
Wednesday, February 26, 2020


When my big guy Mati celebrated his 13th birthday many years ago, I gave him a simple surprise lunch and swimming party with our close friends. It was so fun that when it was over, the little bunsoy Andrei took me aside and shyly told me that when he turns 13, he hoped to have a surprise party too.

"Of course!" I answered then.

Fast forward to 3 years and even if the little bunsoy didn't demand it, the Yub and I were already planning silently his surprise birthday.

You might wonder why we need to make a celebration when our kids turn 13 (and not when they're 18 or 21). During Mati's time, we did it because he's so excited at becoming a teenager (mostly because he'll get to watch PG-13 movies na) that we also got excited for him. It's like, this will be an important life event that he'll want/need to celebrate with us (because when he turns 21, he's most likely to plan a low-key getogether with friends and family that's more on the "inuman" side). At least we'll be saying goodbye to his "baby-hood" with loads of "family-friendly" fun.  At the same time I thought, I've been giving surprise parties to almost everyone I know (friends and family) that I feel that I should give it to my ultimo VIP!

Days nearing the event, I was nervous that the little one is already guessing that we have something planned for him. Earlier that month, we gave my Mom a surprise birthday too (since it's her 75th) and with the gimmicks that we had for her my bunsoy would always say "Is that for my partyyy??"

I would always answer "Sorry baby, no party muna for you because Mommy and Daddy don't have enough money now."

"Okay..." He'd answer nicely.

For Andrei's surprise bday celebration, I was able to have many accomplices and one of them was his class adviser. Since we just finished a party for my Mom where the alibi was we have blogging, we needed to have a different reason why he needs to go somewhere where Mommy and Daddy couldn't take him. Also, he's very familiar with with Valle Verde Country Club (where my brother is a member) and we're scared that he'll suspect something if he knew that we have to meet him there.

With that, we asked help from his teacher to tell him that he had to attend this seminar in Valle Verde Country Club because he missed a lot of tests when we went to Japan.  His teacher agreed to write a note which Andrei showed me with ultimo seriousness "I have to attend this." He declared.

The Yub and I were "supposed" to take him to the seminar, but lo and behold, his Daddy suddenly had an attack of gout (kuno). Yun lang trust on reliable Yub to stick to our alibi so much that he FORGOT he had gout that morning!

"You're walking straight Daddy!!!!" Andrei shouted. "See? You don't really have gout! You just don't want to attend the seminar!!!"

Well... That's a YES and YES! He he he he!

So the Yub and I suddenly had to go to the ER ( Kuno... he he he he) while Mommy, Kuya Jon, and Cio will take Andrei to his seminar. Awwwww....

Read on to see what happened to Andrei's surprise birthday!


The venue for Andrei's party was in BARAS room in VALLE VERDE COUNTRY CLUB!


We'll be setting this up!

We brought Andrei's drums and if he agrees, he'll have a mini-concert later.

We had a mini-boodle boodle candy fight at each table. 

Early birds were Andrei's teacher and Andrei's friend, Rowlan!

Setting up the gaming corner and the backdrop.

What do you think? He he he he!

Andrei's cake!!!!!

Hala... Don't touch the cake Aning!

It's a private joke because during my Dad's birthday many years ago, Aning kept on telling about the right way to slice a cake that she saw on Youtube.

When she did it to my Dad's cake, IT COLLAPSED! AS IN ANG PANGET AFTER!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

After that, we always joked to her that she shouldn't get near ANY kind of cake. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I got overwhelmed with the balloons to be set up that I asked help na from the parents. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Thank you Teacher Jade and Mommies for all the help and for also bringing Andrei's friends on time!

While waiting for Andrei, his friends played!

Some we're already happy playing their Mobile Legends...

While the others went to the Play Corner!

Waiting for the celebrant!

And then....



His friends wanted to hide under the table... Ha ha ha ha ha!

Happy birthday song!


My bunsoy said that he really didn't expect it and was so surprised. He didn't know lang how to react because he suddenly got shy.

After the "surprise," "surprise," everyone went to their seats and started waving the green star balloons.

Kids and adults have their own tables!


Andrei then went around to welcome his guests!

Kuya Mati and his favorite Ate Cio!!!!

Best bud Jelo, Johans, and Best Guy Pal Pao Pao!

DBTC friends Elijah and Rowlan!

DBTC buddies JCo, Elijah, and Aldrin!!!

DBTC buddies RR, Justin, and Zach!!!!

BP Buddies, Sasha and Sky!

(They're becoming little ladies na and didn't want to join the all boy games... ha ha ha ha)

DBTC Mommies!

Ninong Fred and Ninong Jon!!!!

Dear Gem, Fritz, and Jeorgina arrived afterwards.

Teachder Jade!!!!!

DBTC parents!

And of course, last but not the least, Andrei's favorite Lola Juliet!!!!!!

See his very big smile?

Mareng Gail is the lead host (since I helped co-host Sky's party last time bwa ha ha ha ha) and she officially started the program with an opening prayer. 

We asked the guests to take their seats so we could start with the program na.

While the food was getting ready, we had a simple game for the boys.

Since this was a "Welcome to Teenage Life" party, I initially planned on just letting them play their gadgets or video games all they want. But mareng Gail said there should still be games to get everyone noisy and fun.

Okay! She's the one who has more experience with parties anyway. He he he he!

We asked who among the guests want to win P500 in cash (since I wasn't able to do shopping so pera na lang ha ha ha ha ha) and Andrei's friends rushed onstage.

Mareng Gail organized the boys into 2 teams.

Thanks mareng Gail for helping me host!!!

She said afterwards that maybe the reason why God gave her all girls is because He knew that she might find boys very magulo. Yes! Nakulitan siya sa crazy boys. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The boys were going to play "Flip the Bottle"!

Check out my game face. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Andrei joined in!

I remembered that during his 7th bday party, he got a bit bummed when he wasn't able to join the games. He he he he he! So for this one, he really participated!

Andrei's a finalist! Along with his friend Elijah!

Andrei won!!!

But since Elijah had the next best number in flipping his bottles, he gets to win the P500 cash prize!

Congratulations Elijah!


We ordered our favorites from VALLE VERDE Country Club!


Caesar's Salad!

Simple yet a worthy side dish to all the rich foods that we ordered!

Calamares and Carbonara!

We always get the VALLE VERDE Calamares! So crunchy and kid friendly.

As for the Carbonara, I swear I've had better but Andrei loves this and always gets it EVERYTIME!!!!

Buttered Chicken!

May look simple but promise, the VALLE VERDE Buttered Chicken was so tender and uber flavorful. Think of it as a next level adobo. Soooooo yum with extra rice!

VALLE VERDE Pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Andrei loved this too. We just requested to have the anchovies removed to make it kid-friendly.

VALLE VERDE Pancit Bihon for long life!

This was sooo good too! So good I swear that I would also eat it with rice. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

VALLE VERDE Sinigang na Baboy!!!!

Again, we always order this in VALLE VERDE because it had the right fruity sour taste in the broth that's truly malinamnam!


For those who want something richer than the Sinigang, we got the Kare kare!!!

VALLE VERDE actually had set buffet meals but the Yub and I thought that we'd rather order our favorites to get more bang for our bang.

It was a great choice because EVERYONE loved the food and commented how it was all deliciously "lutong bahay."

YAYYYYYY! Success!!!!!

After eating, we play the MATCH THE KID TO THE PARENT game!

(For some whose parents were not available, Teacher Jade stepped in! The boys treat him like a bro/parent naman!)

We blindfolded the parents and made them pick which kid was theirs based on their hands, face, smell, etc.

The winner that day was JCO and Teacher Jade (JCO's Mommy was taking care of his baby brother that time). Galeng!

Goes to show how Teacher Jade really knows his students!

He gave the P500 cash to Jco and we gave Teacher Jade a bag of candy. He he he he!

We also played the Trip to Jerusalem and dear Elijah was first runner up.

The "lone sitter" was dear Fritz!!!!

He was very shy at first but Andrei agreed to have a mini-concert of his drum talents.

He made several drum exhibitions (the first one was his stint in Mr. Bosconian 2019). 

Andrei acted all lazy because really, he's soooo shy. 

No bola but the guests were all impressed! They can't believe that they didn't have formal lessons. 

Mareng Gail even commented that she knew Andrei was good but she didn't know that he was AWESOME at playing drums.

AWWWW! Thanks mareng Gail!!!!

When he saw the reaction of the guests, Andrei lost all shyness and played with gusto na!

His Kuya volunteered to join him onstage to sing "Buwan."

AWWWWW! So sweet of Mati!

After the mini-concert, guests went onstage to say their personal messages/wishes to Andrei.

His Ninong Fred!

Kuya Mati!

Ha ha ha ha! Aldrin is so cute. At least that's proof that VALLE VERDE country club is clean. Ha ha ha ha!

And Daddy!

If you noticed Andrei holding this brown scrapbook, I gave him the journal that I wrote all of my messages while I was pregnant with him. I did the same for Mati and so I'm doing the same effort for my bunsoy too!

We were so touched that some really volunteered to give their messages out loud.

Like Elijah...


And also his BGP Pao Pao!

Then, Andrei's friends sang to him a Happy Birthday!

We turned off the lights as the boys belted out a birthday song.

May part two pa!

Andrei makes his wish.


Thanks guys for the very noisy song. Ha ha ha ha ha!

The boys called Teacher Jade to join them!


They were also very happy for Andrei as he was getting the money from the cake.

Afterwards, the boys got their wish where "anything goes".

Some played with the drums and mic!

And they also played with video games and gadgets all they want.

HAAAAAAYYYY... I'm not really a fan of techie activities but anything to make the birthday boy and friends happy today!

After the party....

It's still play time for Zach, Andrei, and Rowlan!

Back home, Andrei's so excited to count the cash that he got from his cake.

Thank you Lola Juliet and Tita Jojit!!!!!


It was indeed a happy and blessed day! We're so thankful that everyone who we've invited (who's also very special to Andrei) came!!!!

Missing of course Syoti and family, Quitoriano family, Kuya Jay and Karen, and BGP Mariane who were not able to come. But still, we know that if weren't for their last minute emergencies, they would be here with us. 

(Belated) Happy Birthday my dearest!

Our end goal here is to fulfill your wish and to give you a super happy day. Your Daddy and I are so thankful that you were able to get both.

We love you always! Kahit na teenager ka na, you'll always be our BABY BUNSOY!!!!!!!!




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