
Thursday, January 31, 2019


While planning our BAGUIO TRIP last December, we were all seriously deciding our itinerary because we want everything to be perfect with my Mommy. Of course, besides the places to go, we were all thinking hard about the restaurants we'll eat in.

Big problem though -- as much as we wanted to try all of the top restaurants in BAGUIO, we always go back to our favorites (Sizzling Steak, O Mai Khan, Glenn's Diner... ). AS IN PAULIT-ULIT KAMI!!!

Finally, we all mustered the strength to try out something new. We got some recommendations from friends which we all wanted to go to. However, due to the HORRENDOUS TRAFFIC that holiday weekend, we ended up in this humble Japanese restaurant that seemed to be so far from the busy and noisy streets of BAGUIO.


In the end, we were all glad that the jammed roads led us to this quiet home that served delicious and affordable Japanese food. And with this wonderful discovery (that is surely a must-try for everyone), we have another restaurant to add to our BAGUIO list that will ALWAYS be on rotation for us.

He he he he he he!!!! 


Like I mentioned above, YASURAGI was like a house converted into a restaurant. The great thing too was that it was inside a mini-compound so there were parking spaces available that was (somewhat) far from the honking roads of BAGUIO that weekend.

YASURAGI was recommended by my good friend Aning (of Team Virrey) because it was one of her brother's favorites. 

The restaurant was homey and simple. There may not be enough tables but you could still call ahead for reservations. Service was great!

There were also many tables outside but it was sooooooooo cold that we decided to stay indoors.


Master Mati and Mommy!!!

The brothers who loved each other SOOOO MUCH -- Andrei and Mati!

The Yub, Me, and the male restroom!

It would really be better if they put that somewhere else. He he he he he he!

Yes. We're all so serious!

Simple YASURAGI setting. 

Ordering up!

YASURAGI menu 1...

YASURAGI menu 2...

YASURAGI menu 3...

YASURAGI menu 4... 

Prices are sooooooo affordable right? Hopefully the food is good too!!!!!

First dish on the table was Andrei's order of YASURAGI Salmon (P190.00)!

The fish was not as fatty like in other more expensive restaurants but it was fresh and still delicious! 

Andrei finished this in no time. 

Since Mommy would always ask for California Maki, we got one for her (P130.00)!

YASURAGI Futo Maki (P130.00)!

YASURAGI Tekka Maki (P90.00)!

A staple for us in any Japanese restaurant. 

YASURAGI Squid Sashimi (P180.00)!

Another request by Mati!

Yup! Mati turns into a kid in a toystore when he's in a Japanese restaurant.

And since the first one was wiped out in a jiffy, Anrei ordered another one!

Since I always have to have veggies in my system, I got the YASURAGI Kani Salad (P160.00)!

I would have loved it better if they used Japanese Mayo in the dressing but that's just me. The light flavored sesame cream was fine with greens and shredded crabsticks.

I'm a sucker for Japanese Fried Rice, so we ordered for us (P60 per bowl). I personally found that it lacked a bit of flavor but I guess it was fine with the other dishes. 

It was a cold evening so Master Mati asked for a hot bowl of YASURAGI Sukiyaki (P200.00)!

This certainly warmed him up in no time!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and Mommy in YASURAGI!


We also got Shrimp Tempura din pala (P350.00 / 8pcs)

Nom... Nom... Nom...

Near the end of dinner, I saw the boys with their heads bent down and so serious.

Awwwww! They're praying!!!!




Yub's bill!!!

For all the food we ordered, this was a small price to pay. Wohooo! Winner na winner!!!!!!

We were sooo happy with our dinner at YASURAGI! For the super affordable price, we were able to satisfy our Japanese cravings, plus more! Since dishes were cheap, there was no limit in ordering (isky's the limit!!!). That's why everyone was happy (even the usually kuripot Yub! He he he he).

The great thing too was we finished all that food! Sarap!!!!

Would love to go back again and again!

Check out the address. 



