
Thursday, January 31, 2019


While planning our BAGUIO TRIP last December, we were all seriously deciding our itinerary because we want everything to be perfect with my Mommy. Of course, besides the places to go, we were all thinking hard about the restaurants we'll eat in.

Big problem though -- as much as we wanted to try all of the top restaurants in BAGUIO, we always go back to our favorites (Sizzling Steak, O Mai Khan, Glenn's Diner... ). AS IN PAULIT-ULIT KAMI!!!

Finally, we all mustered the strength to try out something new. We got some recommendations from friends which we all wanted to go to. However, due to the HORRENDOUS TRAFFIC that holiday weekend, we ended up in this humble Japanese restaurant that seemed to be so far from the busy and noisy streets of BAGUIO.


In the end, we were all glad that the jammed roads led us to this quiet home that served delicious and affordable Japanese food. And with this wonderful discovery (that is surely a must-try for everyone), we have another restaurant to add to our BAGUIO list that will ALWAYS be on rotation for us.

He he he he he he!!!! 


Like I mentioned above, YASURAGI was like a house converted into a restaurant. The great thing too was that it was inside a mini-compound so there were parking spaces available that was (somewhat) far from the honking roads of BAGUIO that weekend.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


I know! I know! I've had a LOT of O MAI KHAN blogs already (2 in fact) and I should be stopping because we are just eating the same things at the same time (dinner).


I have always said that my blogations is more of an online diary where I want to jot every special memory that happens. Eh, for this BAGUIO TRIP, we are with my Mommyowzers, her first time with us and her first BAGUIO TRIP in a looooooooooong time pa, so I really wanted to record EVERYTHING that we do with her.

And of course, one of the goals in our weekend is to have her taste our favorite food in BAGUIO.

Enter O MAI KHAN (again and again.... )


May isang tao o, beautiful eyes pa!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


While I was deciding where to stay in our BAGUIO TRIP, my kumareng Gail recommended that I check out NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL. She said that the rooms rates were reasonable and that the beds were big. She added that breakfast was included in the booking and it was delicious!!!

Oooooh. Really now????

So I booked because of all of those reasons and was generally happy with the hotel when we checked in.

Lo and behold, the FOOD ALPHABET family was also staying there for the weekend and I learned that it's actually their second time there. Of course I asked how they found the hotel and they gave me the same answer: room rates were reasonable and the beds were big. But what really put a twinkle in my kumpareng pogi's eyes was when he said "Breakfast IS included and it was great!!!"

Aba dalawa na nagsasabi non ah!!!!

So I went down with my family hungry and excited for our breakfast in NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL. It was, of course, my favorite meal of the day (besides and dinner and lunch... Ha ha ha ha).

How did I find it? Read below and see. You'll all see!!!!!!!


The breakfast in NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL was served in their restaurant, ELEMENTS.

Checking their buffet rates, I'd say that the prices are indeed very reasonable. 

Monday, January 28, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH were going to BAGUIO to have a pre-birthday celebration for the bunsoy Andrei and while we were planning it, he requested to for his Lola, my Mom, to join us.

That's great!!! I thought to myself. I was really planning on treating my Mommy to join us in BAGUIO and it felt good that my own son was thinking of the same thing.

Yup! My boys love their Lola (and Lolo Pogi - rip) soooo much!!!!

So when we were plotting our itinerary and planning our BAGUIO trip, we looked for hotels that would comfortably accommodate my family. We already stayed in  somebody's house, GRAND SIERRA PINES, and CHALET HOTEL, so we wanted to try something else.

When I was deciding where to go, my bunsoy whispered if it was okay to get his own bed. He said since it was his (pre) birthday celebration, maybe he doesn't have to share with his Kuya even just this once. Okay I said. I thought since my Mom will be joining us, it would be better to get a separate room for her anyways.

When asking around, my Mareng Gail recommended that I check out NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL. She stayed there before and loved the spacious rooms, queen-sized beds, the heated pool, and the buffet breakfast! The best part too was that it was super affordable.

SOLD! He he he he he!

I checked out NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL online and saw that yes, booking two rooms for two nights was still within my budget. I was glad too that even if it was a long weekend, there were still rooms available for us.

So YAYY! We're booked and ready to go!

Another great thing was that I discovered our good friends THE FOOD ALPHABET family also made reservations in the same hotel that weekend.

See? Everything was meant to be.

(Ang OA... he he he).


We're here in NEWTOWN!!!!

Haaaaay! FINALLY after 11 hours!!!

Yup! I won't stop ranting about it.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in BAGUIO, our second time this year, to treat my Mom and to have a pre-birthday celebration for my bunsoy baby Androse. BAGUIO has always been one of my happy places because I remember how when I was a kid, my Dad brought the whole family here for our first official getaway. It was truly one of my most unforgettable family trips ever that even our simple activities (traveled via Victory Liner, stayed in a hotel, rode taxis, went horseback riding, etc) already gave us the most wonderful and heart-warming memories.

For our BAGUIO trip this December, I could safely declare that it will be one for the books even if we haven't arrived yet! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Well for one, we were stuck for a record breaking 11 hours on the road (Yup! Parang nagUS na din kami!) but we were able to prove that as long as you're with the best company (my family and Mommy!!!) EVERYTHING will still go right!!!!!

When we arrived in BAGUIO, traffic was still horrible. HOWEVER, by some stroke of luck (or the work of our guardian angel perhaps?) our drive was not as bad compared to the others. So yay! We were able to go to the places that we initially planned to and happy that we got to share our family activities with my Mommyowzers.

Check out part two of our December BAGUIO TRIP! It really goes on to show that when you're with the people you love, you'll still have an awesome time no matter what.


After THE LOURDES GROTTO, we went straight to THE MANSION!!!!

"Facundo! Ilabas ang mga kabayo! Ngayon din!"

He he he he he he!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


WOHOOO!!! We're going to BAGUIO!!!

I know that many of you will be saying "BAGUIO AGAIN??? Anak ng...." And honestly, I have also contemplated if I am going to blog about our 3 day trip or not because it's already our second time this year. But for this one though, we are going with my Mommy, and I am positive that this is something I want to document here.

Siguro naman by now you have an idea that my blog is my online diary and not really for monetary purposes right? He he he he he!!!

My Mom is a doctor and she devoted her life to my Dad and the family. She and Daddyowzers were so in love and is one of the sweetest couples I know. They always went out on dates (as in A LOT OF DATES... baka nagbibiglang liko na I don't know... ha ha ha ha! Kidding) and would always do the HHWW (Holding Hands while Walking).  I swear, they're my role models. Yun lang, they don't do many out of Manila trips because of the family business. It's okay. Mommy naman din is just fine staying home with all of us. And if my Daddy is not with her, she'll not go out din.

After my Daddy passed away ( :( ), we were all worried for my Mom because she's sooooo used to him always being there. Now,  my siblings and I really make it a point to not leave her home alone and take her with us. The touching thing too is that even the boys Mati and Andrei don't like leaving their Lola alone. My Mom of course would tell us that she's fine and to not mind her. I'm sure she's okay (she's one of the strongest ladies I know) but we just don't want to. Period. I'm sure my Daddy wouldn't want us to leave his true love behind.

When she agreed to go with us in our BAGUIO TRIP we were so happy (Yup! It's our new tradition to go there every December as one of Andrei's bday celebrations). We really wanted to treat her in the City of Pines because I think the last time she was there was when we were snotty kids (one of my most memorable trips EVER).

So yes, I'll blog about this December BAGUIO TRIP because it will be a VERY special one for me. I want to remember every moment about it because we will be with the number one lady of our lives.

My Mommy!!!!!!!!!!!

And, expect many more blogs about our BAGUIO TRIPS in the future too (hopefully) with my Mommyowzers!!!

We woke up super early so that we'll leave for Baguio at 4:00am!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019


For one Sunday family lunch, my Mommy craved for some Korean food and asked where we could go after mass.

Hmmmm..... Korean restaurants are so abundant now in the Metro that deciding where to go could be a Herculean task. Not only that, the popular ones would surely be sporting long lines that the shortest wait time would probably be an hour or more.

Poor us! Eh we're hungry na!!!!!

I then remembered our recent midnight dinner at DONU and mentioned it to the family. I told them that DONU is a simple Korean restaurant that satisfied our cravings before.

GAME, they said. That's where my Mom will treat us for Sunday lunch they said.

And life was so well again! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep! Food does that to us.

May reklamo?



Monday, January 21, 2019


We promised the bunsoy baby Andrei that when he was super behaved and when the time was right, we will take out his little doggies. He has been begging us to have a doggie outing for sooooooo long but were not able to do so because our weekends are usually full with other family plans. The only probable day for us was on a Sunday but we always put it off because there's school and work the next day.

Finally, the Yub and I decided to have a spontaneous outing with our boys and doggies. Of course, being the model parents that we are (he he he he he), we made Andrei "suffer" first -- we made him eat a lot of veggies (which he really hated. ha ha ha!), we made him take a long nap (he would rather play drums but he followed), and he became our mini-"servant" ("Andrei, get us water, with ice, now na!" KIDDING!!!). He he he he he!!!

That Sunday night, we finally went out with our doggies, Cable and Penny, to Bonifacio High Street. Truth be told, I was a little excited because it was Cable's first time out.

And like before, gimik with the doggies was very fun. Of course, it was a bit tiring (when we arrived Cable threw up while Penny pooped and I cleaned all of it!!), but the laughs coming from Andrei and seeing our cutie doggies all happy just made it all worth it.

And syempre, we ended our night pa with a delicious meal at ITALIANNI'S!


Our night out with Cable and Penny!!!!!!

Just so you now:

1) I'm not preggers. I'm just FAT.
2) The paper bag I'm carrying have our doggie essentials. So useful when Cable threw up and Penny made poopy.
3) When I cleaned up their mess, the Yub was parking while Andrei held on to their leash. I'm sure if he was there, he'd help. BUT nanandya our doggies when it's just me!!!! 
3) Kuya Mati didn't join us because he'd rather go to Greenhills with his Tito Jon.
4) The doggies were so raring to run around when this picture was taken.

Friday, January 18, 2019


We now have a new baby Burger!!!

Okay, just to clarify, Baby Burger is not mine (Captain America and I used protection... bwe he he he). She is actually the super cutie patootie grand daughter of my officemate, Tita Josie and we are all just crazy about her!!!

For those who are wondering why we call her "Burger," you'll know when you're pregnant and get an ultrasound. He he he he he he! Her real name is actually Taylor Alexis, but we still love calling her "Burger"!

At least hindi Burjer, right?

My officemates and I just absolutely adored Burger even if we haven't seen her in the flesh. We only depended (albeit eagerly) through Tita Josie's FB and IG posts, and Messenger videos.

Hay naku! Almost everyday we would bug Tita Josie to bring her to the office so that we would finally see her. And everyday she would turn us down!

Until we got news that she's going to be baptized and saw our opportunity....


DAN... DAN... DANNNN!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2019


The YAPsters have this tradition of fetching the little lords on their last day of exams ( be it for the 1st, 2nd, or etc quarter) and treating them out to their restaurant of choice. It's more like a good job pat from me and the Yub for the boys that they could eat. He he he he he he!

For that Saturday (yes, the last day always falls on a weekend), I asked my guys what they felt like having for lunch and they both shouted "Korean!!"

I suddenly had an epiphany (yep food does that to me) and remembered how the Yub and I passed by this Korean restaurant going home from work.


What really caught our attention was that they offered this buy 1 take 1 promo for their diners since it was their opening month. And after reading the reviews of their other branches, I was convinced that it was worth a try.

So really, it was density, este, destiny for us. And not because of the buy 1 take 1 deal, or how near it was to our place, but we all had an enjoyable lunch because we loved the food.

Wohoo! Korean!!! Annyeonghaseyo!!!!!!!

Hellooooo boys!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


We recently got tickets to watch the latest Broadway musical presented by the Atlantis Theatrical Entertainment Group entitled WAITRESS and I invited the usual suspects to go with me -- Mommy, Ate Jojit, her hub Anthony, AND the Yubhub!

I actually haven't heard about this supposed to be popular Broadway musical until now. Based on the ads though, it seemed entertaining and even if I did't know the songs, I'm sure it will be something that my Mom and sister will like.

I CANNOT say the same for the boys though. I recently discovered that when it comes to our plays, they have this secret "jak en poy" in determining who will go with us. Of course, if we didn't have  a driver or we really needed a bodyguard, they have no choice. But if we just happen to have an extra ticket, they'll certainly head for the hills. HA HA HA HA HA!

That's why when my good friend Aning learned that we're going to watch WAITRESS she asked if we could get her extra tickets because she really wanted to go with us.


Now THAT was Anthony's opportunity to escape. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! As for the Yub, he said we needed a bodyguard (aka he secretly wanted to watch) kaya he'll go with us. Maybe he learned about the naughty story? I don't know. But it's great that he'll be joining us!

So yep, we had a great Fridate with WAITRESS. It's always fun bonding with my Mom, ate Jit, and now Aning, over a Broadway play.

If there's nudity, the Yub will SURELY agree. He he he he he he he!

THE WAITRESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019


It was a Saturday and THE YAPPY BUNCH were in Master Mati's school because it was their cheering competition for their Intramurals. Every year, each House (Rinaldi, Rua, Caravario, and I forgot the last... ayun Sandor) would come up with a song, dance, and cheer to kick off their week-long sporting event. It could be actually very competitive and it was evident in their colorful and super entertaining cheers. 

The start of the cheer was at 5:00pm but since Master Mati had to be there ng 2:00pm, we stayed and waited for it na lang.

At least we were able to get good seats for the event. Yun lang, our pwits suffered SO MUCH!!! He he he he he he he!

OH YEAH. All for one and one for all kami lagi!

Monday, January 14, 2019


One of the original and pioneer staffmembers of TAPE INC, Tita Peng, was visiting from the US, that's why my group the Seniors... este... TITAS of TAPE Inc. planned a ladies night out in her hownor.


I was pretty excited because I don't get to go out often with my TAPE friends as we're all busy with work and family. AND since we're all tanders na, we don't like staying out late too much. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Don't worry, I said "WE'RE" naman.

In deciding where to go, we all chose to go back to GINZADON because we remembered how much we enjoyed our last meal there. And just like before, we all enjoyed the food that energized us to an awesome night. Yup! We were all noisy having super fun that you'd think we were all 20 year olds.

20 year olds jamming to Juan Miguel Salvador.

Egad we're TITAS na talaga.


Yay! Tita Peng is here!!!!!

Ladies night out starts NOW!!!

Wives, hide your hubbies, these hotties are coming!!!!! Ha ha ha ha ha!


Friday, January 11, 2019


We had a late check-out in our recent staycation in SAVOY HOTEL, and since it was about past 2:00pm, my family was already finished having our usual Sunday lunch. We could still go home and eat there of course, but we didn't want to bother anyone because most probably they're having their afternoon siestas (my usual habit too at the last day of the week!).

So where to go for our late family Sunday lunch? We strolled around and saw GILIGAN'S at the next building.   Even if we just had Filipino food the night before, seeing the green signage of GILIGAN'S got me drooling because I remembered how much the Yub and I enjoyed their food years ago in their Robinson's Galleria branch.

And now we got our venue for our Sunday family lunch. Let's hope that they serve the same hot and delicious food here just like what we experienced in their Robinson's Galleria branch. Because if they do, then that means even our little lords would be happy with their food!


Were at GILIGAN'S!!! 

This was just a short walk from SAVOY HOTEL but kinda far from Maxim and Belmont. 

Thursday, January 10, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having a staycation in Savoy Hotel and we were all having such a grand time, swimming, online surfing, relaxing, etc. that we actually didn't want to leave our rooms. However, our tummy grumbled and we knew that we had to put a temporary stop to our laziness. When thinking where to go, we suddenly craved for some Filipino food because its comforting levels would be like the cherry topping to our lazy cake. He he he he he!

And remembering the first time we were in this area, we went for GERRY'S GRILL because not only was their food delicious, the prices were very affordable as well.

We also can't get enough of their Ginataang Kuhol! Ha ha ha ha ha!



Tuesday, January 8, 2019


It's time to say good-bye to our awesome 2018 and even though our NEW YEAR'S EVE was VERY different from how we used to celebrate it (for one, the rest of the family are in crummy London), we all still had an exciting and delicious time.

Yub's family was actually in Manila for a NEW YEAR countdown. If my Mom and siblings were all here, we would've joined them (since we used to celebrate the end of the year in Lucena). HOWEVER, it's just going to be my Kuya Jon all alone at home.  And even if he insisted that he was fine staying behind while we joined Yub's family, I wouldn't have it. The reason why he's staying put and not going out was because he's carrying out our Daddy's tradition of not leaving the house all quiet and sad on NEW YEAR'S EVE. Of course, the thought of my Kuya celebrating by himself is just so heart-breaking to me. At the same time, I also want to further honor my Daddyowzers by continuing his tradition.  So I told Yub "If you want to join your family, go lang. Basta my boys and I stay here!"

(Yes. I'm the model wife I know. Sa mga ex ko, I'm sure you're happy you didn't end up with me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!)

I'm thankful that the Yub was so understanding and actually agreed on my point. He also loved my brother (who has always been kind to him) and also can't bear the thought of leaving him behind.

So yay! It was final. We're staying home with our Kuya (and Daddy) for NEW YEAR'S EVE!

See? If you put a lot of love and effort to your family no matter how busy you are with work, the love will go back to you. You will never be the option but the priority!!

Hope you also have MORE family time this 2019!!! That's the most important anyways!

Love you always my Daddyowzers!

(Belated) HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

Yep! My face will be like that the whole of 2019!!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2019


I've been a Dabarkads for 10 years and believe me, it's such an understatement how we all look forward to the "culmination" of our employment every year...


When I was new in TAPE INC., many people would tell me how awesome our parties were and that the abundance of prizes were incomparable to what the other companies gave.

Yup! It's true!!!!!

I cannot disclose of course the specifics of what we all received but just take my word for it. As in ang saya saya niya!!!!! We ARE after all the number one noontime show for 3 decades now so I'm sure, the company knew how to take care of their employees.

They know how to get us all fatter too!!!!!!!!

Even if every year we enjoy the same food and have the same flow of program, I still have a blast. Every party is still something very memorable for me. The great thing however was that this year, I attended not one but two Christmas parties where both gave me such wonderful blessings that made me go home a winner. It was truly an exciting way to party the last month of the year in my work life.

Check out my Christmas parties at my former company AND with EAT BULAGA. One was truly unexpected while the other was the same every year.

BUT, both were super nights to remember -- in my heart and big forehead. He he he he he he he!



It's another EAT BULAGA Christmas party!!!!!

Friday, January 4, 2019


And it's the second half of my AWESOME YAPPY 2018!

I'm doing this weird compilation because many times I would think that this year was meh, ultra boring, or that NOTHING exciting happened. But then when I really look back and take note of the places we went to, food we ate, movies we watched, funny moments with the kiddies, memorable getogethers with family and friends, our yearly traditions, etc, etc, it would always get me remorseful at how ungrateful I was.

Because really, it WAS indeed a great year!!!

Checking out what we were all up to in the past 6 months just made me all fuzzy up inside and happy. There was so much to be thankful for! Of course, it would have been perfect if my Daddyowzers was with us. However, we could always feel his love and care especially that he left behind values and traditions in treasuring ones family.

Let me share with you once again some of the highlights of the last 6 months of our 2018 (I said "some" because the others might not be fit for sharing... ha ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding!). We are indeed thankful for all the blessings and our memorable times with our family and friends. Thank YOU also for joining us in this silly foodie bloggie journey. He he he he he he he!!!!

Cheers to 2018! YEBAH!

Now here's our July to December, 2-OH-EIGHTEEN!


It was the end of summer vacation so it was time for the little lords to have their overdue haircuts (Andrei would let his hair grow long during vacation).

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Yohooo! Christmas is here once again, so let me ask you this question:

How do you choose to celebrate the birth of our Lord?

Will you whine about the unimaginable traffic around the Metro?
Will you complain about the high prices of groceries and various goods?
Will you nitpick the simple gifts?
Will you further alienate the family members whom you can't stand?
Will you groan at the thought of going to work during the holidays?
Will you measure and be all emotional at the inches you'll be gaining in the next few days?

If yes, then I pity you. SO MUCH.

Because really, you don't go to a party all dark, solemn, and complaining about the food and the attendees. When you attend the birthday bash of your special someone, you get all happy and excited, you'll enjoy whatever's served, you'll chat up and laugh with the other guests. Bottomline is, you're all there to celebrate and honor the VIP of the night. Not be a pathetic party pooper.

To think it's going to be the birthday of our Lord!!!! Now why can't you extend the same kind of happiness for him?? Pang-friends ka lang GANERN?!!!!!

As for me, I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS. There's really something about Christmas that brings out the loving warmth and childlike joy out of everyone. Yun lang, even if I'm usually excited and happy vibes-all-the-way, I'm somehow dreading Christmas because my Mom and sibs will be in London for the holidays. As for us, we'll be left behind with our brother because of the family business and work.


Not only WOULD I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TO BE IN LONDON but I can't imagine Christmas without the family. This would be the first Christmas where we would not be together.

And because of that, I found myself almost whiney like what I posted above.

But then, like in the true sense of Christmas spirit, everything became okay. What I thought would be a lonely and sad season, became very fun and memorable. My Gatdula family may not be here but THE YAPPY BUNCH and my brother are with me and we were able to make a loving, warm, AND FUNNY (promise) celebration that strengthened our bond.

So yes, it's still a SUPER Merry Christmas!!! This is surely one of our most unforgettable one to date!!!

I sincerely hope you all had one too!