
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


For our first official entry this 2016, let me make a special review of the year that was.

Don't worry. I won't make a restaurant or foodie countdown. I leave the experts to do that. He he he he!

As always, I will look back on the special moments of ERICJAZ FOODIES with our little lords and how they made 2015 just more awesome. These are the moments that made us chuckle, laugh, or guffaw out silly making every day more memorable!

Of course, food still played a very big part in our year and it is very obvious with our bulging tummies. But it is with our little lords that our hearts get bursting and we will never ever want to forget that.

You may say that THAT is the real purpose of our silly little foodie blog anyways: to document our superkaduper great moments that make each year a breath taking trip down to memory lane. Of course, you may not share in my enthusiasm about my family's mini-(mis)adventures, in fact, you may even find some corny. But believe me, I cherish it all and I want to put it on record (pun intended) that these moments truly made our 2015 a helluva good year!



We kicked off 2015 by welcoming my dear nephew Chuckie who hailed from Las Vegas but was currently an instructor in Korea. 

Check out our January with him in HERE!

During the long holiday, we took him to ENCHANTED KINGDOM and had a blast with some of the rides there. I'm sure the Chinese Adonis agreed especially that his head flew out from nowhere. He he he he he!

During that long holiday of the Pope Francis' visit, somebody was really raring to see the Holy one.

It may not look like it (since my bunsoy is very, very naughty) but my Andrei is actually very religious. He really asked if we could go see the Pope even if it meant waking up at the crack of dawn.

There was a big crowd but my Andrei was still so determined and nd he finally got his wish. My bunsoy was able to wave to the Pope!

And we were so close!

Such a great day for Andrei! He was so happy afterwards and offered another prayer for Pope Francis! 

It was a great day for me too because it marked the 3rd time that I saw a Pope up close.

1st -- Pope John Paul (World Youth Day)
2nd - Pope Benedict (mass in Rome)
3rd -- Pope Francis (with Yub and Andrei!)


Every year, we go to Binondo to celebrate the Chinese New Year. And as always, the kiddies complained and whined. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! But are we going to stop doing it? NO WAY.

Check out our adventure there!

For Valentimes, I got a very special date besides my husband!

Since 1980, we have been going to our province for Holy Week. So thankful that now, the little lords get to spend the lenten season the way I did before.

But this time, we had other "adventures".

Check it out

Mati finally said goodbye to his "kiddie-hood" (pun sort of intended) during his summer vacation of 2015. I won't go into details but let's just say he's also been waiting for this for a loooong time and he was all to happy to have finally made the cut (pun sort of intended again... he he he he he he)

BOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Trust me. I really felt like crying then. He's not my baby anymore.

Would you believe that the picture was taken AFTER the "session"? Yep! My brave Master Mati was still smiling and just happy when it was all done. 

Now he's excited to show his classmates daw.


During summer vacation, our favorite place became Valle Verde country club

My brother was a new member and we're so thankful that he would always treat us for Sunday lunch and swimming. We cannot get enough of it! We loved the pool at Valle Verde and how "exclusive" it was to us! Ha ha ha ha!

I even got to see more of how loving and dedicated the Chinese Adonis could be to Mati and Andrei!

Awwww! I love you Yub!

Besides swimming, THE YAPPY BUNCH got addicted to UNO!!! We love how it formed alliances and enemies after just one game! Ha ha ha ha ha h aha!

Besideds swimming, playing UNO, AND having some "kiddie-hood" cut, the little lords also went for MCDONALD'S Kiddie Crew program for the 5th year!

This time though, it was more fun for the little lords because the Virrey boys joined us.

And just like that, school started again. 


(That goes for me and the boys!)

Seriously though, the little lords and I have this tradition where we will always take them to school on the first week. Mati is fine with this as long as I don't go to his classroom and take pictures (tee hee). He's okay with his Daddy taking him to the classroom though. 

Hmp! E di wag!

Good thing that Andrei is not at this "embarrassed" stage yet. 

Andrei however is missing a friend this school year because his best bud from Don Bosco moved to another place and changed schools. At first I was very worried how my bunsoy would take it since he and Zach we're inseparable. Good thing that he was calm about the whole thing and is able to make new friends in school. 

Of course, even if Andrei made new friends, he still valued the "old". We invited Zach for a playdate and the boys played and laughed like old times!

For June 12, 2015, THE YAPPY BUNCH had fun with history again by doing our usual INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION by going around Manila!

This time though, we had some other company with us!

On June 20, 2015, we were able to watch MONSTER JAM! I'm not really familiar with the trucks since it's really a boys thing. But it was certainly a fun day for us. Too bad Mati didn't want to join. Andrei said that by hook or crook his Kuya will be going with us next time. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Everytime there's a birthday in the family, I get all excited because that means we'll be eating at my favorite KIMPURA.

However, true love for his apos won out when Mati and Andrei pleaded with their Lolo Pogi to have his birthday in their favorite PEPPER LUNCH.


HAY. Their kids better get ready with me when I become a Lola. He he he!

As much as I love going out as a family, there's still something about having alone time with my boys. Usually we have one on one dates during Valentimes and Mother's Day. But the little lords and I cannot forget when the Chinese Adonis was out of town for several days for work and we finally had the Mommy-Mati-Andrei Saturdate that we have been talking about.

We had so much fun that we forgot to respond to somebody who was missing us! HA!

In the 3rd week of August, Mati went away for his school retreat and we missed him terribly. Even if we went to our usual favorite mall and had our fast food craving, somehow something (and someone) was lacking.

Even Andrei agreed that he missed his Kuya. Yup! Even though they tend to fight non-stop over the most silly issue ("Mommy!!!! Kuya is looking at me!!!!!!!!!!!!") my bunsoy suddenly missed his big brother and was counting the days till his return.

Remember how Andrei became obsessed with Jose Rizal? Well he really insisted to dress up like our National hero during Filipino week. Yep! Hard work really went into the creation of that mustache!

On September 8, THE YAPPY BUNCH took baths (finally) and scrubbed up for my ate Jojit's wedding (another finally!).

It was a great wedding and I'll come to writing a blog about it. That is, when I'm positive that I'm not going to burst into tears while typing it (that's me, your sentimental shmuck of a sister).

On September 18, Andrei became a kiddie contributor for Manila Bulletin and he was able to meet Stephen Curry! I was so proud of him! Not only was he able to meet his idol and receive valuable advice from him, but his story got printed in Manila Bulletin!

My bunsoy is really obsessed with basketball!

Check out his story by clicking this link:

THE YAPPY BUNCH are comic and superhero geeks. BUT, we are not super fanatics that when we heard of ASIAPOP COMICON was coming, we made no immediate plans from rising up from our butts.

Good thing that my High School friend Sandra called and said she had 4 VIP tickets. It was her boys' exam week and she thought of us.

And we were so grateful that she did! The tickets she gave us truly made us feel like VIP's! No waiting in line for the panel interviews and we got special reserved seats. YOWZA!!!! 

We had so much fun with our ASIAPOP COMICON experience that we really vowed to attend another one next year. 

Check this out:

Last September 26, 2015, we had another Manila Day courtesy of Andrei.

He was suddenly smitten with Jose Rizal from our trip celebrating our Independence Day that he kept on wishing to back to Luneta. 

And since it was also NATIONAL PABEBE WAVE DAY, we agreed and celebrated Filipino values ala ALDUB! He he he he he!

Last October 18, I was so honored to be one of the Godmother's of little cutie patootie Skyler Jace! He's the roly-poly, just awesome of a baby, of THE FOOD ALPHABET and his lovely wife Joan, and I couldn't be more excited.

However, the same couldn't be said of my new inaanak as he's trying his best to get away from "Ninang". Ha ha ha ha ha ha! 

There you go!!! I guess he just needed some cuddling from his Ninang!

Just in case you didn't know THE YAPPY BUNCH are such Star Wars fans. Think, me crushing on Luke Skywalker when I was in High School (while everyone goes for New Kids on the Block) and recording the movie reruns on RPN using my trusty betamax. He he he he he!

Of course, the Chinese Adonis could share the same thing except with Princess Leia in her iconic slave outfit. 

It was book week in the little lords' school and I asked them who they wanted to dress up as. I was actually getting ready to get the usual costumes out of my old boxes but then they suggested to go to school as Harry Potter and Ron Weasely!

Now THIS made my little Harry Potter heart leap with joy!

Last November 30, 2015 I made the most out of the holiday by taking THE YAPPY BUNCH to watch a live show of EAT BULAGA. Would you guys believe that I have been working there for 8 years already and I haven't seen the show (from the audience point) not even once?

Oooh!!!! So THIS is what I look like on television. I wonder if the additional 10lbs is very evident there.

The little lords are so into our KALYESERYE now (like Mommy and Daddy) that they were so thrilled to finally meet our Pambansang Bae, Alden Richards! He was so nice to my boys that it made me just idolize him more (if that is at all possible)! He he he he he! 

This was an additional thrill to them especially that they got a message from Yaya Dub herself before!

December 5, 2015 was indeed a significant day for THE YAPPY BUNCH because Andrei finally received his first communion!

Before you tease Andrei again that he might burn inside the church, I'll have you know that my bunsoy is actually the most religious of us all! When we're lazy and still in bed, he's the one who would really push us to get up and get dressed!

Andrei was very excited to finally receive his first communion. He has been excited for this for many years!

Congratulations Andrei!!!

Little Androse made the Chinese Adonis and I laugh so much by falling asleep at the eve of his birthday. To think, he has been waiting for this moment the whole day!

He was certainly wide awake on his birthday as he played with birthday gift from my Dad!

Including this memory because I really don't like hoverboards as I would rather have the little lords run or have a bit of exercise. But they really wanted these and would even exchange it for a 2 week birthday celebration. I was ready to give in when BOING! I saw my Dad bought one each for his grandsons. Thanks Daddyowzers for always loving the boys. 

I'm just wondering though Daddy that with us, you were always lecturing on the "value of money" but with your grandchildren, anything goes. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh well. I guess that's always the name of the game when it comes to "apos".



It was a year of MANY staycations and vacations, and we just loved every minute of it!!! We always believed that such getaways are hearty investments with the little lords and it truly gave us wonderful, and fun memories for 2015!!

The Chinese Adonis surprised me on my birthday with a CITY OF DREAMS staycation in Hyatt!

The hotel was new and was glittering in gold! The little lords were all in awe with the beauty of it all!

Good job Yub! He he he!

Another staycation for my birthday was with my friends at HOTEL KIMBERLY!!! 

Now even if it was my birthday, the whole family had such a happy time!

Check it out:

To kick off our summer vacation, ERICJAZ FOODIES was invited to spend a weekend in THE BAUAN PLAZA HOTEL!

I never thought that for this summer we'll get to spend lunch on our very own island! It was really a first time experience for us!

What made it more unforgettable was that we were able to do some snorkeling! Yep! Our first time!!!! At first we were a bit hesitant to do so but now we want to go snorkeling again and again!

The following week, we had another bonding family weekend at our favorite F1 HOTEL MANILA!!!

Wanna see the Chinese Adonis do some wet zumba?

It's also the first time that Andrei got a massage. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Check this out:

In May of 2015, I treated THE YAPPY BUNCH for my birthday by tagging along in my siblings' Japan trip! 

At first I became a worry-wart after computing the budget and expenses for the trip. But it was our first trip together without the whiny parents (ha ha ha ha ha! Kidding!) and we knew that it will be a different kind of adventure for all of us. So yes! This trip was definitely worth it!

When we were in Japan, we knew that we cannot NOT drop by Universal Studios. It may be in Japanese and all but we all still had a great time. 

The main purpose of our detour of course in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS is to finally get into Harry Potter's world! It was not as big as I thought it would be but it still met up my magical expectations! Truly worth the trip!

Also, it has been Andrei's long time dream to finally see JAWS and get on the ride. The Steven Spielberg blockbuster is one of his favorite movies and he was obsessed with meeting the famed fanger!

We also had an awesome staycation in SEDA NUVALI HOTEL

On a November weekend, THE YAPPY BUNCH had a staycation at LAS CASAS FILIPINAS DE ACUZAR!!!

(Blogpost coming soon!)



When you see me doing posting these personal updates on FB, it's mostly because I want to always remember that THAT happened for that day. Here are some of my favorites with my little lords that would surely get me sniffing when I become old, wrinkly, and gross.

The time when my Mati showed a different kind of support and care for his "computer challenged" Mommy!

But then, he got on the "significantly" naughty side again!


That time when Andrei was moping at the back because I got angry at hime for something. His loving Kuya sensed that his brother was sad and tried to cheer him up.


That time when I needed waking up!

That time when we all stayed up late just to watch WRESTLEMANIA!!!!

It was so worth it after seeing THE ROCK and RONA ROUSEY take out my favorite Stephanie... Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

That time when Angelina Jolie gave these wonderful words of wisdom!

That time when the little lords discovered real fun with books!

That time when Andrei wanted Vic Sotto to be my "boyfriend". Nge???

Of course, my boys could be sweet but they could tease me to kingdom come MANY times!

That time when Andrei became obsessed with planes!

That time when the boys cleaned themselves up!

Ask my family and they'll confirm that my little lords have a tendency to get lazy (maybe they take after their fat-assed Mom??). That is why I was so amazed that they were all so helpful and uncomplaining one Saturday when I asked them to do some general cleaning upstairs.

The task may have been simple but it is truly one of my unforgettable days that year. Looking at the little lords who were wiping the tables and running around with dirt on their cheeks assured me that they will be able to take care of themselves AND keep their crib clean!


That time when Mati surprised me by taking care of his gout-stricken Daddy!

That time when THE YAPPY BUNCH had sleepovers!

The little lords are growing up so fast that they really asked to move out of our room last year. It was great that we have finally our alone time (YEHESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) but the joy is bittersweet in realizing that they are really not our babies anymore. 

I'm glad that when there are no classes, they would come knocking at our door. Like what happened during their last summer vacation. Though we're glad that we have a bit more privacy (YEHEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS again) I still can't help but miss the times when we were all crowded in one bed. So happy that the little lords are still at an age where they want to be with us. 

That time when the Chinese Adonis found a new apprentice!

That time when the little lords got such a big surprise!

That time when my bunsoy thought of something really "constructive" to do instead of playing with his gadgets!

That time when I felt so out of place by being a girl!

That assurance for Mommies everywhere that no matter how scared you are of something, you'll toughen up just for the sake of your kids!

That time when we forgot Mati's fake birthday!

That time little Andrei defended his classmate from a meanie!

That time when Mati taught me the true essence of religion!

That time Andrei bought something he really wanted using his own money!

That time when the little lords mistook my writing as "abstract"!

That time I discovered that Andrei is really my mini-me. He's so good at teasing people that when he joked how he loved his Daddy more than me, I got all dramatic and pikon. Ha ha ha ha ha ha h aha! Oh well! He felt so bad afterwards that he made this cute note. Awwwww...

This letter is now in my "volt" of memories of course.


So there you have it. Those are some of our special times, happenings, and memories from 2015. I'm actually a bit worried how 2016 will catch up to the awesome previous year but let's see. Like I would always say, it doesn't matter if a place is classy and dingy, as long as we are together. So even if 2016 might not be as adventurous compared to its predecessor, I'm sure that we would still be alright as long as we are together.

And yes, that includes YOU.

Besides, after all that activity in 2015, we need to rest and just enjoy quiet togetherness this 2016.

Or not. Whatever comes first! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!



By the way, even if it's already 2016, you'll still see many 2015 posts coming. Let's just say that lazy me was not able to do it on time but I still want to have it technologically remembered for always. He he he he he he!



  1. Whee! That was one long read! Hahahaha!

    1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ahem!

      1) I ALWAYS have long posts... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
      2) I haven't blogged in 2 weeks kaya HETO!
      3) It WAS a year ender! Biro mo nga, 365 days yan! Nacompress na nga e!!!!

      Buti yan para MAGISING KA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Namiss ko posts mo ang tagal 2 weeks din? hehe! I cant wait for your new posts. at syempre nakita ko picture mo sa fb page ng Eat Bulaga. Nanalo ka sa raffle?! Aabangan ko yang kwento na yan! Cheers to 2016!

    1. Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you too dear Erika!!! Awww really??? Yeyyy! I'm so happy! Kahit isa lang ang magabang sa posts ko, I'm happy na! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Yes I still have ALOT of blog posts to follow. Ayan nagbakasyon kasi ako. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! take care always and God bless you MWAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

  3. Happy New Year Ms. Jaz and to your family!

    I saw your photo sa EB fan page and inaabangan ko un post mo about the EB Christmas Party... :)
    Kakatuwa un post nyo po nung last year's EB Christmas Party.

    More food trips, travels and blessings for 2016 po. :)

    1. Ha ha ha ha! Many nga are waiting for it. Will do it very soon. There are just so many pictures to choose from!!!!!!

      You too!!! God bless you and your family always!!! Thanks so much for taking time to read my blog!

