
Tuesday, January 15, 2019


It was a Saturday and THE YAPPY BUNCH were in Master Mati's school because it was their cheering competition for their Intramurals. Every year, each House (Rinaldi, Rua, Caravario, and I forgot the last... ayun Sandor) would come up with a song, dance, and cheer to kick off their week-long sporting event. It could be actually very competitive and it was evident in their colorful and super entertaining cheers. 

The start of the cheer was at 5:00pm but since Master Mati had to be there ng 2:00pm, we stayed and waited for it na lang.

At least we were able to get good seats for the event. Yun lang, our pwits suffered SO MUCH!!! He he he he he he he!

OH YEAH. All for one and one for all kami lagi!

Setting up!

Master Mati pala invited my sister, Ate Jojit! 

The competition really started at 6:00pm (AUUUUGHHH!) but all impatience was forgotten when we saw the boys perform.

In the end, Mati's house lost. The two houses raked in all of the awards while the other two didn't get anything. It was heart-breaking to look at the boys because they really worked hard for their performance. Yun lang, judges were outsiders and they gave unbiased (or unsympathetic) scoring that Mati's house and another didn't win at all.

I consoled a very sad Mati saying that at least there was another house that didn't win a prize. It would hurt more if they're the only house that lost.

One of the head priests saw how sad the boys were and went to them to offer words of comfort. It was actually heartbreaking to see the high school students cry that I Fr. Chito was teary eyed as well.

He then gave a speech saying that even if this was a fun and challenging competition, "Hindi ikakayaman ng bawat estudyante o pagdudulutan ng world peace ang pagkapanalo ngayong gabi. There will always be winners and losers. What's important is that you are all winners to the people here who came because they love you."

Awwww!!!! So true my dearest! Ganyan talaga ang buhay. Just get over it and get ready for your next competition!


The event finished at about 11:00pm (MY POOR PWIT I KNOW!!!) that's why the Yub, Andrei, and I already ate. My sister had to leave earlier because she had a patient waiting in her clinic pa. We were supposed to just have drive thru for Master Mati, but seeing how sad he was I asked what he wanted for our ultra-late dinner.

With that, he answered Korean! 

Hala. It was already 11:00pm! I wonder if there were still Korean restaurants still open at this late hour. 

With that I remembered DONU. Yup! Open for 24 ours!

Even if it was already close to midnight, DONU still had some diners!

We sat at the corner since we're not going to have the buffet.


The Yub and the sad Master Mati!

Me and my sleepy bunsoy!

After we placed our orders, DONU immediately served us with refillable Banchan!

Fried Cucumbers...

Fried Hotdogs...

Fried Meatloaf...

Baby potatoes in sweet sauce...


Brace yourselves...


Though we'll not be able to cook it tableside, we still ordered some Korean Beef (P460.00) for wrapping!

I ordered extra lettuce leaves (P100.00) for that too.

What I was really craving for that night was a big bowl of their Ground Pork and Tofu in Kimchi soup!!!!

It was served still boiling from the pot and woah... this was soooooooooo appetizing with rice!

As for the Master Mati, his usual favorite in Korean restaurants is their Bibimbap (P300.00)! He even requests for extra spicy sauce.

The Yub was not really hungry and just got the fried Korean dumplings (P300.00)!

These were still A LOT that he just took home about 2 pieces. 

He he he he he he he he!

Even though my soup stopped boiling, it was still super hot!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in DONU!


The soft tofu was just perfect with the spicy soup!!!!!

Master Mati's bibimbap!

In between slurping of the spicy soup, I would also  munch on some Korean beef wrapped in lettuce.



Le bill!!!!!

Like what Fr. Chito said, in life you will win some and lose some. What matters is that you will learn from the experience and move on to the next. 

On your way though, don't forget the people who were there for you cheering you on and getting their asses flat for hours just to show your support. If you have one, two, or three of those cutie pie beings, winner na winner ka na.

Most especially too if they ask you where you want to eat just to get you going.

He he he he he he he!

We love you Master Mati!!!!! We will always be with you along with some mighty good Korean food.




BTW, when this post comes out, DONU would have already transferred to its new home. We'll post again!



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