
Thursday, January 4, 2018


It's CHRISTMAS for THE YAPPY BUNCH and like always, we will be celebrating this holiday season with family, love, laughter, gifts, and FOOD!!!!

Of course, since it's December 24, 2017, we will be doing some last minute shopping!

It never fails. We're crammy that way.

Besides doing some last minute shopping, we didn't have pictures yet with the mall's wonderful Christmas display. We always have one with their majestic tree every year.

Yeah for some reason, we crammed on that too.

For me, Powerplant Mall has the best Christmas decorations. Not only do they dress up every corner of the establishment but they let out this special Christmas-y scent that would get you so sentimental of the holiday season. 

This year, they have this African animals thing going on. It's not my favorite but it's still something to pose for. He he he he he he he!

FINALLY done with last minute shopping (aka Andrei's gift. Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm a model mommy I know).  All that walking made us hungry so we had a quick lunch in YANG CHOW!

BTW, when Andrei saw a gift in the Toys R Us bag, he asked me who it was for. As if I'm going to tell him that it's for him so I just said it's for my friend. Hay naku! He made such a fuss afterwards that I don't love him because I don't have a gift for him and kept on sulking and sulking.

Alam mo Andrei... malapit na nga. Ha ha ha ha ha!


After cooking and taking a short nap, the family went to Powerplant Mall to attend mass in their new chapel.

It is now the 4th Sunday of Advent!

Unfortunately, we were late but as usual, Powerplant Mall was quick to attend to the guests that they had another big function room set up for the mass.

Good thing we were able to find seats. Yun lang hiwa-hiwalay.

And it's a big screen in front of us.

It's okay. At least we had seats and the room was cool. Next time we should really go earlier (we never learn!).

It was a good service that  we didn't notice the hour go by.

Family pic!


After the mass, we decided to check out the new chapel of the mall.

They had a simple set up for the belen but it was still so lovely.

Looking forward to hearing our first mass here soon. 

I will miss the old chapel though.

The old chapel however had many memories of my Daddy in it that I "see" him wherever I look. This would be a nice change for us because at least it won't get me crying while attending mass. he he he he he he!

I don’t know if it’s just plain coincidence or a greater form of power is behind it, but for some reason, some of the places that were significant from our gimiks with my Daddy either closed down or renovated: Kimpura, Unimart in Greenhills, Christmas On Display Show, Mcdonalds Powerplant Mall, our favorite stall in SM hypermart foodcourt, Pollo Loco in SM mega, SIMBANG GABI in Powerplant Mall... etc etc. At first, we were sad that these places discontinued their business or changed. But later on, we were somehow thankful that for this year (and also our first Christmas without Daddy), we would not be so burdened with seeing our old spots that would really remind us of him. It’s like these places “consoled” us with the passing of Daddy by “disappearing” as well. I’m sure God had a big hand in this but I would also like to think my Dad asked Him to do so for us because he’s protective that way. Hehehe....

We still miss Daddy though. So there pader (wall).

There was supposed to be fireworks pa in Powerplant Mall but we rushed home to prepare for Noche Buena.

Andrei was fine with that because he was excited to check out what Santa gave him for Christmas.

Our simple Noche Buena set up!

We were all so hungry that's why we're rushing the preparation of the food. 

Kuya Jon was in charge of frying up the steaks.

He got about 5 slabs of the fatty Wagyu from the supermarket. Let's hope he fries em up real nice. He he he he he he!

As for Mati... EMO TEENAGER! He he he he he!

And finally it's time to eat!!!!!

5 thick slices of Wagyu Steak!

Baked Salmon from CONTI'S courtesy of Ate Jojit and Anthony!

(There is another huge platter of this at the other side)

Baked Prawns also from CONTI'S also courtesy of Ate Jit and Anthony. He he he he!

There's ALSO another platter of it at the other side.

My Gamberetti Pasta, specially requested by my Mom and the kiddies....

My cheesy and creamy mashed potatoes with garlic as requested by the kiddies and Rocio!

My green beans fried with butter, oyster sauce, and LOTS of garlic! 

Karen also made this beautiful salad that sorry I was not able to take a pic of because gutom na kami. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Our noche buena started with a prayer led by Andrei.

Then Kuya Jay led the toast and offering of this great dinner to my Daddy and to the other Fathers who already passed.

Wala na pala kami lahat Daddies lahat! The Chinese Dimpol, Anthony, and Karen's fathers are all in heaven na.

Syempre Daddy joined our toast. He he he he he!

Time to eat!!! Galit galit muna!

Ate Jojit and Anthony!

Karen and Kuya Jay (he he he).

Kuya Jon, Daddy, and Mommy!

Me and the Chinese dimpol!

With photobomber Andrei. He he he he he!

The kiddie table, Andrei, Rocio (not really a kid though), and Mati!

Time to sit down to my plate that's full of my favorites!

Yun lang I shouldn't have dashed the Worcestershire sauce before taking the pic. It looked like chocolate droplets. He he he he he!

For dessert, Karen and Rocio made some delicious crepes topped with powdered sugar. To have a more refreshing layer of flavor, she recommended to give it a light spritz of the fresh lemon.


What a perfect ending to our very heavy meal. He he he he he!

Afterwards, it's time to open the gifts!

The boys were ultra excited for this!

Before the tree gets ransacked, we had a picture with some photobombers at the back.

Yes, even my Mom natutuo na magphotobomb. 

We had a wishlist but as usual my sibs didn't write anything (grr...) so it was a free for all.

I gave my niece a travelling bag because I see her having a lot of trips this year.

I gave Karen a Fish Poacher since she's an attorney with a catering service!

We asked my brother what he gave us for Christmas and he said he made a donation to their parish church in our name.

Grrrr! Ha ha ha h aha!

Andrei asked for a drumsticks bag and got it.

Little did he know that Santa left them gifts outside the terrace... A guitar for Master Mati and a beatbox for the Androse!

Yay! Thanks Santa!

Egad what a mess! he he he he he!

After opening the gifts from families, we started our annual mini-program. Rocio played the violin while Andrei accompanied via beatboxing.

The audience!

Andrei afterwards read his own version of THE CHRISTMAS STORY.

(Sorry Andrei if we laughed at some parts. You're so cute and innocent kasi.)

Kuya Jon then recited THE LADY OF SHALOTT by Lord Tennyson.

Andrei planned to make comedic sound effects but we stopped him. He he he he he!

Ayan ganyan na lang siya.

Master Mati wanted to play the guitar but he said he'll practice and just perform next year.

After unwrapping gifts and cleaning up, the ones still awake watched our Christmas favorite... DIE HARD! He he he he!

Yup! It's tradition. He he he he....


Christmas was really different this year because it's the first time that our Daddy was not with us.

Of course, our Christmas will never be the same again. Still, we are consoled with the loving memories and holiday traditions passed on by my Dad that we will forever carry on.

From THE YAPPY BUNCH and our family...





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