
Friday, August 15, 2014


If you have plans to go to LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, pretty please make sure that you also make time to spend the day in LEGOLAND WATERPARK.

When we had an overnight stay in LEGOLAND HOTEL, we each received 2-day park hopper tickets that we really did not think much of. We just thought, "Okay cool, we'll get more time to go around in LEGOLAND". But while we were walking around the theme park, we came upon LEGOLAND WATERPARK and peeked inside --- what the kids saw made them ecstatic! They loved swimming and to do so in a vast water park influenced by their favorite LEGO shows is a dream come true.

So with that, we decided to check out early from LEGOLAND HOTEL to spend the whole day in LEGOLAND WATERPARK.  At first the little lords were fretting that we had to wake up early then check out from what is already their favorite hotel in the whole universe. But a step in LEGOLAND WATERPARK's big pool painted instant wide smiles on their cute little faces that lasted for the whole weekend. 

If your kiddies love swimming and LEGO, for the love of Benedict Cumberbatch (???), take them to LEGOLAND WATERPARK! The shrieks of fun you'll hear while everyone is swimming will definitely be worth the travel and extra payment for the entrance.

Sorry for the Benedict Cumberbatch inclusion. I'm re-watching Sherlock Holmes now. Bwa ha ha ha ha!


If you're just going for the day tour of  LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA, you may need to shell out additional bucks for admission in the WATERPARK. 

To know how much entrance could cost you, check out my blog on LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA

LEGOLAND WATERPARK officially opened last May of 2010. 

LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA is actually the first LEGOLAND to have a WATERPARK. 

LEGOLAND FLORIDA followed soon after.

We were so fortunate that weather became sunny during our visit to LEGOLAND WATERPARK. Even if it meant that we'll get some tan lines, at least it did not rain nor was it too cold for the kids to swim. 

We were also so lucky that there was not so many people in LEGOLAND WATERPARK when we came in on a Friday. At least the little lords were able to swim and move freely in the water. 

LEGOLAND WATERPARK has 10 special pool areas that kiddies and even grown ups alike could get into.

We were also very lucky to catch LEGOLAND'S CHIMA WATERPARK which just opened this year. Wohoo! More wet stuff to do for us!

Upon entering, Andrei immediately ran towards LEGOLAND WATERPARK's Imagination Station.

There are 2 tables in the Imagination Station: The first one would make conductors out of your kiddie as they use LEGO parts to make a musical harmony.

While the other has Duplo bricks that challenges you to build a structure to control the flow of water. 

I told Andrei that we could play a lot more in this section of LEGOLAND WATERPARK later after they swim (which was really the time when this picture was taken. He he he he)

In LEGOLAND WATERPARK they only allow Coast Guard approved lifevests for the kiddies. 

It's practically everywhere you look in LEGOLAND WATERPARK. The kids could use it for free then just return it before leaving. 

Okay guys! So where to first???

The first LEGOLAND WATERPARK pool we went to was the Splash Out. 

The Splash Out is an open wider slide at 240 feet!

My brave little Mati went for it.

At first he tried the Twin Chasers which had side by side red tubes going up at 130 feet. 

Then later on he went for the higher slide. 

As long as I could still see his little head I'm fine.

And down he goes! Ha ha ha ha!

Yey Mati!

He used to be terrified of slides but now he quite enjoys them.

I got nothing to worry about too in LEGOLAND WATERPARK because they're very big on safety. 

The 2 little lords already have different interests but I was happy that they stayed together in LEGOLAND WATERPARK.

Even though he wanted to run off somewhere dear Master Mati stayed in the wading area for Andrei.

His Kuya just got a bit angry when Andrei would continuously splash him with water.

I'm sure you're wondering why we're not swimming and just staying dry.

Well Yub had a really bad head ache that day and just wanted to rest. As for me, let's just say a certain Flo is in town so I can't really take a dip. 


It's still a good thing though because I don't want to scare the kids with my whale like figure AND, I'm already dark from DISNEYLAND and UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD! He he he he!

It's a good thing that there were a LOT of waiting areas/seats in LEGOLAND WATERPARK

The little lords afterwards went for LEGOLAND WATERPARK's Build A Raft River!

By the way, every pool had these LEGOLAND WATERPARK rules and guidelines to ensure the safety of the swimmers.

LEGOLAND WATERPARK's Build A Raft River supposedly involves the swimmer's creation of designs using LEGO bricks to customize his big lifesaver.

I think the little lords should have been creating their LEGO artworks for the raft, here!

But nobody was really doing it so we didn't know. Ha ha ha ha! Everybody would just go on at the entrance then pick their huge lifesaver.

Then swim away!

So that's why there were some LEGO bricks at edge of the pool. I thought they were only there for design.

My little lords also just went for it.

Little Andrei would just play with some of the LEGO bricks floating.

There were also some rafts from LEGOLAND WATERPARK that could fit two people at a time.

Of course the little boys did not want to be attached to each other at that point.

There is actually a light current controlling the waters so the swimmers would always go around the pool from the start to exit. 

I was pleased to see that LEGOLAND WATERPARK lifeguards were EVERYWHERE. If you look at the picture, the lifeguard was manning here a distance of  like 20 feet then another one was assigned at the other side. They were very strict too that when they see a swimmer doing something that may or may not be harmful, they would immediately blow on their whistle.

While the kiddies swam and I looked out for them at the edge, Yub was sitting under the big umbrella to rest out his pounding head ache.

Wawa the Chinese Adonis. He daydreamed too much of his crush Kirsten Stewart kasi!!!!!


It was not really possible for me to follow where the raft is going (because there would either be barriers or there's another swimming pool). Good thing that they have efficient lifeguards who will not let the little swimmers out at any point besides the exit. 

So we just waited for them here.

Of course after one run, they want to go again!

"Bye Mommy!!!!"

I think the little lords went for this around about 4 times!! I even had a snack while waiting. Ha ha ha ha!

We also rented a stroller at LEGOLAND WATERPARK to put all of our things in. This is so handy because we packed a lot and it also served as the "dryer" for our wet towels and clothes. He he he he he!

After the Build A Raft River, the little boys snuck some playtime at this LEGOLAND WATERPARK imagination station. 

We were so lucky that we went to LEGOLAND WATERPARK just in time: they just opened their newest attraction this month!


Ta - daaaah!!!!

This new area in LEGOLAND WATERPARK features 7 playpool stations! I'm not really familiar with the show but my boys were so happy to get in and get wet again!

First stop for us in this part of LEGOLAND WATERPARK was the Lion Temple Wave pool!

Initially the word "wave" concerned me and the hubster because we were worried that little Andrei might get carried away.

Yes he's so tiny! He doesn't eat kasi! Grrr!

The lifeguard assured me that the waves in the pool are actually interactive and specially designed for families with little kiddies. He also gave a lot of assurance that he will look after the little lord.

If you look closely, there are about 4 lifeguards around the pool plus the 2 that were not included in the picture. Though we won't be leaving our little lords to swim by themselves, 6 lifeguards while the kiddies are wearing their life vests is really reassuring. 

LEGO WATERPARK also had these signs all around. 

They were also very strict in imposing the 10 minute breaks at designated times to encourage the kiddies to take bathroom breaks. People really got out and waited for the proper time to get back in the pool. 

It's a good thing my boys NEVER peed in pools and found the idea gross. From the time they started swimming they would always get out and look for a restroom when they need to make wee wee. 

There's the lifeguard I talked to on Andrei's left (or is it right?). 

I wonder if they have a lifeguard in skimpy red suits... He he he he he!

My little guy enjoyed this one. He loved the gentle waves that carried him up and down!

That's one of the characters from the LEGO show CHIMA!

We all took a quick break to have lunch at LEGOLAND WATERPARK's Wolve's Den Grill!

That chili dog was GOOOO-OOOD!

Food was really good that even if finicky eater Andrei was not into burgers, he ate with gusto!

He just asked for extra cheesy mayo on his fries. Ha ha ha ha!

The little lord was still pouting though because he wanted to go back to swimming ASAP.

After finishing their food the little lords rushed towards LEGOLAND WATERPARK's Build A Boat!

The name actually speaks for what you're supposed to do in this LEGOLAND station. 

You get a "skeleton" boat then decorate/adorn it with LEGO that would make it run faster. 

I'm not sure how to do it but I'm sure there's an art to it!

Dear Mati was already there and got a headstart at building his boat. 

Andrei is really my little engineer. He loves building trains, cars, and robots. 

After you finish with your boat, have a mini race at their specially made "water track!"

Andrei was done. He made everything simple because his Kuya was rushing him to go to another pool. Ha ha ha ha!

Go Andrei!

Thar she blows!


When Andrei was finally finished, Mati said we should do back down in LEGOLAND WATERPARK.

This was the most people I've seen in a pool so I guess this LEGOLAND WATERPARK station was really fun!


This pool is great for little kiddies and older children. 

There were 2 type of slides available in this LEGOLAND WATEPARK pool. 

Mati went right for the bigger slides.

At first Andrei was too afraid to try the higher slides, but after Mati's prodding, he went up.

This was his first time too!

Thanks Mati for challenging Andrei!

Yey! Andrei said it was fun! He wanted to go up again!

I guess the reason why this LEGOLAND WATERPARK pool is so popular is there are slides all around.

Andrei got addicted to it and went on the slides even when I told him it's time to go.

You might be wondering what we have been doing while the little lords were swimming in LEGOLAND WATERPARK.

Here we are under the shade!!

Aaaah... it's so fun to be lazy!

LEGOLAND WATERPARK hours are usually from 10:00am to 6:00pm or 7:00pm. Just check the LEGOLAND WEBSITE because it varies each day.

For us that day, they were only open from 10:00am to 5:00pm.

I told the kiddies it's time to take a bath now. I was not able to take a picture of it but their showers and changing areas were all clean. 

If you wanted to dry up in a flash, you could try out some of their special facilities for a price!

After Andrei showered and changed into clean clothes, he's as cute as button!

And it's time to go! 

This stroller we rented from LEGOLAND WATERPARK was really a big help to us and our many bags! I think we paid around $10 to $15 dollars for this. Sorry I forgot how much but it was all worth it!

The stroller itself was so light too that even if we piled a lot of bags on it, it was still so easy to push.

Now push that stroller m'boy!


Before we called it a day, we saw that LEGOLAND WATERPARK's Pirate Reef was still open.

This is LEGOLAND WATERPARK's boat ride that goes around dangerous pirate waters!

Each Pirate Reef boat has a water cannon which you could use to shoot at other ships!

Hmmm... We're going to look for a boat with buccaneers in it!

Is a Chinese Adonis pirate counted????


Overall it was indeed an exciting surprise that we came upon LEGOLAND WATERPARK. We were all happy and glad that we spent the whole day there because it was indeed a whole lot of fun for each member of the family!

Yup! Even for those who just want to rest! Ha ha ha ha!


We L-O-V-Ed YOU!

LEGOLAND California
Carlsbad, CA 92008
 (760) 918-5346


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