
Friday, August 1, 2014


After going for 2 straight days in theme parks (DISNEYLAND  and UNIVERSAL STUDIOS), and looking at two more to cap the week (check it out soon!), the Chinese Adonis and I decided that Wednesday was going to be our "rest day". We were really just planning to sleep until noon, watch some TV, and wash our clothes. But then, our butts realized we still haven't been to some of the prime spots in California so we needed to get up and roll out!

Yes. Our butts do the thinking for us since they DO the deciding factor whether we move or not.

Anywho, my cousin Ate Baby and hottie niece Gayle took us for a mini-Hollywood day and more. We were really supposed to do this, this, and this, but because of dinner plans we just went for that, that, and that. So even if the tour did not go as planned, the YAPPY BUNCH still had a lot of fun and unforgettable time.

Case in point, the Chinese Adonis saw Adam Sandler in the flesh!

Yep!  Believe it... or not! :)

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in HOLLYWOOD, Los Angeles!

When we got to HOLLYWOOD, LA, Mati immediately saw a favorite and ran up to his idol.


The little lords are Star Wars fanatics so they were also thrilled upon seeing Darth Vader and Chewbacca!

In Hollywood boulevard you will see a lot of impersonators who'll pose for pictures with you for a price. You may give them from $1 to $5 dollars. If they harass you for more (like $20), you may get the attention of LA security. Yep! A police officer was giving those friendly reminders while we were having our pics taken with Darth Vader. 

Walking along the HOLLYWOOD Walk of Fame may be tiring for some but if you're a movie buff like us then every step is a treat for the eyes!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords at the HOLLYWOOD walk of fame!

Mati was really looking forward to seeing the TCL CHINESE THEATRE (formerly the Mann Chinese Theatre) because it was in one of his favorite scenes in IRON MAN 3. 

Unfortunately, there was a BLENDED movie premier so dear Mati had to contend with just checking out the sidestreets of TCL CHINESE THEATRE.  Blast you Waterboy!!!! 

Kidding! He he he he!

I guess it was still okay because master Mati was able to see the entrance of the famed TCL CHINESE THEATRE!

This popular venue for movie premiers was built on 1926 and was initially called the Grauman's Chinese Theatre. 

In 1968, it was declared as a historic and cultural landmark then renamed as Mann Chinese Theatre which I many were more familiar with. 

In 2013 the venue was acquired by TCL Corporation thus naming it TCL Chinese Theatre!

This famous Hollywood landmark has a capacity of about 930 people for its indoor theatre and has hosted not just movie premiers but award shows as well!

What I was most sorry about was that I was not able to see the hand and foot prints of my favorite artists in TCL CHINESE THEATRE... The last time I was here I was able to see the one by Frank Sinatra!

While walking around, I was thrilled to see the ROOSEVELT HOTEL!

Oh Andrei!!!!! HA HA HA!

As usual, the Chinese Adonis was clueless about the significance of this hotel in HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD. I told him that if he knew his classic moviestars, he would get excited too knowing that the greats Clark Gable and Marilyn Monroe used to stay here.

Of course he said... WHA???

To be honest, I came to be familiar with THE ROOSEVELT HOTEL upon watching many Halloween ghost specials. They said old actors such as Errol Flynn (Robin Hood) and Montgomery Clift (From Here to Eternity) would haunt this very old establishment. The one that I would always catch was how Marilyn Monroe roamed the halls of the hotel and show herself in one of their big lobby mirrors.

The last time my sister and I were in Los Angeles, we dropped by ROOSEVELT HOTEL and saw that very mirror. Unfortunately, we didn't see no Marilyn, Errol, or Montgomery! Would love to see their beautiful beings so much!!!! 

Afterwards we just walked around HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD more!

We stumbled upon MADAME TUSSAUD'S Wax Museum and stopped a bit for pictures.

Yohoo! We got an Oscar!

We've already been to MADAME TUSSAUD'S in Las Vegas (SEE HERE!!!!) so we decided to just look around some of their famous wax figures at the entrance. 

Case in point!

I don't really love Johnny Depp but I wrapped my arms around him, similar to what George Mallory said about Mt. Everest, "Because it's there!"

He he he he!

This Johnny, like Mt. Everest, did not budge too even when I made the googley oogley eyes at him!

"Hey Johnny! Do you wanna build a snowman???"

The children went up to Shrek and played with the friendly Ogre.

Ha ha ha ha! Check out little baby Zeddy who was oblivious to the ruckus behind him. 

... Or not?

It's a good thing that when ERICJAZ FOODIES went to Hollywood Boulevard (yep! We're in the 3rd person point of view), human traffic was at a bare minimum!

It was a bit crowded on the other side though but we got a bit energized from the nummy Ghirardelli chocolates.

Good thing because otherwise there would be a lot of whining, complaining, and crying...

FROM ME! He he he he!

Our big group headed towards RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT MUSEUM to check it out. I remember that this venue for the strange had a display in Edsa Shangrila once and I took Kuya Nap's kids there. Such a shame that they had to take it down. 

Hottie Gayle treated us for this RIPLEY'S visit. Thanks so muchos!!!! Will take care of you guys here in the Philippines when you go home to visit!

RIPLEY'S BELIEVE OR NOT Museum in Hollywood has been open since 1992 and would only close during the Oscar awards!

Museum hours were from 10:00am to 12:00midnight! 

Adult (online) $14.99
Child (online ) $8.99

When you enter RIPLEYS, a robot of Robert Wadlow, the world's tallest man, welcomes you!

He was seated at first then "stood up" to his high and mighty self. Poor Hayley got so scared and ran outside crying. 

Hmmm... Andrei is up to pareng Robert's waist! That's not so bad! He he he he!

Dear Robert Ripley!

I loved watching his specials before in Channel 9 (I think) that was hosted by the Father and Daughter team of Jack and Holly Palance! I was not much of a fan of the new ones with Dean Cain. 

Well what do you know! Another favorite is here to welcome us!

Ol' Blue Eyes himself made out of Rubix Cubes! 

There were a total of 11 galleries in the RIPLEY'S MUSEUM. Most of the 2 floors have displays that are kid friendly and would really pique the curiosity of your little ones. 

Why hello there Andrei?

Sorry I was not able to take down the names of all 11 galleries... Ha ha ha ha ha! But they do have this mini-science room!

Look into my eyes... or screen!

There's a fun section in RIPLEYS ODDITORIUM where a gunshot on the right target would either make a ladies' boobs pop out or Frankenstein to walk over to you.  It's $1 a pop though... Ha ha ha ha ha!

RIPLEY'S display on odd animals!

Me and my god daughter Alique who is growing up to be a pretty little lady! They say she's such a cry baby and wouldn't go with anyone! I guess she found a kindred soul in me. Ha ha ha ha ha!

In the museum, there's also a mini-cinema showing the discoveries of Mr.Ripley!

It's a comfortable and cool place to rest too!

There's also a Gallery that boggles the mind!

Andrei sat on the throne that's made just for him! He he he he!

Enter Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On"

RIPLEY'S display on recycled art!

There's C3PO made up of... I forgot. Ha ha ha ha!

Plus a recycled Goodyear tire... Boo! We prefer Michelin... He he he he he!

There was also a Superhero section in RIPLEY'S MUSEUM!

It displayed the actual costume of Christopher Reeve in Superman! 

Awww... Now THIS they cover up! I would've loved to at least touch something that had been a close possession of my first love!

Mati saw his favorite Michael Jackson and wondered about the stuffed monkey. I told him it was Michael's famous pet "Bubbles". As much as I loved the King of Pop, I find stuffed animals a bit freaky. He he he he!

So I had a picture with Michael MINUS the monkey!

There was also this red carpet thing going on in RIPLEY'S MUSEUM that did not really focus on the Hollywood stars and what they're wearing!

It was more like the red carpet walk for the most odd and bizaarre  personalities in history.

Obviously Ate Baby is not counted. Ha ha ha ha ha! We just agreed that we would all look thin standing beside the fattest woman there is. 

One of the galleries featured a glamorous display on Marilyn Monroe!

At first I thought she was sort of fat but seeing her dresses, Marilyn could pass off as slender!

There was even an air grill for visitors who want to relive that iconic Marilyn shot from the movie "Seven Year Itch". 

My niece Gayle had a go for it and looked so sexy and adorable.

I tried it too but came out like the Michelin dude with a hood.  I used it since I don't have anything that would be "swept by the wind!" Now I just look weird!

I remember that RIPLEY'S MANILA had a display like this one. However, the bamboo balcony here does not "collapse" when the visitor goes at the end of it. Sayang! I was really looking forward to trick Andrei here, hence, the picture. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Model Mommy I know!

One of our most favorite parts in the RIPLEY MUSEUM is the disco and light room! 

Sorry that I was not able to take a picture of the group dancing at the dark room since I was too engrossed with the light show -- think of me like a deer caught in headlights. He he he he!

I guess they had some sensors that detect the movement by the wall (where we were standing).

Could you tell which is which from me, Gayle, and Andrei?

Of course, I called THE YAPPY BUNCH for a mini pictorial!

l-r (Chinese Adonis, Air Andrei, Master Mati, and ME!)

That was the last gallery in RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT MUSEUM. The whole experience took about an hour and a half. It would be longer if you take time to read every bizaarre story that is posted on the walls. 

Outside, Mati made a new friend!

The same goes for Andrei!

Though I THINK, that's actually my husband.... Wanting to go to the restroom as usual!

Mati... THAT is your father....

KIDDING! Love you Yub! He he he he he!

Mati pointed out to me later on a paper mache image of Ringo Starr.

It was actually quite big... As big as Andrei. Ha ha ha ha!

My husband saw this curious looking faucet with running water and wondered how it worked. Of course he put a finger in it to which my temperamental god daughter showed him the sign. 

Ha ha ha ha! Yep! That's my god daughter alright!!!

The little kiddies enjoyed the unforgettable sights in RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT MUSEUM. Mati was extra happy that he got a free booklet on more weird findings of the famous adventurer.

With that, we stayed a bit in HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD to take more pictures and enjoy the walk of fame before we go home. 

We were here 11 years ago and I hope the next trip of us together will not be as far off!

Do you see the photobomber?

Okay... take 2. 

There he goes again! Ha ha ha ha!

It was this point that Yub was so curious to see what's going on with the BLENDED premiere.

Yub was so thrilled to see Adam Sandler (in blue jacket)! He was just fretting a bit because he did not get a closer picture of the comedian when he was near them.

Check out STORM looking at Adam Sandler too!

While they were fussing over the actors in BLENDED, I was taking pictures of dear Mati with... Martin Landau.

We were not able to go farther to get a picture of him with the actors that he really liked. So he just settled with this Mission Impossible walk. He he he he!

It's okay Mati. I'm sure soon you'll have a bigger star on this walk too!

Ah! Finally! Since Mati loved Star Wars it was just fitting that he got a picture with the one for Harrison Ford! At least! Somebody that he knows!

Once inside, we checked out the DOLBY THEATER (former Kodak Theater).

Sayang we were not able to see what it looks like inside. Not to worry though. I'm sure when Mati grows up, he'll take me there to be his date for his Oscar award. He he he he!

Sorry but we cannot stop taking pictures! There was actually a group of Korean tourists while we were there. Good thing that they considerately let us take our photos first before they barged in. He he he he!

As we were about to go, we saw the kiddies using the side stairs as a slide!

Ha ha ha! They were all squealing and giggling with delight!

I'm glad that we have such happy kids that would find joy in anything! He he he he!

So. There.


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