
Thursday, February 28, 2019


It was Friday and THE YAPPY BUNCH will meet up for dinner somewhere in Rockwell. We were having Master Mati's birthday celebrations so I asked him what he felt like having.

Mati: "I'm in the mood for Japanese food Mommy but not in (blank)."

Me: "Okay. How about in (blank)?"

Mati: "No Mommy. The (blank) there is my former (blank)."

Me: "Hala di nga?!!! Sabihin mo si (blank) ay naging pang(blank) mong (blank)???"

Mati: "Yes Mommy. And you know what?? (blank) is the real (blank) of (blank)!!!!!"

Me: "AY SUSMIO!!!"

(I'm sure you know that some aspects in this conversation are not true anymore (he he he he he) and that we're just pulling each other's leg. Yep. Gutom lang yan.)

To make a long story short, we ate in OOMA because my big guy was in the mood for a different kind of Japanese food --  and we're glad we did because everything was wiped out!!! My birthday guy is happy.

My guys enjoyed the food at OOMA so much that they immediately asked when we could go back there again.

Me: "Soon anak. Let's go back on (blank)."

(He he he he! Baka may sumama pa. KIDDING!)



Wednesday, February 27, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH and Team Mina went to STAR CITY to fulfill one of Andrei's birthday wishes and we all had an awesome time!

I know what you (may) be thinking: How could we have fun in STAR CITY when there were other more fashionable options around???

First off, the admission tickets were very affordable (let me put that right out there) compared to Enchanted Kingdom or that Dessert Museum. Second, it had an indoor airconditioned area that served us well when it rained later in the afternoon. Third, the place was spacious but it was not ginormously big that at least we could comfortably find each other. Fourth, there were many snack kiosks around. Fifth, there were clean restrooms at many points. Sixth, we were with our best friends Team Mina.

And SEVENTH, STAR CITY was Andrei's wish. Since it's my bunsoy's loving request to go there, we are sure to have fun no matter what!!!!!


We made it a point to go there very early (the time it opened) so that it won't be too crowded.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


My dearest Master Mati recently turned 15 years old and THAT of course required our full attention with regards to his celebrations.


My big guy is getting bigger and when I asked him what he wanted to do, he just listed the following: the restaurants he wanted to go with us, an outing with his friends, and a meet-up with Mommy's friends too!


No more staycations.
No more getaway trips.
No more over the top OMG-IT'S-YOUR-BIRTHDAY-MY DEAREST-I-LOOOOVE-YOU-SOOOOO-MUCH type of gimmicks!


My big guy Mati is really growing up that when it comes to his birthdays, he wants everything simple. As long as he gets to eat at his food cravings, he's fine. Don't get me wrong though. There was a time where plans didn't push through but he was still SUPER mighty fine.

So that meant he's really maturing now and I would have to say good-bye to that chubby cheeked baby boy with the pouty red lips who'll say "Awwwww... Why Mommy??!!!" when things don't go his way.


Kidding aside, I'm really proud of how he's growing up into this tall and handsome gentleman who loves movies and going on foodtrips as much as we do. Of course, he's still not perfect but when I receive compliments as to how he's become so well-mannered and courteous just makes my heart explode in millions of pieces.

So really my dear Master Mati, if I could have it my way, i'd still have a staycation, getaway trips, and over the top OMG-IT'S-YOUR-BIRTHDAY-MY-DEAREST gimmicks because I love you. But since you're growing up into a nice young man who like things simple, I have to let go and let you do the things that YOU really want, because I LOVE YOU din.

Happy Birthday my dearest!!!!!

(Haaaaayyyyy.... Why didn't they tell us that having a son is difficult? You'll love them soooo much then they'll break your heart by growing up then he'll leave me for some hussy. BOO EFFIN HOO!!!!)

Hay naku! Here are his birthday celebrations (aka birthday foodtrips) na nga!!!


(Belated) HAPPY 15TH MY DEAREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 25, 2019


My little Bunsoy Baby recently celebrated his birthday last December and we're all so excited! Even if I asked him to write down all the things that he wanted to do for his 2 week (or is it 3 week??) celebrations, we still had more planned for him.

Of course, it doesn't really take much to make my boys happy and the usual dinner at their favorite Healthy Shabu Shabu is more than enough. But why stop there di ba? If you love somebody, you'll do what you can to make them SUPER happy.

What I love more about the Andrei is that he's so appreciative of everything that we planned for him. Even if he's already 12 years old, he'd give us this sweetest childlike smile that reflected his innocent excitement (other kids kasi would act bored and say MEH). Andrei would even ask shyly if we could give him a birthday song so that he could make a long wish at the end.

Haaaaay!!! My bunsoy Baby talaga is all about innocence, daydreaming, raindrops on roses, and whispers on kittens. I absolutely love how he faces everything with a sense of wonder and that mischievous smile. Naku I'm sure it's going to be different when he grows up into a macho man who'll be going after girls and be manyak and all (although Andrei has mini-bastus tendencies now).  That's why I'm making the most of my time with his little self who's willing to give me tight hugs and kisses whenever I liked.

My dearest, Happy Birthday!!!! Don't grow up so fast please. Always be Mommy's little baby bew bew. Words cannot express how much I love you. Mwaaaaah!!!!! Hope you enjoyed your birthday celebrations for year 2018.

And here's another MWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Happy 12th my bunsoy baby!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2019


We were having Andrei's 2018 birthday celebrations and one of his wishes was to go to Star City with his best guy pal, Paolo. We invited my BGP Mariane to join us and as expected, she agreed to come because she loved us (he he he he he).

As much as we loved the indoor setting of Star City, we wanted to be there super early because the crowds come in as the hours go by. So since the opening that day was at 2:00pm, we wanted to be right there as soon as they start letting ticket-holders in. With that, we decided that it's best to meet somewhere earlier and have lunch at the same time.

Now where to go???

There were A LOT of restaurants near Star City around the CCP Complex or along Roxas Boulevard that would be perfect for a birthday getogether. In fact, if we were feeling adventurous and extra celebratory, we would go somewhere that we haven't eaten before.

BUT, we were with our best friends. And I know that with them, we don't need to go anywhere flashy, expensive, or earth-shattering to have a great time. Truth be told, we could all just stay at home, order chicken, then chat away (with all our feet up) and still have an awesome day.

I guess, they were feeling the same because when I asked where we should go, BGP Mariane and Manong Fred suggested to have lunch in the restaurant that felt like home for them -- ARISTOCRAT. Don't get me wrong, these two could eat ANYWHERE that they wanted to, BUT like the people who could go everywhere, they chose their real favorites for special occasions.

And I super agree with them.

So ARISTOCRAT it is. And as expected, we had a super fun and delicious lunch to celebrate my bunsoys birthday.

Just the way we wanted.



ARISTOCRAT had the usual large crowd that day so it's a good thing that our group was able to get a table agad.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Call me baduy (because really, I am) but I absolutely LOOOOOVE Valentines.

In fact, I love it sooo much that I made a new name for it: VALENTIME'S!!! If you're a regular reader of my blog (ay kaawa awa ka namang nilalang) you'll see how I always refer to the day of hearts like that. Many times people would correct me (na parang I'm so engot) and I just say, "Well I like to call it VALENTIMES because I find that way cuter!"

May reklamo??? He he he he he!

Kidding aside, I've always loved VALENTIMES because growing up, I saw how kilig Mommy got when my Dad gave her Cadbury chocolates (which she'll share with us) and roses. I told myself, "When will my time come???"

Come my teenage years, my Dad gave me roses and labelled it with "Happy Valentines from your secret admirer, Roger" I don't know if my Dad gave roses every year because he saw nobody took a second look at me (NAPAKAGANDA KO NON PROMISE), OR, he's simply the most romantic person there is. I think it's the latter. He he he he.... But yeah, there were no Valentine scenarios ala Close Up commercials for me. While my friends were getting ready for their dates and their pa-cutesy-tootsie stuffed toys to give their boyfriends, I would usually just go out with my family. Honestly? I didn't mind too much because I always had fun with our movie and dinner nights that I didn't feel much of a loser. He he he he he he.  Maybe it's because I have the best company and I know that something (or someone) will be coming very soon.


So fast forward to when I got married and had the little lords. I know I always point this out but I cannot believe that for somebody who was ignored so much by boys in my HS years, I now have not one, but 3 super good-looking gentlemen to celebrate my VALENTIMES season with. As in, take my pick right???? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I guess that's the reason why I'm always up to do the whole shebang when it comes to VALENTIMES (wear red, love the flowers and chocolates, go out on Feb 14 even if it's traffic) because I have so much to catch up on.

The best part too is that I also have family dates to celebrate the season of amore.

See why I love VALENTIMES so much?

Check out this year's celebration! You'll also see how a very fun day suddenly made a nose dive in emotions. He he he he he!



Friday, February 15, 2019


One Sunday, THE YAPPY BUNCH went to our favorite mall in the metro for dinner. The Yub and I were not really craving for anything. So we asked the little lords:

"Where do you guys want to eat?" (It's really a standard question because we always go for what they wanted. Ha ha ha ha!)

The first one to speak up was Master Mati (since he's our resident foodie) and he hurriedly said KOREAN!!!!!!! (Just in case we changed our minds).  So the Yub and I decided KAYA may be a good choice for us that night because we haven't eaten there since it opened. 

And KAYA it is!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH met up with Team Virrey one Friday night for our usual food trip, chika, and coffee. You know us, when it's with good friends, it's always going to be a family affair. 

And for that night, the venue for our family bonding is in PERI PERI CHARCOAL CHICKEN AND SAUCE BAR!!!


Monday, February 11, 2019


KANTO FREESTYLE is a popular breakfast hub that is like your favorite street tapsilogan but with loads of style. One of their earliest branches was in the kalyes of Mandaluyong where you wouldn't mind eating as tricycles roar by and pusakals meow needily around your legs -- yup, the food was THAT good! The great thing too was that besides serving "gourmet" silog plates that were very affordable, KANTO FREESTYLE was open 24 hours! Now THAT was perfect after a night of "tugs! tugs!" He he he he!

KANTO has many branches but their newest one recently opened in San Juan near the Greenhills area. It is a bit different from the gourmet-carinderia style that we have been lovingly used to, but they still serve the same delicious plates of hot and affordable food that we love.

And for us, THAT'S what matters. He he he he!

KANTO FREESTYLE BREAKFAST recently invited us to try out their dishes plus more in their cozy new branch. It's cool that their latest spot is near the Greenhills shopping area that if you're craving for some cheap, Filipino comfort food before (or after) a day of shopping, KANTO FREESTYLE BREAKFAST will be there for you.

Check out our wonderful morning that stretched all the way till afternoon. He he he he he he he!

Yep! Good food does that to us!

The Kain Tulog Gang is in KANTO FREESTYLE BREAKFAST 65!!!!

The new KANTO FREESTYLE BREAKFAST branch is located in Annapolis street in the continental court building.

Thursday, February 7, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having a staycation in DISCOVERY PRIMEA for the birthday of the December celebrants and the Christmas season as well.

For our dinner that night, we decided that it should be somewhere special. We are after all celebrating something special anyways. We wanted to go out but we realized that since it's the holidays, traffic would be terrible and the restaurants would probably be jampacked (reservations are zero pa on weekends).

Aning and I decided that it would be best if we just stay put in the hotel and have dinner in TAPENADE. We remember how much we enjoyed the food before and I'm happy that this time, we would be with the boys. Yun lang, since it's a Saturday on a Christmas season, they cannot take our reservations for our big group of 20. Good thing that since DISCOVERY PRIMEA values their hotel guests (and because we're soooo CUTE), they finally agreed. 


Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Last year, my Bawal Pangit (BP) Family was not able to have a Christmas getogether because our schedules got so hectic. When we finally agreed on a date, something came up that plans got cancelled to the disappointment of everyone.

Fast forward to 2018. Because we didn't want to have a "take two" of that fateful night, we started planning for our Christmas getogether as early as September (I think). We didn't have a venue yet but we already blocked the weekend  (just because we felt that one day wouldn't suffice). At first we were thinking of Baguio, then Tagaytay, and then Okada (notice how the venue is getting nearer??). Finally, we all decided that we didn't need to look for anywhere else because the favorite hotel of the BP Group was just nearby and waiting for us.... 


Friday, February 1, 2019


My friend from High School, Virginia, invited me and the Yub out for dinner one time and when the venue was discussed, there became the usual "tennis tournament" on where to go:

"You pick."
"No, you pick."
"Ikaw na."
"No, you na. Ikaw mag-treat e."
"Ano crave mo?"
"Wala pa naman. What about you?"
"Kahit ano fine with me."
"Me also. Whatever's fine."
"Pero ikaw na mag-pick."
"No, you pick."

And so on and so forth.

To put an end to it all, I asked Virginia what is her favorite restaurant in The Podium, she gave out two choices. I have already tried the first one, as for the second, hmmmm.... Interesting.


I haven't eaten at JIN JOO and I saw that there were some pretty good reviews online. Secretly, I was really glad that she gave out this option because well, I could never have enough Korean grub, AND this is a restaurant in Podium that I've also been wanting to try.



I bet you didn't get the reference from the ka-cornihan.


(Actually, even I have forgotten what my joke was when I was writing this. Yes. Ganon sya ka-corny. -- Jaz)