
Thursday, August 28, 2014


If you've seen Maricel Soriano's movie "Magdusa Ka", there is that climactic part when she sobs the famous line "Ayoko ng masikip.... Ayoko ng mabaho... Blah blah blah...".  Now you may judge me as being overly dramatic but that is how I feel with a jampacked room and... ahem... body odor.  I mean, come on. Before you put a label on me, I ask you, who wants to be hustled and bustled then marked by a person reeking of shawarma from last week for whatever reason?

Now if it ain't getting a 5 second kiss from Benedict Cumberbatch, you won't see me lining up!

ANYWHO, that was why it took a long while for the Chinese Adonis and I to visit TIM HO WAN. We've been hearing a lot of raves everywhere that "OWEMGEE IT'S SO GOOD" and that "OH WOW... WE WERE LIKE TOTALLY "BUNNED" OUT!" but we also read about the horrendous lines that diners have to endure before they get a seat in the famed restaurant.

I know what you're thinking: (in a high pitch voice) "I thought you like food and all that blah blah blah is worth it?" Well my answer to that is this: travelling far and spending hundreds over food that will make a mark in my taste memory is one thing. But getting air squeezed out of my lungs and waiting for hours over a "food fad" is another.

So with that my husband and I waited... waited... waited. Even after friends had professed their undying love to the TIM HO WAN buns, we waited. Even if FB contacts bragged that they were already able to enjoy the amazing dimsums twice, we waited. FINALLY on a stormy night, most people stayed at home. But for me and the hub, it became our chance to go to TIM HO WAN.

And guess what happened when Yub got there?

He waited.

(Evil laugh) Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!


Wednesday, August 27, 2014


So sorry for not writing on my blog for the longest time. I know I may be talking to a blank wall here but it doesn't hurt to address a question that may be asked by imaginary people or something.

ANYWHO, just in case you WERE wondering, Well not only was I busy with work (yep even if it doesn't look like it)  but I was also nursing this terrible migraine that may have something to do with my enormous forehead.

Well not only THAT. Since I ran out of television shows to watch, I went back to savoring (yep I will use that word) SHERLOCK HOLMES season 1 and 2. And you know what happened the last time I became a "Cumberbabe". Well... let's just say that I used the same lines as above when I made a blogpost about my obsession with Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch. He he he he!

Oh and congratulations dear Benedict for winning this year's Emmy for best actor in a mini-series or movie! I told you, you could do it! (Tee hee!)

Oooh la... la! (grabbed from

Now on a totally different note (and I mean TOTALLY), when you do get a chance to go to a US theme park, for the love of all delicious things on earth, PLEASE do not miss having a TURKEY LEG.

A TURKEY LEG? For a snack in a theme park???

Yes I actually found the idea very absurd at first. I mean I grew up thinking that a fat and juicy TURKEY was only supposed to be served during special occasions, case in point, Thanksgiving. Since we don't have that in the Philippines, my family would sometimes have it for Christmas. But to walk in a congested sunny theme park while biting on some TURKEY LEGS is truly unimaginable for me. That is, until one time we were in Disneyland California  and this family beside me was feasting a TURKEY LEG while we were waiting for the parade to start. The aroma emitted from the smoked TURKEY LEG made my mouth water and even at the risk of being called out as a  gawker, I still kept on staring while they tore the meat from that blasted TURKEY LEG and got all greasy hands in the process.

Homer drools... GWRRRKKKKK....

From then on, it became my mission to have that fat and juicy TURKEY LEG. However, my desire to bite into that meaty flesh took a while due to severe long lines and/or unavailability in the following theme parks that we went to.

At last, when we were in SEAWORLD, there was a decent line for that much revered TURKEY LEG and finally I was able to take a big bite out of it.

And wow... there were no words...

I wonder though if dear Benedict's warm embrace is as yummy as that TURKEY LEG?

Tee hee! 

Lining up for my TURKEY LEG!

Friday, August 22, 2014


The last leg of our "theme park tripping" in the US is SEAWORLD. It was really not included in our itinerary but we were so nearby with LEGOLAND that it would be great to spend another day in it. Besides, I remember the wet fun that my sister and I had there before that I'm sure the little lords will love it there as well.

And so it was set....

We're going to SEAWORLD BABY!!!!

Could Shamu do this? HUH???


Monday, August 18, 2014


When we were plotting our itinerary for our US trip, we decided that since we'll be going to LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, we should be dropping by SEAWORLD too. So that meant that we needed a place to stay for 3 days and 2 nights!

We knew some people in San Diego but we didn't want to impose on anyone. Besides, we may even be too tired to chat or do the usual niceties that it would indeed be better if we just stayed in a simple and safe hotel by our lonesome.

With that, I remembered the last time Mati and I were in Minnesotta, we stayed at DAYS INN AND SUITES. We had a very comfortable experience there that I immediately checked it out. I found the place perfect for us because not only did it get some online raves on comfort and cleanliness but it was also situated in a safe neighborhood that was near SEAWORLD!

So in an instant, I clicked, I booked, and I paid. Hopefully the DAYS INN AND SUITES in San Diego will give us a wonderful stay such as in Minnesota. 


future shot

When we got to DAYS INN AND SUITES, Yub checked in at the lobby for us as the kiddies were already asleep in the car.

Friday, August 15, 2014


If you have plans to go to LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, pretty please make sure that you also make time to spend the day in LEGOLAND WATERPARK.

When we had an overnight stay in LEGOLAND HOTEL, we each received 2-day park hopper tickets that we really did not think much of. We just thought, "Okay cool, we'll get more time to go around in LEGOLAND". But while we were walking around the theme park, we came upon LEGOLAND WATERPARK and peeked inside --- what the kids saw made them ecstatic! They loved swimming and to do so in a vast water park influenced by their favorite LEGO shows is a dream come true.

So with that, we decided to check out early from LEGOLAND HOTEL to spend the whole day in LEGOLAND WATERPARK.  At first the little lords were fretting that we had to wake up early then check out from what is already their favorite hotel in the whole universe. But a step in LEGOLAND WATERPARK's big pool painted instant wide smiles on their cute little faces that lasted for the whole weekend. 

If your kiddies love swimming and LEGO, for the love of Benedict Cumberbatch (???), take them to LEGOLAND WATERPARK! The shrieks of fun you'll hear while everyone is swimming will definitely be worth the travel and extra payment for the entrance.

Sorry for the Benedict Cumberbatch inclusion. I'm re-watching Sherlock Holmes now. Bwa ha ha ha ha!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I read the sad news that after 3 years, NOMAMA in Scout Tuason Quezon City branch will be closing its doors. Though their Capitol Commons Branch will still be open to the public, I still feel a certain twang of glumness when a restaurant closes especially one that has been a regular "go to" place for us in Quezon City.

I was not really planning on making this post anymore since I've already made 2 entries about NOMAMA.  But then we celebrated dear Albert's birthday there so I felt that it's just fitting to make a last entry about NOMAMA Scout Tuason. Besides, it was a wonderful night filled with great food, friends, family, and singing! Now who wouldn't want to forget about THAT?

Well certainly not us as we hold NOMAMA Scout Tuason so dear.


Albert reserved the long table where we first met in NOMAMA one year ago!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


When we were in the US for Andrei's 7th birthday, the original schedule was to just see his idol Jaws in UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD then go to the happiest place in the world, DISNEYLAND. But then dear Mati saw that there was a LEGOLAND in California that we just HAVE to go to. With that, we changed our itinerary in an instant.

One of the great things about our trip to LEGOLAND was that the weather was very cloudy and quite cool. In addition to that "plus factor", there was not a lot of people in the theme park (possibly because we went on a weekday). Because of that, we all walked comfortably without getting bumped on and had many repeated rides because the lines were not that long.

So yes, we were all glad that we made this little change in our US trip. The kiddies swore that this was the best place ever that my husband and I couldn't be more happier for them.

Oh and everywhere we go, whenever we get to talk to somebody, we would always say,  EVERYTHING IS AWESOME (coining the famous phrase from the Lego Movie).

And you know what, because it really was.


It's a dream come true for my little lords!!!

Monday, August 11, 2014


While I was at LEGOLAND HOTEL CALIFORNIA, the kind front desk lady asked if we would like to get BRICKS' special package only available upon check in: $60 for 2 adults and 2 kids. The regular price for the buffet was around $25 each for adults and $15 for children, so this was a pretty good deal. At least we don't have to look for somewhere to eat in this unfamiliar part of California when it's time for dinner. 

So after getting settled in our pirate themed room, we went downstairs to have dinner at BRICKS FAMILY RESTAURANT!!!

Friday, August 8, 2014


Fast forward pic at LEGO LAND HOTEL!!!!

During our US trip to celebrate Andrei's birthday, the initial plan was to just have a hotel staycation in Las Vegas then Disneyland and Universal Studios. It has always been our fool- proof itinerary so we were sticking to it when we fly there with the kids.

Then lo and behold, Mati was surfing his Facebook page then found something so exciting for him and Andrei that he immediately posted about it.


Call me clueless and useless but I really did not know that there was a LEGOLAND RESORT in California. All the while I thought the US counterpart of this popular franchise was in Florida so I did not bother researching about it (told you I'm useless). So I was so grateful that my ever smart Master Mati was able to discover this LEGOLAND RESORT and posted about it way before our departure date.

And so it was set: We will be having a LEGOLAND HOTEL staycation as per my little lord's wishes. Like with the other staycations and foodie trips, I told my husband that I will be shouldering this one since I already gave my much appreciated "yes" to the boys. It may mean that I will have to cut down a bit on shopping and/or eating out for those 2 months but I was SO fine with it.

Of course at the end of the day what's important is to make long lasting memories with your little ones...

PLUS, I have something to blackmail them with for 2 months! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!

"Fetch my slippers BOY!"

Duh. I'm kidding! :) 

Early Thursday morning we woke up early to drive out of Los Angeles.

LEGOLAND HOTEL was somewhat near San Diego so it will still be an hour or two drive going there. 

And finally... we're HERE!


Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I remember that one of the "MUST TRIES" I listed before flying out to the US was to have a meal at their popular seafood restaurants where the the main entrees are served piping hot inside a plastic bag.

HUUUUWAAAAT? Inside a plastic bag??? How lazy could an establishment be???!!!

Hold on, wait a minute, just take your kapeng mainit... That is actually the beauty of these famous new restaurants! You pick the kind of seafood that you want (be it crab, shrimps, crawfish, etc, etc) and choose what sauce it will be swimming in (if there's chicken, will it do the "breast stroke"?? Teee hee). Then voila, these beauties will be served on your tables inside these special plastic bags where the seafood is all steaming hot and saucy.

Afterwards, prepare for an awesome kind of seafood carnage!

That happened EXACTLY after our fun Hollywood and Ripley's Museum trip (SEE HERE). We were supposed to eat at THE BOILING CRAB, another popular restaurant of the same theme, but the wait list was going for 2 hours and we were hungry. Luckily my hottie niece Gayle suggested that we try out KICKIN KASIAN which received a lot of good reviews and the wait was not that long. We were so thankful that we moved to KICKIN KASIAN because after our meal, we were all licking our fingers from all the buttery sauces and heaving wonderful sighs of happiness. Such gluttony bliss!

DEFINITELY worth heeding the call of all that hype! Can't wait to get my hands dirty like this again! 


Let's go! We're hungry!

Monday, August 4, 2014


Ever since PEPPER LUNCH opened in Power Plant Mall, the boys have been regular fans. Don't get me wrong, I like their food too but not as much as the little lords. Whenever I ask them where they wanted to eat for our family night outs it's always PEPPER LUNCH this or PEPPER LUNCH that. Heck, Mati even said that he was so in love with Beef Pepper Rice that he was willing to marry it (yup, THAT and a packet of Jollibee criss cut fries)!!

So for one of our YAPPY family nights, the kids once more pleaded that we have our dinner at PEPPER LUNCH. Normally the Chinese Adonis and I don't have any problem with going for what the children wanted for dinner. But COME ON! I'm sure you'll understand our hesitation given that the little lords already ate there last weekend and even asked for additional take home for their school lunch. In the end, even if I could still remember vividly the taste and smell of everything, my husband and I agreed because the kids' appetites seem to double whenever a plateful of Beef Pepper Rice is in front of them.

As for me and my hub, to even up our "ordeal" of smelling like beef teppanyaki barbecues, we're just going to blog about it.  I remember the last time I wrote an entry on PEPPER LUNCH, Andrei's tummy cannot yet handle its peppery meat. He he he! Yep! THAT long  (SEE HERE)!

So see? Everybody happy always at PEPPER LUNCH! 


Friday, August 1, 2014


After going for 2 straight days in theme parks (DISNEYLAND  and UNIVERSAL STUDIOS), and looking at two more to cap the week (check it out soon!), the Chinese Adonis and I decided that Wednesday was going to be our "rest day". We were really just planning to sleep until noon, watch some TV, and wash our clothes. But then, our butts realized we still haven't been to some of the prime spots in California so we needed to get up and roll out!

Yes. Our butts do the thinking for us since they DO the deciding factor whether we move or not.

Anywho, my cousin Ate Baby and hottie niece Gayle took us for a mini-Hollywood day and more. We were really supposed to do this, this, and this, but because of dinner plans we just went for that, that, and that. So even if the tour did not go as planned, the YAPPY BUNCH still had a lot of fun and unforgettable time.

Case in point, the Chinese Adonis saw Adam Sandler in the flesh!

Yep!  Believe it... or not! :)

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in HOLLYWOOD, Los Angeles!

When we got to HOLLYWOOD, LA, Mati immediately saw a favorite and ran up to his idol.