
Friday, August 22, 2014


The last leg of our "theme park tripping" in the US is SEAWORLD. It was really not included in our itinerary but we were so nearby with LEGOLAND that it would be great to spend another day in it. Besides, I remember the wet fun that my sister and I had there before that I'm sure the little lords will love it there as well.

And so it was set....

We're going to SEAWORLD BABY!!!!

Could Shamu do this? HUH???


SEAWORLD is open from 10:00am to 7:30pm but do check the SEAWORLD WEBSITE  because closing time may vary depending on some of their show schedules. 

We're here at SEAWORLD!!!!

SEAWORLD tickets costs $84.00 for adults and $78.00 for children at 3-9 years old. Again, check out the SEAWORLD WEBSITE  for their special deals!

The first ride we lined up for was SEAWORLD's One Ocean -- the all new Shamu show!

While we were lining up, we saw some of the killer whales swimming around and practicing for their show ahead.

At this point, it got me thinking that these wild creatures were made to do their stunts and "tricks" many times in a day, it was like a job to them. Now do they really deserve that? Shouldn't they just be swimming all their might in the oceans and getting fat from all the seals they want to eat?

My heart tugged a bit for them. My only consolation there is that at least my little lords were able to see a killer whale up close and they thought it was having fun.

Oh well...

The SEAWORLD One Ocean show!

We got great seats!

Well we should! We were there super early! Ha ha ha ha!

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords for Shamu!

While we were waiting, Andrei pleaded for a Shamu bubble maker.

I agreed since he has been such a behaved boy since yesterday and for $20.00, that will be his remembrance from SEAWORLD!

Before the show started, SEAWORLD honored the service men among the audience and asked them to stand up.

It was because we were here very near America's memorial day.

And so it started...


It's a shame the little lords were not able to see the original Shamu (who passed away already) but these new killer whales were rocking the waters!

The little lords loved it! It was their first time to see killer whales up close!

Of course, Andrei made good use of his Shamu bubble maker...

It made him feel like he's underwater!

They were able to talk with one of the SEAWORLD trainers and got to learn more about killer whales.

After the show, we got to see more of the killer whales in Shamu's Underwater Viewing.

The boys were so thrilled especially Andrei because he was only familiar with killer whales as one of the victims of the shark in Jaws! He he he he!

Andrei can't stop staring at these beautiful creatures.

The One Ocean show also had a special message that we all have a role in the conservation of marine life. We are after all, living in just one planet.

The next show for us offered a beautiful view of San Diego while we were waiting outside. 

SEAWORLD's Madagascar Live!

The show had our favorite Madagascar mascots talking about some sort of vacation they'll be having.

Andrei got a bit bored. Ha ha ha ha!

Things picked up when King Julian arrived and asked us to "Move It Movie It! Ha ha ha!

And they let out the bubbles!!

SEAWORLD's Madagascar Live: Operation Vacation!

I bet Andrei was thinking, "My bubbles could do better!" He he he he!

Around SEAWORLD we saw some art works made from recylced materials. 

There were also these street murals that gave out these cool optical illusions!

While walking we passed along this SEAWORLD interactive starfish reef. 

It was pretty cool that not only could the little lords see these mysterious creatures up close but they could also touch and hold it with all their might.

Yes! We could hold it. It's all good as long as the starfish stays underwater because it can't breathe outside.

Don't worry... they won't bite!

After we stayed there a long time playing with the starfishes, we then went to SEAWORLD's World of Fishes!

It was pretty dark inside this SEAWORLD exhibit but according to their website, the aquariums here are one of the originals structures when the park first opened. 

There was indeed a variety of marine life in this section!

Hmmm... I seem to regret looking for a magnifying glass....

The little lords were so excited to actually see live piranhas up close. According to their website, this SEAWORLD aquarium has the largest school of this carnivorous fish for the public.

Andrei could stare at fishies all day so he really enjoyed the aquariums here. 

After SEAWORLD's World of Fishies, it was time for lunch. Finally I was going to have what I have been craving for in a loooong while... 

A turkey leg!!!!

This was SOOOO delicious that it deserves its own blogpost! Ha ha ha ha! Coming soon!

Fast forward shot!

After lunch the little lords agreed to ride SEAWORLD's Shipwreck Rapids. Now I'm not much of a roller coaster type of girl but this type of ride I like!

Too bad Yub was not able to take a picture of us splashing around in our "bumping boats" since we were going by so fast!

I let Andrei wear my jacket so that the one he was wearing earlier won't get wet and he won't be cold during the ride. Mati didn't mind getting splashed on in SEAWORLD'S Shipwreck Rapids as long as his jacket will be dry later on. 

This was so fun! Cold but fun!

Another SEAWORLD exhibit that thrilled the little lords was the "Meet the Manta Rays!"

Yes! It was all our first time to see Manta Rays up close!

SEAWORLD also encouraged the kiddies to dip in their hands and touch these sleek creatures.

Don't worry... they're very friendly and not dangerous as Sting Rays!

The SEAWORLD Manta Rays were a bit slimy to the touch. I never thought that their skin will be very tough... Think something like a sleek leather.

The little lords really enjoyed playing with the Manta Rays and even asked us to return later on. We also bought some food to feed these mysterious marine animals.

Andrei loved shaking hands with his new friend.

The little lords were later attracted with the loud howls coming from the SEAWORLD Seals!

I bought some frozen sardines and gave it to the kiddies to feed these flabby beings.

Look at that cute one pleading for some more.

The little lords didn't mind getting their hands all fishy but they were a bit grossed out with feeling the seal's "laway". Ha ha ha ha!

I'm sure though that the whole experience was an unforgettable one for the boys.

The same goes for the Chinese Adonis who found his long lost relative....

... or his first wife maybe? Bwa ha ha ha ha!

"Sealed" with love! He he he he!

Next up for us is, you guessed it, the SEAWORLD Shark Encounter!

I was a bit disappointed that the "encounter" was a short one. We only stepped on this ramp which moved along the aquarium.

Andrei can't stop staring because he ADORED sharks especially from the movie "Jaws".

Oh I hope there was no glass dividing that shark and Yub's thumb! He he he he!

The little lords did see some sharks but it would have been better if we could stay longer. 

Hmmmm.... Some shark is checking my hub out!

Andrei was happy to see his favorite sharks. I asked if he wanted to do another round but he said he was fine already.

I think it's because this fossil of the fangs of a Megalodon Shark caught his eye!

Wow! This shark lived 50 million years ago and was about 45 feet long. How big was it? This sea carnivore feasted on whales!


It was also a mystery how it became extinct... Or are they really?

Ngii again!

As per Andrei's wishes, we also went to SEAWORLD'S Freshwater Aquarium.

More fishies for Andrei to see.

That's his "Please-stop-taking-my-picture" face already.

I think Andrei was looking at an invisible fish. He he he he!

After the SEAWORLD Freshwater Aquarium, we were just in time for the Pet's Rule show.

Don't mind Mati the prankster. He he he he!

Andrei was excited once more because he loved little animals.

While waiting for the show to start, the Pet's Rule primer guy got everyone in stitches with his movie spoofs. After seeing his take on "Dirty Dancing", I finally wanted to see the movie. Ha ha ha ha!

The Pet's Rule show was jampacked and the SEAWORLD attendants were asking everyone to occupy all available seats. This lady in front of me really did not want to get close with the covered woman no matter how many times an attendant called her attention on it. 

Oh well....

The Pet's Rule show finally started and it was different acts performed by birds, dogs, cats, and of course some marine animals!

My guys loved the show!

The Pet's Rule show was so fast paced and energetic. The little lords enjoyed every bit of it!

Up next for the Yappy Bunch at SEAWORLD was the Blue Horizons show. 

Yep. We were able to hop from one show to another and catching it at the right times!

Of course, Mati enjoyed the show more with fluffy cotton candy on the side!

Andrei says "AAAAAH!"

The Blue Horizons show featured some dolphins and birds. There was a story too that was similar to Alice in Wonderland but she went to this (exaggerated voice) magical land of Blue!

After the show, we went to SEAWORLD'S Turtle Reef.

There, Andrei made a friend.

Awww... the tortoise really looked at Andrei!

It was also a dream come true for Mati and Andrei because finally they got to play some kind of video game in SEAWORLD'S Turtle Reef.

Andrei : "Yup! Wait for your turn guys!"

Even if it was so cold in SEAWORLD, we felt like charging up with some sugar via some ice cream bars!

To rest up a bit from all that walking, we hung out at SEAWORLD's Flamingo point.

We also bought some feeds so that the boys could experience giving food to flamingoes.

The little lords love that part!

These very curious-looking birds remind me of the ones in Alice in Wonderland and how they were used as golf clubs. Ha ha ha!

Finally, it's the last show for us at SEAWORLD!

The Circque dela Mer!

I wonder what is that place over there?

Andrei was so engrossed with the show.

By the way, he gave me his beanie since he didn't feel  like wearing it anymore.

Cirque de la Mer involved acrobats and special effects over the water. It was particularly enjoyable especially when they got somebody from the audience. I was wondering if it was staged though.

Our last show for SEAWORLD!

But is our day over?


We were able to see some dolphins up close too!

Hello flipper!

We just finished watching Mary Poppins and one of their favorite scenes there was when there were penguin waiters in a restaurant.  With that, the little lords wanted to see an actual real live penguin.

Sorry, we were not able to take pictures inside since it was too dark!

We also checked out SEAWORLD's Wild Arctic Ride!

I thought I've already had my fill of 3D simulation rides at Universal Studios. But we were willing to try this one for the boys.

Andrei was a bit nervous because he hated scary rides. 

As for me, I'm NEVER scared.

Yeah right.... I got traumatized by an Octopus ride during high school! Ha ha ha ha!

The SEAWORLD simulation ride was just okay. We were supposed to be in a helicopter going around the arctic.

It was so WILD! He he he he!

An actual helicopter they used in the arctic!

While we were going around, we saw those white little "floaties" in the water.

But they were not really "floaties!"

They were white beluga whales!

Don't they look adorable?

My boys decided to swim with them! Ha ha ha!

SEAWORLD also showed an exhibit of the people lived in the arctic.

An actual wall made of ice!!! Ngiii!!!!

Before going home, Andrei asked if we could ride SEAWORLD's Elmo Rocking Fish.

Yep! We sang the "elmo" theme while we were on it!

I was scared also! Believe me!

Had no choice but to follow the kids too at SEAWORLD'S Oscar's Rocking Eel!

Before going home, Andrei had a snack of chocolate ice with "put all you want" toppings.

I agreed because we get a very cute Shamu bowl to take home.

Besides, who could resist that cutie patootie little face? Who??? He he he he!

Overall the family had a great time in SEAWORLD. I know that the theme park has been receiving a lot of flak for caging all those killer whales and unfortunately, I would have to agree with the cause against them. Of course, from what we saw the trainers and the handlers were all loving and kind to the killer whales and other sea creatures. I don't really know what goes on behind closed doors and I haven't seen the movie "Black Fish". But one thing's for sure: with all the tragic incidents happening with the killer whales and its trainers, we could say that these creatures are troubled and unstable.  Be as it may, I would like to think that they really love the animals that are in captivity in SEAWORLD. However, no amount of loving and pampering will not equal freedom in the wild for these sea creatures. Because even if the trainers were praising, caring, and feeding these animals, I took pity on them because they were like workers with no day off and were just locked in their "offices" with their round the clock performances for the shows.

I know that we should instead be boycotting SEAWORLD and not give them ticket money. However, I hope something will be resolved soon that will be for the welfare of the killer whales. Now here's hoping that our ticket money was used for THAT purpose. 

Oh well. Still, I'm grateful that the little lords were able to see such beautiful sea animals up close. We are so thankful for having the whole experience. Amidst the criticisms and the scandal, we are happy with our day at SEAWORLD

I'm sure the fun at SEAWORLD was something that the little lords would never forget. Of course, the same goes for the Chinese Adonis and me. 


 500 Sea World Dr, San Diego, 
CA 92109, United States
 +1 619-226-3901


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