
Monday, June 26, 2017


I think it's no secret how much we love HOUSE OF WAGYU STONE GRILL. For us, it's the "BESTEST" and "ULTIMATE-EST" steak place in Manila. That's why when they had a promo in some of their Wagyu sets, we immediately sped off to Greenhills like how the Roadrunner would with a matching "Meep! Meep!" Their steaks are just so darn good and the service, superkaduper impeccable.

That's why there's no question why during my BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS, we included HOUSE OF WAGYU in the list.

BUT.... There's also another reason for it.

What it is? Find out below.

Dan! Dan! Daaaaan! 


Thursday, June 22, 2017


Another delicious treat that I received for my 42nd BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS was from my dear Best Gal Pal Mariane in our favorite, THE METRO CLUB in Rockwell, Makati City. Although I have to admit, the conversation went on like this...

Me: "BGP, treat me naman in Metro Club for my birthday o!"

BGP Mariane : "Okay!!! :)"

Tee Hee!!!!

That's the thing about having best friends: you could just blurt out whatever you're feeling (and wishing) without fear of being embarrassed or judged. Because you have already seen each other's best and worst.

And trust me, there are far more worst things that my BGP Mariane caught me doing rather than a mere (and cute) "Treat me!" He he he he he he!

Oh and it's my BOITHDAY anyway! So there.

Yep! She has seen my "brattiness" also.

He he he he he!  

ERICJAZ FOODIES with bunsoy Andrei and Team Mina at METRO CLUB!!!!

It was very late when we arrived in METRO CLUB so it's a good thing that their cafe was open till 11:00pm. 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


When I was asked by my friends how I wanted to celebrate my birthday with them, I only had request...

For everyone to be there.

(Well I also requested for Villa Escudero, but yippy skip, plans went pffftttt).

Anywho, given the choice, no couples night or ladies only gimik for me. I would always be ultra happy with my friends and seeing my little lords having fun with their other good buddies as well.

So really, even if Villa Escudero didn't push through, I still had an awesome birthday with the people whom I also treat like family. More so that we had it in one of my favorite restaurants in Powerplant Mall, CIBO!!!!

Wala sa Villa Escudero niyan!!!!!!!!!!


Wohooo!!! I'm having my 32nd birthday (ahem) with my favorite Italian food!


THE YAPPY BUNCH are celebrating the INDEPENDENCE DAY and like what we do every year, we want it to be something educational for the little lords. I actually had something else planned but it did not push through because of distance and traffic matters. We then decided to just go somewhere which has already been like a "comfort venue" for us because I always trust that we will all have a great time for the full day's activities.

And that place is MANILA.

Artikulo Uno!!!! (Wrong caption I know but I cannot help it sorry.)


Yes. We take our holidays SERIOUSLY.

We woke up extra early that Saturday morning because we wanted to get an early start!

We love going to Manila on our "educational days" because you'll find there many museums and venues that showcase the "old Philippines". Besides giving the little lords an outing that would be pocket-friendly for us practical parents, the experience would be much more memorable because they will also be learning about significant Philippine historical events.

Now ain't that perfektow mundo for the Independence Day???

There is indeed nothing like having a field trip with the family!!!!!

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Many times I've seen LE PETIT SOUFFLE invade my Facebook and Instagram feed with its mouth-watering pictures of their dishes. And many times, I would mentally schedule dinner there with the Chinese Dimpol. Good thing that for my birthday season, my mareng Gail asked me where I wanted to go for her dinner treat. Without batting an eyelash (but with pa-cute efforts), I immediately chose LE PETIT SOUFFLE because well, the timing was JUUUUUST right.

YAY! I was able to discover what those picture-perfect Facebook and IG posts were all about. And yep, it was SO perfect for my birthday dinner date with Team Campo!


LE PETIT SOUFFLE is located at the second floor of SM Megamall's Fashion Hall. You'd never miss the sign with the bright canary yellow colors!


Sugod mga kapatid!!!!!!!!!
THE YAPPY BUNCH are with our foodie family, the Kain Tulog Gang (the KTG), to celebrate the Independence holiday weekend via a staycation at F1 HOTEL MANILA. The great thing about this insta-getaway was that we will be savoring their LUZVIMINDA specials that's available up to June 30, 2017!!! 

Not only that, we will also be experiencing a fun and relaxing family bonding weekend at the same time.

Now THAT'S a double WOHOO in my book!

Check out part TWO of our LUZVIMINDA staycation at our home of the happy experiences -- F1 HOTEL MANILA!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


F1 HOTEL MANILA, the Kain Tulog Gang's home away from home, invited THE YAPPY BUNCH to stay for the weekend.

And hey, it's not just any other weekend...

It's the LUZVIMINDA celebration in F1 HOTEL!!!!

LUZVIMINDA is the 5th gastronomical series in F1 HOTEL MANILA highlighting Filipino cuisine. This may be in line with the Independence Day but this delicious event will go for the whole month of June.

And ERICJAZ FOODIES will be here the whole weekend to savor it with another super fun staycation with it!!!!! 

Monday, June 12, 2017


It's my 32nd... este... 42nd birthday and personally, it's my greatest year yet!!!

Because why shouldn't it?

I've got my little lords who are growing healthy, handsome, and funny. We may have to work on their naughty skills but that just makes everyday more memorable. They are and will forever be my favorite treasures.

I've got my family who provides the best sense of emotional security for me. They are always there when I need them and always give more even if I don't. As long as we're together, I got the BESTEST of times!!!!

I've got my Best Gal Pal Marian who is the greatest best friend of all. We are like sisters from another mother and I love how we got each other's back. We always give what we can to each other including time and food treats. Her only drawback is her annoying husband, Manong Fred. :P

I've got my friends who always get me laughing louder every time we meet up. I don't care if I don't have a trillion of people chanting my name. I just need the ones I have right now and it's surely going to be a memorable sunny day or starry night.

My work at EAT BULAGA. I think it's very rare to be in a job that gets you so inspired and devoted. With my 9th year at TAPE Inc., I'm happy to be in a workplace that's like family and be in a show that we really believe in. Not only that, we also get the "Isang libo at isang tuwa" in our office!!!!

I still have my silly little blog, ERICJAZ FOODIES! I'm glad I have this online diary in order to record all the crazy and delicious things that's going on in our lives. I'm very thankful too for my 7 readers who haven't blocked or deserted me..... yet. Tee hee!!!!

And of course, I've got my Chinese Dimpol who.... (cricket... cricket...) is here.


Ha ha ha ha! I'm kidding of course. If you know us, I don't need to expound at how he is the ultimo Daddy and hubby. If I get into details, I swear, you might nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. He he he he he he! BELIEVE ME. Blech! :P

And you know what? I don't care if I'm more wrinkly, pudgy, stretch-marky, and low metabolism-y -- I'm now 42!!!!
 If you think about it, I don't have to ask for anything more.
What is important is that I've got them...

With loads of food on the side!!!!  
Ha ha ha ha!

A (belated) happy 32nd.... este... 42ND to meeeeeeeh!


I'm now 42... este... 32... wait. Ano nga ba??? Sorry. Senior moments.

Or in denial? You decide. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

Saturday, June 10, 2017



I know I've had a lot of birthdays (32 in fact... :P ), I know that I've had many celebrations with my family, I know that it's always in KIMPURA, and I know that I've blogged about it MANY TIMES.

So will I stop blogging about my birthday celebrations in KIMPURA??????


As long as we're having MY family birthdays in KIMPURA, I'll always be posting it here since each celebration has its own special memory that came with it.

And THAT'S part of my birthday wish! He he he he he! 

Yihii!!! We're going to KIMPURA!!!

Thursday, June 8, 2017


MARCO POLO HOTEL is celebrating the bold flavors of Italy with FESTA ITALIANA! From June 7 to 18, 2017, feast on the mouth-watering dishes prepared by award-winning guest chef Andrea Delzanno from Marco Polo Hong Kong.

And that's what we just did!!!

ERICJAZ FOODIES were able to indulge and savor these delectable Italian favorites served for a limited time in CUCINA. We felt so happy that we almost posted a selfie with the caption #blessed (inangku) because Chef Delzanno's creations were all molto delizioso. Not only that, we also got to satisfy our cravings with CUCINA'S buffet spread.

Check out our fun night with MARCO POLO's Italian feast plus MORE below!!!  


ERICJAZ FOODIES are with our KTG mates The Food Alphabet and Frannywanny!!!!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


The little lords were SO excited for a certain movie this year and no, it's not Thor Ragnarok, Power Rangers, or 50 Shades of Blech. It's actually THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE and they were counting the days till its showing.

Why? Because..... (in a gravel voice) it's BATMAN.

So when the movie finally started showing, it was a perfect gimik for our FAMILY VALENTIMES NIGHT. The boys wasted no time too in dragging us to book tickets. We scheduled the movie on a Friday and told the little eager lords that we'll be getting the last full show.

Why last full show??? They whined.

Because we're still going to EAT and THAT is more important. Snacks and drinks in the movie are a-OK. But as our actual dinner in the theater? QUE to the HORROR.

Without missing a beat, the boys agreed to my theory like it was Einstein's law of Relativity. They got me. They really got me. And with that, we hurriedly went around Promenade, Greenhills for a place to eat. That's where we ended up in WEE NAM KEE!

It's been a while since our last meal in WEE NAM KEE but it's one of the restaurants that has always been so "sulit" with me. The price is always affordable and the food delishes -- it's where I first encountered the famous Hainanese Chicken too.

So YAY! We were a happy group that night. We had our ideal FAMILY VALENTIMES DATE with movie, dinner, and...... (in a gravel voice) BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!



It was a Friday that time and WEE NAM KEE was full. Good thing we were able to get seats, PRONTO!

Monday, June 5, 2017


As they say, time whizzes by when you're having fun. And during this year's summer vacation, everything just flew by oh so fast that we're all not ready to face the reality that school is starting again!!!!


Of course, there should be no tears (yes naiiyak ako ha ha ha ha ha!) because it was a very awesome 2 months spent with the boys, family, and friends. Though we were not able to have a summer beach getaway (which we would usually do) we still had an awesome and memorable vacation with trips, getogethers, and dates!!!!

So here's to a wonderful Summer Vacation of 2017! We will always remember you with fondness, excitement, and longing. Hopefully our memories would get the kiddies to work hard during the school year so that in no time, SHWIIIIINGGGG, it's summer again!!!!!

For now though here's what we did for Summer 2017!!

"No more classes! No more books! No more teacher's dirty looks!!!"

IT'S SUMMER TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

And that night, the little lords asked to celebrate in their favorite GENKI SUSHI!!!! You know us, we would always attach food to our favorite events! He he he he he he he!

Friday, June 2, 2017


It's my brother's birthday one Saturday and my family all converged to Powerplant Mall for dinner. Although I was a bit sad that it was not in our favorite KIMPURA (food does that to me), I was (a bit) fine with the birthday celebrant's choice for that night....


My only concern then is that if our group was going to fit the restaurant since our number requires a long table. But TUAN TUAN was able to accommodate us juuuuuust fine!