
Monday, March 2, 2020


THE YAPPY BUNCH already went to Korea last 2019 so we didn't make any plans to go somewhere far. For budget reasons, we only wanted to have one out of the country trip a year -- so we are definitely staying put for awhile.


My Mommers have always wanted to go to Japan, but since Daddy is so busy with the family business, she didn't make any plans and just preferred to stay at his side.

For her 75th birthday last year though, the Mommers wished to go to Japan with the family. It was supposed to be just her treat with the apos but then her loving son and daughters joined in (sons-in-law were invited but can't join due to work). The Mommers said the Japan trip will not only be her blow-out to us for turning 75 but it will also be our birthday gifts for the year as well (ha ha ha ha ha... even if she gave us gifts naman).

So yay... It will be our first time in Japan with the Mommy and kids! I'm sure it's going to be an epic vacation!

You know what? It was! Yung tipong, I still dream about it up to now. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


We're in JAPAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our flight was at 9:00am so we left for the airport very early.

I planned to watch a lot of movies while waiting to board so I downloaded these films on my tab.

(Guess what? Wasn't able to watch ANYTHING!!!)

The Yub took us to the airport. Wawa... He'll go home lonely!

Lining up! 

Depositing our bags!

We're going to fly via ANA AIRLINES (blog post HERE) and my bunsoy's so excited because he's seen many reviews.

He can't stop talking about the features of ANA AIRLINES!

Waiting... waiting...

Thanks for the coffee Matt!

Of course we'll miss the Yub but we're so excited for this trip!

It's going to be another bonding time for the boys and I!

Yohoo! Time to board.

We always request to have window seat for the Androse.

TEAM GATDULA for Japan!!!!

And we're here!!!!!


We're walking and walking.


My Mom is a HUGE KathNiel fan that for her Birthday video that year, my main goal was to get a greeting from them.

I contacted my former boss in ABS CBN who tried to get hold of their Road Manager. Unfortunately, they were out of the country and was not sure if they received their email for a greeting.

Lo and behold I was able to get another contact who helped us arrange this very short meet up. We were advised what time their arrival was in Japan and they were told that we will be approaching them for a picture. Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm not sure if they were waiting for us (if yes, wow love ko na talaga sila) but they seem to know that a beautiful Lola will meet them.

So yayyyyy! Thank you sooo  much KATHNIEL!!!

They were so nice to give a bit of their time to chat with Mommy who got so starstruck. I mean, love talaga niya sila. He he he he!

Afterwards my Mom said, "Pwede na tayo umuwi!!!"


Glad you loved our mini-surprise Mommy.

Kuya Jon buying train tickets for our ride.


Mommy's first train ride in Japan!

There were many stations before going to the hotel. Good thing Kuya Jon knows where to get off. He's out leader. He he he he...

After we got out of the train station, we had a cold walk going to the hotel.

The walk was a short one and very manageable by a senior!

We were booked at SOTETSU FRESA INN (where Kuya Jon and ate Jit stayed last time).

Andrei and I are roomies!!!!

Yayyy... Bonding time with my baby bunso.

For dinner we went out.

Grabe it was sooo cold but ang sarap!

That's why a hot bowl of Ramen was perfect!

This was an awesome first meal in Japan! 

We went to the nearby mall to buy some stuff needed for our stay.

We got some water, snacks, and breakfast for the next day.

When we asked Andrei what he wanted, he got a vanilla ice cream cone.


He ate the ice cream cone going back to the hotel happily. When we got to our room, he fell asleep fast.

Awwwww... I wanted to snuggle pa and make kulitan with my bunsoy!

The next day, I gave Andrei's clothes and he felt so fashionable with the black turtleneck and coat that he looked like Steve Jobs daw.

He's such in a good mood that he's so game for pictures.

But not with me. >:(

Our hotel had this mini-temple in front.

My big guy walking.
The arch was our landmark going to the hotel. He he he he he...

We had a 5 minute walk and we're already in the train station.

The Kinshicho Station!

This station also had many shops and restaurants.

When I went to the restroom, they even had an indicator of which stalls were free!!!


Riding the train!

We don't get to ride trains in Manila. In Japan, it's something we could do everyday!

My baby bunsoy loved trains and he's always excited  whenever we're going to ride on.

The boys were so happy to see Ikea and took pictures. (They didn't want to go there, they just wanted to shoot the building... ha ha ha)

My handsome big guy!

Kuya Jon didn't go with us because he said and I quote "Japan is already my Disneyland."

BADUY!!! Ha ha ha ha!!

It was so kind of him to drop us off and pick us up after. 

My baby bunsoy chugged on this vendor machine milk tea on our ride home.

Maya maya...


He violently HATES it when I post pictures of him sleeping but I find him so cute.

This is him getting so angry after he discovered that I took his picture while sleeping.

Yep. I'm a mean Mommy I know. Ha ha ha ha ha!

For our very late dinner, we ate at YOSHINOYA (which was near our hotel).

I tell you, the YOSHINOYA in Japan is super different from what we have in Manila. Ang laki ng isinarap!!!!

Here's a sampol... SEE???


Then, it's time to a short walk.

We passed by Family Mart first (which was a street away from our hotel) to buy some snacks.


Andrei was so full from Yoshinoya that he didn't get ice cream anymore.


Unlike the 7-11 here, Tokyo's Family Mart is clean, organized, and smelled good. Ha ha ha ha!


Coffee na lang dear!

Our munchies for the night or next morning...

(Andrei and I forgot to eat them though... ha ha ha)

Because I focused more on my coffee. Ha ha ha!

Good nighters!!!!

The next day....

We got all bundled up because it was extra cold that morning.

Oooh... Check out that big croissant!

Waiting for our bus.

We're lucky that we already got our bus before the morning rush.

Like with trains, the bunsoy is also excited to ride the Japan bus.

I don't blame him. It's more clean and comfortable compared to what we have back home (that's why we don't commute ha ha ha)

The reason why Andrei and I "forgot" to eat our Family Mart haul was because of THIS!!!

OMG so goooooood!!!

Egad. I'm craving again.

Tee hee...

One of the tell tale signs that my big guy may be adopted is the fact that he hates KFC.

Weird right??? I mean, WHYYYY???

Everybody in the family LOVES KFC kaya when he declared that he wants to burn one branch down, I really considered to desert him somewhere.

Tee heee!

Alam mo Mati, LALO tayo kakain sa KFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Afterwards we went to Sensōji, (also known as Asakusa Kannon Temple), a Buddhist temple located in Asakusa.

Before going to the Temple, we passed by Nakamise Shopping Street first.

Kuya Jon treated us to some streetfood goodies. Yum!

Everywhere you look there's a kodak moment waiting to be shot.

Japan is just too beautiful at every corner.

Yay! We're here!

Before entering the temple, we passed by the Kaminarimon (or "Thunder Gate").  It stands 11.7 m tall, 11.4 m wide and covers an area of 69.3m

 It is the outer of two large entrance gates that ultimately leads to the Sensō-ji (the inner being the Hōzōmon) in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan.

Consequently, Sensoji was built nearby for the goddess of Kannon. The temple was completed in 645, making it Tokyo's oldest temple.

According to legend, a statue of the Kannon was found in the Sumida River in 628 by two fishermen, the brothers Hinokuma Hamanari and Hinokuma Takenari. 

The chief of their village, Hajino Nakamoto, recognized the sanctity of the statue and enshrined it by remodeling his own house into a small temple in Asakusa so that the villagers could worship Kannon.

In the surroundings you could get our fortune for the year.

It's free and easy! The only challenge is looking for your drawer (since I don't know how to read Japanese).

Andrei got a great fortune! As for me, I just got a regular one so I hung it up here on the "rejected" area. ha ha ha!

You could also go to this area where you bask in the smoke (which they believe to give out blessings).

Me and the baby bunsoy!

It may be crowded but the weather was too cold so it was still all good.

In this area, we made a wish by throwing (or donating) coins into a wooden box (sayang we can't take pictures).

Many tourists, both Japanese and from abroad, visit Sensō-ji every year.

I don't blame them. There is really something about visiting a place that has a lot of history behind it.


We went to the garden afterwards.

The park was vast, peaceful, and had that simple (yet beautiful) Japanese style. If there were only benches around, we would sit here and enjoy the surroundings more.

Asakusa is called "Home of the Tempura". That's why when we passed by a restaurant, we really stopped by to try it.

How was their Tempura compared to ours? Check out WHAT WE ATE IN JAPAN blog!

We had a short rest in the hotel before heading out again.

Mommy said she'll stay behind since our mission for the night was more for the "kids!"


We went to Divers City Tokyo Plaza in Odaiba to see THIS!

Yayy! My Mati is so happy! He's been wanting to see this huuuuge Unicorn Gundam Statue since he became interested in models. 


At first Mati was a bit disappointed that he didn't get to see this during the daytime (as recommended by his classmates).

But the Gundam Statue had lights and effects that could only be appreciated at night so yay! He's happy na.

We then had a quick lunch in the mall foodcourt, my treat!

Master Mati, Ate Jit, and Kuya Jon went ahead because my big guy wanted to check out the main Gundam Store in Japan and it's near closing time. 

Mati's dream come true!!!!!

There, my big guy was able to coax his Ninang Jojit to buy his Christmas gift na (ha ha ha ha). As per Mati, the Gundam models there were half the price compared to what they have here.

Thanks Ate Jojit!

Bye Gundam!

Afterwards, we went to a another popular sight in Odaiba.

There it is!!!!

The Statue of Liberty Replica!

This replica in Odaiba stands at about 40 feet tall, about 1/7th the size of the one in New York.

This was originally put up temporarily from 1998-1999 as tribute to Japan’s ties with France. The statue was returned for good in 2000 because it became very popular with the people.

The statue is even facing the direction where USA is. Cool right?

Thanks Kuya Jon for taking us here!!!!

We were in a hurry to get here to catch the fireworks. Unfortunately because of the weather, they cancelled it for the next day.

After getting refreshments from the vending machine, it's time to have another long walk!

Afterwards, we went to Akihabara!!!

Master Mati's going to check out some more models here.

As for the Androse, he just wants to see the video games.

AND since Akihabara had the best tasting KFC ever, we had a quick snack there!

And yes, IT WAS FRIKKIN GOOD! The best I've tried!

Then, it's time to head back to our hotelsies!


More will DEFINITELY come!!!

Let me just be self-centered and share this picture (even if it's totally irrelevant) because ANG GANDA KO DITO OMAYGAD. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!




  1. You look so cute in that last picture Jaz! Seriously could pass for a 18 year old leaving Japan to go study abroad somewhere!!

    Looks like you and your familiy had a ton of fun in Japan. (You should have had your husband write a corresponding blog detailing what he did WITHOUT all of you guys at home!)

    Kat from Maryland

    1. Yayyy! Hi Kat!! How are you???? Long time no hear!!!!!

      Thanks!! The reason why I really included it is because I feel sooo pretty there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Now that's rare!!!!

      Wow!! 18?? Now I'll show this to the bullies at the office who say I look much older than my age. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Yes we did!!!! My hub would send pics but not a lot. That's a great idea!!!! Would do it next time (yep I'm not bringing the hub again. Kidding!)

