
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

OUR AWESOME YAPPY 2016!!!!!!!!

And just like that, another year has ended.

Good bye 2016. It was a nice year.

Really? Just nice? I'm sure I could come up with a MORE exciting word than just "NICE"???

Well. Ok fine scary voice. It's just that I wanted to convey how I initially felt just "nice" with the year that was. You see, I'm not really keen on making a countdown of the best restaurants or hotels that we've been to this year because I will leave THAT to my other KTG mates who have more right to do so... he he he he. With that, I will just present to you again the significant events of 2016 for my family -- a summary if you will.

And like I said, I was prepared to just see the usual things that happened to us yearly -- my birthday, yub's birthday, the kids' birthdays, valentimes, Halloween, Christmas.... All thing's "nice". To be honest, I'm not even sure if I was going to put anything remotely "post-worthy" because it may be like a "seen-that-already" blog for you. But as I was reviewing the restaurants that we went to, the staycations we had as a family, the outings, the activities, the memorable life events, etc., etc., I really let out a long and happy smile. THE YAPPY BUNCH did all that?????

MAN, we certainly had an awesome year!

Yu-uh! To think that we just stayed put in the Philippines and did not have any uber expensive trip, THE YAPPY BUNCH was on the move on 2016!!! Honestly, I already got tired just by looking and compiling it!!!

So with that, thank YOU to everyone who has let me share these wonderful experiences of my family. Thank you for not blocking us on Facebook or reporting us to the MTRCB (calling Spanky... he he he he he)!!! Your kind words and views just get us all the more enthusiastic to live more our silly and crazy life.

So here's to 2016 and I salute it with all the blessings and greatness that it had bestowed upon us. Of course, you'll still read some blogs from the previous year that I was not able to post in 2016 (and believe me, they're a LOT) but it just goes on to show how each event is important and is a special memory for us.

Thank YOU 2016!!!!!  You did great for us!!!! Looking forward to another year with you all and with my HAPPY, aka YAPPY, family!!!

WOHOO 2016!!!!!

What I distinctly remembered about 2016 is that we have attended A LOT of weddings! We went to about 5 in fact!!!!! I guess that just meant how a LOT of people fell so in love AND committed in 2016.

The first one was a family affair for ANTON AND MAIKA'S WEDDING. The latter is the daughter of my dear officemate Tita Josie and she got the Master Mati as one of the groom's men. We were all so happy and honored!

Besides getting Master Mati as a groomsman, Tita Josie also had us for the offering.

O di ba? Talagang family affair! Ha ha ha ha ha! We love you so much Tita Josie!

It was indeed a grand wedding because the couple had a lot of friends and relatives. But we, her family at TAPE Inc., still felt special especially that Tita Josie demanded in church for the couple to have a picture with "the friends of the mother of the bride".


Beat THAT!!!!

Congratulations Attys. Anton and Maika!!!! Thank you for having THE YAPPY BUNCH!!!!!

The next one was us was the week after for RAM AND MARIANNE'S WEDDING in Tagaytay Highlands!

It was again a full team effort for my family as Tita Florie also treated us to a staycation in Tagaytay!!!

RAM AND MARIANNE'S WEDDING was also very beautiful and unforgettable for us. We all had a great time especially with the delicious food and the cool scenery of Tagaytay Highlands.

It was indeed a beautiful wedding. But somehow, this picture showed how much romance is lost on a little boy. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The next one (for me) was BOSSING AND POLENG'S WEDDING and it was far from what I expected!

Honestly, I thought it was going to be a very showbiz wedding where there would be a lot of frills, production numbers, and speeches -- in short, a media circus! But it really did not!!! Their wedding was actually the most simple that I have attended but it was still filled with love. It was like the basic of weddings that I remember going to before and it was still so lovely!

We're so honored to discover too that Bossing and Poleng only had about 300 guests (surprising for a couple of their popularity and stature!!) and we were invited!!! The result was truly something very intimate and just beautiful. Hands down a great way to continue our "wedding roll"!!!!

Congratulations Bossing and Poleng!!!!!!!

For our 4th wedding, it was waaaaaaay in November for Colleen and PV!

Beautiful Colleen is EAT BULAGA's head in wardrobe and it was thrilling to see her wear the dress she has dreamed of all her life!

Again, it was an intimate wedding but it was so fun to see our fellow EAT BULAGA friends. Happy for these two who seem to be so crazy in love with each other!!!

Congratulations dear Colleen and PV! Blogpost coming soon!

The last wedding for us in 2016 was for the very adorable couple Jill and Oliver! Dear Jill is the THE FOOD SCOUT and it was exciting to see her settle down with the love of her life.

The "sosy" wedding (as we called it) was attended by the equally dashing KTG blogger peeps. This was such a fun and "crazy" night. Too bad I was not able to have a picture with Jill and Oliver because I had to rush off to a baby shower of my mareng Gail. He he he he he he he he!!!!!!


2016 also spelled a LOT of staycations for ERICJAZ FOODIES!!!!

THE YAPPY BUNCH kicked off our staycation season with a weekend at DISCOVERY PRIMEA to celebrate Mati's birthday!

It was our first time in this posh hotel in Makati City and we all had a grand time!!!! We're so glad too to be able to share this with our good friends, Team Virrey. SOBRANG saya!

Kudos to DISCOVERY PRIMEA for researching on what my Master Mati loved!!!!!!

The second one for the year was in SEDA HOTEL in Laguna and we booked a room since we'll be attending ANTON AND MAIKA's wedding that weekend.

Even if it was already our second time, THE YAPPY BUNCH still had an awesome bonding session. It's always the best when we have getaways as a family.

Up next was in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS for Ram and Marianne's wedding! We were so thankful to Tita Flory because she treated us here as my early birthday gift. Yes! As in everything!!!!!

It was my family's first time at TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS and woah!!!! We really enjoyed every minute of it. We did a lot of activities that we haven't done before! Ang saya saya!

In TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS, we did not just get a room, we had like a small house! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! The boys were so excited! We had a big place all to ourselves!

THE YAPPY BUNCH haven't been to Baguio yet but we somehow got a small taste of it in TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS. The place was beautiful and sooooo cold! The view was also breath taking! So thankful for this experience with my family!!!!

Up next for us was using the DIAMOND HOTEL room voucher that we received from Ate Jojit last Christmas. We thought that since our birthdays were so close to each other, we had a joint celebration with the boys the best way we know how -- via a staycation in THE DIAMOND HOTEL!!!!

Dear Melanie of THE DIAMOND HOTEL helped us book a room in their newly renovated premiere section. Sweet!!!! Truly a happy birthday for me and the Yubsker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all spent the whole day swimming and just lounging in their lovely pool. Great to have experienced a bit of paradise among the busy streets of Manila!


Now this may not be considered as a staycation but it WAS still a special time away from home.

My family has been doing this since 1980 and there's no stopping us even after 36 years!!!!!! I'm so looking forward to MORE years to come!

One time, we got an unexpected invitation for a staycation in FLAIR TOWERS. It's a condo unit owned by one of my dearest friends and she generously offered my family to have a weekend vacay there.

The boys really enjoyed our time in FLAIR TOWERS because the place had 3 pools!!! You know how my boys are with swimming and here, they got their fix 3 times!!!!

Besides the pools, the little lords were enchanted with the chocolatey smell in FLAIR TOWERS. I think it had something to do with the Ricoa Factory nearby becuse the result is the aroma of baked fudge, 24/7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the heat of summer, one of our friends invited THE YAPPY BUNCH and friends for a staycation in Mimosa Villas in Pampanga! We stayed for 2 nights and it was SOOOOOO fun!!!!

The staycation in the villa was already so memorable enough but one of the highlights for the kids and adults alike was our day in FONTANA WATER THEME PARK !!!! It may not be as high-tech as other theme parks in the US but we all had a LOT of great times none the less!!!! 

THE YAPPY BUNCH were then invited the first week of June for a staycation in the boutique MERANTI HOTEL. Honestly, I was not expecting much but we were all surprised to have a grand time in this fashionable hub in QC!

The pool was really something too. It was awesome that the boys were able to swim all they want before the start of school!

Sometime in July, a dream came true for me when my officemates and I booked a weekend at DAKAK BEACH RESORT. I know you may snort at this petty dream when there are a lot of high-class resorts out there. But I always see ads of DAKAK while I was growing up and I'm always curious of how it was to have a vacation there. And finally, everything came true!

I did a LOT of firsts in our staycation in DAKAK and two of which are ziplining and parasailing! I would NEVER have the guts to do it on a normal day but everything was free and offered in our DAKAK STAYCATION, that I thought, "Why not"?

And it was so YOHOOOOOO that I did!!!!!!!!

Whenever I'm on Facebook, I always get curious with the Metrodeal offers on CANYON COVE because it was so cheap at P2,999 for 4 pax. My friends and I are very practical (aka kuripot) that we all decided to give it a try.

Would you guys believe that it was actually rainy that weekend in CANYON COVE? But it added to our unforgettable staycation there. Would love to do it again and again and again!

Even if it was the holiday season already, it was still so crazy at work. The Chinese Dimpol and I were on the move non-stop. Great thing that F1 HOTEL MANILA invited THE YAPPY BUNCH for a weekend staycation to try out their Christmas specials.

And what a great weekend it was! The little lords had a great time as usual in their favorite spot in BGC and it gave us all a breather to enjoy the season amidst everyone's busy schedule!

Before ending the year, THE YAPPY BUNCH were back again in DISCOVERY PRIMEA!!!

This time, besides Team Virrey we were also with Team Campo!!! What an exciting weekend it was being with my great friends from waaaaaaaaaaay back!

Blog post soon to follow!

If you thought that was that, you don't know us too well. Ha ha ha ha ha! We ended our season of staycations with a weekend at NOBU HOTEL to celebrate Andrei's 10th birthday!

As per my bunsoy's wish, we invited his best friend Rowlan to join us. The smile on my boy was priceless! He had such a fun birthday with the special people in his his cutie life at this golden hotel!

Blogpost soon to follow!!!!

Of course, this silly little blog should not called ERICJAZ FOODIES if we don't include our love affair with food. We ate in a LOT of restaurants for 2016 but here are the unforgettable and new discoveries for us!

CALDERON AND GUEVARRA (GOURMET CARINDERIA) is really something to try out because of their classy take on usual carinderia favorites.

Food was SUPER delicious and cheap too!!!!!

May 9 was a significant date for Filipinos because it was election day. I remember that I dragged the little lords with us to vote and we all went to Powerplant Mall to have lunch with the family. 

Yey! We fulfilled our duty as Filipinos and had a full tummy too!

SALVATORE CUOMO AND BAR was a new favorite for ERICJAZ FOODIES when it comes to another level of pasta and pizza. Food may be expensive but it was indeed worth it. Would love to go back very soon!!!!

I'm such a carnivore by heart (and stomach) that dinner at WOLFGANG STEAK HOUSE was something I wouldn't miss. It was really an epic night with my KTG mates and my hungry self was blown away with the meats galore!

Usually when a US franchise opens in the Philippines, it would sometimes spell EXPENSIVE with LOW QUALITY FOOD. But we certainly had a sulit and delicious meal in APPLEBEES EASTWOOD!!! Loved the dishes that we're also so Filipino-taste friendly. The Chinese Dimpol and I went back IMMEDIATELY with the boys.

For our good friend Manong Fred's birthday, we treated him to some steak at  TEXAS ROADHOUSE!!!! I'm sure that based on the looks of this plate, we had a "steakastronomic" birthday lunch!!!!!!

One of our favorite buffets in the Ortigas area these days is CUCINA in MARCO POLO HOTEL. I remember that we got invited to try out the ALL THING'S SWISS AT CUCINA and ERICJAZ FOODIES had a heavenly time stuffing our faces with meats and stews!!!!!

Another unforgettable time that I had in the award winning International Hotel in Ortigas City was with my favorite little guy for AFTERNOON TEA AT MARCO POLO MANILA. Tea may be something that grown ups would enjoy but I highly recommend it for date time with your little one. My Andrei declared that he had a lot of fun and is asking me to go back. I will certainly schedule one more afternoon bonding date with my favorite baby here very soon!

THE YAPPY BUNCH have always been fans of MAMA LOU'S! It's just too far away in Nuvali but we make it a point to eat there everytime we're in the area. Great thing that the famed Italian restaurant (owned by Filipinos) is cooking up a storm this time in UP Town Center. I remember that we had such full and happy bellies afterwards!

The Chinese Dimpol and I have enjoyed the buffet in Edsa Shangrila Hotel many times. But one weekend, along with Team Mina and Team Sales, we had a CIRCLES BUFFET WITH MATI. It was really something to enjoy delicious food with my also foodie of a son!

I'm normally very empathetic to the Chinese Dimpol when he cannot eat the food we're having in a restaurant. But during one dinner at HEY HANDSOME!!!, I cannot help it! This new BGC hub offering Singaporean and Malaysian fusion dishes was cooking up so delicious food that I almost forgot I was with him. 

Sayang pogi pa naman kasama ko but trust me, the food was THAT good here. You should all give it a try sometime!!!!!

DENNY'S is another American restaurant in the US and now it is open in the Philippines! It may draw flak for the price and how it's different from its American counterpart, but I will ALWAYS go back again and again especially for my new favorite, the Peanut Butter and Chocolate Pancakes. GRRRR! I'm craving for one right now!

ERICJAZ FOODIES also had a taste of OUTBACK PHILIPPINES menu that was being offered for a limited time. Here's hoping they'll be serving these delicious grubs LONGER!!!

Towards December, we attended the birthday of dear Tita Millie and enjoyed the delicious offerings of THE PLAZA that was so apt for the Christmas season!

I think one of my most favorite meals this year was with my time at the DAKAK RIVER CRUISE !!! It's not just because of the food but it's not everyday that I would have a boat to ourselves and have the beautiful scenery of Dapitan as my "side dish". Though I had the best time with my TAPE Inc., friends, I missed my boys terribly. Definitely something I would go back for with my family soon!!!!!!

I really thought that 2016 was another MEH year but it was filled with new experiences, memorable happenings, and yes, life events for ERICJAZ FOODIES!!!!!

(Sorry but the following are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER... Meaning, I forgot the timeline!!! Sorry! Tanders na!!!! 32 na ako this year e!!!!)


I think it's a lesson NOT to use eyeliner that is not waterproof when I plan on crying!!! He he he he he he!

Like the time when the little lords showed their naughtiness during a formal wedding. I'm glad nobody saw what I'm referring to unless I point it out!

Like the time when Andrei showed me who he really loved between me and the Yub!


Like the time when it doesn't matter if you're working early or not. When your boys need you, you wake up even at an ungodly hour to prepare them!!!!!

Like the time my TAPE INC friends and I attending our officemate's bridal shower!

Like the time THE YAPPY BUNCH got stuck in an elevator during our TAGAYTAY HIGHLANDS staycation! It was indeed scary but thankfully we pulled through by singing and just laughing about it.

Like the time we WELCOMED THE YEAR OF THE MONKEY by having our yearly trip in Binondo!!!!

Like the time the Chinese Dimpol and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary!

We celebrated in our favorite HOUSE OF WAGYU!!!! 

I think because of our delicious meal in one of Manila's top steak restaurants, I forgave the Chinese Dimpol for forgetting our annivoisary again!


Like the time when Mati graduated from grade school!!!!!

I thought Grade School graduation is just MEH. Pero it was something that caused me to choke up with tears din because it faced me the reality that my first born was not a baby anymore. 


(After graduation, my Master Mati started to work in the family business. He he he he!!!! He does this every year and it's great that somehow he's learning the value of hard work.)

Like the time THE YAPPY BUNCH bounced our way in summer time in TRAMPOLINE PARK. This was fun but I doubt if it was something I'll ever do again because of my bad back. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Like the time THE YAPPY BUNCH had a SLIDEFEST with Team Campo and Team Navarro!!! This was so hot but FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like the time Johans had his first sleepover with us. It was indeed the first of many!!!!

Like the time when the boys had to prepare for school. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Like the time I was surprised when Andrei made his first official Facebook post!!!

Like the time when Team Mina joined us to watch MONSTER JAM 2016!!!

Like the time Andrei became Manila Bulletin's junior reporter and he attended the press con for Stephen Curry! He even received beautiful words from his new friend Stephen!


Like the time TEAM YAP suddenly got divided!!!!!!

Who do you think won???

Like the time Andrei would request to watch movies but would sleep in the middle of it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Like the time when the Chinese Dimpol and Andrei had a date to watch FIBA!

Like the time when my bunsoy was his usual sumbungero self!

Like the time when the master Mati showed his own fashion sense and bought a beanie!!!!

Like the time my little Andrei volunteered to cook for his school when his Mommy was too busy to do so!

Like the time THE YAPPY BUNCH attended HISTORY CON 2016 !!!!!!!

Like the time Master Mati and Andrei had cool Filipino costumes for their Linggo Ng Wika! Awesome huh?

 (I had some help with the EAT BULAGA wardrobe department there. Ha ha ha ha ha ha aha!)

Like the time my bunsoy Andrei got obsessed with creating short WWE movies using his make shift ring and Power Rangers. He he he he he he!

He might be a director someday!!! WOAH!

Like the time Team Campo and Team Mina watched 50 SHADES OF GRAY the musical with us!!!!!!

Like the time when we watched WWE live!!!

Like the time when Master Mati shot up and was suddenly taller than me. ANYARE???? How did this happen???

Like the time my bunsoy had his first sleepover with Team Mina so he could be with his Best Guy Pal Pao Pao!

(He was so excited that he even typed the list of items I dictated to him (over the phone) to get ready.)

I never thought that master Mati would miss his baby brother, but he did!!!! Mati asked to call Andrei and chatted with him for awhile.

Like the time when the little lords got back into the old habit of writing in their journals before playing any sort of gadget!!!!

Like the time my bunsoy got so crazy with the yoyo!!!

Like the time ERICJAZ FOODIES watched JERSEY BOYS with my Mom, Team Campo, and Jilliver!

Like the time Andrei became CORAL ZOMBIE and harassed the Chinese Dimpol and Master Mati. My little zombie was doing yoyo pa at the same time! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Like the time my first born showed how much he really cared for his baby brother even if he bullies Andrei all the time!

Like the time my little lords showed how devoted they are in prayer!

Like the time when we attended my officemate's surprise birthday party! FOOD here was VERY YUM!!!!

Like the time the Chinese Dimpol and I were in Don Bosco at 6am in the morning so we could have good seats and watch Andrei perform for his school Intrams!

My little god did SOOO GOOD!!!!

Like the time Andrei wore THIS shirt to school. I'm glad nobody followed his T-shirt!

Like the time Master Mati started his Taekwondo lessons!

Like the time Andrei had a birthday party to celebrate being 10 years old!

Like the time when my husband drove from BGC to QC then to Mandaluyong and to Greenhills just to fulfill a promise to our little bunsoy.

Yup! We ALWAYS watch the Christmas On Display show on Greenhills together. But in other days, we just watch with Andrei. Take note we don't just have one show of it. We watch it for MANY TIMES!!! Ha ha ha ha! It's okay because I know that someday, he won't ask to watch it as much anymore especially when he's all grown up.

Like the time I attended MY OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY  and won an Iphone 6!!!!!!!

Like the time when I caught Santa Claus ON VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you see him???


I apologize for this loooooooooong post. However, since ERICJAZ FOODIES is my online diary, I took this opportunity to list down our unforgettable times as a family for the year 2016.

And yes, looking back, it really made me nostalgic at how we truly had a blessed, awesome, and fun 2016. Of course, like any other couple/family, we also hit some lows. But remembering all the laughs, the destinations, the hilarious posts, and of course, the full tummies, I'd say it was our best year yet!!!!!!!!!!

On that note, THE YAPPY BUNCH are so excited for 20125... ESTE... 2017!!!!!!!!! Here's wishing everyone a happy, great, and uber fun New Year ahead!!!!!!!!!




(PS. I'll still be posting A LOT of my blogs from 2016 which I wasn't able to publish online yet. Expect "regular" 2017 blogs maybe on February na. Har de har har!)




WITH FEELINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Awwww.. Kahit long post to binasa ko talaga at tawang tawa ko habang nagbabasa! Happy New Year Jazz! Talagang napansin ko ang laki ng tinangkad ni Matti from January up to this day. Haha!

    PS. I invited you in FB. Hope you will accept it!

    1. Bwa ha ha ha ah! Syempre accepted!!! I thought nga kamaganak kita!!!! :)

      Yeyyy! Thanks so much pinagtyagaan mo tong very long post ko ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I was initially planning on a short entry lang pero while I was reviewing the year, I was like, Ay isama ko to... Ay isama ko din to... Ay dapat to din!!! I can't leave anything behind! Special lahat!

      Thanks so much for always check us out. I'm honored that you share in our joy. God bless you always and have a bountiful 2017!!!!! Wohooooo!

  2. At syempre kilig ako! hahaha! lalo nung sinabo mo akala mo kamag anak mo ko! Hahaha! You're always welcome! Sad nga ko pag wala kang post eh hahaha! demanding ba?

    1. Ha ha ha ha! I love it nga e! It's more nakakakilig knowing that somebody is reading something that I so love doing! Actually talaga I have 27 unpublished blogs that happened last year, kaso inuna ko yung mga hindi pwedeng malate. Ha ha ha ha ha! Tapos, I suddenly got into vacation mode nung December, kaya ayun!!!! Stocked up! Will publish na talaga every day Monday to Friday. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks again MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

  3. I read this post in batches hahaha... may online class kasi ako. It was indeed ang colorful and fun 2016 for your family.

    1. Bwaha ha ha ha ha! Sorry it's so long!!! Dapat nga ata I cut it in 2 parts. Thanks that you read all of it. I hope hindi sumakit mata mo. He he he he he! Mmmmwaaaaaaaaaah!
