
Monday, January 21, 2019


We promised the bunsoy baby Andrei that when he was super behaved and when the time was right, we will take out his little doggies. He has been begging us to have a doggie outing for sooooooo long but were not able to do so because our weekends are usually full with other family plans. The only probable day for us was on a Sunday but we always put it off because there's school and work the next day.

Finally, the Yub and I decided to have a spontaneous outing with our boys and doggies. Of course, being the model parents that we are (he he he he he), we made Andrei "suffer" first -- we made him eat a lot of veggies (which he really hated. ha ha ha!), we made him take a long nap (he would rather play drums but he followed), and he became our mini-"servant" ("Andrei, get us water, with ice, now na!" KIDDING!!!). He he he he he!!!

That Sunday night, we finally went out with our doggies, Cable and Penny, to Bonifacio High Street. Truth be told, I was a little excited because it was Cable's first time out.

And like before, gimik with the doggies was very fun. Of course, it was a bit tiring (when we arrived Cable threw up while Penny pooped and I cleaned all of it!!), but the laughs coming from Andrei and seeing our cutie doggies all happy just made it all worth it.

And syempre, we ended our night pa with a delicious meal at ITALIANNI'S!


Our night out with Cable and Penny!!!!!!

Just so you now:

1) I'm not preggers. I'm just FAT.
2) The paper bag I'm carrying have our doggie essentials. So useful when Cable threw up and Penny made poopy.
3) When I cleaned up their mess, the Yub was parking while Andrei held on to their leash. I'm sure if he was there, he'd help. BUT nanandya our doggies when it's just me!!!! 
3) Kuya Mati didn't join us because he'd rather go to Greenhills with his Tito Jon.
4) The doggies were so raring to run around when this picture was taken.

We're thankful that the 2 doggies are so behaved. They don't bark or attack other people. They just ran around and were just curious.

When we take the Cable and Penny out it's only BGC or Ayala Triangle for us because we like the park setting for them.

Cable is soooo lazy!! After a few minutes of walking, she would plop down on the pavement like this.

The doggies made a lot of friends in BGC. We noticed that they're nicer to male dogs though. I guess they feel the others were bitches. He he he he he!

Awwww... This lab was so friendly too!

Cable was a hairy Dachshund while Penny was a Jackshund (half Jack Russsel and half Dachshund). To be honest, we saw many more cute doggies in BGC but for some reason, a lot of people would approach us to compliment the doggies and play with them. Awwww....

My bunsoy baby is always so proud when that happens. 

Good thing too that our doggies Cable and Penny are soooo friendly.

They don't bark and happily played with their "new friends."

Except for this one. Ha ha ha ha h haa!!!!

Our doggies were not the only ones who saw friends. The bunsoy saw some classmates from school.

I bumped into pretty Maan who lived nearby and had a date with her daughter.

We just discovered that Bonifacio High Street started their Christmas Light Show for the season. It ran every 30 minutes so we were able to watch a full show.

When we asked the Andrei baby where he wanted to have dinner, he said he's fine with Italian food. Good thing there was an ITALIANNI'S nearby which had an available table al fresco.

Check out Penny watching every move of Eric (he's the one who took the picture). She always looks out for us. Awwwww...

Eow pozh!!!

We fastened the doggies up real good!

HOWEVER, Penny was still able to escape. Ha ha ha ha h aha! We caught her and discovered that her leash needed adjusting.

The Yub made a manly squat to do this. HOWEVER, his butt crack suddenly showed up. HELLO!!!!!!!!! 

I ran to cover up his behind. You should know that it's indicated in all wedding certificates that wives should always cover their husband's butt. He he he he he!

Finally the two were able to sit down na.

The doggies were all tied up. I swear if you guys run away pa we'll not go after you.


Food is here so LET'S EAT!

ITALIANNI'S Complimentary Bread! I always eat it with a dip made up of Olive Oil, Balsamic Vinegar, and Parmesan Cheese!

First on the table is my order of ITALIANNI'S Sicilian Salad (P495.00)!

One of my favorites from ITALIANNI'S because of the fresh veggies tossed in creamy ranch dressing. So addicting and I think I could finish the whole thing!

My one other favorite in ITALIANNI'S is the Spinach and Artichoke Formaggio (P345.00)!!!! Rich and cheesy spread that you slather on to the toasted bread.  Hay so addicting!

The guys don't like this so MORE FOR ME!!!!

Andrei was craving for his "usuals" in ITALIANNI'S. One was the Create Your Own Pizza (P225.00)!

Don't worry. He didn't wash his hands. He he he he he he!

We discovered later on that kiddies eat free so we were able to take this out of the bill.

Yay Andrei!

The Yub ordered his favorite, ITALIANNI'S Pork Chops (P745.00)!

It was not as thick and tasty as it was before but it was still good.

He he he he! The doggies have their own food but we gave them some of our bread and pork chop fat. He he he he he!!!!

Something tells me that Penny wanted more.

Awwww... Ain't she so cute here???

Besides his pizza, the bunsoy Andrei got his default order, Carbonara (P350.00)!

Would you believe that he finished this?

It was not as creamy and cheesy as he was used to but it was still worthy member of the clean plate club.

ERICJAZ FOODIES with Andrei and the doggies in ITALIANNI'S!!!

Yay! Andrei's pizza is here!

The pizza was actually VERY good!!! Crunchy with the right amount of cheese and sauce. I think the Yub enjoyed this more than the pork chop. Ha ha ha ha!


After 15 minutes...

He he he he he!!


After eating, the bunsoy baby asked if he could go around with his doggies.

The Yub got the car so we just walked around.

We decided to let Cable loose because she was a very behaved doggie. She would only follow her Ate Penny and stay close behind.

When it was time to go,  Cable and Penny happily jumped into their doggie box.

I don't know if it's just my imagination but I could see them smiling here.


I know we should schedule more outings with the doggies because it really is a fun night for everyone. Hopefully next time, our Master Mati will join us.

I'll force him to!!!

Sabagay, the drawing factor there would be the delicious dinner in the end. He he he he he!

(I know that's a BIG factor too for me!)



B5, Bonifacio High Street, 9th Avenue, 
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City
02 8563890 / +63 9988813356




  1. Hello Jaz,

    Cable & Penny are so cute!!!

    I love dogs I always have. Since 7 years old we always had one or two meron pa nga time we were taking care of 4 dogs total. Prang never kami nawalan ng aso if I remember it correctly.

    A huge responsibility if you're a kid but they are best stress relievers.

    Nag alaga din kami ng doves, white mice, hamsters, rabbits, & fishes. At kasabay yon ng mga aso so it was like a mini-zoo.

    I don't think my childhood would have been complete without owning pets.
    It taught me how to be kind & compassionate especially to those who cant take care of themselves animals & humans alike.

    I have 2 golden retrievers as of the moment. Tig isa kami ng utol ko.

    Downside? I get so affected when they pass away. Meron pa nga one time I filed for a week of absence at work dahil namatay yung favorite ko na alaga.

    The rest are great times I have a blast when Im playing with them especially on weekends when it's my time off.


    1. Hulooooo Kyle! How are you???? Hope you're doing GRRRREAT! He he he he he!

      Thank you!! Naku, masters Mati and Andrei would be so proud. In fairness they're really cute because they are so playful and friendly. I'm sure they're plus factors for that. He he he he he!

      Same here. We always have dogs growing up because my Dad also believed that they're "pamalit buhay". When my own doggie passed away though I found it hard to take care of one again so for many years we didn't have one. Ngayon lang uli kami nagkaroon because of the kids!

      At first I really didn't want to take care of a dog again but since Andrei begged us before, I agreed. I thought it would also teach him to be more responsible.

      Ay we're somehow the same! Ha ha ha ha ha! My Dad is an animal lover and tolerated Andrei's curiosity and affection for them as well. Besides Penny and Cable, we also have 2 cats, goldfishes, doves, and chickens. Yung chickens namin we don't eat them ah. Andrei got them as chicks from Binondo and took care of them. He's had 2 sets so far. They live for only 3 years pala! Andrei even had a spider and talangka before but they died na. He he he he he he he he!!!!

      Same here!!!!!!! I really loved my dog. She's half Japanese spitz and half beagle (I think) and I got her when I was 7 years old. Grabe when she died when I was 21, I cried for many days. Actually I still get teary eyed of her memory. We had many great times. I remember pa non before going on a retreat she was already soooo weak. Our maid said that she didn't eat for 3 days while I was gone. When I returned she was like saying goodbye and that night she died. Ay naku! Hala I'm crying again. Ha ha ha a ha! I won't forget her ever. That's why I cannot really love another dog kasi I gave everything to her. :(

      Wow!!!! I love big dogs like retrievers!!! Hope to see them.

      Take care :) Haaaaay stupid dogs talaga... Sniff sniff... That's why I can't bring myself to watch Hachiko. Just the thought of it makes me remember my dog and waterworks come na. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Thanks Kyle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
