
Friday, October 12, 2018


Summer vacation was about to end and THE YAPPY BUNCH was not yet prepared to bid the little lords back to school. Of course we value the purpose of private education but we were having so much fun with the boys at home and going out whenever we can for foodtrips or meet-ups that we'll really be sad once the grueling schoolyear starts again.

With that, we originally planned to go to a beach in La Union with some friends and we have already booked the resort ahead of time. However, when that didn't push through so close to our planned dates, my friend suggested to go to BAGUIO instead.

HALA! Could we still get a hotel when we only got a week left before our planned trip??? To think that we were planning to go on a long holiday weekend???

We checked online and found out that our favorite BAGUIO hotels were already fully booked. Upon more searching, the ones available had rotten reviews and looked like accommodations for moomoo!!!  But we were not ready to give up! Our minds were all so set to have one last getaway with the kiddies this year before school starts.

Still studying our options online, we came upon CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO. It was a simple hotel that was priced affordably and still had a few rooms available. We checked the reviews and saw that it was safe for families, the rooms were said to be clean, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, there were no claims of moomoo. It was great too that besides breakfast, dinner for 2pax per day was also included.

YUP! SOLD!!! Now hopefully we'll still have an enjoyable stay in BAGUIO even if it was not our first choice.

And you know what? We certainly did!!!!!!!!!!!

THE YAPPY BUNCH are in BAGUIO! We're so excited with our weekend here that we went straight to the fun. Here, we just finished with our horseback riding!

Afterwards it's time to check in at CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO!!!

Parking lang is limited. They do have basement parking but I don't advise it during the rainy weather because the road going up the street could get slippery!

Checking in though was easy peasy. Yub took care of everything for us while we relaxed in their lobby area.

CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO is modest in size as their name suggested. That's why near the lobby you'll find their 24 hour cafe area.

We loved this place because you could just hang out and enjoy the trees and the mountain view while reading a book or surfing online.

Oooh!  A fireplace! I'm sure it's more for decoration though. He he he he he....

The BEST part of this cafe (and may I stress on the BEST that may apply vs other hotels) is that they serve FREE COFFEE FOR 24 HOURS. 

Yes. You read that right.


OMG. I think I'm in heaven!!!!!!

And not just ordinary coffee ah. It's Benguet Coffee pa!!!


I don't think I need to leave their cafe anymore. He he he he he he he he!

Our stay in CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO just keeps getting better and better. He he he he he!

Time to go up!!!!!

Squeezing in the elevator to go to our room.

Noo ko lang nagkasya! Ha ha ha ha ha!


Uy may nakuha kaming isang bata! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Room 503!!!

Not too shabby!!!

Considering that we'll be out most of the day and just sleep here at night, this was alright for us!

There was a daybed which Andrei immediately declared for himself. We brought along extra bedcovers and pillows for my bunsoy for sanitary reasons. He he he he he!

TV and table!

Snacks and complimentary water!

They don't have thermos or water heaters (probably because they offered free coffee downstairs already). Oh well.... We'd have to go down to cook up our instant noodles for our midnight snack!


Comfort room!

Sometimes they ran out of hot water. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Hello icy shower!


Airconditioning was working and the room was clean. I think we'll do just fine here!!!

After a short rest, the Yub and I went down for some FREE coffee!

There, we met up with pareng Jun, Aning, and her son Jelo (my naughty inaanak). He he he he he!

Team Virrey was already in BAGUIO. But due to car problems, they needed to stay for extra days pa. Since their hotel doesn't have available rooms anymore for the extension, they transferred to CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO!


Now, what should I order to celebrate????

The cafe in CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO is catered by Dulcinea. So I got one of their apple pies to try out.

It was just okay. I'll order their churros next time. 

After our snacks, we went out for some more sight seeing.

The rain poured but we didn't care.

When we got back to the hotel, we tried out their complimentary dinner.

We ordered a plate of sizzling sisig to make it more exciting. We were able to finish everything here.

Blog post soon to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After dinner, my boys fooled around with their friends.

He he he he! We had a mini-pictorial pa!

After everyone washed up and changed into their jammies, we met in the lobby for some games...

And coffeee!!!!!!

There were other groups tonight who were thinking of the same thing!

The free wifi was stronger in this area.

While the kiddies played their hearts out, the oldies chatted up with coffee and some snacks.

The cafe only had magazines and newspapers. Good thing my boys brought along their boardgames.


We're having fun while you're not!


He he he he he he he!

It was late when we got to bed but we don't mind. We were still all excited from the days' events!

The next morning, I woke up to the baby bunsoy using his celphone.

Huli ka balbon!!!!!!!

I cannot get mad at him though because of that sweet smile. He he he he he he he he!

We all took a bath (except Yub... ha ha ha ha ha ha) and had breakfast. It was crowded in the dining area so we just went in our favorite lobby again.

More from a blog coming soon!

For that day, we went biking in BURNHAM PARK....

Pasalubong and Ice Cream in THE GOOD SHEPHERD!

Delicious steaks at SIZZLING PLATE!

Horseback riding (again) in WRIGHT PARK!


For dinner, we returned to Master Mati's favorite, O MAI KHAN!!!!

When we returned to the hotel, the kiddies immediately changed into their jammies to meet up with the girls of Team Campo in the cafe.

And since Dulcinea was cooking up the sweets in the cafe, I ordered their specialty, Churros and Chocolate Dip to share with my first born!!!!

My inaanak Sasha was craving for it also pala since yesterday so Master Mati invited her to join us.

It was great to have coffee and share this dessert with my big guy.

If you're wondering about Andrei, he's playing with his girls Sasha and Sky so I doubt he even heard me calling for him. Ha ha ha h ha ha ha ha!


The kiddies continued to play while the Yub and I watched.

When the kiddies got their fill of playtime, it's time to go to bed.

As expected, the Yubhub blacked out while me and the Master Mati watched TV....


Our morning view!!!

At least hindi parking lot! Ha ha ha ha ha!

The next morning........

Wake up my bunsoy baby!!!!!

We had a quick breakfast downstairs and pigged out on our usual favorites!

Ooooh... There is just something so comforting with Red Hotdogs, Crispy Danggit, and Garlic Rice!!!


We immediately went back to the room to pack up. We plan to go in a while so that we won't be stuck in traffic.

With that, it's time for our usual pictures around the room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the bed shot...

By the window....

Emo shot!!!

Drunk shot!

By the restroom shot!!!!

Hall shot!

Room shot!!!!!!

By the trees shot...

Sad hampie shot...

He he he he he!

After our mini-pictorial, we waited for CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO staff for our bags.

Ayan it's really time to go kids. Get your bags na!

Bye room! Thank you for being cold, and moomoo free!!!

The boys were sad to go!

CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO may not be our original choice but we're glad that we were able to stay here for the weekend!!!!!

We're happy with the service of CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO. Everyone is so helpful and kind. Even if their simple hotel is not 5-star, their staff made us all feel at home and special!!!

And we're down at the lobby.

We met up with Team Campo to say goodbye and to have a final pictorial (he he he he he).

Me and mareng Gail with our handsome husbands.

HAY keseswerte nyo to have us!!! He he he he he he he!

Kiddie shot!!!

Poor Soleil. He he he he he he!

Finally, the Yub checked out na.

Uy pogi!!!! He he he he he!

Although I was initially excited for our La Union beach trip, I'm glad that we went to BAGUIO instead.

Yes we have been to BAGUIO many times now but I don't think we'll EVER get tired of it.

Besides our favorite activities and delicious food, it's great that we encounter places like CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO that is affordable for that impromptu "for the North" kind of vacation.

The hotel may be small and it had some misses (cold shower, some facilities were old, limited parking and space among others), BUT the kind and friendly service, free meals (breakfast and dinner) AND coffee (24 EFFIN SEVEN!!!), and no moomoo, COITAINLY made up for it!!!!

We were very happy with our stay in CHALET HOTEL BAGUIO! It really answered MANY of our cravings and needs for that weekend of fun and family bonding.

WOO TO THE HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



 2200, Upper Military Cutoff Road, 
Baguio, Benguet
(074) 424 8070



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