
Wednesday, March 7, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH were in Baguio for my bunsoy's pre-birthday celebration and while we were doing mostly what the little cutie-pie wished, the Yub and I wanted to go somewhere that we didn't go to in our last trip.

I immediately suggested BENCAB MUSEUM because it would be something different in our itinerary (which was full of horseback riding, biking, boating, and eating! He he he he!). The Yubhub agreed since he has been hearing a lot about the popular art haven and it would be a good experience for the little lords in BAGUIO CITY.

After horseback riding in WRIGHT PARK, we went straight to BENCAB MUSEUM. And though it was a scary (well for me) and looong ride (that we all wanted to go to the bathroom), the trip was indeed worth it!


Going to BENCAB was a bit scary because it was soooo foggy. There was even a time wherein we passed by mountains and we saw the paved landslides. Imaginative me immediately got scared and remembered Superman 1. He he he he he he!

Yayyy! We're in BENCAB finally!

We immediately went inside because all of us, including the Yub, needed to go to the restroom. He he he he he he! Too bad that the only restroom they had was at the bottom floor and we had to pay first.


The Yub got tickets while we all did the peepee dance at the back.

He wanted to go real bad too but I guess he just doesn't want to do the kuyakoy infront of the admission's lady.

In BENCAB MUSEUM they have free tours complete with guides but we didn't have time for that because we gotta go REAL BAD. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

So down we all went.


And finally... Our first stop!

Haaaaaaay... Success!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The Yub and I took a looooooooooooooong time in the restroom (we have big bladders bakit ba??) but they were so patient waiting at the bench outside. 

There were many galleries in BENCAB museum and one of them is the CONTEMPORARY ART Gallery 1!

This gallery highlights artworks and sculptures of other Filipino artists.

Andrei fancied this one....

And this one!!!

I wonder why? Ha ha ha ha ha!

The paintings were colorful and focused on the Filipino culture.

Master Mati checked out the Contemporary Art Gallery at the other side.

Hmmmm... Who does this Baby Zuma look like?


He he he he he!

At the back, there's the Maestro Gallery. 

This section displays the works of Aguinaldo, Chabet, Edades, Joya, Legaspi, Luz, Magsaysay-Ho, Sanso, Zobel and other distinguished persons of art.

The bottom floor gives you access to BENCAB MUSEUM's garden and forest. 

Do you know that BENCAB had to buy the forest in front of the museum so that there won't be other structures on it?

I'm glad he did because it's breath taking!

Time to head outside!

BENCAB MUSEUM had this lovely viewing deck for when you want to enjoy the scenery within the museum building.

It was also raining so we just stayed there and took cover for a while. 

When the rain let up, we were finally able to go down.

Wow! It's like we had our very own zen garden!!!!

There was a pond with fishies.

See Master Mati making muni muni?

As for Andrei, he was amused with geese going around the pond.

Poor goose! Hahabulin ka niyan Andrei sige ka.

My handsome teenager!

Staying in the BENCAB garden is already very therapeutic. We didn't have to talk at all. We were all just silent and surrendered to the beauty.

If we didn't have check out the other galleries because it was near closing time, we would've stayed longer in the garden.

Time to go back!

BENCAB also housed Cafe Ysabel and the aroma of the cooked food was just mouth-watering. Too bad we already have something planned that night.

While the Yub and I went for a second round at the restroom (tumatanda na kami bakit ba???), I saw dear Pau Esmedilla from Diamond Hotel!!!! It was great seeing you!!!!!! 

Next up, Cordillera Gallery!

This section focuses more on tribal artifacts.

Many of the artifacts here were used for rituals by the tribes!

Like these Healing Bulol -- they usually pour the blood of the sacrificed animal to read omens.

Wohooo! We're Tribe Yap!

Next up is BENCAB Gallery!

This gallery features BenCab's own works and creations.

The Yub and I were glad that the little lords were appreciating the works of art.

For some reason, this was the Yub's favorite...


Before going to level 2, we had a short rest.

Gallery Indigo!

It didn't take long for little Andrei to wander off and admire these photos.

Gallery Hall!

Check out the artists who have their works on display here.

I was checking out this display when I heard naughty laughter from the boys.


When I realized what it was, I immediately yanked the little lords out. That's why I could hear their giggles all the way from the other end of the room. Ayan! Sobra kayong kinilig e di Mommy became her usual KJ mode.

As for the Yub...

This is like his Sistine Chapel.... He cannot stop staring... ogling... and drooling!

Balak pang may upuan!!!!!


I don't know why but Andrei asked to have a picture with this sculpture. I'm sure he found something beautiful about it.

And it's time to go!

Before leaving, you may want to check out the gift shop for souvenirs. 

And we're out!

I'm glad we pushed through with our trip to BENCAB MUSEUM. It's enriching for the senses to see (and feel) the creative masterpieces of our countrymen and ancestors. I'm sure even if they initially whined at the thought of going to another museum (we always check out the ones in Manila), the little lords had a great time based on their smiles when we got outside.



Km. 6 Asin Road, Tadiangan,
Tuba, Benguet, Philippines
+63 74 442-7165



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