
Friday, August 8, 2014


Fast forward pic at LEGO LAND HOTEL!!!!

During our US trip to celebrate Andrei's birthday, the initial plan was to just have a hotel staycation in Las Vegas then Disneyland and Universal Studios. It has always been our fool- proof itinerary so we were sticking to it when we fly there with the kids.

Then lo and behold, Mati was surfing his Facebook page then found something so exciting for him and Andrei that he immediately posted about it.


Call me clueless and useless but I really did not know that there was a LEGOLAND RESORT in California. All the while I thought the US counterpart of this popular franchise was in Florida so I did not bother researching about it (told you I'm useless). So I was so grateful that my ever smart Master Mati was able to discover this LEGOLAND RESORT and posted about it way before our departure date.

And so it was set: We will be having a LEGOLAND HOTEL staycation as per my little lord's wishes. Like with the other staycations and foodie trips, I told my husband that I will be shouldering this one since I already gave my much appreciated "yes" to the boys. It may mean that I will have to cut down a bit on shopping and/or eating out for those 2 months but I was SO fine with it.

Of course at the end of the day what's important is to make long lasting memories with your little ones...

PLUS, I have something to blackmail them with for 2 months! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!

"Fetch my slippers BOY!"

Duh. I'm kidding! :) 

Early Thursday morning we woke up early to drive out of Los Angeles.

LEGOLAND HOTEL was somewhat near San Diego so it will still be an hour or two drive going there. 

And finally... we're HERE!


My husband and I got quite worried that weather was cloudy and there were some drizzles. I told my little boys to pray so that the weather will be clear when it's time to go around the park. 

A LEGOLAND HOTEL doorman was ready to take our bags and tons of luggages! He he he he!


The lobby of LEGOLAND HOTEL was more than what Mati and Andrei imagined it to be!

A LEGO pirate was even there to welcome the kiddies!

Case in point, it's not everyday you are greeted by a Dragon made out of Lego bricks in a hotel lobby!

AND a mini-pool filled with LEGO bricks!

While the kiddies played I got ready to check in LEGOLAND HOTEL!

The LEGOLAND HOTEL front desk lady was very helpful with all my requests and answered all my weird questions!


Me: "When do you think it'll stop raining?"

LEGOLAND HOTEL lady: "Oh I'm not so sure but hopefully it'll stop later.... "

Yeah! Take her for a weather girl now would I??? I told you I was clueless!!! Ha ha ha ha!


Looking beyond her shoulder I noticed a LEGO dude "biking" from one end of the reception wall to the other.

If you look closely, the "wheels" are actually magnifying glasses so you could see clearly the many LEGO characters from a distance!


photo grabbed from LEGOLAND HOTEL website

When my husband and I went online to make our advance reservations for LEGOLAND HOTEL, we were supposed to choose the "Celebrate Your Birthday Package". But then we saw that the Family Package for 4 included not just the room but also a  2-day admission to LEGOLAND California, SEA LIFE Aquarium, and LEGOLAND Water Park, that is good for the whole family. It really is a great value for its price so that's the one we got!

After confirming our reservations, dear front desk lady gave us our LEGOLAND HOTEL kit!

 This included a schedule of their fun activities....

Plus the clues for our room's LEGOLAND HOTEL treasure hunt that Mati and Andrei are SO looking forward for!

... tickets for the LEGOLAND RESORT!

And VIP wristbands to take us anywhere in LEGOLAND HOTEL and RESORT at an earlier time!! HA!

When I check in at a hotel usually I would hear the little lords running and getting all whiney at the back that I'm used to giving them a that "look" or doing some huffing and puffing to get them to wait.

But in LEGOLAND HOTEL, the lobby is literally a playground that the kiddies would want you to actually take long in checking in! Ha ha ha ha!

 I had no clue that Mati immediately scurried off to this humongous pirate ship that's made out of... you guessed it... LEGO!

The LEGOLAND HOTEL pirate ship was so big that it even has a playroom inside.... 

What are you writing there Andrei?


I love you Andrei too! I hope nobody erases this. He he he he!


Since we arrived early in the morning, we decided to go around LEGOLAND RESORT first.

The kids really didn't mind because as much as they wanted to check out their pirate room at LEGOLAND HOTEL, they also wanted to play at the park where EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!

Guess who welcomed us there?


We had a lot of fun going around and it helped that the weather was very cool. It was because of the cloudy weather that even if LEGOLAND HOTEL front desk called us up as early as 10:00am to say that our room was ready for us, we still stayed to explore.

Wow! Our room was ready at 10:00am? Usually hotel check in is at 2:00pm! 10 points for LEGOLAND HOTEL!!!!!!


I think it was about 4:00pm when we decided to go back to the hotel... he he he he!!!

Hmmm... Now where to go?

Before going up I went to the ladies' room first (when I gotta go I gotta go. What if I get stuck in the elevator right?) and saw this.

It was so funny because while I was doing my thing, I heard some fart sounds and somebody saying "Eeeew is that you????". Turns out, they have these funny voice recordings that play up when somebody is inside. Ha ha ha ha!

Whew! I got a bit nervous there. I thought I let one rip without me knowing! Ha ha ha ha!

Hallway going to the elevator...

I guess LEGOLAND is obsessed with that sound because there's even this corner by the elevator that lets out a fart when you step on it!

Of course, that was so popular with the boys. Ha ha ha ha!

Going up, the kids and I got to ride on the coolest elevator E-VER!

That's not just an ordinary elevator light!


Once the door closes, disco lights and music will blast on! 


Check out the fun we always had in LEGOLAND HOTEL'S disco elevator!

Ha ha ha!

Fast forward pic! 

There were three room themes for LEGOLAND HOTEL: Medieval theme, Adventure theme, and PIRATE theme!

Fast Forward Picture

The little lords chose the PIRATE room in LEGOLAND HOTEL!

Our room... 2083!

Here's the Queen sized Pirate bed for the adults!

Looks mighty comfy and fun without that "motel theme" going on... Ha ha ha ha ha!

Not that we have been to a motel... Except for the Thor themed one.

BWA HA HA HA! Kidding! But yes, there actually is!

Heyyyy.... what's that outside our window??? Road guys who are peeping Toms too???

Good thing the Chinese Adonis noticed them before stripping down. Ha ha ha ha!

I know... RAWR right??? 

Each LEGOLAND HOTEL room comes with coffee and coffee maker plus water and juice for the kiddies!

I totally love their ice bucket! Too bad I cannot take this home... Ha ha ha ha!

We were able to get free ice at their dispenser per floor plus additional drinks!

The little lords were so excited with their very own room that had a pirate bunk bed!!

There's even an extra pull out so at least I won't be too nervous that Mati might fall over. 

The kiddies' corner had its own television set too!

What really amused the little lords with their own corner was that they had a sign that says "ADULTS KEEP OUT"! and would always quote it when we get near their place.   Because of that the Chinese Adonis and I were not really "allowed" to go in their territory. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Hmmm... I guess this means they're ready now for their own room! 

It's just me who's not! Ha ha ha ha!

Hmmm... Will have to buy a sign like this too!

LEGOLAND HOTEL Pirate Themed bathroom.

Yub's magical throne! He he he he he!

The face that launched a thousand ships.... in fear!!!

What got the kiddies doubly excited with our stay in LEGOLAND HOTEL was this secret treasure!

To open the safe, they have to unlock the code by answering these questions from the LEGOLAND HOTEL kit provided.

Number one : How many frames are across the first floor elavator?

Number Two... How many balloons are flying across the pirate ship in the lobby?

Number Three... How many LEGO waiters are there at the Skyline Cafe?

Would you believe I actually thought they meant live waiters???? Well they work in LEGO too! Ha ha ha ha! Good thing Mati corrected me. 

Number Four... Under your television there is a puzzle. What is the number shown?

And they got it!!!!

Yohoo! Mati and Andrei's LEGOLAND HOTEL treasure!!! Cool!!!!

After resting a bit, I accompanied Andrei to the LEGOLAND HOTEL pool for a swim. 

It's a good thing that the water was heated because the weather was quite cool!

I'm such a paranoid Mommy that even if  the water is not that deep I make them wear inflatables. But in LEGOLAND HOTEL, they won't just allow ordinary "inflated donuts" -- it has to be lifeguard approved life vests! Good thing they let us use what they have for free!

Wow! Everywhere I look I see big blocks of LEGO!

After resting a bit, we headed down to BRICKS for dinner. This is not included in the package but if you purchase your tickets when you check in, you'll get a discount per person.

The food here was AWESOME!!!!

Blogpost soon to follow!!!

Looking around the hotel, LEGOLAND was created with kids (and kids at heart) in mind. Everywhere we looked there was LEGO this and LEGO that.

I could just imagine the fun that Mati and Andrei are having!!!

After dinner, we went around to let the kiddies play some more with the LEGO display and take more pictures.

Of course, the little lords were more than fine with that!

We have the whole LEGOLAND HOTEL lobby to ourselves!

Want to play with us?

A big LEGO divider!

I want this for the kiddies' room!

Andrei asked me to bring his Superman cape along and wore it for his LEGO night!

Lying down on a bed of LEGO!

Of course Mati immediately went to the gift shop checking to see what he'll buy at the end of our trip.

Afterwards, he also volunteered to take pictures for me and this is what he saw.

How many balloons are there again?

BEHOLD! A rhinoceros!!!!

Now what's that green figure on top? He he he he!

Andrei loved playing at the tub filled with LEGO bricks. I wonder how fun it is though to have this in our house and you accidentally step in here BAREFOOT on your way to the bathroom... He he he he!

Not so awesome now huh???

While the boys played in the LEGO tub and pirate ship, Yub and I sat on the LEGOLAND HOTEL lounge and pondered on ordering coffee.

LEGOLAND HOTEL also has a bar which served "grown up drinks".  Even if this hotel is more for adults, you would still see a LOT of LEGO fun things to wow at.

Take for example their model display of a street made out of LEGO and LEGO characters!

The marvelous thing here is their attention to detail!

Check out one window and you'll see something naughty going on. Ha ha ha ha!

This LEGOLAND HOTEL display is also illuminated by a "sun" or "moon" depending what time it was! Cool huh?

I love going out at night during our staycations to explore the hotel.

Because not only will there be less people in the popular areas, but there is a certain kind of adventure AND romance when you walk around and explore at night. 

Of course, everything is MORE awesome for me when I go around with my 3 gentlemen!

The little lords went to bed tired but very happy! They were so excited not only to sleep in their bunk beds but also to wake up to a new adventure in LEGOLAND!


Mati was first to get up!

Wake up sleepyhead. I usually get him up by kissing him all over his face and neck. He still smells like a baby up to now!

We had a delicious breakfast at LEGOLAND HOTEL'S BRICKS which is included in the package.

We finished breakfast by 9:30pm so that means we could now go to LEGOLAND RESORT even if park opening is actually at 10:00am.

That's one of the perks of being a hotel guest, your VIP wristband will get you early admission!

From the restaurant, LEGOLAND HOTEL guests could just pass by that brown gate there going to the park!

We immediately headed for the LEGOLAND Sky Cruiser because the lines were so crazy yesterday.

Wohoo! More on our LEGOLAND RESORT blogpost coming up!

When we got back to our room, it was time to check out!

But of course, we had to take some pictures first!

The kids were wearing their swimsuits because they will be swimming also at LEGOLAND's water park!

Blog post to follow!

Mirror shot!

The boys didn't want to leave their bed. Ha ha ha ha! And because of that, I got them a bunk bed for their new room!

Andrei said good bye to his monkey safe!

My yellow hamper and the perverted peeping Tom also said loving good byes to each other. Ha ha ha ha!

LEGOLAND HOTEL hallway shot!

Checking out was so easy peasy! They also let us leave our bags and luggages first because we're still going to spend the day in the LEGOLAND WATER PARK.

I'm glad that Mati saw that there was a LEGOLAND HOTEL in California. We may have to alter our itinerary a bit, but it was worth it.

Not only did Mati have the staycation of his life but our little birthday boy here yelled that this was the best time ever. He thanked me and the Chinese Adonis with a lot of kisses and hugs.

Now THAT is definitely AWESOME!

1 Legoland Dr, 
Carlsbad, CA 92008, 
United States

+1 760-918-5346


  1. what a super fun YAPpy adventure!!! <3 I love this post!! :-*

    1. Thanks! We had a lot of fun grabe! Super bonding!!!! Naku Andrei naman is asking kung pwede 1 week daw kami sa Legoland Hotel! Ha ha ha ha! I don't think kaya ng powers ko yun! But we might go back again. Hopefully soon! Mmmmwaaaaah! Love you!
