
Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Call me baduy (because really, I am) but I absolutely LOOOOOVE Valentines.

In fact, I love it sooo much that I made a new name for it: VALENTIME'S!!! If you're a regular reader of my blog (ay kaawa awa ka namang nilalang) you'll see how I always refer to the day of hearts like that. Many times people would correct me (na parang I'm so engot) and I just say, "Well I like to call it VALENTIMES because I find that way cuter!"

May reklamo??? He he he he he!

Kidding aside, I've always loved VALENTIMES because growing up, I saw how kilig Mommy got when my Dad gave her Cadbury chocolates (which she'll share with us) and roses. I told myself, "When will my time come???"

Come my teenage years, my Dad gave me roses and labelled it with "Happy Valentines from your secret admirer, Roger" I don't know if my Dad gave roses every year because he saw nobody took a second look at me (NAPAKAGANDA KO NON PROMISE), OR, he's simply the most romantic person there is. I think it's the latter. He he he he.... But yeah, there were no Valentine scenarios ala Close Up commercials for me. While my friends were getting ready for their dates and their pa-cutesy-tootsie stuffed toys to give their boyfriends, I would usually just go out with my family. Honestly? I didn't mind too much because I always had fun with our movie and dinner nights that I didn't feel much of a loser. He he he he he he.  Maybe it's because I have the best company and I know that something (or someone) will be coming very soon.


So fast forward to when I got married and had the little lords. I know I always point this out but I cannot believe that for somebody who was ignored so much by boys in my HS years, I now have not one, but 3 super good-looking gentlemen to celebrate my VALENTIMES season with. As in, take my pick right???? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I guess that's the reason why I'm always up to do the whole shebang when it comes to VALENTIMES (wear red, love the flowers and chocolates, go out on Feb 14 even if it's traffic) because I have so much to catch up on.

The best part too is that I also have family dates to celebrate the season of amore.

See why I love VALENTIMES so much?

Check out this year's celebration! You'll also see how a very fun day suddenly made a nose dive in emotions. He he he he he!



VALENTIMES started to give the feels a day before when one of my officemates, Ate Alona, gave me some love and chocolates.


That night, the Yub and I had a pre-VALENTIMES celebration in LA CARNITA!

I was craving for some nachos that night and their cheesy chips made me crave some more!

On the actual day of VALENTIMES, I woke up to THIS!

AWWWWW! The Yub gave me a bouquet of white roses!!!!!

I vaguely remember him nudging me with the flowers to wake up. BUT, since I'm such monster at mornings, i growled at him. Ha ha ha ha ha!

So sorry Yub. You should know by now that I am not myself when you wake up in the AM. He he he he he he!

When I went downstairs, I saw another pack of roses for me!!!!


WOW! I wonder who it is???

He he he he... Kidding! I know it's from my brother. I think it's really sweet of him to give me and my sister roses. He he he he.... Maybe he's continuing what my Dad did before.

My brother, the Yub, my sister, her husband, and the little lords all gave flowers to my Mommy for VALENTIMES. She then "gave" it to Daddy and Mama Mary.


At the office, my table just screamed VALENTIMES!

Seeing the bright red balloons outside would always get me smiling. That's why I bought 3 pieces for my guys.

As for the big bouquet of roses, it's for my boss. Ha ha ha ha ha!!

Come lunch time though, my officemates and I received a different kind of "flowers" from Kuya Roger!

Chicharon bulaklak!!!! Wohoo!

My friends and I loved this and had it for "dessert". He he he he he he he!

Could you see Tita Flory there somewhere?

After work, the Yub picked me up at the office for our date and I surprised him with the balloons!

Ahem yub...  The other two are for the boys -- you'll just get one.

He he he he he he!

May "I Love You" naman!

I told the Yub that for our date, I would like a nice plate of steak but not the Mamou or Wolfgang levels. I'm happy going somewhere that's not so expensive.

With that he took me to VITTORIO'S!

The Yub made reservations but since we're there early, we had a bit of a wait.

Finally we're inside!

VITTORIO'S was full that night with couples and families. I'm glad the Yub made reservations because I saw them turn away some people.

Lovin their VALENTIMES sign. He he he he he! So 80s!

Wohoo! Excited for the night ahead.

Ordering up!

Service was just okay at VITTORIO's. The waiters were friendly but I guess because of VALENTIMES, everybody's in a rush that they would forget something you've asked for many times. He he he he he!

Our order for the night.


Here comes the appetizers!

Our meal came with a side salad. I asked if they could change the dressing to Caesar's and they tossed it in. Looking at the other tables, I think they also removed the carrots and cucumbers when I made that request. Ha ha ha ha!

Oh well... I was so hungry that I finished it all.

The Yub and I really liked the VITTORIO Shrimp Canapes!

The fresh and juicy shrimps that were cooked in butter and garlic were placed on top of toasted bread.

THIS WAS SOOOOOOOOO good that I was tempted to order rice. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Simot sarap si Yub!

As we were finishing with our appetizers, the VITTORIO manager dropped by to give me my rose.


Thank you!!!!

The steak finally arrived! Wohooo!

For the platter meal, we got 600g of Rib Eye steak!

We had our steak split into Medium and Medium Rare. I'm not sure if they were able to do it but I didn't care -- I was hungry!

We were expecting a total of 3 sides (steak rice, mashed potatoes, french fries) but only the steak rice came. It's okay. This would still be a good start.

Of course, no steak dinner is complete without some red wine!



The steak was not as tender as I wanted it to be but it had the right flavors especially with a dash of salt.

Finally the French Fries came! Yay!


I'm having 3 sets of carbs on my plate but I didn't care. It's VALENTIMES anyways!

DONE! With feelings!

VITTORIO's served us complimentary Red Velvet cake desserts. I was not really a fan of red velvet cakes but this was moist and had the right sweetness to it. The Yub and I were able to finish this.


We scraped it clean pa!

Le bill!

The Yub said that for the same price, we could have already enjoyed a dinner in MAMOU. I told him that it's okay because I had fun trying out something new for VALENTIMES.

Thank you for the effort in organizing and surprising me with this romantic (and busog lusog) dinner Yub!!!! Mwaaaah! I love you! HAPPY VALENTIMES!!!!

(Sorry. No action later. I want to watch UMBRELLA ACADEMY... BWA HA HA HA HA AH HA HA!)

If you're wondering about my family, the Yub and I originally wanted to take out my Mom and the others so that she won't be lonely for VALENTIMES. But since we will most probably be late, she said she's okay to stay home. My brother will not have it though and said they should still go out. At least, they didn't have a lonely VALENTIMES night and had fun.

Thanks for letting the little lords tag along for your VALENTIMES treat for Mom Kuya Jonjon!!!! We always appreciate how kind you are.

When we got home, we tied up the VALENTIMES ballooons of the boys to their seats to greet them a good morning when they wake up for breakfast the next day.

I thought the Yub and I were the only ones doing the surprising. Turns out, the boys made a little surprise for me on their own.


Later it will go to my Dad's place at the altar.

While I was fixing the flowers around the altar, I suddenly got emotional and remembered how my Daddyowzers never failed to give me, my Mom, and the girls in the family, flowers. 

Hay. What was a happy and fun Valentimes suddenly ended on a sad note.

I guess, one of the reasons why I loved flowers was because my Daddy always gave my Mom every year for Mothers Day, Anniversaries, and most of all, Valentines (even until his last year). It never fails too that he would give me bouquets of flowers every Valentines and sign it with “From your secret admirer, Roger” He would give it in the most creative of ways pa: leaving it on the table, making the guard give it to me by the gate, having it delivered to where I worked (“para sabihin nila may nagkakagusto sayo!!!”).

And it’s true because I’ve had many years of singlehood where the only flowers I ever received were from my dear “Roger”. (Walang nagkakagusto saken baket ba???! Hahaha!)

Now that I’m married with kids, I’m receiving many bouquets of flowers. But as much as I appreciate them all I can’t help but look for the ones from my original Valentine. Ever since my Daddyowzers went to heaven, Valentimes would always end sadly for me. Talagang something (or someone) is lacking and I miss him again terribly.

I told my Yub next year not to give me flowers na because what used to cause so much joy now served as a reminder that my Roger is gone. The smell of flowers just brings back a lot of sad memories pa. It never fails. The same thing happened last year.

Hayyy... Happy Valentimes Daddyowzers. 😞 Hala maga na naman mata ko tom! Was crying and crying until I fell asleep.


The next day, the boys were indeed surprised with their VALENTIMES balloons!

We tied it up at the altar for their Lolo to "see" always.

It made his spot so colorful don't you think? He he he he he!

That night, the Yub and I were supposed to take out the little lords on a VALENTIMES date. But because of the horrendous traffic, we had to reschedule.

With that, we just had a post-VALENTIMES date in our new favorite, RECESS FOOD ALLEY!

I have been inviting my Mom for a museum trip for a loooong time. 

Finally, our date with Spoliarium pushed through when I reasoned out that it will be our VALENTIMES date for her.

We then had a super delicious late lunch at SHYLIN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT at the Dampa area. The dishes were all so mind blowing that we ate more than we should. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's been a long time since my Mom ate here last. When we go here before, she and Daddy do the marketing. (He enjoys making tawad! Ha ha ha ha ha!)

Mom loved the food so much that she said we should celebrate our upcoming birthdays here. He he he he he!

To end our VALENTIMES season, we had a family date in BROTZEIT.

I used to have one on one date with the little lords during VALENTIMES but when I asked them if they want to have a date, they (especially Mati) gave me a resounding NO!!!! 

Grrr! They used to love our dates!!! I don't know maybe it's because since they're growing up, they're worried that people will think I'm their old girlfriend (I know right???!!!) Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! OR maybe, they're just lazy and would like to have more Netflix time instead.

Whatever their reason, the Yub and I will not skip going out for a VALENTIMES date with them. We had a delicious German night at BROTZEIT and went around the mall after.


Oh well!!!!

Even if VALENTIMES DAY ended up with a lot of tears on my end, I am still thankful for all of the people around me and for all the love they give. Of course, VALENTIMES would never EVER be complete without Roger, my first true love, but I'm glad that I have with me my Yub, the boys, and my family to still make the season of amore a memorable one.


And on that note, let me share with you my favorite VALENTIMES post to date. I shared this last year and I'm sharing it again. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!



32 Scout Borromeo Street, 
South Triangle, Tomas Morato, Quezon City
02 9615800




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