
Tuesday, April 30, 2019


The Yub and I recently celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary and let me say how it felt like it's only been 10 minutes....

UNDERWATER! He he he he he!

Let me share with you our many celebrations when our blessed union (BLESSED UNION DAW O!!) turned 1-6. He he he he he!!! We had so many and I'm very thankful that we were able to honor our crazy marriage in our favorite ways.

Of course, I'm more thankful that I am able to celebrate it with the person that St. Joseph felt was meant for me.

Either THAT or He was giving me this big joke.


Tee hee..... :P


We're 16 years and counting!!!!!!

Oh and just in case you're wondering, we took this picture 16 years ago to greet our future selves!

Our first Anniversary celebration was when we treated our good friends THE POGI CEO couple, Albert and Suet, in Half Saints!

We loved the food and the company!!

Our Anniversary was certainly off to a sweet start!

On the day of our actual anniversary, we had a staycation in OKADA HOTEL(PART ONE and PART TWO) care of Yub's mom. 

It was our first time in OKADA so we were all excited.

It's a very memorable staycation!

You could check out our blog post HERE!!!

Dinner that night was in LA PIAZZA!!

(Pronounced La PIYATSUH for those who'll believe the manong guard who felt like correcting me with LA PIYAZAH when we asked for directions).

Irritating! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

All annoyance disappeared with our complimentary Anniversary dessert.



That night, I treated my family to PARADISE DYNASTY!!

Besides celebrating our anniversary, it was also supposed to be my Mom and Dad's 51st wedding anniversary as well.

Yes, my Dad may be in heaven but we'll never stop honoring their love that gave me and my siblings strong family values. We will always celebrate that.

Tuloy, my Mommy's apos love her soooo much!!!

AND, as you guessed it, blog post IS HERE!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

After our super fun staycation, I told the Yub we better have an Anniversary date. 

Ano sya? Takas sa date namin because his Mom already treated us for the whole weekend??? HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

Check out the fat and the meatiness in that dried angus!!!

When in MAMOU TOO, don't forget to get their Truffle Pasta!

The perfect tandem in MAMOU TOO!

For sides, I got the Brocolli baked with cottage cheese.

While the Yub got the steak rice topped with fried fat. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yayyy! Happy anniversary to us!!!!

My drool worthy plate from MAMOU!

He he he... We asked for extra fried fat because it's our Anniversary. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yep. On days like this, we love to live dangerously....

Don't worry. The gouty boy didn't get an attack afterwards. He he he he!

So happy!

Grabe... We eat little na lang talaga.

Took this home for Master Mati and Andrei!


The Yub's bill!!!!

For those would exclaim to us that we're so lucky to get free food because of blogging, HELLOOOOO... WE PAY FOR OUR FOOD!!!! If a restaurant invites and treats us, I always say so naman. If I didn't and post the receipt, e di KAMI ANG NAGBAYAD.

Remember that ERICJAZ FOODIES is just a hobby and not our livelihood. We have jobs that pay enough and we save so that we could have gimik and food trips with the family. I really don't want to post sana receipts but the ignorance of some people (and judgement) just peeves me. Don't put down our efforts in working hard, and saving just because it's more easy for you to judge that we always eat out for free because of blogging. E di  mag-ipon din kayo.

I'm so triggered kanina pa. Sorry! PMS I think. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

For the holiday, I treated my guys to some shopping (we bought Avengers shirts to get ready for AVENGERS ENDGAME... ha ha ha) and lunch!!! 

The choice of the YAPPY BUNCH that afternoon was Ramen Nagi!

I was really trying to control my carb intake but didn't want to disappoint the boys. So I just had this Gyoza with Tonkotsu soup. 

Our Anniversary celebrations were supposed to end with my treat in RAMEN NAGI. But then we discovered that CHILI'S was having a birthday blow-out and only charged P210 for all their burgers!

To think pa that CHILI'S is the place where we met on a blind date!!!

See? Meant to be!!!!

We had some of our favorite Nachos....

My side salad because gulay is life....

And our burger!

Ha ha ha ha ha! Sorry that it doesn't look much.

But it was sooo juicy and tasted sooo good.

We could eat it all but Master Mati asked if he could have some of our nachos. He he he he!


Happy Anniversary to us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know that I make a lot of jokes and make many mean comments ( he he he he ) but really, I feel so blessed (HUMBLEBRAG!!!! he he he eh) to be married to somebody who could take my weirdness. That is SO much better than somebody who would demand for me to become normal. As in babatukan ko sya.

Like many would always say, no marriage is perfect. There are many fights and instances where you'll want to let go. But what I'm really so thankful for is that when I prayed to God and St. Joseph that I hope the person They feel is meant for me to come, he arrived agad. And as evidenced by many episodes in our lives, he is here to stay. It just gives me a different kind of high to be so loved by somebody amidst my MANY imperfections. He he he he he he!

Happy Anniversary Yubhub! I know you're not going to read this naman so no need to give me that knowing yabang look later.

He he he he he!






  1. Replies
    1. Thanks dear Albert and Suet!! Hope to see you guys again soon!


    2. That sushi cake is over rated.

    3. SACRILEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. hey hey hey let haters be haters ika nga ni Taytay Swift. intindihin mo na lang baka nagugutom kse mashado sa mga masasarap na post mo! droooooooool!!!!

    Happy Anniv!!!!!! loooove the throwback pics!

    1. Huloooooooooooooo Lucy A!!! How are you???

      Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks! I'll bear that in mind. To think that it's acquaintances and some relatives who'll say this. Yung mga real close friends and fam namin know the truth.

      Kaya yun. Even if I don't want to post sana the receipt, I do it na din to shut them up.

      Ha ha ha ha ha! Malamang! Sabagay ako din minsan after finishing a blog I'm like, YUUUUUUUUUUUB COULD WE EAT HERE AGAIN??

      Thanks again mwah mwah mwah! Ako din I love it kasi payat pa ako. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Mwah mwah!

  3. Happy 16th Anniversary po sa inyo ni hubby Ms.Jaz :)
    I always check in the morning kung may new posts eh..hehehe and you know why I love to read your blog is because prehas tayo na mahilig sa celebrations hahaha and i love to eat out too..don't mind your haters,kasi haters are secret admirers who don't understand why people love you :D kaya sorry na lang sila..hehehe

    1. Hulooooooo dear Tinemon!!!

      Miss you na! How are you???

      He he he he he! Thank you!!! Alam mo I have a lot pa of unposted blogs minsan lang I'm lazy to post (yep, i'm THAT lazy) ha ha ha ha pero reading your comment above got me sipag na. Thanks talaga ha? You've been with me for a LOOOONG time na!!!

      Correct! Celebrations are awesome especially with family and food! Sometimes nga excuse na ang celebrations e just ot eat... ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Naku sorry I ranted a bit. I think I was having PMS when I made this blog. Just had a sudden pang to explain why I post the receipts. Baka kasi may nayayabangan or what he he he he he!!!

      Pero that's a good way to look at it.Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Thank you again sooo much! Please take care always. Mwah mwah! Hope to hear from you again soon.
