
Wednesday, January 6, 2016


I apologize if in the coming blogposts you'll still find many entries that happened from the past year. Let's just say that lazy me was not able to write about it but they are still events that I never want to forget.

So BOING!!!! They're here!



The first week of November usually marks the start of Andrei's favorite show of the year -- The GREENHILLS CHRISTMAS ON DISPLAY (COD) SHOW!

When I was a kid, my Dad would always bring the whole family to COD mall in Quezon City to watch dressed up moving mannequins doing a Christmas story. Now that mall already closed a long time ago but the famous and much revered COD show opened up in Greenhills Shopping Center!

Now that we have little lords of our own, the Chinese Adonis and I promised to always go there as a family and watch the show the way my Dad used to do with us. Personally it culminates the start of our Christmas season...

Well THAT and my first sip of Starbuck's Toffee Nut Latte! Tee hee!

For that night, we planned to kick-off our COD date with dinner in our favorite LE CHING. However, a million people were thinking of the same thing that we ended up having dinner in Wonton.

Blog post coming soon!

Oh and just ignore exhibitionist Andrei.

It was a long walk going to the GREENHILLS COD SHOW (near KIMPURA side) but we were able to get there in one piece. 

And as expected, there was a LOT of people. 

The GREENHILLS COD runs every 30 minutes from 6:30pm to 11:30pm. Good thing that when a show ended, we were able to squeeze all four of us in a bench.

This year's GREENHILLS COD story is about a Filipino family who went home to the Philippines for a vacation. 

They had their little daughter with them who grew up in the US and was very amazed at our local customs. 

She saw the carolers....

... ate Filipino ice cream....

Attended midnight mass...

... and had a taste of lechon!

They went to a local town party and listened to a local town band!

And played with the other kiddies!

Perhaps the best part of the COD show was when some kids played the traditional Palo Sebo.

It was a race between the two kids and even though they were just robots, they were very "persistent". 

Let's just say that their leg and hip movement to push themselves up really caught a lot of attention.

It certainly made my bunsoy laugh!


It was not just him. You could hear majority of the audience laughing along. Well I certainly let out a guffaw! Ha ha ha ha ha!

In the end, the little balikbayan girl declared it was the "BEST CHRISTMAS EVER" the same way Tiny Tim shouted his season greetings to each and everyone. 

Time for our "first" showing!

Between the little lords, it is actually Andrei who cannot get enough of the GREENHILLS COD SHOW. When he sees construction going on he would get so excited and count the days until it opens.

As for Master Mati, he's actually fine with it but he cannot understand why we have to watch the show several times in the night. 

If given the choice, he would rather stay at home watching his own favorite reruns.

 Too bad for him because we insist going as a family the first night for the COD show.

You cannot really blame him though. After 2 or 3 times of the show, it could get pretty tiring. We just do it for the love of Andrei!

As there were many people in front, the little lords had to stand on the chairs to get a clear view of the show. 

Don't worry, they still see very well at the back. 

The little lords got so engrossed!

Guess what part this is?

Yup! The Palo Sebo!

And that's the end of our first show!

And it's time to wait for our second show!

We stayed put in our seats for the next one. He he he he he!

Our second show!

While watching the second show, the Chinese Adonis craved for something to drink. There are actually many food stalls around the GREENHILLS COD area to satisfy your hungry belly.

I don't know about you but getting a whiff of chestnuts getting roasted plus bibingka and puto bungbong cooking under hot coals sends me a shiver of Christmas sentimentality! 

Various barbecues and other Filipino foods are so perfect for that chilly night!

Of course, there are more options for people who are practicing their eating capacity for Noche Buena! He he he he he!

Since we were still full from dinner, the Chinese Adonis went for some cold gulaman to quench his thirst!

In the GREENHILLS COD, there are over 200 stalls that would also include stores for clothes and toys!

Prices are much cheaper than what you'll find in Department stores.

You'll find SALE items everyday!!

For those on a budget, this is a thrifty way to shop.

ALSO, you could do THIS when your companion is insisting on watching the COD show for the 10th time!

That is, if you could escape his cuteness. He he he he he! 

AND just like that, it's time for our 3rd show!


Seriously though, the Chinese Adonis and I don't really mind that Andrei loved watching the GREENHILLS COD show again and again. We actually think it's cute and we support his enchantment with moving machines.

Besides, I'm sure in a few years the little bunsoy might be too busy with his friends to go out on a Saturday night with us. So we're really just making the most out of his "kiddiehood" by being together.

Sniff sniff....

Going back to the show...

Little balikbayan girl meets up with relatives again.

Little balikbayan girl goes to town party again.

And little boys hilariously pole danced in palo sebo AGAIN.

Andrei was still happy, so we're happy!

Well, except Mati. Ha ha ha ha ha!

And before we knew it....

We're going for our 4th round!!

My bunsoy still paid ultra close attention to the GREENHILLS COD show. I really find his fascination with this Filipino classic very adorable. 

It's not the same for me, Mati, and the Chinese Adonis though. Ha ha ha ha! Well, you can't really blame us after we've seen the show so many times already.

After the 4th show, Andrei was ready to call it a night. Usually we would be back on another day to watch several sets of the GREENHILLS COD show again. But for those times, Mati may not choose to join us anymore (I'm sure he's so fine with that). He he he he he!

Though the place was crowded and it was not as high-tech as other animatronic shows, we enjoyed watching the GREENHILLS COD with the boys. For me the whole experience is something that the whole family should try (and hopefully make a tradition) every Christmas. 

And I'm sure that like what happened to me, these will also be magical memories that your children will never, ever forget. 

More so with that naughty palo sebo.

He he he he he he!!!!

See you again next year GREENHILLS COD!

Check this out:

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