
Thursday, February 28, 2019


It was Friday and THE YAPPY BUNCH will meet up for dinner somewhere in Rockwell. We were having Master Mati's birthday celebrations so I asked him what he felt like having.

Mati: "I'm in the mood for Japanese food Mommy but not in (blank)."

Me: "Okay. How about in (blank)?"

Mati: "No Mommy. The (blank) there is my former (blank)."

Me: "Hala di nga?!!! Sabihin mo si (blank) ay naging pang(blank) mong (blank)???"

Mati: "Yes Mommy. And you know what?? (blank) is the real (blank) of (blank)!!!!!"

Me: "AY SUSMIO!!!"

(I'm sure you know that some aspects in this conversation are not true anymore (he he he he he) and that we're just pulling each other's leg. Yep. Gutom lang yan.)

To make a long story short, we ate in OOMA because my big guy was in the mood for a different kind of Japanese food --  and we're glad we did because everything was wiped out!!! My birthday guy is happy.

My guys enjoyed the food at OOMA so much that they immediately asked when we could go back there again.

Me: "Soon anak. Let's go back on (blank)."

(He he he he! Baka may sumama pa. KIDDING!)



The place was packed that Friday night so we had a bit of a wait. When we finally got a table, we were placed in the second floor.


(Akala mo naman mga sikat. He he he!)

ROLL CALL!!!!!!!!

Birthday boy Mati and my Kuya Jon!

Me, the Chinese Panget, and the bunsoy baby!!!!

While waiting for the food, we noticed this safe by the corner. We asked the OOMA server and they said that it WAS their safe filled with important documents.

Now that's space saving for you. He he he he he he!!!!

WOHOO! Food is here!

First on the table is OOMA Gyudon (P299.00)!

I always loved their Gyudon because one serving is more than enough for me and the Yubhub. Great thing too is that kanin pa lang, ulam na!!!!

My big guy was in the mood for some OOMA Katsudon (P299.00) and was very happy with his order.

Yun lang since this was soooo good, Andrei liked it too that he asked his Kuya for some. Ha ha ha ha!

Wawa Andrei. Don't worry we'll go back here and you'll have one order all to yourself!

The last time the Yub and I were here, we really savored the OOMA Hanger steak (P498.00). Unfortunately Master Mati and Kuya Jon found it "okay" lang since they're not fond of truffle flavors.


MORE FOR US!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

My Kuya decided to try out the OOMA Chahan (P99.00). This was okay naman daw but not something he'll crave for in the future.

For additional ulam, we ordered the OOMA Tempura (P395.00)!

OOMA's Tempura is a must order because the shrimps are big and fresh. The great thing too is that the batter is crunchy and light and so perfect with the mayo dip that come with it. 

The first one ran out FAST so we ordered another one.

The bunsoy Andrei asked for some Salmon Maki (P285.00) and since there were a lot of people that night, this arrived late (they mentioned this earlier before we ordered pa).

Okay lang. This was wiped out ASAP. He he he he he! The bunsoy baby shared his Salmon with us too.

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords and Kuya Jon!!!!!!

LET'S EAT!!!!!

Nom Nom.. 

Thanks Kuya for giving some of your Katsudon to Andrei!


The bill!!!!

I'm very thankful that the birthday celebrant enjoyed this Japanese Fridate with us. Food was delicious and the company was super awesome. It was indeedy a fun and enjoyable start of the weekend.

The celebrations are just starting my big guy!!!!






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