
Monday, February 25, 2019


My little Bunsoy Baby recently celebrated his birthday last December and we're all so excited! Even if I asked him to write down all the things that he wanted to do for his 2 week (or is it 3 week??) celebrations, we still had more planned for him.

Of course, it doesn't really take much to make my boys happy and the usual dinner at their favorite Healthy Shabu Shabu is more than enough. But why stop there di ba? If you love somebody, you'll do what you can to make them SUPER happy.

What I love more about the Andrei is that he's so appreciative of everything that we planned for him. Even if he's already 12 years old, he'd give us this sweetest childlike smile that reflected his innocent excitement (other kids kasi would act bored and say MEH). Andrei would even ask shyly if we could give him a birthday song so that he could make a long wish at the end.

Haaaaay!!! My bunsoy Baby talaga is all about innocence, daydreaming, raindrops on roses, and whispers on kittens. I absolutely love how he faces everything with a sense of wonder and that mischievous smile. Naku I'm sure it's going to be different when he grows up into a macho man who'll be going after girls and be manyak and all (although Andrei has mini-bastus tendencies now).  That's why I'm making the most of my time with his little self who's willing to give me tight hugs and kisses whenever I liked.

My dearest, Happy Birthday!!!! Don't grow up so fast please. Always be Mommy's little baby bew bew. Words cannot express how much I love you. Mwaaaaah!!!!! Hope you enjoyed your birthday celebrations for year 2018.

And here's another MWAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Happy 12th my bunsoy baby!!!!

Andrei's birthday celebrations began when we went to our annual December trip in BAGUIO with my Mommy!

Since the bunsoy would usually bunk with us or with his Kuya, he wished that this time, he'll have his own bed.

And he got it!!!!!

There, he rode horsies to his heart's content. That's his forever wish when we're in BAGUIO.

When we ate in Japanese restaurant, he also got 2 orders of his favorite Salmon Sashimi. 

It was the first week of December and we thought it may be too early to give him a birthday cake. But I really wanted to surprise him (no matter how pathetic the Yub and I will look). With that, I thought of just lighting up a candle and surprising him with a song.

At first, the Yub and I thought that he'll find it weird. But based on the happy smile and laugh that day, I'd say, he loved it!

His first song this birthday season!!! Check out how serious he is when making a wish.

The following week, we booked a staycation in DISCOVERY PRIMEA with our BP family.

Staycations in PRIMEA are starting to be a tradition also for us every December. Andrei loves this hotel too!!!!!

We were sharing a room with Team Virrey but we were first to arrive. There we saw DISCOVERY PRIMEA's set-up for the birthday celebrants!

There were brownies and cakes too!

Plus chocolate dipped strawberries!!!!!

What a nice treat!!!!!!

Later on, a parade of servers came bearing lighted cakes. They gave a mighty HAPPY BIRTHDAY song!

Awwww!!!! They surely surprised the December celebrants of our group!

Happy Birthday too to Mareng Gail and Jelo!

Of course, my bunsoy baby got the loudest song of all!!!!!

Guess from who?

The next morning, we all dressed up and got ready to check out.

Of course, not without singing to our bunsoy celebrants first!

Happy birthday my love!

It was an extra fun staycation because we celebrated your birthday too!

Andrei loved our BP Friends. That's why he asked when could we meet up again for his birthday.  With that, we met up for dinner the night before his birthday.

After dinner, we gave Andrei a birthday song!

Look how happy my bunsoy is!

When it was time to make a wish, he really closed his eyes and got serious.

Afterwards, it was time for gifts!

Thanks Team Campo!

Thanks Team Navarro!

Thanks Ninong Jonas and Team Virrey!

Afterwards, Andrei treated the small kiddies for playtime!

Baby Shark... Toot toroot toot toot!

Team Navarro kiddies will follow after eating. 

Going on the big slide!

Go girls!!!

Then it's Sasha and Andrei's turn (they're best friends!)


After Active-Fun, we continued Andrei's birthday salubong with some coffee and chika in Starbucks. There, we will wait till 12:00am. 

The kiddies ran around and played with all their might. Good thing the mall was already empty so nobody minded their noise. 

After they finished running around, Andrei huddled with the girls!

The bigger boys naman chatted on the other side.

At 12:00am, it was officially Andrei's birthday!!!! The kiddies gathered around the baby bunsoy to give him a birthday song.


You wished for it and so you got it. We love you so much Andrei!

Thank you mares for joining us tonight and for Andrei's gifts. I really appreciate that you braved Friday's traffic this Christmas season to celebrate Andrei's birthday!

Syempre, huge thanks to the guys too!

We love our BAWAL PANGET Family! Thanks for joining us in Andrei's birthday salubong!!! You guys rock!

Syempre, this is all for the birthday boy!!!!!

When we got home, Andrei immediately ran up to his Lola to announce that it's his birthday.

Since it was already his birthday, Andrei asked if we could give his gifts now. 


The Yub gave Andrei cymbals for his drumset.

As for me, I gave him a  polo and shirt. He loved both and said he'll wear one later.

I love you so much my baby bunsoy!

When Andrei woke up on his birthday, he had to go to school to have his graduation picture taken.

It's okay. The graduation pictures did not take long. The Yub and I just waited with our breakfast. He he he he he!

When Andrei finished in school, we picked up Mati and went to church to offer prayers for Andrei.

We will always thank the Lord for blessing us with Andrei!

There was a wedding going on when we visited. I'm sure they were happy that super star Andrei graced their event. He he he he he he!

While driving toward the exit, we saw this van parked outside. We talked to one of the caretakers and he said that the owner was a Beatles fan and this was his version of the "Magical Mystery Tour" bus. Naturally, my BEATLES boy wanted to have a picture!

We just had a short snack in Krispy Kreme in Greenhills then the boys bought something in shoppesville. When we got home, my family had a mini-luncheon for our staff.

This was our simple Christmas celebration for our staff where my Kuya also gave the bonuses. And since it was Andrei's birthday at the same time, he was the one who made the opening prayer to eat.

We sang to the December celebrants in the household.

Happy Birthday LJ (our secretary's daughter, Kuya Gerry (our electrician), and Rocio (my niece)!!!!

Of course, the bunsoy Andrei got a special song again!

And again!!! He he he he he he!

After eating, the birthday boy went around to ask for his gifts. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Thanks Tita Fer!

Thanks Ninang Karen for the cash!

Thanks Lola for the celphone!

Thanks Tita Jojit!!!! (She shared the celphone bill with Mommy he he he he)

That night, we had dinner in Andrei's favorite, HEALTHY SHABU SHABU!

Yup! This is always their birthday venue of choice for many, many years na!!!!!

The birthday boy with Tita Jojit!

Master Mati and Anthony!

Mommy and Kuya Jon!

Me and the ugly Yub!

Happy birthday my bunsoy!

Andrei really loved HEALTHY SHABU SHABU and ate a lot! Yup! Even if he's a picky eater, when it comes to Shabu Shabu he'll have bowls of the hot noodles.

Syempre we all gave a birthday song to the bunsoy.

Sooo cute! For me talaga, birthdays should always be filled with songs! It makes everything more fun and happy.

And my bunsoy is soooo game for that.

Andrei really thought long and hard for his wish.

He took sooooooo long that my sister tried to listen what he was saying. He he he he he!

Go Andrei!

For dessert, we had some churros in our favorite La Lola!

There, Kuya Jon gave his gift too!!! 

Thanks Kuya Jon!!!

My Mom and other siblings were going to London that week so we visited Daddy in Cavite to wish him a Merry Christmas and offer prayers. 

Andrei loved his Lolo Pogi so much and had selfies with his picture using his new phone.

After praying the rosary, we gave Andrei a birthday song using one of Daddy's candles.

Naku! Daddy is the pioneer of birthday songs in the family. As in he would always initiate that in our birthday getogethers whether at home or in a restaurant. Kaya I'm sure we have his blessings of  using one of his candles. He he he he he.

Is it just me of is Daddy seemed so alive in the picture? It's as if he's really happily looking at Andrei while my bunsoy is blowing his candle!

Let me just share that during his school retreat, Andrei made this drawing. 


BTW, my Dad was not born on 1916. Ha ha ha ha ha! Sobra mo naman pinatanda si Daddy, Andrei lagot ka!

He he he he!


Afterwards we visited the miraculous Mother Mary in Cavite. 

Andrei has a special relationship with the image of Mama Mary here and experienced a miracle.

Andrei had school that week so we were only able to go out again that Friday.

My bunsoy's request? His favorite The Food Grid in Powerplant Mall!

My Andrei had his favorite ramen!

Yummm... Yup! He was able to finish this all.

As for me, I had my favorite Tuna Tostada and Tacos.

The Yub naman had Fried Chicken!

Andrei loved the twister fries the last time we're in The Food Grid so we also got a platter of that.

And for dessert....

A birthday song for my bunsoy!!!!!!

Don't worry my Andrei. Mommy and Daddy will never get tired of singing for you.

The brownies in The Grid were good but I felt that it lacked something. When I bought coffee my Toffee Nut Latte from Starbucks, I asked the barista if she could put the whipped cream on the side. I brought it back to our table and ate it with the brownies!!!

It was soooooooooooo good!

Yep! I'm an Einstein when it comes to food. 

After Mom and kapatids left for London, I treated the family and Kuya Jon for dinner.

Andrei's choice? IPPUDO!

Andrei LOOOOOVED Ippudo and could now finish one whole bowl too!!!!!


After slurping on my Ramen I would have big bites of their Chicken bun. 

Whatever Andrei chooses for his birthday, Andrei gets!!!!

That Saturday, I met up with BGP Marian, Manong Fred, and Pao Pao and treated them to Aristocrat!

Andrei loves his Best Guy Pal Pao Pao!

Yup! We sang a happy birthday song to him. When it was time to blow the candle, he made a raspberry. HAY NAKU!!!!

But the chocolate cake in Aristocrat was SOOOO good that we still ate it. Ha ha ha ha!

One of Andrei's wishes is to go to Star City with his BGP Pao Pao. We're so thankful that my best friend and her family were able to join us.


We really enjoyed that day!

For dinner, BGP Marian naman treated us to this delicious diner!

The food were so YUM especially the nachos!

Andrei approved! He he he he he!

When we got back to their place, we sang a birthday song to Andrei!

My bunsoy wanted to film the sparkly candle in slow motion.

Happy birthday Andrei....

Make your wish baby!

Thank you sooo much BGP Marian, Manong Fred, and PaoPao for making Andrei happier on his birthday! It was indeed a wish come true for him to spend Star City with his Best Guy Pal Pao Pao!

To officially end my bunsoy's birthday celebrations, we went to his favorite KIMPURA!

There, he had his fill of his favorite Salmon and Dilis!

Syempre, he loved watching the Teppanyaki master do his thing. 

We super love KIMPURA!!!!

Of course since this is Andrei's last birthday celebration for 2018, we gave him a birthday song, KIMPURA style!

Awwww! Look at how happy my bunsoy is!

Thanks KIMPURA!!!

I really hope that you had a happy birthday this 2018!!!

For dessert, Kuya Jon treated us to Tim Hortons!

Thanks sooo much Kuya Jon!


And that officially ends Andrei's birthday celebrations for 2018!!!!

I am so happy for my bunsoy that he got to have many celebrations with the special people in our lives.

We all felt thankful that they all made time for my Andrei to fulfill his wishes and make his birthday celebrations more special.

At the end of Andrei's birthday celebrations, the Yub and I felt a deep sense of joy and gratitude that our little bunsoy is full of blessings and surrounded by many people who love him.

He may have received a lot of gifts this year but I know that the love and care of family are MORE important. These are indeed more important and valuable than just material gifts.

And the Andrei has a lot of them already for 12 years and counting!!!!!


Happy Birthday my dearest! You certainly gave our family a lot of laughs and awww moments. I’m sure I don’t need to recount how special, sweet, loving, kind, naughty but VERY good boy you are. You are my forever baby bunsoy and I’m always proud of you (remember that: ALWAYS!). I love you so much and we’ll always be part of your team! 

And here's another big MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Both in years and in money... Ha ha ha ha ha ha)







  1. Andrei may have aged but you have not!!! Happy Birthday Andrei!

    - Kat from Maryland

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks muchos dear Kat!!!!!!!! mwah mwah! Take care always!

  2. Happy birthday Andrei! OMG gagraduate na siya ng grade school?😲 Bilis talaga ng panahon.

    Ms. Jaz, is this the new Kimpura na in Greenhills?

    1. Hulooooo dear Yanna!!!!

      Yes he is!!! Ang bilis no??? HUHUHU! Wala na akong baby!!!! I'm sure I'm going to cry when the time comes.

      Yes!!! They opened na. It's in the new building where MANAM is also located. Kaya YAYYYYYYY we have a birthday place na uli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Mwah mwah!
