
Friday, March 22, 2019


If you told me there'd come a time when I wouldn't expect gifts on my birthdays, my 10 year old snotty self would have fainted in disbelief. Because HELOOOOOOO???? What are birthdays without gifts??!!!!!!! Yup! Our younger selves tend to associate happiness with toys and cash that if there's no doll, then no dice. I guess since we're still kiddies we take for granted all of the blessings that are around us.

Fast forward to 10 years (yes 10 years lang, may reklamo??), these days I'm not that particular about receiving birthday gifts anymore. If meron, yay, if wala, ichokey. In fact, last Christmas I didn't ask for anything but for people to be nicer to each other. That's what happens pala when you grow older: you don't need to ask for anything anymore because whatever you need, you could buy -- what is important is the health, happiness, and safety of the people you love.

Of course, this noble wish excluded my family and the Yub. They should still give me something for my birthday. Ano sila... sineswerte?!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

For my birthday this year, I didn't receive expensive or outrageous gifts that made my younger self happy.  Now, the presence of my family, my true friends (missing BGP Mariane though), plus being in my dream job, made everything so awesome that while I was reviewing the pictures for this blog, I suddenly had that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Ang saya saya lang! Promise!!!!!

Let me share with you my birthday celebrations this year where I am soooo thankful for all the love that I received from the special people in my life. It was so many that some people would comment "Birthday celebration na naman???"

HE HE HE! Yep! And no matter how simple it was, all celebrations were special and memorable because I was with you all!!!

(Belated) Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!

My birthday celebrations started early when my mareng Gail and pareng Jun treated me out! This has been our yearly tradition and we always looked forward to it!!!

For this year, she treated us to DUCK AND BUVETTE! It's my first time in this sosy wosy restaurant and we really enjoyed it.

The next day, we met up with mareng Gail again this time with my inaanak Sasha for some seriously delicious Japanese food -- YAKUMI!!!!

Woowwwww! Look at all of that!!!!!

Thank you Mam Zeny for treating us!!!!

The next night, I treated my Mom for a date...

With the Phantom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Phantom of The Opera is my favorite musical play (EVER) and I promised my Mommy that if the show returns in Manila, I'll treat her to a show.

This somehow became my birthday salubong treat for her!

My kind Yub took me and my Mom to Solaire and waited for us. I offered to buy him a ticket but he's allergic daw to musical theatre.


Before going in, we had a small snack!


The famous chandelier!

So excited for it to start!

As expected, it was a fabulous show!!! Even if we were initially taken aback because our Phantom was a little pudgy, his passionate acting along with the haunting music got me emotional at the end.

Ang ganda pa din!!!!! 

If THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA returns, I will watch it again!!!!!!

For our late dinner, we went to our favorite, NORTH PARK!!!!

Yup! It's tradition already!

While we were waiting for our orders, the Yub stepped out. I thought he was going to the bathroom again but when he returned, he surprised me with a birthday song because it's already 12:00am!!!!!!

To think ha, after my Mom and I went inside, the Yub bought the cake then went pa to the parking area of Solaire to hide it in our car. I'm sure you know how far the parking is from the theatre!!!


Thanks Yub!

After their birthday song, I really thought hard for my birthday wishes.

Thanks Yub for the surprise! My 34th birthday starts NOW!!!!!!!!

Time to eat!!!!

What a super fun birthday salubong! I won't forget this in a LOOOOOONG time!!!!

It was my birthday so I was not planning on sleeping anytime soon!!!!

While watching Netflix, I got an early social media greeting. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

THANKS GOOGLE!!! Ha ha ha ha ha! I just find these little things cute!

Our usual birthday celebrations always had us waking up so early to attend mass with Mommy and Daddy then having breakfast at Gloria Maris. It was our tradition for many years now and I always looked forward to it. Umaga pa lang my Dad would start our birthday treats. He he he he he!

This year however, I thought that since Daddy's not with us anymore, I'll just spend my birthday my lazy way. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

My wishes were simple:

Wake up late.
Have a chicken and pansit lunch.
Have an afternoon nap.
Go out to dinner with the family.

Yup!!!! Don't judge an old gal who's a year older today. He he he he he!

So yeah, I was still in bed at 10:45am!!!!!

I wasn't really planning on getting up but my bunsoy baby knocked on my door with a surprise!


I love it Andrei!!! You are indeed one of the reasons why I get up in the morning!

I took a bath and when I went down, my bunsoy baby was playing HAPPY BIRTHDAY on our organ!

As for the Yub, he was trying to play Andrei's drums! He he he he he he!

Awwww... Thanks!

When I went to the TV room, Master Mati was there to surprise me with his gift. He bought me a Funko Pop of Freddie Mercury!!!

He used his own money and knew how much I idolized Queen now.

Thank you soooo much my dearest! You don't need to give me a gift but I'm so grateful!!! Love you!!!!

My brother also gave me some travel pouches which I absolutely loved (I'm addicted to pouches).

As for my Mom, she gave me a straightening iron!!! My hair is naturally straight but I wished for it because my hair always got tikwas!

Thank you very much Kuya Jon and Mommy!!! You never fail to give me gifts on my actual birthday!!! Mwaaaaah!!!!!

My sister had an emergency out of town trip that's why she's absent on my birthday.

HOWEVER, being the favorite of everyone, some people greeted HER instead of me!!!


Pati ba naman on my birthday, mas favorite nyo sister ko?? Grrr!

Ayan sad face tuloy ako.

H ah ah ah ah ha ha ha ha!

Kidding! It's all funny.

For breakfast, I treated myself to toast with loads of melted butter. I only have this once a year (on my birthday) because I'm (trying) to watch my weight. You could call this my yearly birthday snack tradition too!

The news on my birthday!!!

Lunch time!!!!!

It's my birthday so it's bad to lie. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Flashing my actual age only for today!

I told the Yub that one of my birthday wishes was to have the Mang Inasal Unli-Rice challenge in the restaurant. With that, my Mom thought that besides the pansit and tinola (with the freshly chopped chicken as "pamalit buhay"), we could also have Mang Inasal so I don't have to go out!

What a great idea!!!

Happy Birthday to me!!!!

Wow... First name basis kami ni Andrei and Mati ah!

My birthday lunch!!!


Let's EAT!!!!!!!

That morning, I declared to everyone "HINDI AKO MAGDIDIET NGAYON!!!"

I tell you, the face of my Mom's secretary was like "Araw araw ba birthday mo?"

Grrrrrrrr! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Afterwards, my superkalifragalisticespialidotious lunch, my family gave me a birthday song!

I would NEVER outgrow birthday songs. Ang saya saya lang. My Daddy always made sure to give us LOADS of it when he was still with us.

If you're wondering what Mati's doing, he's playing HAPPY BIRTHDAY with the Melodica!

Made a long and serious wish....


Thanks everyone for my birthday song! I would never get tired of it.

Before going for my syesta, I checked out the Oscars and learned that (YAHOOOO) Rami Malek won for best actor for Bohemian Rhapsody!!!!

That was one of my wishes!! So happy for Queen!! It's great that even after being bashed by critics for not having a movie that's like an expose for Freddie, the group still focused more on the love for their frontman and just highlighted his talent and accomplishments. In the end, everything worked out great!!!

I'm sure Freddie is so happy in heaven! Go Freddie!!!! Sing me a happy birthday! He he he he he heh e!!!!!

Yup!!!! My gift for myself this birthday is to be a sloth!!!! He he he he he!

Time for my syesta!

After I woke up from my 2 hour nap (tee hee), the family went to Rockwell. 

Here are the movies shown during my boitday!

The reason why we didn't hear mass this morning was because the little lords were scheduled to have a seminar for their confirmation so I thought of attending mass at the same time.

Too bad the priest got sick and messaged me in the afternoon to reschedule. With that, we just dropped by at Powerplant Mall's chapel.

Andrei selfie!!!!

Mommy teased Andrei by doing what he would usually do if she's the one taking the picture.

My birthday dinner was at my favorite CIBO!! 

I suddenly craved for this pasta....

Thought of trying out this one too!

Happy Birthday to meeeee!!!

For dessert, Kuya Jon treated us to coffee and doughnuts! Yummm!

The next day at the office, Ate Heidi and I treated the office to a birthday merienda . She also celebrated her birthday the same month as I did.


The office grub!!!!

Our theme for today was BIG FOODS!!!

I ordered big pizzas and burgers....

It was disappointing that after placing the order at Casa Verde last week, I learned that they have run out of big burgers when I called to confirm on the actual day.

Egad! They didn't even call me, I was the one who contacted them at 1:00pm when the merienda was at 3:00pm!!!!! Good thing I'm a bit OC!!!

Yun tuloy, I just called Inengs for our Barbecue.

In the end, the barbecue worked so well with the rest of the food. So it's a blessing na din. He he he he he he!


Our birthday merienda treat:

Lime Cake
Pichi Pichi
Amber Pancit Malabon
Inengs Barbecue
Big Guys Pizza

Let's eat na!!!!!

My TAPE friends!!!

Missing tita Josie (who was in Jerusalem at this time).


Our TAPE guy had a hard time carrying the pizza box into our doors. He he he he he!


Nom! Nom!!!

It was a fun merienda!

Next year again Ate Haids!



He he he he! Kidding.

Even if I didn't ask for it, I'm so thankful for thoughtful and generous officemates who gave me gifts!!!!!

Thanks Ate Alona for the cool shirt!

Thanks Ate Dalden for my favorite Antipolo Suman!!!!

Thanks Mommy Rissa for the handamade tissue case!

Thanks also to Tita Grace (for my favorite menthol ointment), Tita Josie (for the Jerusalem bag), and Mam Zen (for the Yakumi treat up there).


The next day, Mam Leslie treated us all to a swanky lunch in NINYO when a former officemate slash balikbayan came to visit.

Yummm... I had the steak!

Since there were a lot of February and March celebrants present, Mam Leslie requested for this!

Yayyy! Happy Birthday to all of us!

The Yub promised me that for my birthday celebrations he would treat me to our favorite Mamou!!!!

When Yub asked me, I had a change of heart because I didn't want him to spend a lot of money just for little ol' me. So I just suggested somewhere cheaper...



Blog post coming soon!!!!!

The next day, the FOOD ALPHABET family invited us out for a birthday lunch!!

Our venue for that afternoon?

Everything was SOOOOOOO good!

That night we met up with my Bawal Panget family to celebrate my birthday in CAFE SANSO!!!!

It was our first time in CAFE SANSO and we tried out some of their specialties.

Thanks to my Bawal Panget family!!!

I love you all even if you sang to me a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOLA"! CHE!!!

Look at Andrei flashing also the numbers 44 when he knows I claim to be 34!!!!! >:(

That Sunday, the Master Mati and baby bunsoy got confirmed!

Our reception was in CAFE MARY GRACE!

We told our family that this would already be me and the Yub's treats for our birthdays.

He he he he! Isahan na lang!!!!!

Yummmm... I love CAFE MARY GRACE!!!

Blog post again coming soon!

That week, my dear HS friend Sandra treated me out in my favorite KIMPURA for my 34th birthday!!!!

Oh wow.... Look at all the grub!

After eating, the KIMPURA Managers and servers gave me a birthday song.

I love their complimentary dessert!

I love it soooo much it makes me want to cry! He he he he!

I really thought long and hard for my birthday wishes.


After dinner, Sandra bought this sampaguita lei from a vendor and gave it to me.

GINAWA PA AKONG SANTO!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha h!


Thanks dearest!!!

Of course it won't be a complete birthday celebration without visiting my dear old Daddyowzers!!!!!!

I miss you soooo much Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We were supposed to visit him before my birthday pa but many things happened (e.g. Andrei's field trip, Mom's emergency meeting with relatives, etc) that we had to reschedule.

Basta I told my Mom my birthday celebrations won't end without visiting his resting place.

The Mommers prepared a simple but hearty lunch that was mostly made up of our favorites!!!!

Adobo, Longganisa, Spam, Steamed Okra, Tomatoes and Onions, and Bagoong!!!!!

Me soooo hungry...


Birthdays are nothing without you, my Daddowyers!! You're the reason why we all felt so special whenever we had our birthdays because you were the one who put in a LOT of effort to make each year unforgettable. Missing you sooooooo much!!!! 

To officially end my birthday celebrations, I declared that we'll eat where I wanted to!!!!

(Of course, I can't help but ask the guys if they liked Ippudo ("Naaah I just ate there.."), Shabu Shabu ("We just ate there too..."), Chili's ("Don't feel like it...").

FINALLY they agreed to GANSO SHABUWAY!!! He he he he!!! It's been a long time since I ate there last so I was pretty excited to have our dinner there.

If you're looking for Andrei, he chose to stay with his Lola because he didn't like Marvel movies daw. (It's okay because movie tickets are expensive. Har de har har)

Salamat naman at pinagbigyan nila ako sa bertday ko!





Thus ends my 34th birthday celebrations for this year.

I find now that since I'm older, I'm not much into gifts anymore (DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU YUB). Honestly speaking, since I'm in good health, working in my dream job, having my family and friends with me, I couldn't ask for anything else. 

That's because if you already have the best cup cake in the world, you wouldn't go on searching for another one right? You'll just stay put and enjoy that luscious cupcake.

Of course, I'm still uber thankful for the generous people who bestowed their blessings onto me. Ang ganda lang because even if I say that I don't need gifts anymore, the moment I opened your box, I would always get excited. I so loved everything that I received this year and it's all in my room right now.

It was a wonderful and awesome 2019 birthday for me. Everything went by sooooo fast because I was having the best time. Of course, to make it more perfect, my Daddyowzers would be with us. 

Come to think of it, I'm sure he was. Because like in my other birthdays, I felt very special and got all warm and fuzzy from the love. 

(Belated) Happy 34th... este... 44th again to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next year again! He he he he he he he!!!!



