
Saturday, June 10, 2017



I know I've had a lot of birthdays (32 in fact... :P ), I know that I've had many celebrations with my family, I know that it's always in KIMPURA, and I know that I've blogged about it MANY TIMES.

So will I stop blogging about my birthday celebrations in KIMPURA??????


As long as we're having MY family birthdays in KIMPURA, I'll always be posting it here since each celebration has its own special memory that came with it.

And THAT'S part of my birthday wish! He he he he he! 

Yihii!!! We're going to KIMPURA!!!

Of course, before our much anticipated lunch, we passed by Church first to thank God for our blessings. 

Yup. Even Mati.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

We were the first to arrive in the restaurant and got two tables for my family. Andrei settled in table A....

While I will be in table B!

I'll stay with my parents' table. 

Time to order!!!

This is not really a hard task since I already know what to get. He he he he he he!

While waiting for our food, it's time to do a...


Bunsoy Andrei and Master Mati!

Ate Jojit and Anthony!

Mommy and Daddy!!!!!

Kuya Jon!

BGP Marian and Manong Fred!

Our group was extra noisy because we had to talk (or shout) out to the other table.

Manager Dennis was there to make sure we will be full and happy!

We were first served with Miso Soup that was part of our entree.

Side salad too!

KIMPURA Salmon Sashimi (P495.00)! So buttery and fatty!

We also had Tekka Maki and Futomaki BUT the Yub forgot to take pictures of it!


KIMPURA Ebi Tempura (P595.00)!

My Mom requested for Sukiyaki (P450.00) and shared with Master Mati.

And our favorite KIMPURA Yakiudon (P395.00)!

Wohoo!!! Time to cook!

I just LOOOOOVE their Fried Rice! It's my favorite OF ALL TIME.

Stir-Fried Veggies for the win!

Chicken and Prawns (P850.00 per order).

We always fight over their Teppanyaki prawns because they sure know how to fry 'em so DELICIOUSLY right!!!

The Sukiyaki Steak (P580.00) is something so sulit as well!

For the price, we get tender cuts of thinly sliced fatty beef with buttered beansprouts!!!


Here's Table B...

And Table A!

Augh! These are all soooo good but I can't finish my food anymore. I'm so full!

The boys are always entertained with the food being cooked. The allure of Teppanyaki tables NEVER gets old!

And while I was having dessert, I got a surprise!


My birthday song!

Getting a song for my birthday is always SO fun!

Even if Andrei blows the candle. He he he he he!

Thanks Daddy for my cake....

What the... WRONG SPELLING???

You'd think my own Dad would know the spelling of my name!!!

He he he he he! Kidding! His assistant was the one who made the booboo.

Ze bill!

Thanks Daddy for the treat! Yay! 

Being treated by Daddy on my birthday NEVER gets old too! He he he he he he!

And after we've all scraped our desserts and drained our teas, we were surprised to learn that Manong Fred was still eating by his lonesome.


Personally, birthdays are THE BEST in KIMPURA!

Yep! ERICJAZ FOODIES have been eating at KIMPURA my family even before we were married. I for one have celebrated my birthdays here when I was still a scrawny teenager.

So yes. Celebrating birthday at KIMPURA will NEVER get old. As long as it's here, we will ALWAYS book the Teppanyaki table and get that birthday song! He he he he he he!



I wrote this blog sometime in March and back then, I didn't realize that it's going to be my last birthday in this KIMPURA GREENHILLS branch. So sad to learn that they will be closing on June 15, 2017 as the area will give way to a newer structure (not sure if it's a mall or condominium).

I'm all for development of course but when you destroy classic structures like KIMPURA it just feels like you're removing something so integral to people around the area. Of course, it's going to be converted into something that would earn more, but to us, KIMPURA was already so priceless with the wonderful memories that it has given us. Though it's not good business, I feel that there should still be laws protecting establishments that are still important to the people for more than 30 years. I'm sure I'm being my usual idealistic and sentimental self. But really, sometimes, going forward SUCKS.


Greenhills Shopping Center, Unimart Stores, 
Ortigas Avenue, San Juan City 
(02) 721 8816


  1. its a mall extension. they will be renovating unimart as well.

    1. Yes! Unimart! Another "casualty". The head waiter told us before that they will be transferring to another area as the present one will be demolished for a new stricture. I heard someone say though that Kimpura doesnt have a definite place to transfer yet because their space is big and developers are charging much higher now. Hope it's not true.

  2. I heard it too Ms. Jaz. Kimpura is already a staple when you go shopping to Greenhills. The place for lots of birthday celebs. It's closing soon... Is it June 15 or June 19? It really is saddening!...

    1. Hiya dear Dave!!! Di ba it's soooo sad!!!! I'm more affected now that I found out na ang dami pala natin who grew up with KIMPURA!! Oh well... Wonderful memories of the restaurant talga.

      Last I heard it's June 15. Pero if June 19, better! Hopefully I could drop by soon for our last dinner there. :(

      Take care! Mmmwaaaah!!!!
