
Tuesday, January 2, 2018


I don't want to end the year with a "not so happy" note but unfortunately, that was 2017 for us. As much as I want to rejoice and shout-out about the good times, our sadness over our loss this year just overshadowed everything.

However, even if there were a lot of tears, we still had some smiles We also felt a lot of love from our family, relatives, and true friends. Yes. Believe it or not, we know that God is still VERY good -- He has helped the family (and my Dad) in so many ways.

Honestly at first I didn't want to make a wrap-up for the year that was -- just making the compilation of pictures already got me tearing up. But then I realized that there were still many things to be thankful for this 2017 that should not be forgotten.  And you know me, ultimong hindi kumulo tyan ko sa mahabang byahe ay thankful na ako, what more yung other more significant things/events? He he he he he he!

So here's part one (inangku) of our 2017. I know I should still be thankful for the blessings received but I think it's understandable when I declare that this is my least favorite year to date.




As usual we still ate A LOT in 2017. Though we enjoyed all of the meals ( I tend to forget nasty experiences), these were the memorable ones this year....

Yub had a trip to Malaysia and when he arrived, my Mom and I thought of having a BOODLE FIGHT for Sunday's lunch for him. We've done BOODLE FIGHTS many times but I was so young then. I think this is the first time in so many years and WE JUST LOVED IT.

And what a meal that was!!!!!!

When my BP Group had a staycation in BELMONT HOTEL to celebrate Gem's birthday, we went Japanese for dinner.

It's like we're really in Japan! He he he he he he!

It wsa our first time in ICHIBAN JAPANESE MARKET (RESORT'S WORLD) and we all enjoyed the food. The company was awesome too.

For VALENTIME'S that 2017, the Yub and I went on many dates.

The earliest one was in CRAVINGS to try out their menu for the month of LURV....

Another one was in BROTZEIT!

Yep! That was a delicious BROTZEIT VALENTIMES!!!!

For VALENTIMES 2017, the Yub and I also included a different kind of date in our itinerary....


We had a lot of delicious stops but the most memorable for was this huge pork chop from TASTY DUMPLINGS!!!!

Crazy right????

We love Chinese food and discovering a new way to enjoy it is always welcome.

Like how they served their spicy seafood noodles in PING PONG DIPLOMACY!!!! Yummmers!!!!!

We were also able to discover a restaurant serving the old style Chinese food that the Yub likes!

That was one tasty Saturday at KING CHEF!!

My KTG friends and I have discovered a new way to enjoy fried foods too in Uptown Mall.

Check out KUSHIKATSU DARUMA!!!! So clean... So good! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Seriously though, if you're craving for dishes are uber delicious and are good for you, check out THE WHOLESOME TABLE!

Check out this Poke Bowl! Need I say more?

For Father's Day, my brother treated the family (and took home food for my parents) in LA TIENDA!

This little piggy celebrated with us. He he he he he!

And last but not the last (well for this PART ONE anyway... he he he he), THE YAPPY BUNCH really enjoyed our carinderia lunch for some authentic Kansi Bulalo!

I really want to go back here just to suck the marrow dry from this big bone!



A perfect Saturday night for  THE YAPPY BUNCH would be the classic dinner and movie date. Check out the films we enjoyed this year. (Yep! Though downloading is the thing right now, some movies still deserve to be seen on the big screen)!


SPLIT (James Mcavoy is such a cutie patootie).




(It was still awesome...)


(Hottie beast and Gaston!)


(A joke at every scene).


(Just for our bosses).


With our little bunsoy!


Not as MEH as the previous one.


(I'm not really a fan of the franchise but the kiddies loved it so... yay!)


(Chris Pine? Yehesssss.... Wonder Woman? Growwwwl!!!!)



The YAPPY BUNCH had many memorable staycations for this year and the first one was during Mati's 2 week birthday celebrations!

It was also the birthday of our friend Gem and she treated the gang to a staycation!

A brown out in Yub's home in Lucena resulted to AN IMPROMPTU QUEEN MARGARETTE WEEKEND!!!

This just proves that THE YAPPY BUNCH always have fun anywhere!



For the first half of the year, we've only had 2: Hong Kong and Baguio.

Now even if we've been to those places before, our family still had A MAJOR BLAST of a great time on both trips!

Some may think that Hong Kong is just like going to the province (especially if mayabang... ha ha ha ha) but THE YAPPY BUNCH had serious fun in our neighboring country!

Yohooo! OUR BAGUIO TRIP 2017 with Team Virrey!



THE YAPPY BUNCH have made certain celebrations as part of our yearly family traditions. Check out our favorites...

I think this was the first time that the little lords didn't complain AT ALL. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Of course, we'll have it in KIMPURA!

Thanks Daddy for the treat!

For my birthday SHABU SHABU dinner at night, it was my turn to treat the family.

However, my Daddy insisted on getting the bill again.


While making this compilation, I think I'm realizing why.

MARCO POLO HOTEL invited THE YAPPY BUNCH for dinner that week and it became an instant celebration with some of our foodie friends.

It was a milestone that year for 2 of the THE YAPPY BUNCH boys. 

Master Mati turned 13 this year and we threw him a surprise birthday party!

He was so happy to have a lunch and swimming party with his close friends!

Awwwww... My New Teenager was so overwhelmed that he cried tears of joy! 


As the Chinese Dimpol turned 40 that year too, I organized a surprise party with his childhood friends!


It was an unforgettable night that got the Yub smiling for a MONTH!!!!!!!!!!

For the past 37 years, we have been going to Cavite for the Lenten season. This year, my siblings and I took over in the setting up of our karo.

Daddy and Mommy joined us but they left early. When we got home, we all rushed to his room to share our stories of our Holy Week.

MAMOU has become one of our favorite restaurants this year that we had dinner there for VALENTIMES 2017....

And for our anniversary!

Even if there are more exciting things to do during holidays that would be appreciated more by the little lords, the Yub still want to do the basics (cheaper pa... bwa ha ha ha ha ha!). 

It's always fun to go on trips that would also be learning experiences for the boys. For this year we wanted the little lords to appreciate their Philippine history by having another Manila day in our INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION!!!



Believe it or not, I use social media to jot down happenings and milestones that I don't want to forget. 

Andrei officially became the little drummer boy! 

After watching many youtube videos, the Yub and I were finally able to get hold of my brother's old drums and it was the start of a beautiful (and noisy) friendship for my bunsoy.

If Andrei loved drumming, Master Mati was more into reading, writing, and GAMES! With that, he started his own blog,  THE GAMING LOGIC! Do check it out when you can.

My very charming bunsoy (when he's in the mood for it... he he he he)!

My New Teenager is acting up agad! Grrrrr!

My BEATLES' bunsoy!

My Andrei could get VERY creative.

And both are still alive!

Because I love roses and I don't care if I'm corny or uncool because of it.

I have cooked for my Dad many times but doing it with Andrei that time was so unforgettable.

I'm so happy for my very religious boy.



I never thought that 2017 would be THE year where world would turn upside down. 

I have always been close to my Dad who always took my side whenever my Mom or siblings don't get my attitude ( he he he he). He also adored his apos and spoiled the little lords shamelessly.

My Dad gets kilig whenever I treat him because he's the one who always shouldered the bill. 

For this year though (especially during my birthday), he always insisted on paying for our dinners out even if it has been already agreed that we would treat him. 

He was usually cranky and not in the best mood in those months. But when we (along with the little lords) surprised him on his birthday, it was the first in a loooong time that we saw him give that very sweet smile. 

We didn't know (or maybe I was in denial) that it was going to be his last birthday with us. 


My Dad, being the usual OC guy that he is, prepared for everything that we didn't have to do much. He made all the bilins to my Mom so that she'll not be burdened to make the difficult decisions.

It was during this time that I knew who our true relatives and friends are. Seriously, I don't care anymore for those who were not with us during that very difficult time.

Every month, the family, along with Daddy's former pilots, would go to his resting place in Cavite to offer prayers and have a weekend lunch.

Hey Daddy..... 

I did not post nor blog for a long time then. However, there were moments when I wanted to record my grief.

Like this meaningful song that he loved before.


These days, I have 2 classifications of dates : Before or After he passed.  

I usually loved looking back at memories when I was a kid and doing a recap of the year. But remembering that those were times when my Dad was still with us just makes it painful. 


I actually have a part 2 for this post but I'm not sure if I would still be up for it. Of course, there were still good times but really, for me, 2017 already ended (and a part of my life as well) when somebody so special left us.

Sorry for the emo post. I told you.





  1. Hi. I'm sure you don't know me personally but I just wanted to say that I have been following your blog for the past couple of years - as in everyday I go here checking if you have a new post (using the office internet of course :p ). Reading through this post, I feel like I've watched your kids grow up and that I was with your family through all your food trips. I just wanted to say happy new year and I hope you find more inspirations in writing :)

    btw, I saw your family a couple of times at the Powerplant Mall and wanted to have a picture but I got shy :p

    1. Huloooooo!!!!!!!!! Wow thank you. I'm so touched. Promise kasi with this blog you'll notice that I love sharing personal experiences more and it's really because I love documenting what's going on with our lives so that I won't forget. Yun lang when I lost my Dad medyo I lost interest in writing and taking pictures kasi it would just stress how much our family is lacking our hero.

      When I get comments like this I'm so happy (promise) kasi I'm honored that other people shared in my happiness and joy. You might say I don't know you personally but I feel that we connected on a more deeper level.Kasi I feel that anyone who likes my blogs (and get my humor) are kindred spirits.

      Hala! I hope di kami nagaaway when you see us. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Pero please please please say hi! Ako pa magsasabi ng picture tayo. Ha ha ha ha ha! Would really want to meet you. I'll shake your hand talaga and thank you for this cheerful note. Thanks again.

      Happy New Year ha? I hope I bump into you very soon in Powerplant Mall!!! God bless you always. :) Mmmwaaaaah!

  2. Hi Mamziiii! I'm sure it won't make you feel better but I truly know how you feel, this year is also my least favorite; I lost my beloved grandma earlier 2017 and I couldn't take my brush to paint as she's the one who encourage me to do so. For months after her death, i'd been so depressed and regretting every single day that i should've spent with her. But i guess that's okay, when you've lost an important person in your life, it's like you've lost a piece of you. It's okay to grieve, It's okay to cry. Best people are missed that way.
    But I have her memories inside me and her love she showers me for years. That's more than enough reason to continue and smile, isn't it? :)

    -From not your so cute daughter now cause im sobbing, Annie XD

    1. You're right dear Annie,

      Sometimes I feel ashamed when I suddenly feel like crying because I don't want people to say "Naiiyak ka pa din ang tagal na??" But like you said, losing him was losing a big part of me. I'm thankful na lang din that he gave us such wonderful memories and teachings that I'm doing now with my own family.

      Condolences to you. Awwwww I'm sure you're super cute pa din. True beauty naman (and cuteness) lies within. Naks!
