
Wednesday, March 21, 2018


On December 25, besides being the Lord's day, THE YAPPY BUNCH also marked it as the official end of our bunsoy Andrei's birthday celebrations.

We usually ask our bunsoy what he liked but this year, the Yub and I saw something that the boys would have a lot of fun in....


IMPOSSIBLE is a magic show from London that currently is currently on its world tour.

They feature magicians who specialized in death defying acts, illusions, and technological trickery. 

We immediately booked our tickets so that we could have the best seats for our budget. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

And WE'RE HERE!!!!

Prices are actually very reasonable. 

We were so eager, early, AND happy!!!!

Master Mati poked me on my big arm and pointed at something upwards. 

Cool... The original Thrilla in Manila streamer!!!!

The crowds soon came in.

This is for you my bunsoy Andrei!!! We love you so much!

And the show starts!

When the place dimmed the lights, Andrei asked to sit beside me. Okay my little baby bew bew.

The show started with their "leader", Ben Hart.

When he was 16, he won the Magic Circle's Young Magician of the Year. Now, he is a regular on BBC1's Now You See It and also starred in the hit BBC3 series Killer Magic.

Ben's specialization is illusions and he does so while telling a story. The act is very reminiscent of what we saw in the movie NOW YOU SEE ME.

Next act had a handsome guy going up a REALLY long pole.

I could not even get myself to mount a monkey bar!

The handsome dude went to the top and woah. We were all screaming at the bottom because we were so nervous for him.

Then the main guy for the second act came out -- Bello Nock. He's like the comic relief of the group but he could REALLY do great stunts!

He effortlessly went up the elongated "palo sebo". Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

When he got to the top, he acted like he was going to fall.

But then he was able to stand up AND change poles with the handsome guy!

Poor Andrei was so scared that he might fall that he cannot look. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Up next was street performer, Magical Bones!

The guy does street magic but he does it with a smooth dance and hip hop song.

He called somebody onstage to be a "witness". I wonder if she's part of the act.

They made her write the serial number of a P1,000 bill they got from a random audience member. They burned the paper but make the long story short, he was still able to get the exact numbers on another piece of paper.

Next one is Ali Cook and he was also VERY good!

His hands were so quick that even if he had an audience member sit right in front of him, he was still able to make cards appear and disappear!

Ali Cook is one of the traditional magicians and even showed us the trick that was famously created by the best magician, Houdini!

After sealing everything, and locking his hands, he was still able to escape in a second!!!!!!

Next up is the overly eager nerd Chris Cox!

He is a multi-award winning mind reader who put his own unique and geeky spin to each trick.

In this part he brought out 2 sets of cabinets and got a random audience member as volunteer. He then separated himself at another cabinet and wore the clothes that the audience member might put on.

Lo and behold, he guessed right and they were dressed exactly alike!!!


During the intermission, we had a snack.

My bunsoy got an ice cream cup!

While I had a hotdog sandwich!

He also zoinked my phone and got a selfie. Ha ha ha ha ha!

The show started again with Ben Cook in the audience.

He's actually quite funny and got the boys giggling.

He was able to do a quick cut-the-rope-and-put-it-back trick plus more that it really got the audience's attention.

There were actually many more acts but I was so engrossed that I didn't get to take pictures.

The last one was with Bello Nock again running around on this huge "ring of death!"


And there you have it, THE IMPOSSIBLE MAGIC SHOW!

My blog entry is nothing compared to the actual show. I wouldn't expose everything now would I?

That's why if they come back next year, you should REALLY watch it. I promise you, your family will have a MAGICAL time!!!!!!!

My bunsoy wanted to have a picture near the stage to see if there were any trapdoors.

Ha ha ha ha ha! My skeptical little guy.

Andrei loved the show but if you ask him if he'll watch again, he'll answer no.

Andrei: "I almost had a heart attack Mommy during the act with the 2 poles!"

He he he he he! Yeeeeaaaah right.

If they have more acts next year, we'll DEFINITELY watch again!!!!!





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