
Wednesday, March 28, 2018


If you have been reading our blog regularly (ay nakakaawa ka hija), you would see that one of our most valued traditions is Hotel Hopping during the holiday season. We usually do that in Manila and I think it's really a fun activity for the whole family.

When we went to Yub's hometown in Quezon Province, we thought of doing something different besides our usual kain, bowling, kwentuhan, tulog routine at night; we thought, why not do kain, HOTEL HOPPING, kwentuhan, drinking, kwentuhan, then tulog?

With that, we decided to check out Lucena's hotel circuit. And, even though it's very different from what we usually see in the hotels in Manila, our little family still had loads of fun and had an unforgettable time!  

HOTEL HOPPING in Lucena City!!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


In the first official day of 2018, my Mom thought of inviting some of her sisters for dinner. She asked us for suggestions where to treat our aunties and the first one we thought of in Powerplant Mall was in TUAN TUAN Chinese Brasserie!

It was a full house that night in TUAN TUAN but it's a good thing we were still able to get immediate seats for our group.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Happy memories could be experienced even at the most unlikely places. And that is exactly what we discovered when we attended the wedding of our dear KTG friends Joko and Jeeves sometime last year. 

It was a rainy and traffic Saturday when set out for Tagaytay.

Good thing that amidst the weather and traffic situation, we were all dry and pretty (hi hi hi) inside our helicopter. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


On December 25, besides being the Lord's day, THE YAPPY BUNCH also marked it as the official end of our bunsoy Andrei's birthday celebrations.

We usually ask our bunsoy what he liked but this year, the Yub and I saw something that the boys would have a lot of fun in....


IMPOSSIBLE is a magic show from London that currently is currently on its world tour.

They feature magicians who specialized in death defying acts, illusions, and technological trickery. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Usually when it's the Chinese New Year, THE YAPPY BUNCH would go to Binondo to enjoy the sights, noise, and food. But for this year, we just felt like having a change; we wanted to do something else rather than our usual CNY gimik. And that is why we decided to go to Yub's hometown in Lucena City instead.

Of course, when all was said and done, we suddenly missed jostling with the crowds in Binondo to celebrate their New Year.

But obviously, that came right after we stuffed ourselves silly with our usual favorites. 

It's the Chinese New Year and we'll do something different!


Monday, March 19, 2018


My bunsoy Andrei recently celebrated his birthday and one of his wishes was to have a getogether with our BP Family.

Originally, the plan was to go to Enchanted Kingdom for a whole day of fun but then we learned that it was going to be his exam week, so we had to cancel. Too bad that we cannot reschedule to another weekend because it was already Christmas.

In the end, we just had a Sunday birthday brunch for him (because if it were lunch, who knows what time we finish with our chika... ha ha ha ha). And the place that we thought of where the kids could play was in PANCAKE HOUSE, BGC! 


We set out early for BGC and since it's a Sunday, there's not much of a Christmas rush.

Even though the Fort was not as lavishly decorated as other cities, you could still sense that Christmas is (was) in the air.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


When THE YAPPY BUNCH was in Baguio City for Andrei's pre-birthday celebration, we had a delicious Italian dinner in AMARE. Andrei had so much fun there that he wanted to eat in the restaurant for the rest of our stay. Of course, as much as we love him, nakakaawa naman ang milyong kilometro na nilakbay namin for Baguio.  Ha ha ha ha ha!

Good thing we discovered that AMARE LA CUCINA recently opened a branch in Kapitolyo, Pasig Cityyyyy! Hurraaaaay! At least we don't have to travel A MILLION miles just for our bunsoy Andrei to have a taste of it.

And when we were having the bunsoys MANY birthday celebrations, he really made sure to include AMARE LA CUCINA in the list!!!! 


AMARE in Barrio Kapitolyo is brighter than its Baguio counterpart.

Monday, March 12, 2018


When the Chinese Ogre and I had dinner with our KTG friends recently to celebrate the first anniversary of MIREIO, I really had a great and delicious time that I promised myself to bring my Mom and the little lords here very soon. 

And THAT we did!

With feelings! He he he he he he!


We immediately made reservations to enjoy MIREIO's "A Year in Provence". That is where in celebration of their first anniversary selected items in the menu were only priced at P365.00 net.

That's so COOL or C'est chouette!!!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were having an ultra fun weekend in BAGUIO while staying at the brand new GRAND SIERRA PINES HOTEL. We had a cozy room and the little lords found fun activities to do here and there.

I have to admit though that what seals the deal for me in hotels are the food. If breakfast was MEH, it would give me enough reason not to book there again.

I'm glad though that in GRAND SIERRA PINES, we had a delicious breakfast that made me excited to get up the next day (which is rare, I promise).

Check out how our mornings were made better (and more delicious) by GRAND SIERRA PINES!  

Wohoo! Let's EAT!

Thursday, March 8, 2018


We were in BAGUIO CITY having a pre-birthday trip for the bunsoy Andrei, and through-out our stay, we made the little lords happy by doing the activities they liked. However, when it came to our meals, my guys trusted me to choose. They know din naman that I would go for restaurants with the boys in mind.

For our last night in BAGUIO, I recommended to try out  O' MAI KHAN. It's been a looooong time since I've had Mongolian Barbecue (missed the one in Mile Long) and I saw that the restaurant had many items in the menu that the little lords might like.

When the boys asked what they could eat in O' MAI KHAN, I said they could have this and that. But I strongly recommended that they try the Mongolian Barbecue. I described how magical (yes it was to me) a bowl of Mongolian Barbecue was and they were hooked: they got excited to have bowls of this make-your-own fried rice!

And as I hoped, they didn't just like it.. They LOVED it!!


The restaurant was so full that dinner time.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in Baguio for my bunsoy's pre-birthday celebration and while we were doing mostly what the little cutie-pie wished, the Yub and I wanted to go somewhere that we didn't go to in our last trip.

I immediately suggested BENCAB MUSEUM because it would be something different in our itinerary (which was full of horseback riding, biking, boating, and eating! He he he he!). The Yubhub agreed since he has been hearing a lot about the popular art haven and it would be a good experience for the little lords in BAGUIO CITY.

After horseback riding in WRIGHT PARK, we went straight to BENCAB MUSEUM. And though it was a scary (well for me) and looong ride (that we all wanted to go to the bathroom), the trip was indeed worth it!


Going to BENCAB was a bit scary because it was soooo foggy. There was even a time wherein we passed by mountains and we saw the paved landslides. Imaginative me immediately got scared and remembered Superman 1. He he he he he he!

Yayyy! We're in BENCAB finally!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


The last time we were in BAGUIO with friends, we were supposed to eat in this popular steak restaurant that's so friendly in the budget. Plans didn't push through that time because instead, the Yub opted for GOOD TASTE.

For our second trip though, we have made up our minds that we will really include the steak restaurant that we saw in Session road in our itinerary. And on one fine day, we have finally made it....


Monday, March 5, 2018


VALENTIMES arrived. And even if I'm normally very excited for this  happy hearts day celebration every year, I have to admit I was not that into it as I was before. Of course, a big part of my lack of enthusiasm was losing my first Valentine  and I was expecting (or dreading) that everything will be different this year.

It turns out, everything went like it was before: I received flowers, I got kisses from my boys, some officemates gave me chocolates, had great dates with the hub and the family -- I actually had a lot of fun during VALENTIMES.

But how did it REALLY turn out?

See below!


When I woke up, lo and behold, somebody was creepily standing there with a proud smile. If it weren't for the flowers, natadyak ko to ng di oras. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry. I'm an aswang talaga in the mornings.

When I came to my senses na... Awwwwww... Thank you so much Yub!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!

When I got downstairs, I got some candy hearts from my sister and more flowers from my Kuya Jon.

On my way to office, I saw many posts about VALENTIMES. My favorite would have to be this one.

I read this in the voice of Ken Jeong from The Hangover movies. Ha ha ha ha ha!

A close second would have to be this one.

Now I wonder how THAT happened??? Hmmmm.... Tee Hee!

Friday, March 2, 2018


My BP Group has been very busy lately that meeting up was next to impossible. Good thing that BB Aning invited us all to have dinner to celebrate my godson Jelo's birthday and she wouldn't take no for an answer (demanding!!!). 

The venue for that night was one of my favorites...