agad. He he he he he!


And then...


Woah! The first half of the year is over AGAD??????

Hi hi hi!!! June certainly gave me some kiligation moments...

Like this time in Las Casas de Acuzar!

June marked the death of one of my favorite celebrity chefs, Anthony Bourdain...

June is a nasty month!!!!!


June 10

Just kidding!!!!

My sister celebrated her 60TH birthday in June (tee hee) and after our lunch, we had coffee in Starbucks!

There, Master Mati offered to treat his Ninang for coffee since it's her birthday. Yup! His own money and everything!!!!

Awwwww! We were all so proud of him! My sister was so touched!

Teka Mati... Paano na lang ang Mommy??? You haven't treated me EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On June 12, the Chinese Dimpol and I took out the boys to celebrate the INDEPENDENCE DAY!

Like what we always did before, we had a Manila day and visited different museums. Here we are at the new National Museum of Natural History!

With our family trips, we want to instill valuable life lessons to the little lords. For this one, my boys said when they grow up, they would like to be immediately "independent" from us.

Before you become proud of them, it's not what you think....

Read the status above.


June 18

We only forgave Master Mati when he gave the Chinese Dimpol a Father's Day gift (yup from his own money).


On June 19, 2018, it was supposed to be the 82nd birthday of my Daddyowzers!

Thanks Daddy!!!!!!

When we got home, we sang to him a happy birthday!

We all miss you so much my dearest Daddyowzers!!!! Happy Birthday in heaven! Hope Frank Sinatra sang to you too!!!!!

June 22

It may already be June but the bunsoy is still CRAZY over the history of TITANIC! Yup! He started on this project and we all found it so adorable!

That is until he kept on zoinking our office supplies.

June 26
One night, I never felt the generation gap between me and the boys more when I made this betamax reference. He he he he he he!

June 29 marked the 1st Anniversary of my Daddyowzers in heaven and we had a simple gathering with family, close relatives and loyal GAT's staff.

We still miss you sooooo much Daddy!

Your family will NEVER forget you!

The next day, we went to Daddy's hometown in Cavite to offer prayers.

That night, our big guy Mati requested to go to Greenhills. Though we were all tired, we agreed to go because his much awaited Thor Marvel Heroes was already available. He really worked hard in our office and saved his salary for this that's why we understand why he really needed to go there. On this last day of June I guess it's just appropriate that this really marked the "culmination" of his perseverance in our business because he was able to buy his Thor.

YAYYYY MATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yup! Even if it's more convenient and cheap to download movies, we still prioritize the overall fun experience of going to the theatre with the boys!!!!


Mati's new favorite....


On another month, it's Andrei's turn to make a request and this time, we were with the Campo girls!

Ready Player One!


This may be the best day of the year for our marvel lives!!!!

He he he he he he!

On Mother's Day, Master Mati and I watched it again...

On one date night, the Yub and I watched it again too!!!!!!!!

Yup! I saw it 3 frikken times!

The Yub and I... (kami lang??) also saw DEADPOOL 2!!!!!!


INCREDIBLES 2!!!!!!!!1




THE YAPPY BUNCH had many memorable vacations the first half of the year WITHOUT leaving the country!

We kicked off our staycations with our KAIN TULOG GANG!

Yup! And it's in the usual KTG spot at F1 HOTEL MANILA!!!!!!!

This served as birthday staycation for dear Master Mati!


On February, we had a BELMONT HOTEL staycation to celebrate dear Gem's birthday!

Thanks Team Navarro for treating all of us!

For March, I treated the Yappy bunch to a staycation in MANILA HOTEL as Andrei's reward for winning BEST IN TALENT IN MR. BOSCONIAN!

On April, Yub's Mom treated us to HOLIDAY INN AND SUITES!

On May, we celebrated Anings birthday in ANVAYA!!!!!


Then on June, it was LAS CASAS DE ACUZAR for us with the family!

Check out our blog posts HERE AND HERE!

Again on June, we drove out to have a Baguio weekend!

We had a long weekend with Team Campo and Team Virrey!!!!

Check out our ultra fun staycation in HOTEL CHALET!!!!

Uy! That's like one staycation EVERY MONTH!




Though shalt not forget that this initially started as a food blog nga naman!

One Fridate, the Yub and I decided to try this out in Quezon City...

Also got to try RYU in LUCENA CITY!

Yup! Don't confuse it with the ramen house in Makati!

On my birthday, Team Campo treated me to TORCH in Greenhills!

Our new favorite burger place in Greenhills is now 8 CUTS BURGER BLENDS!

For my birthday, we had a trip down memory lane in KAMAMESHI HOUSE!

For my birthday (again) we all had dinner in FLOSSOM CAFE!

Just as I thought my birthday celebration is done, we extended the celebration at LATITUDE in HOTEL JEN!

Since we loved the food, I treated my family in FLOSSOM CAFE again to honor Mommy and Daddy's (supposedly) 50th wedding anniversary!

During one holiday, my kumares and I met up for an unforgettable Spanish Filipino lunch in ALTA BY RELIK!

One Friday naman, ERICJAZ FOODIES had a luscious WILDFLOUR dinner with Team Santillan!

One of the most memorable buffets that we had this year is the MIREIO SUNDAY BRUNCH in RAFFLES HOTEL MAKATI!

On another holiday THE YAPPY BUNCH had a sumptuous lunch after swimming in VALLE VERDE COUNTRY CLUB!

We were able to try the popular PARADISE DYNASTY in Podium!

We loved the food so much that we treated the family again in PARADISE DYNASTY!

Breakfast just became more colorful with brunch at RUSTIC MORNINGS in FLAVORS!

Wohoo! We were able to conquer the hideous lines and enjoy the ramen in MENDOKORO RAMENBA!

One Thursday, we had a couples night in GREEN PASTURES!!!!!

Ang drama ko!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

For ate Jojit's birthday the Yub and I treated her and Anthony in FLOSSOM!

Yup! AGAIN!!!!

She treated us all naman to ALTA BY RELIK (yes again he he he he he) as her birthday blow out!

During one movie night, we craved for some DIN TAI FUNG!

Syempre, whenever we're craving for Chinese, we always go to CAUSEWAY DIMSUM!

Yohoooo! We were finally able to eat in DAMPA!!!!

 It was a mind-blowing lunch in SHYLIN!

And last but not the least, because of MASARAP BA's recommendation, we have a new Ramen favorite!

This is the cheaper version though. Yub wants to try out the actual restaurant in San Juan!

UUUUY! We were featured pa in MASARAP BA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Like I said, I'm not yet used at the thought of 2018 and after a second, we already ended the first half... 

As I always choose to have the present as my "favorite time", I declare that 2018 to be my favorite year. Because why shouldn't it be??? Of course, in a perfect world, our Daddy is here enjoying all the blessings with us. But we have accepted that heaven needed to have a romantic soul with them and we know that there's really no goodbyes. 

Anyway, if you think that you had a blech year, do what I do.... Make a list. There you'll see how you had many activities where you screamed your heart out, ate food that got your tummy happy, date nights that made your eyes a-flutter, gimiks where you exchanged jabs at friends, bonding moments with the family, trips to deposit in your memory bank, and overall, a GAZILLION blessings to be thankful for!!!!!!

And that's only for the first 6 months!!!!

Check out the next 6 months of OUR AWESOME YAPPY 2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure you had an AWESOME year too!!!!!

Part two coming sooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!




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