
Tuesday, March 19, 2019


When Master Mati had his birthday celebrations for 2019, his requests were simple: we'll eat in his favorite restaurants, he'll go out with his friends, and we'll meet up with my BP (BAWAL PANGET) Group!

As always, my friends are so game so that is very to fix up!!!


We were supposed to meet up on a Saturday where everyone is available. But then, we got word that Yub's sister will be going back to the US the following week, so that meant we needed to visit his family in Quezon Province that weekend.

I told the group and sadly discovered that on Friday, Team Navarro and Team Quitoriano cannot join us because of prior commitments.

Awwwwwww... I cannot move it naman to the following weekend because we also made plans already.

When I told Master Mati that his birthday dinner was moved and that some of our friends cannot go, he was initially disappointed, but gave me his "It's okay" later on. I guess he understood the situation and also realized that what's important is we're still meeting up with some of my BP friends.

Awwww.... My big guy is really maturing na!!!!

When I asked him where he wanted to go, he said that anywhere is fine with him. So looking at places that were still geographically desirable on a Friday the Yub and I thought it should also be someplace that would close late (since it's most likely that we'll arrive late as well).

With that I suggested TORCH. I remember the great dinner I had with mareng Gail when she treated me for my birthday last year. We enjoyed the food so much that we promised to be back soon but, since TORCH wasn't connected to a mall (he he he he he), that never happened. It would be nice to bring the little lords there as well as Team Virrey because they haven't been to that restaurant near Greenhills.

So TORCH it is. And we're happy with the choice because it was the perfect venue for our group that night -- mouth-watering food at reasonable prices in a cozy ambience.

Best part too was that our Master Mati loved it!



When we arrived, there was an event going on by the main restaurant area. 

Good thing that with my reservation, they gave us the table located at the other side where we were the only diners that night. At least we had privacy and away from the party party crowd.

YOHOOO! We're here!

My big guy!

I told him to order whatever he wanted. I gave my recommendations but he was fixated on something already.

My bunsoy baby got curious with the games on display at TORCH which were available for playing.

He decided to just wait for his buddy Jelo to arrive so that they'll play together. With that, he munched on the complimentary fried pasta served on tall glasses. You may find it weird at first but trust me, it's very addicting. 

Yay! Team Virrey are here!

Mati's best bud Johans gave him a gift!

Wohoo! Shirts with messages! Mati's favorite!!!!!

Thanks Team Virrey!

Andrei with my godson Jelo!

Team Campo are here na din!

See? That fried spaghetti is mighty yum!

Now we're all here!

Let's get this "party" started!!!!

Ordering up!!!!!!!!

Wohoo! Food is coming so LET'S EAT!

First on the table is TORCH California Roll (P244.95)!

For the price, we got 8 huge bites of this Japanese favorite!

The bunsoy asked for some Salmon and ordered the TORCH Cream Cheese Salmon Roll (P374.95)!!

Each piece is so big and full!!! Andrei was so happy with this.

We got some pizzas to share with the group.

We had the Steak Panizza (P369.00)!

This was mighty good and cheesy! The Yub didn't like it too much though because it had Ranch dressing drizzled on top.

We also got the TORCH Margherita Pizza (P324.95)!!!

Cheese Pizza topped with plump tomatoes and fresh basil!

For the rice dishes, we had the TORCH Bacon and Egg (P182.95)!

Sulit for the kiddies because it comes with a drink!

I got the TORCH Steak and Egg (P297.95)!!!

May not look obvious but I got a thick slice of beef! It's not the tenderest of cut of course but the steak was very flavorful and extra good with the gravy. 

The Yub said he'll have this next time minus the achara!

TORCH Salpicao Tenders (P259.95)!

Super flavorful cuts of meat with loads of garlic and mushrooms!!!

Master Mati had the Glazed Norwegian Salmon (P485.95). He was able to finish all of this.

TORCH Fire Roasted Hawaiian Chicken Barbecue (P329.95)!

Pareng Jonas ordered this and was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy that it had corn...... NOT!

TORCH Burger Mac and Cheeswe (P374.95)!

The bunsoy pleaded to have this and promised to finish it along with his sushi.

You know us, when it comes to food we cannot say no so we got it for him.

Well he wasn't able to finish it but he ate A LOT! As in konti lang natira. So I guess it's okay. 


Later on, the TORCH servers surprised Master Mati with a birthday song!


Awwwww! Thanks TORCH!!!!

Happy Birthday dearest!


Creme Brulee Cake (P235.00)!!!!

It was SOOOOO perfect with coffee!!!!


Of course, we stayed longer to chat more!!!!!!

Coffee, coffee, and chika chika!!!!!

He he he he! When a certain kumare left her phone to go to the restroom, she found THIS in the album afterwards!!!!!

Our bill!!!!!!!

Super fun dinner for our dear Master Mati!

Though we're not complete, we still had an awesome time with our birthday dinner for my big guy.  When I asked the Master Mati if he had fun, he gave me a big YES, so that's what matters.

We're so thankful for Team Virrey and Team Campo for making my Master Mati more happy in his birthday celebrations! We're always so thankful of friends who became our family as well.

We love youuuu!!!!!!!!!!!



Home Studio Building, 
63 Connecticut Street,
Greenhills, San Juan City
02 4773771 / 02 5020000



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