
Wednesday, July 4, 2018


"No more classes! No more books! No more teachers' dirty looks!"

Yohooo it's summertime!!!!!

Besides Christmas, Halloween, and heck, even my birthday, I think SUMMER is one of my favorite "times" of all! Because not only do I have to forget about the boys' schoolwork (considering that I consider studying as a nightmare), I will also not have to wake up at the ungodly hour of 5:30am to check their breakfast and make their baon.

And since I don't have to wake up early everyday, that means I could stay up so late every night doing my blog, watching my series, go on night outs with my Yappy Bunch, watching dibidis, have meet-ups with friends, watch youtube videos, have midnight snacks, watch dibidis again.... He he he he he!

The best part too is that I just learned the boys' school will be adjusting the schoolyear that's why classes will resume on July 3!!

YIPEE SKIP! 3 MONTHS OF SUMMER! I think I've hit the jackpot!!! Yohooo! Party! Party! Tugs! Tugs!

Check out our glorious 3 months of super awesome summer fun! We surely had an unforgettable no-school vacation with the boys.

And guess what?? Even if we've already had a looooong 3 months of summer, it was still so bitin!!!!

Can't wait for next year! Har de har har!

YOHOO! It's summer!

And when it's summer, you know what that means.

Time to adjust my alarms because I AM NOT WAKING UP EARLY! HA!!!!

My bunsoy Andrei's last day of exams was on March 17. After school, the Yub and I fetched him because we promised to take him out with his friends!

Wohoo! It's the BANANACORPS day out!

If you're looking for the Master Mati, he didn't feel like going out with kids and just chose to go home.


Later on, we celebrated the first night of summer by watching this classic!

Since it's going to be a fun 3 months for the boys (I'm sure), we had them start a "Things I'm Thankful for Today" journal. Of course they groaned and complained at first but we didn't care. This will teach them to always be thankful of God's blessings no matter how simple it is. 

Usually on Sunday, we don't go out because there's classes for the boys the next day. But on that night, we did!!!! And we took out our little girl Penny!

It was a fun night with our doggie that was capped with a delicious dinner in our favorite BANAPPLE!

Check out our blog post HERE!

The following Sunday, I met up with my Bawal Pangit group to celebrate the birthday of my inaanak, Sasha!

It was a fun night out with the gang. We all had a lot of things to talk and share about that the mall closed down on us!

It was during Sasha's bday celebration that the little ones whipped up a sleepover at Fritz' place.

O diba? They're the ones planning for their lakads na! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I won't normally allow Andrei to have sleepovers if it's not with family but Fritz's house was so near our place and we know Team Navarro to be a very loving family.

At the end of March, my family went to my Dad's hometown in Cavite for the Holy Week!

As we were about to go home, Andrei begged if he could stay with my Kuya's family in Antipolo.

HAAAAAAY tong anak kong to talaga!!!!!!!

Of course I agreed (takot ko lang sa kuya ko) and I'm sure that they will take good care of him.

When I told Karen, my sister in law, that Andrei was enjoying himself so much in Antipolo, she answered that it had a lot to do with their cat Spader.

And based on our video chats, it's true!

In every chat that we have, he's always holding Spader!

My 2 boys would always fight like cats and dogs whenever they're together. But when Andrei was in Antipolo, my Master Mati would always wonder aloud how he was. So one time, we call our little bunsoy. 

Awwww... My Master Mati missed his brother!!!!!! 

Every summer vacation, Master Mati would always work in our family business to earn money.

Before, he would usually just play or have more breaks than the actual working time. But this year though, our secretary happily reported that our dear Mati worked diligently and didn't complain from all the tasks assigned to him. 

The Yub and I don't give allowances to the boys during summer that's why Master Mati was determined to work so that he could have his salary for the week.

His perseverance to earn was so evident when I saw in his chat a friend who wanted to meet up at school in the morning when they get their report card. My Mati begged off because he said he still had work.

Galing! So proud of you my dear!

If you're looking for Andrei, he's also working at Karen's canteen in Rosehill School in Antipolo.

There he helped in all aspects of the food preparation.

And cooking!

He would also sell to the girl students in Rosehill!

For lunch, he ate canteen food which he loved.


Karen said Andrei did a good job but he got overwhelmed with the loads of girls who were buying during breaktime.

Andrei also felt that all the girls buying in the school had a crush on him.

HALA! Ang feeling kong anak! Ha ha ha ha ha! He really said that!

One time, Karen rewarded Andrei for his hard work with a lunch date.

There, my bunsoy got his favorite Carbonara!

When it's time to go, Karen gave Andrei his salary for working in the canteen. My bunsoy got his trusty best friend to receive it for him.


When he got back, his girl Penny won't let him out of her sight.

Awwwww... She missed him too!


Wohooo! The heat is on this APRIL!!!!!!!

We greeted April with a night out with the boys.

Our choice that night was the famous MENDOKORO RAMENBA

We enjoyed our dinner there so much (even if we had to wait long) that we went back with the bunsoy Andrei!

Yup! He loved the food also.

We really had a great time in MENDOKORO RAMENBA but I doubt if we'll return anytime soon because of the long lines.

HOWEVER, we recently discovered OHAYO MAXI X SUSHI as recommended by one of our favorite food critics, MASARAP BA.

The Ramen was DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS!!! Of course, quality wise, the ingredients were cheaper compared to to other popular ramen houses out there but it was still awesome. For the price and taste of the food, I'd go here again and again and again!

The next night, it was our anniversary!

Yup! The Yub and I were celebrating our 15th year Anniversary and we thought of having the boys with us because it's their Anniversary too. Yes! We officially became a family with our marriage!

Happy Anniversary Yub!

Next day was supposedly my Mom and Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary. My Mom really didn't feel like doing anything but I felt that we should still honor this special day. With that, we took the family out to FLOSSOM.

My Mom loved the food! And even if she said she should pay for lunch, I insisted that I'll be the one treating. 

Happy Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!

After our delicious lunch in FLOSSOM, it's staycation time for THE YAPPY BUNCH to celebrate the birthday of Yub's Mom.


It was a holiday that Monday so my KTG foodie friends and I met up at ALTA BY RELIK!

The food was so yum!!! I'm happy with this new discovery. I would surely go back here with the family.

One of the great things about summer vacation is that holiday or not, we could go out during weekdays just because we want to!

That's what we did when the Master Mati was craving for burgers.

When he was younger, Master Mati didn't like burgers. That's why we were surprised when we called me asking if we could have some for dinner.

Aba siyempre, mabilis pa sa alas-kwatro we took him out!!!!

He he he he! That's the kind of parents we are. Basta matters of the food, UMAARIBA!!!

You can't really blame us though. Look at that burger!!!!!!

The same goes for our dear bunsoy. He doesn't ask for food very much, but when he does, the Yub and I will be on alert level mode.

Imagine our surprise when one night he said he wanted to have steak in Corner Market?

Yes! He remembered the last time we're at Corner Market how the steaks in Meat Depot looked all awesome in juicy. That's why he said he just HAD to try it!

That weekend, I met up again with the BP Group for some Korean food!

Check out our dinner in SODAM!!!!!!!

And on a Friday, the Yub and I had dinner with Team Pogi CEO in WILDFLOUR!

The next day (April 21,2018) the little lords attended their first debutante party!

It was Baby Yanna's 18th Birthday and we partied on with her!

Look at the fun we had there IN HERE!

For Sunday lunch, THE YAPPY BUNCH went to Raffles Makati!

We were invited by our KTG bossman dear Spanky who gave  BEATLES book to Andrei!

We were in MIREIO for the special Sunday brunch.

Yup! It was definitely special. Check out all of the food I ate!

Yup! Ako lang yan!

That night, Andrei happily read his new Beatles book.

At the end of April, the night that we've waited for finally came....


I bought these first-day-of-showing tickets at the end of March and we hid it in our safe like it was a katrillion dollars.

Since it's a special night, we'll eat at our favorite HEALTHY SHABU SHABU!

And finally....


When it's a special YAP FAMILY movie, it's always the first day showing for us.

The movie was SO FRIKKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

We loved AVENGER'S INFINITY SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH that Master Mati and I watched it again for our Mother's Day date.

And for one Fridate, the Yub and I watched it again!

I loved AVENGER'S INFINITY so much that I'm also a fan of Thanos.

I guess the feeling is mutual because he spared me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

At the end of April, we had our annual KTG getogether in The Pickiest Eater's House in Antipolo.

Like before, that day was EPIC! The food and fun was truly for the books!


Hello MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

April went by like a blur and in no time, we saw all the Justine Timberlake "It's Gonna Be May" memes going around.

For the holiday, we decided to have a swim in Valle Verde country club.

My Master Mati didn't feel like swimming and just contented himself with a book.

Mati is such a party pooper!!!!!!!!!!!

All was forgiven when we had lunch. Alam nyo naman as long as there's food, we're all in a good mood.

Especially if it's a big bowl of Mongolian Rice!

Blog post soon to follow!

The next night, I seriously craved for some Pares!

I got my wish when the Yub treated me to this side eatery in Timog. The pares and siomai were as good as I dreamed it to be!


The next night, I met up again with my KTG foodie friends in Paradise Dynasty!

The hype was real!!!!!!! Check out our blog post HERE!

For summer, Master Mati took up guitar lessons.

He was initially curious but didn't see himself continuing when he's finished with the summer program.

What really interested him more was KALI!!!!!!!!!

For all succeeding Saturdays thereafter, we took Master Mati to his Kali lessons in Capitol Commons.

Kali is the Filipino martial arts made more famous by the Bourne Identity trilogy, John Wick, and the Equalizer.

It's a good tactical method in self defense. Mati is enjoying himself too!

As for me and the Yub, we're happy waiting for him. He he he he he!

(Ang sarap kaya ng nakaupo lang at nagkukuyakoy??? Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Master Mati said when he's finished with the summer program, he'd go for the regular sessions na.

If you're interested in taking up Kali, check out their Facebook Page, Pekiti Tirsia Kali!

For that Sunday, we had breakfast at Flavors in Holiday Inn!

For every Sunday that May, they featured the Rustic Mornings specialties!

After our delicious brunch, we met up with Team Virrey in ENCHANTED KINGDOM!!!!!!!!!!

Blog post soon to follow!

The next Sunday was Mother's Day!

The Yub and I treated our Mom and the family to ALTA BY RELIK! Yay!!! She enjoyed the food!!!!!!

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

The next day (May 14, 2018) was a holiday because it was voting season. We had a Chinese lunch in Mongkok Powerplant Mall to "celebrate".

Yes. We celebrate everything with food. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Afterwards, we rushed to the nearest precinct to vote!

YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

While we were writing the names of our candidates, the buzzer went off signifying the end of the voting period.

Woah! We were just in time!

Yay! I voted and I'm proud of it!

Even if we had about 2 months before school starts, I told the boys we should start getting ready so that we wouldn't do some serious cramming (like what we usually do).

With that, my first born took it upon himself to wrap all of his books himself. 

WOW!!! Galing right??? Coming from somebody who HATES wrapping, this makes me so happy. 



Thanks Kuya!

As for my bunsoy, he also impressed me when he tuned his drum set all by himself. Wow right? 

Sorry it may all seem mababaw but I was just so used to grown-ups doing this task themselves. I was so bilib na bilib with my Andrei when I saw him in action.

That weekend, we treated my family (including Daddy's sisters) to PARADISE DYNASTY!

That Sunday (May 20, 2018), THE YAPPY BUNCH went to the beach!!!!

My Bawal Panget Group is in Anvaya to celebrate BB Anings birthday!!!

I think I don't need to elaborate how much fun we had but don't worry, I still did! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


This summer, I was assured that my first born could really live on his own.

I became proud and sad at the same time!!!!

Towards the end of May, my bunsoy asked for a Ramen date but didn't want to return to the one with the long lines. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Ever since we went to Ichiran, he loved Ramen na!!!!!!

The little lords ended the month of May with a vacation (again) at my Kuya's house in Antipolo.

I can't blame them for always wanting to go there. They always have a lot of activities there including ghost hunting at night. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


And then JUNE arrives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Everyone seems to be so busy with work lately that it's nice to have a delicious dinner with friends to loosen up. 

Had a fun meet up with Team Santillan and Team Campo in Green Pastures!! Since our kiddies didin't have school, we were all brave to meet up on a Thursday! He he he he he!

That weekend, THE YAPPY BUNCH drove out to Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar!!!!

It was a super fun family getaway in old Manila. Even if it was raining most of the time, we still enjoyed and made wonderful memories. Sayang lang talaga our Daddyowzers is not with us.


Check out our blog posts HERE AND HERE!

It was my sister's birthday week so the Yub and I treated her and the hub at FLOSSOM!

It's actually an excuse for me to enjoy my favorite nachos and pasta again. Ha ha ha ha! 

She enjoyed the food so YAY!!! Double whammy!!!!

For Sunday family lunch, ate Jojit treated the family in ALTA BY RELIK for her birthday.

Again, they enjoyed the food (no doubt about that!)

On June 12, 2018, we celebrated the Independence Day Holiday by checking out different museums!

For our late lunch, it was a Dampa restaurant for us! We've been craving to try this out for soooo long and the country's holiday is sooo appropriate to eat in these establishments famous in the Philippines!

Since we have been swimming for most of our getaways, THE YAPPY BUNCH went to someplace cold for a change!

I swear my family is getting addicted to Baguio!!! We had so much fun that we'll definitely be back very soon!

That Tuesday, we celebrated my Daddyowzers birthday!

Even if he's not anymore with us, he will NEVER be forgotten. We sang to him a birthday song -- something we all loved!

That Sunday, we had a KTG getogether to celebrate the birthday of En Route's youngest pogi boy.

And later on that week, we had a getogether with relatives and GAT'S condo staff to pray for Daddy's 1st year in heaven. 

The next day, the whole family also visited him in his hometown to offer prayers.

After coming from Cavite and attending Master Mati's Kali lessons, we had our Saturdate dinner in Yub's request, 8 CUTS!

My boy also bought the Thor toy model that he's been working hard and saving up for. Yan ang katas ng hirap niya this summer!

Good job Mati!


That Sunday, THE YAPPY BUNCH had their last summer Sundate for the year in our favorite GENKI SUSHI!

Good bye summer.......

Hello school!!!!

We usually eat in GENKI SUSHI at the start of our favorite holiday (yes holiday for us ang summer ha ha ha ha ha) that we feel it's the best restaurant to say good bye with. 

Oh well... At least the "good bye" will be a delicious one.

And to officially mark the start of the schooling season (waaaaaaaaaaaaah) the little lords got their haircuts.

(He he he he he he! Nobody hates this "ordeal" more than the bunsoy Andrei because he really wants to let his hair grow long, like the Beatles. That's why as much as we unenthusiastic with the resume of classes, we were all happy that FINALLY, the Androse will look all neat and pogi na.)


So there it is. Our summer.

Even if we didn't go out of the country or have a sosy wosy beach trip (eg. Boracay or Balesin {hello Albert!!!!}), we actually didn't miss nor craved for it because we were all so enjoying what we have HERE (why go super far pa when you are already blessed with happiness within your reach?). Like I said, though we had 3 full months for the vacation, we still think it's NOT enough! And why would it be?

The Yub and I were able to treat every night almost a date night!
THE YAPPY BUNCH could go out and stay up late EVERY NIGHT (even on a Sunday)!
Little lords had sleepovers and vacations!!!
Movie night in Powerplant Mall no matter what day it was!!!!!! AVENGERS INFINITY WAR BABY!!!!!!!!!
We had a beach trip with the BP Group in Anvaya!
We went back in time to Las Casas Filipinas de Acuzar with the Family!
We had another super fun cold trip in Baguio!
Master Mati learned new set of skills!
Andrei had a new drum set and played everyday!
We relived the fun of Enchanted Kingdom with Team Virrey!
We had food trips and getogethers with the family and friends!
Had a staycation in Holiday Inn!
We were able to fulfill our usual family traditions during the holidays!

and most importantly....

We watched dibids, movies, and series every day ALL NIGHT LOOOONG!!!!

So YES!!! It was an awesome FANTABULOUS summer and we're really  very sad that it ended!!!!!

Oh well!!!






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