
Monday, January 4, 2021


As much as we were all excited to face 2020, I got to admit that it started off hard. Many events happened that were sooooo unexpected like:

The explosion of the "used to be quiet" Taal Volcano...
The death of a basketball icon...
The discovery that a deadly virus is already within the country...


Still I know that things will improve. As they say, when you're at the bottom, there's nowhere to go but up. So yes, even if the year started off on the negative side, I was still bursting with positive vibes because I believe and I have faith that everything will turn out better... if not, awesome!

And yes, I know it will!!!!!!

And then on April....

NOT!!! (This is Jaz from the future).

I found my February self (when I wrote the upper intro) so adorable because I'm all hopeful and feeling like it's still going to be a fun summer.


Saying that we didn't know what's coming was indeed an understatement. Yep. It surprised us all. Still, I'm glad the Lord blessed us with so many things that we were able to cope with this pandemic and made it into an experience.

Believe it or not, we still managed to have a fun summer because we were with FAMILY.

No we're not stuck at home.
No we're not bored.
No we're not getting crazy and impatient.
No we're not daydreaming of going out of town or out of the country.

I am with the people whom I love soooo much and I'm happy that they're cool too that everyday was still enjoyable.

Because I'm HOME.

Of course, some days tend to be the same (like we're in Groundhog Day), and we would also get into each other's nerves. But at night, after praying the rosary with the family or when I reflect about the day's events,  I just get this warm and cheerful feeling inside that get me all thankful and looking forward to the next day. As a result, it makes me so grateful that even if I hear or read numerous complaints from other people that they're bored or that they're having such a hard time this ECQ (just because they can't travel or socialize), I cannot relate because I am experiencing the opposite.

As they say, HOME is where the heart is and I'm thankful that during this pandemic, everything became pleasantly endurable because of the people I love.

Sharing with you the first part of our 2020 and the start of our experience with this pandemic. You'll find that it is more detailed as we stressed on how there is always something to be thankful for and I wanted to look back at this time with a smile.



It's the NEW YEAR and let me start with posting my resolutions.

(Hmmm.... I think I was able to manage to do one per month... he he he he).

Happy 16th to my favorite big guy of all time! Your Daddy and I are so thankful at how you’re growing up to be a kind, helpful, intelligent, and respectful gentleman who has his own decisions and never just “goes with the flow.” We love you so much and please dont be in a hurry to grow up too fast. Your family is so proud of you and I’m sure your Lolo Pogi is bragging about you to his buddies in heaven (lalo na sa pagka-bastus mo hahaha). We love you dearest! We’ll always be here for you. 🙂

January 5, 2020

For the first week of the year, ERICJAZ FOODIES joined the KAIN TULOG GANG for the 2020 getogether.

Syempre! It's filled with food!!!!

January 11, 2020

As we do every year with their school, the bunsoy had a family event to watch a repertory show.

I went with the bunsoy (since the Yub was not into theatre) and as usual, enjoyed it with him.

January 11, 2020

Come night time, we had what is starting to be our traditional family date in Glorietta food court. In fairness, the food is verrrrry good at affordable prices. Plus, we all get to choose what we want. Enjoy the kids!

The boys played in the arcade and for dessert, Master Mati and I had Starbucks while the bunsoy asked for Blizzard.

He kept on joking about the upside down stint for the ice cream that I asked the server to do an extra long one for him. He he he he he he!

The bunsoy was so kulit and said he would do it again and again at our table.

And when he did, the ice cream fell! HA HA HA HA HA HA! Buti nga!

Good thing the ice cream fell on the table so we were able to save the majority of it. he he he he he!

January 12, 2020

The Mom of my sister in law died and the family went all the way to the South side to pay respects. I know that it may be a somber occasion but here's proof that when we're all together, we still manage to have a good time.

Picture grabbed from

On that same day would you believe that Taal Volcano exploded??? Yep!

As a result, the night had ashfall but in "snow-like" specks. The next day it got heavier.

Never thought that Taal would ever explode in my lifetime. Ayan tuloy, the kiddies were able to experience what it felt like to have ashfall (like we did during Mount Pinatubos).

January 17, 2020

And here's another unexpected turn of events: I GOT MEASLES!

Ano ba ang tanda ko na??? Ha ha ha ha ha!

Turns out, I got Viral Exanthem with the strain going on measles. The doctor said that since I had vaccination, the viral skin effect was light compared to if I didn't get injection.

Up yours parents who don't want to vaccinate their kids!!!!

January 18, 2020

And since I cannot go out, the boys made inggit as they plan to go to Powerplant Mall.


January 21, 2020

I wonder if it's really a dream because it felt sooo real.

I'm thankful for these experiences because I get to see my Daddyowzers again. 

January 18 to 26, 2020.

Since I cannot go out, I relied on food delivery.

Yummmm... Masaya na din!

(Is this a preview of the things to come??? -- Jaz from the future)

January 25, 2020

That Saturday, Mati and Andrei's band jammed in a nearby Mandaluyong studio.

Their band's name is S.C.A.R and please like their group page!

Andrei is the drummer while Mati is the lead singer. Cool right???

Ha ha ha ha! I love it when the boys post about me (even if it's mean).

Oh yes, and this is TRUE though.

January 27, 2020

Finally I got well and was able to return to work.

Syempre,  instant DATE NIGHT!!!!

January 27, 2020

I know I shouldn't be including tragedies in this blog but I can't help honoring this basketball legend -- KOBE BRYANT.

His death was indeed a wake-up call that life was indeed short and we should always cherish the people around us.

He was so loved by his family and friends not just for his talent but for his kind nature.

I'm not just sad for his family but I also feel for my boys who look up to him so much that Mati made this post.


January 28, 2020

It may not be obvious but I loooove dancing. I especially enjoy watching dance routines by some of my favorite artists (Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Britney, N Sync...).

Finally I was able to copy one of my most revered dance choreo, "Together Again" featuring Janet Jackson. Ang hirap niya! But I was able to do most of it. Kapagod lang. He he he he he!

Hoping to be able to finish this and do more. My fat and old joints sometimes groan! Ha ha ha ha ha!

January 30, 2020

There's a new invader in town and it's named CORONA VIRUS!


(Yeah right -- Jaz from the future).



It's February my birthday month!!!

You know it's going to great when the LOYL (love of your life) gives you an early greeting. He he he he...


February 1, 2020

It was also the start of the Yub's basketball games for his Rotary district.

I know the Yub misses basketball so this means a lot to him!

Syempre full support kaming lahat!

February 5, 2020

Whoever thought that it's going to get THIS cold in the Pilipens???

February 7, 2020

That week, it was the birthday of our company's President, Mr. Tuviera!

It was indeed an intimate celebration and I was thankful to be a part of it.

(Belated) Happy Birthday sir!

February 10, 2020

It was Oscar night and I'm glad that pareng Joaquin won! Yayyyy!

Feeling close!

February 11, 2020


February 13, 2020

We celebrated crabby Kuya Jay's birthday. We were supposed to have dinner at Alba but due to certain circumstances, the celebrant opted to have a quiet dinner at home with his favorites.

February 14, 2020

Here comes the water works!

February 14, 2020

For Valentimes, the Yub was in charge of planning everything.

I guess tinatamad na siya maghanap and magisip and just went for our old time favorite, HOUSE OF WAGYU.

February 15, 2020

Also planned a little getogether with our BP Group!

Soooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!! Delicious food and awesome company!

February 16, 2020

Ate Jit naman treated Mommy to a Valentimes lunch at Kimpura. Syempre napasama na kami. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Teehee!!! So embarrasing.

February 22, 2020

Congratulations dear Mareng Gail for your new business venture!

February 23, 2020

I promised myself that for my birthday every year, we'll visit my Daddyowzers.

Syempre, my Dad was the one who made sure that our birthdays were all special and unforgettable. Kumbaga, I owe it to him to always include him in all my celebrations!

Yayyy! It's my birthday!

Treated the family to our favorite KIMPURA for lunch!

I received several greetings for my birthday but my favorite has to be from Master Mati...

Let's just say that even if I love my Dad soooo much, there's something macabre about including a nitso sa birthday greeting right?

Ha ha ha ha!


It's customary in the office to treat during birthdays.

O di ba??? Ang saya saya!

May cake... may ice cream... may puto!

Mam Zen got so inis with our birthday treat that she asked me to order pizza and ice cream.

Tita Jo did the same and ordered Lasagna for everyone!

He he he he he he he!


Next year again ha???

That weekend, the Virreys invited THE YAPPY BUNCH for my birthday celebration.

Dear Aning treated us to Cake, Barbecue, Spaghetti, and Pizza!!! Woah!!!

Thanks dear Aning! Love youuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 29, 2020

That night, my BP Family met up in our new favorite ALBA to celebrate my birthday!!!

GRABE... 2 eat-all-you-can sessions in a day???? I kenat!!!!!

Good thing it's my birthday! Ha ha ha ha ha ha1

Yayyy thank you soo much dear BP Family!

(Naku... little did I know that it will be a long time before I see them again. Ha ha ha ha! -- Jaz from the future)



March 1, 2020

For Sunday family lunch, I asked Mommy if we could have Budol Budol... he he he he he!

Syempre pwede! Mommy ko pa?!!!!

March 6, 2020

Met up with the BGP next weekend and treated her to some of my favorite milk tea!

March 7, 2020

And Mati’s back at Kali! He’s been wanting to study again after a long absence and this weekend, he was able to coordinate his attendance again with the guysh.

March 9, 2020

No classes?? Oh no!!!!!

First time that the boys were not happy with the news of classes being cancelled because they’re worried about the virus (doesn’t help that we watched Outbreak last night hehe) :(

Take care everyone!

March 11, 2020

Had a meet up with the Team Godoy in Capitol Commons where they treated us to some delicious Chinese food.

It was cool meeting the hub as well!!

March 13, 2020

March 14, 2020

Tee hee! I love trolling!

I’m not really ridiculing the post but sometimes, especially with what’s happening now, it’s nice to find something to laugh about (even if it’s at my own expense).

Pero totoo naman e! Pwede pa din ba? Malaki ang landingan ng labi nyan! 🙂

March 19, 2020

While classes are suspended, the boys are attending online classes.

There were some complaints of course but still, they should do what they gotta do.

Almost every night, we would pray the rosary as a family to offer prayers for Daddy and to those who are in need.

March 15, 2020

It's Yub's birthday and since we cannot go out, he ordered all his favorites for Sunday lunch...


March 16, 2020

That Monday, we're all so ready too because it's Tita Flory's birthday and, as what she does every year, her "pakains" are epic!

Yun lang, we didn't know that this will be our last meeting in a looooooooooooong time!

March 18, 2020

SCAR set up their own FB page and we invited everyone we know to like it!

March 19, 2020

Blackie and Brownie!

Adopted these 2 streetdogs.  When you honk your horn, they would immediately assist the guards with tenants and their cars. We take them in at mornings kasi the pound goes around that time.

Tee heee!!!!!

Yeh... That's me! So sentimental!

Tee hee... I would also troll Netflix' page!

Hahaha! I really hated that queen. E medyo one of life’s little joys for me is making weird comments on posts kaya that’s what she gets. Hahaha!

March 23, 2020

Yub went to the grocery and was waiting in line for about 5 hours!!! He was there at 9:00am and went home mga 5:00pm na! Auuughhh!

March 24, 2020

We dont have angels or butlers during the lockdown so it’s me and the boys washing up afterwards. Andrei and I have this private joke of making lola was the dishes. Hahahaha! He’ll make up things like “Lola puyat ako... Di ko kaya maghugas!” Hahah!

Mommy is soooo willing to wash dishes of course but why would we let her di ba?

March 25, 2020

When I got sick, it's Master Mati to the rescue!

I had tamparurot here and he was the one who made an effort to make me feel better. Awwwww.....

Tee to the Hee!

For those who claim that this deadly virus is a "blessing," YOU'RE ALL PAKSHETS!!!!

(Sorry ang mean ba??? I just feel so strongly about it!)

BLOCK ME NA ON FB OR OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS PLEASE. I don't want to be associated in any way with the likeness of you.

I may be mean but sorry, I felt the pain of friends who suffered deaths in the family because of this virus so for people to declare it as a "blessing" makes me want to think: would you still say the same if it's your Mother's the one dying from covid-19???

Would you still consider it as a blessing???

Para lang may masabi e!

March 27, 2020

Yeheeeyyy... Finally got my quarantine pass!

March 28, 2020

Andrei got a new pet wolf! Ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding!

It's this new 3D app that we played with. So cool.

March 30, 2020 

Tee hee.....

Would you guys believe that I fooled MANY people with this status?


March 30, 2020

My new sideline -- labandera na ako!

We have a labandera who goes to our house regularly to wash and iron our clothes. During this epidemic though, I recommended to Mommy that we just give her daily allowance and some bigas, so that she didn't have to report for work (for everyone's sake). Although I could be SOOOOO LAZY when it comes to washing clothes, I saw how Mommy was concerned and I agreed with her.

Really, it's not to humblebrag or to buhat my oversized bangko (he he he he) but it's more on a call for everyone to set aside personal interests and do things that would be good for the family. We could never be too careful when it comes to our family's safety during this virus.

March 30, 2020

Tee hee!

Kuya Jon bought this magic mic for New Year so that we could all do some serious singing!

We were not able to use it then but we're SO putting it to good use now. That is, to the boys' suffering. He he he he.

March 31, 2020

Our household hasn't received any sort of help from our local government that's why it's a treat to see this antibacterial truck. Ha ha ha ha ha! As in tuwang tuwa street namin when we saw it spraying around.

Tee hee! Mababaw ang kaligayahan!!!!



April 2, 2020

Since we're not going out, our source of outside happiness comes in the form of food delivery from Grab or Food Panda.

Imagine our joy when we discovered that Macao Imperial Tea could deliver! YAYYY! We've been waiting for this for sooo long!

Cheesecake Pearl Milk Tea please!!!!

April 3, 2020

Been seeing a lot of people doing that Dalgona Coffee drink thing that Andrei and I decided to try it out. My bunsoy was the stylist!

For me it was just okay. It was an experience to make but in the end, meh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

April 5, 2020


April 5, 2020

How could a simple activity as paaraw (to prevent Covid virus) could get me so sentimental already?

Maybe because before I would always take out little baby Mati in my arms for his morning dose of sunshine.

Tapos ngayon eto ang laki na???


Was watching the first part of JESUS OF NAZARETH and came to the scene where Mama Mary and St. Joseph got married.

Teka.... Anniv ko din nga pala?????? Di ko ramdam e!

April 10, 2020

April 10 Andrei fixed bed

Andrei had head ache and sinat last night so he slept in my room. After taking a bath in the morning, I went back to THIS! Wow....

Even if he's feeling sick, he still made my bed after getting up. Didn't expect him to, but he did. Awwww.... thanks Andrei!

April 10, 2020

It's Good Friday and supposedly we're in Cavite for our procession. Our 40 year old karo is THIS. Such a coincidence to see this also that night.

April 13, 2020

Easter Sunday!

Yayyy! Ate Jojit is finally able to join us!

Andrei has been sick for many days and besides praying for him, I told him that if he got well that weekend, we will treat him to his favorite Sushi Nori.

Lo and behold, he did!!!!

So a promise is a promise and the Yub ordered Sushi Nori for him.

April 13, 2020

Holy Week at home!

This is the first time in 40 years that we won’t be spending Holy Week in Dad’s hometown in Cavite for our traditional procession. Still, were thankful that with this lockdown comes our protection that we’ll dutifully abide by it. Hopefully we could celebrate our family tradition next year but for now we’ll focus on remembering Jesus’ sacrifice for us in prayer.

Also, our yearly “Brady Bunch at Holy Week picture” will be here in Manda for the meantime. Hehe!

April 15, 2020

During this ECQ, I have been doing a lot of cooking and baking. One of my creations is this Dalgona Cake. It's actually very easy to make and the kids love it. This Dalgona Cake has been a repeat offender in the kitchen for many times now. He he he he he!

April 15, 2020

I know that there are other people who need the Local Government's assistance more but you can't help but feel left out as a taxpayer if you don't receive anything (we plan to give it to our staff naman).

So when we finally received the Barangay's "ayuda" we were so happy! O di ba? Even if it's just mere veggies, ang saya saya pa din! We made pumpkin soup, ginisang mais, and steamed eggplants with this lot.

April 16, 2020

When Andrei got sick at the start of the week, he slept in my room so I could monitor his temperature and give medicine to him the whole night.

Yun lang when he got well, he insisted on going back to his Lola's room.

Huhuhu... I suddenly missed waking up next to him and showering my bunso with lots of kisses. Haaaaaay...... Why did they have to grow up so fast????

April 16, 2020

Dear Mati needed to interview somebody for his Peta. Syempre ako kinuha niya. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Since the lockdown started, this is the first time that I wore make up! Ha ha ha!

April 17, 2020

My first tik tok POSTING!!!

I think I conveyed my distaste for tiktok before but after checking out other sound bytes, I was able to find some things that interested me. I made a lot and saved it in my cel. When I showed it to my Mom, she's like "POST IT ON FB! IT'S FUNNY!"

That's the first time she encouraged me to post something. They hate it when I take pictures for social media so to hear her say it? Really ground breaking. 

This is Andrei’s favorite btw.

April 19, 2020

We showed the boys AMADEUS recently and they loved it, especially Andrei. He's now into classical music more and one morning he even surprised me with his makeshift Mozart wig! He he he!

April 20, 2020

Felt so sick after lunch that I stayed in my room till night time. The Yub later took up my requested dinner of cream cheese on toast. Mati also went up to check on me and give me meds from Mom.

April 23, 2020

Tee hee... I swore that if Yorme makes a tiktok video, I'll always make a "duet" with him. Grabe so nakakakilig! Feeling ko nga talaga nakikita niya ako! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

April 25, 2020

I know which ones to make in Tiktok when a "story" flashes in my mind upon hearing the soundbyte. Usually it has to be funny.  When I made this one, I was laughing so much. Ha ha ha ha ha!

April 28, 2020

One morning, Andrei was again the last one to finish eating. While waiting for him (since I'll be washing dishes) I gave him a song number from Phantom of the Opera. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

April 30, 2020

And once more we received veggies, particularly kalabasas, from the Barangay! Yay!

More squash soup to come!!!!!!!!!!!



The Yub and I don't go out to the movie theatre as much as we wanted to because not only are tickets SO DAMN EXPENSIVE (that we just reserve it for "Avengers Endgame levels") but the pandemic also prevented us from doing so.

STILL, that didn't stop us from having movie night with the little kiddies. And during the ECQ, we had nightly movie nights which became a nice routine for us (especially that we're such a movie loving family).

We watch almost EVERY NIGHT (especially during the months of March and April) but will just share the ones that really struck us. He he he he he!!!! Hope it will also inspire you to watch these classics with your family!

January 5, 2020

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels!!!!

January 21, 2020


It was good but I think other movies from the category deserved to win.

January 13, 2020


Mati's new favorite trilogy.

February 15, 2020


Great post Avengers movie for Chris Evans AND I enjoyed watching the different characters here.

February 16, 2020


Because you cannot NOT watch the movie where the line "I am Inigo Montoya..." comes from.

February 24, 2020

Another classic to inspire the boys.


March 2, 2020


This was fun.

March 11, 2020

My favorite movie from the Oscar selection that should've won in the best film category. Scarlet Johansson was really good here and she's my Mommy goals.

March 15, 2020

Nuff said. Ha ha ha ha ha!

March 15, 2020

Can't believe we saw this just now!

March 17, 2020

Sometimes it's not just the actual film that makes an impact on you but also the memories that go with it and the people you saw it with.

March 21, 2020

Leslie Nielsen is the SHIZNIT!!!!!!!!!!!

March 26, 2020


For movie night I let the boys watch MISERY! They liked the film but the boys said (Eric included), that Annie Wilkes reminded them of somebody close to them.


March 27, 2020


It's good but GOOD FELLAS was better.

March 28, 2020


I have seen this many times but when Mati wanted to watch it, I'm still game. Yep! It's THAT good!

March 30, 2020


Is there really a person as good  as Mr. Rogers?

It's not really a tearjerker but movies showing extra ordinary kindness and love gets me choking up.

Siguro kasi I'm mean. Ha ha ha ha ha!

April 5, 2020

Again, I saw this already but I felt that dear Mati should see it too.

Kuya Jon watched with us and he explained the deeper meaning of the film and how it was inspired by the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. It gave me tuloy a deeper appreciation of the movie.

PLUS, ang pogi ni Robert Redford! Ha ha ha ha ha! Best ending ever.

April 7, 2020

I told the boys that every Holy Week, we'll be watching Jesus of Nazareth. I guess the mini-series made a big impact on them because now they fully understand the life of Jesus. They both agreed that Robert Powell is their favorite actor for the role.

Andrei also loved the soundtrack and would play it many times at home.

April 13, 2020


April 14, 2020


Yep! We're on a Dustin Hoffman roll! He he he he!

I guess after watching this the boys have a better appreciation of the hardships of a parent and it removed stereotypes for them. Kasi when Mrs. Kramer left, Mati and Andrei were like, "That Mom is mean. Nobody should ever just leave his/her child!"

April 18, 2020


Again, I saw this already and I'm letting the boys watch it because not only is it an award-winning movie but it'll also familiarize them with the genius of Mozart!

Success! They really enjoyed the movie and now they have an appreciation to classical music (especially Andrei)!

April 22, 2020

Requested by Master Mati!

I have only seen snippets of this movie so it's the first time I've seen it in it's entirety!

Yep! The raves were real and Humphrey Bogart is the original THE GUY of them all!




Make that STAYCATION! Ha ha ha ha ha!

To be honest, staycations have become MEH for me (sorry ha ha ha) mostly because many baduy people I know are doing it now that it lost its appeal. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Besides, now that we've made the rounds, home is still the BEST place to be ALWAYS. Tama nga sinabi ng friend ko before that if you have a beautiful and loving home, you would NEVER want to go someplace else. (Unless mag oout of town trip ka because you need to explore da byuti of the Pilipens din naman).

Still, our family staycation with friends in BELMONT was still awesome!



Sharing some of our favorites and good times with food at the start of the year. Yun lang with the lockdown was imposed, we were not able to go out. Still, we kept our sanity by having food delivery and cooking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our favorite CAUSEWAY but in TIMOG for Mati's birthday!

January 9, 2020

Treated BGP Marian for her bday in MENDOKORO!!!!!

January 10, 2020

March 8, 2020

March 14, 2020

My MENDOKORO treat to the Yub for his birthday! I think this is our last outing at the start of the pandemic! He he he he!

AFTERWARDS, we stayed at home where we cooked and ordered delivery!

March 19, 2020

Pork Chops with Mushroom Sauce and Sardine Pasta!

March 20, 2020

FINALLY! Mcdonalds for dinner! So hard to get them on delivery. Successful na din! Sayang lang no more Big Mac or Quarter Pounder.

Who would have thought that the day would come where we would rejoice for Mcdonalds???

March 25, 2020

Chocolate chip cookies

These Chocolate Chip Cookies were the first I ever baked when I was still in grade school. Been usung this recipe ever since and it was almost like a sacred document to me (copied from a ripped old White King booklet). Just discovered that when I checked online, it’s almost the same with Nestle’s Talooose Cookie recipe (doubled the ing amounts and diff temperature). NYEEEH!

I’ve beeen PHOEBE-ied!!!

March 29, 2020

For family Sunday lunch we had Mommy's homemade Filipino Mami!

This is a family favorite and it's too bad Kuya Jay and family are not here. It's his favorite!

March 28, 2020


Our early lunch!!! Was supposed to have it for dinner but I thought we might have problems again with Grab later. Oh and we threw the packaging in the trash after this picture, FYI.

March 30, 2020

When I became labandera for the day, I imitated Manang Norma and said "Maaaaam.... MagpaJollibee naman po kayooooo....."

Mommy got awa with the big load I washed kaya she agreed. Ha ha ha ha!

March 31, 2020

Thanks Mommy for always making sure we're bondat every meal time! He he he!

Here we had the boys' favorite, Buttered Garlic Shrimps and Fried Eggplants!

April 1, 2020

Yehesss!!! You could NEVER go wrong with Turbo Chicken!!!!

April 9, 2020

We were so happy to discover that Marugame Udon was available in Grabfood that Kuya Jon treated us for dinner!

While it was good and all, it's still better to eat it at the restaurant because the noodles got a bit soggy. Pero it was still yum and we're thankful that Kuya Jon treated us.

April 10, 2020

Made my favorite vlogger, Seonkyoung Longest's recipe for Garlic Noodles and Lemongrass Shrimp!

OMG soooo good! Ang sarap sarap ng kain namin!!!!!

April 11, 2020

On another Saturday, I made Buttered Pork Chops with Cream Sauce and Mashed Potatoes.

My Mom loved it and can't stop raving about it to my sister.

See recipe HERE!!!!

April 14, 2020

One afternoon, I got sipag and made Natasha's recipe for Churros! It was easy to do and yep, sarap!!!!! We had 2 platterfuls of this and UBOS!

See recipe HERE!

April 16, 2020

Finally ingredients were complete so I was able to make Hainanese Chicken (by Marion)!

It was saraaaaaaaaaaaap!!!!! I'm thankful the chicken didn't get dry. The sauce too was GLORIOUS. Gustong gusto ni Andrei!

April 18, 2020

For so long the boys and I were avid fans of Macao Imperial Tea that we felt something was missing from our lives when it's not available in Grabfood for so long. As a result, we just resorted to Black Scoop since they also had drinks that were similar to the ones we loved in Macao.

Because of that, we came to love our regular orders in Black Scoop and appreciated the difference in the texture of the pearls. When Macao Imperial Tea suddenly became available and we ordered, it's not as good as we remembered it to be that Mati even said, "It's Black Scoop for me from now on!"

I know it's mababaw but there's a lesson learned here that I told the boys.

See? Don't always focus on that one thing that you're not open to try out other options. Who knows? It may be God telling us that there are better choices out there that we will appreciate more.

And on another note, ayan! Macao Imperial lost customers! E 3 times a week kami umorder! He he he he he!

April 19, 2020

Since we still had pork chops in the freezer I tried out another recipe that I found online (SEE IT HERE). It was delicious but it was the usual cream with white wine sauce. He he he...

April 24, 2020

We've been having Fried Fish many times that Mommy thought we should try out steaming it. I did the one with Soy Sauce and Sesame Oil while Mommy thought of adding this mayo egg sauce (similar to what they serve in Filipino fiestas) on the other one.

Super Saraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap! I know I shouldn't be having too much mayo, pero it was sooo good! Ako yata nakaubos. He he he he he!

April 26, 2020

I practice Intermittent Fasting that's why I don't have breakfast during weekdays. That's why on weekends, the Yub and I really look forward to this feast. For one particular Saturday, we had our favorites... Spam, Corned Beef, Eggs, Tomato Salsa, and Garlic Rice!

OH KAY SARAAAAAAAAAP! Kulang na lang Sardinas e!

April 28, 2020

We love the Shawarma Package that Khaleb offers where for only P600 you'll get a kilo of beef, 20 pcs of pita bread and veggies. Sarap and sulit!

Too bad they increased prices although P200 lang he he he he he! Pwede pa din!


And that's the first trimester of our year 2020!!!! I know that it's not as full of action as before but believe me that it was still an enjoyable start of the year because of many reasons:

a) We had a different kind of family bonding.
b) We were still able to do what we liked to do best -- eating and watching movies!
c) Our family is still together.
d) I was still able to catch up with good friends regularly.
e) Celebrated my big 4-5 with the people I love.


Don't get me wrong. I am concerned about this epidemic and feel for the people affected but this is the hurdle that we have to deal this year and we should just look for the blessings that God has blessed up with.

Because really, laging meron yan! Always be positive!

So here's hoping the next trimester improves. Ha ha ha ha! I won't be all "BRING IT ON" anymore. These days I'm always like "There is always something to be thankful for" and "Let's look at the bright side."

Big help too is dear Padre Pio who has ALWAYS helped me with his powerful intercession. Galeng talaga!






(Daddy I wonder how you will be if you're with us during the epidemic. I'm sure you'll be like "Walang virus virus sakin! Nung bata ako kinakain ko virus!!!!!!!!!" Ha ha ha ha ha)

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