
Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It was the last day of our EPIC STAYCATION (SEE HERE and HERE) and we will be ending our wonderful weekend with our own kind of "bang" -- by eating MORE FOOD of course! Yes, you would THINK that after being gluttons for 2 days we would at least rest on a Sunday but since we were only human, we were inclined to eat.

And eat a lot we did at PHOENIX COURT in BELLEVUE MANILA!


It was not so long ago that we had an EAT ALL YOU CAN feast here (CLICK THIS, PATIS) but even if only a day had passed (yes, that IS a bit of time for us already), we were still raring to eat up delicious Chinese food that we know PHOENIX COURT could cook up!

Monday, April 28, 2014


Call me an ignoramus but the first time I encountered the word BRUNCH was while watching the greatest TV show there is, THE SIMPSONs. It was the episode where Marge had an affair with a sexy guy. At one time the sexy guy, with his very thick accent, asked her out for "Brunch", he explained "it's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch. But it ends with a slice of grapefuit."

Fast forward to our EPIC STAYCATION where we were with the little lords for a grand 3 day weekend. It was then we received an invite to have brunch in the much buzzed about CAVIAR. With that, I was a bit concerned because I already had this mindset (thanks to the SIMPSON'S) that BRUNCH is something more for grown ups. Though I'm sure that there won't be a sexy guy with a thick accent explaining to me what the menu is and that BRUNCH is really just an early lunch, as a Mom I was concerned if my little lords would be able to enjoy the whole experience.

I'm so happy to say that kids had a great meal at CAVIAR. We all had a wonderful start to our day but yes my concerns were valid:

Because for one, brunch in CAVIAR is not just your ordinary late breakfast or early lunch. It was something bordering on spectacular. It certainly made me more curious of their fine-dining menu for lunch and dinner that I may have to yank the Chinese Adonis here for a date. Or, I could set up an LQ so that he'll bring me here as a peace offering. Tee hee!!!!

Plus two, I guess I was wrong with regards to the presence sexy guy with the thick accent because THIS suddenly emerged.

CAVIAR'S Executive Chef Frank Van Der Walle! More of him later.

Isn't he a dead ringer for Tom Hiddleston though? He he he he he!!!

Anyway, all of THAT made up an unforgettable Sunday brunch and I was glad that my worries were true in an exceptional way. 


Saturday, April 26, 2014


It was the most epic of STAYCATIONS (SEE HERE and HERE), and just when we thought that we will be eating light since it was near bed time and all, we got it all wrong.

Yes. More like "Eat All You Can" wrong!


Welcome to BELLEVUE HOTEL's gem of a Chinese Restaurant!

Friday, April 25, 2014


Ask any person (living or imaginary) and you would find out that I don't do a lot of shopping. It's not that I hate it but like any normal girl (yes, even if I don't look like it, I'm a woman), I DO love buying nice things for meself and looking all purty. However, like any normal working mom, who has the time to do a LOT of shopping? When I go out, and it's usually with the little lords, we would usually go to play areas. No way will I leave them or make them wait while I go shopping. The only time I am able to shop is during date nights with my Chinese Adonis (now I don't mind making HIM wait! Ha ha ha ha!). And when I DO have the time to shop, I make it a point to buy from stores with special sales and promos. Yes I could get very stingy with myself because I find more happiness using my hard-earned money by having staycations and food trips with my family. Of course, there is nothing wrong with shopping, but I find making memories with my little lords much more gratifying!

That is why I was so glad that dear Jane (SUGAR, SPICE, AND EVERYTHING NICE) hooked me up with a pair of MADIL flip flops! Yohoo! It was summer already and I haven't got a very "summer-y" thing to wear. And MADIL flip flops just fit MY bill!


Thursday, April 24, 2014


I remember growing up that when my sister and I like something, we would always go to our Dad to share it with him. Don't think of us as being generous angels, oh no! It's just that with my Dad, when he finds something that he likes, he would buy A TON of it. YES. A TON. And, unlike his greedy daughters, he buys A TON to share with us. Ha ha ha ha!

Anyway fast forward to 2013, my sister pulled the same "move" on my Dad with her newest discovery, CARMEN'S BEST. She let him taste the salted caramel and the rest was history. I remember one time (at band camp?) that when I opened the fridge there were pints and pints of CARMEN'S BEST in different flavors. With that my Chinese Adonis and I would forego the usual popcorn to have a "his" and "her" pint of CARMEN'S BEST. 

posted in @ericjazfoodies instagram posted on Oct. 2013!

Oooh yeah... life has never been so sweet and dandy!

After our barbecue dinner at the epic staycation (SEE HERE), we received an invite to meet THE creator of CARMEN'S BEST himself, Mr. Paco Magsaysay. Even if it was late and we were smelling like barbecue, we went out to the home of CARMEN'S BEST to see the real deal on why it was SOOO good!

Mr. Paco Magsaysay welcomed us to his home with a warm smile that is as comforting as his CARMEN'S BEST ice cream!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Even if I love myself (don't worry, only I am capable of doing that), I have got to admit that I am not good at fulfilling promises that I made for ME. For some odd reason, even if I consider making a promise to my boys a totally binding "contract" (yes I ALWAYS stay to true to my word to them), when it comes to ME I'm like "HELLO, amnesia girl!"

Well I was a particularly bad girl during our EPIC STAYCATION (SEE HERE and HERE) because I told myself a hundred of times (yes you gotta believe it) that I will be taming my pig-out capabilities and eat like a bird. But then woe is me, something earth shattering would happen that I repeatedly forgot those promises and just dug in to my tummy's delight.

I'm exaggerating with the circumstances you say? Well don't you consider THIS earth shattering to your dietary world as well?? 

Oh wow... I'm in trouble now... 

Anyway, judge all you want but you would feel the same dilemma after eating a full breakfast at PRIME CAFE in B HOTEL (SEE HERE). Because I was so full from stuffing myself silly with bacon and garlic rice, I vowed to myself that I will  be skipping whatever meals for the meet up at CAFE D' ASIE. But then THAT happened (see above). And so I added another broken promise to my "ledger".

Heck I'm not even sorry nor worried for the extra inch outcome of my "broken vow" Because with the sushi, the roast beef, the salad, and the desserts? That diet could go straight to the black hole for all I care.

And I got CAFE DE ASIE to love me for what I am. Naks!


Tuesday, April 22, 2014


On the second night of our epic staycation (SEE HERE  and HERE), Bellevue hotel arranged a barbecue dinner for the KTG which was also lovingly coordinated by dear Jane Go of SUGAR SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE. Just one mention of the words "barbecue" and "dinner" made my Chinese Adonis so happy that he went running around the poolside area like a Tasmanian devil.  He was even garbling and drooling like what the little critter did in the Bugs Bunny cartoons!

Oh I am kidding! Ha ha ha ha! But yeah, my husband and son Mati were very excited! They loved barbecue so much that if they were stuck on an island, they might even barbecue each other! Tee hee!


As early as 5:30pm, the chefs of Bellevue were setting up for our gastronomic spread!

Monday, April 21, 2014


I don't know about you but I LOOOOOVE board games. When my siblings and I were kids, we would spend hours playing our favorites Monopoly, Cluedo, Scrabble, Snakes N' Ladders, and Mad! We were not really fans of computer games. It was getting someone bankrupt or solving who killed Mr. Body all the way!

That is why we would always have "board game nights" with my little lords. My husband and I agree that it is much better to  actually play with them rather than going about our business while their faces are in front of the computer or gadgets.

With this, we were so stoked to see that some of our classic favorites were pumped up for the ultimate board game enjoyment. You'll see what I mean when you get to play these games that is MORE than meets the ordinary dice.

Now you see before you... 


Sunday, April 20, 2014


When it comes to desserts, I always go for my usual favorite: the ever fudgy, moist, and sinful CHOCOLATE CAKE. It never fails -- when we're out and I want to end the night with something sweet, it's chocolate cake; in a buffet I always cut me a generous slice of chocolate cake; heck when my Yub and I have an LQ (lover's quarrel), he would appease my temperamental senses with CHOCOLATE CAKE.

Lately however, I have been growing bulges in ALL THE WRONG PLACES that I feel it's not doing my bikini dream any good.

(Oh yes I HAVE a bikini dream. And when it becomes a reality, you'll be scared out of your pants for sure. Ha ha ha! Kidding!)

So now it was truly a candy-coated surprise for me to see a new and delicious way to enjoy my favorite dessert. The best thing is, I got MORE than my usual chocolate addiction. Because not only did it give me servings of MANY sweet delights but it came in these fashionable, unique, and "state of the art" bites that made me ooh and aah before wolfing it all down by  my lonesome.

Presenting, MY PINK WASABI!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


As much as I would like to have the body of Angelina Jolie or Anne Curtis, I am stuck with the body of a pear. Oh yes. I'm a walking fruit with my big hips ALWAYS getting jiggy with it.  But no matter how much I wish to get that coca cola bottle figure, I would never give up on sweets. You may TRY to give me fruits for desserts but I will ALWAYS reach out far (if it's in the other end of the room) just to get my sweet nummy treat.

So during out B HOTEL epic staycation (SEE HERE and HERE) even if I was already filled to my gut with delicious Chinese food from Phoenix Hotel (blogpost to follow), several boxes arrived from KAT'S CAFE. I saw almost everyone go gaga when they opened the unpretentious boxes because it encased what seemed to be the most delectable cupcakes that would cap our perfect weekend.  


KAT'S CAFE cupcakes are sold at P65.00 each but if you get more than 5 pieces, it will be marked down to P60.00. But even with its affordable prices compared to other specialty desserts, you will still be assured of the quality at every bite because owner Chef Katrece Gamo (a graduate of Center for Asian Culinary Studies with a diploma in Culinary & Pastry), would only use the finest ingredients such as Belgian or Vahlrona chocolate, and Philadelphia cream cheese!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Our long weekend at B HOTEL was obviously becoming an epic staycation (SEE HERE and HERE) and one of the delicious factors why we had such a great time was because of the abundantly offered buffet meals in PRIME CAFE!!



The YAPPY BUNCH was having a very grand staycation in B HOTEL where we relaxed, enjoyed, and stuffed ourselves to the fullest (pun intended). After an awesome time in our first day (SEE HERE), we were expecting the usual activities in a weekend. But we were pleasantly surprised to find out that more fun was coming our way...

... and our tummies were groaning in sweet surrender at the end of it all. :)

For breakfast, we went down to have a light meal at PRIME CAFE since we were going to have lunch later on...

Little lord Andrei was such in a good mood that he kept on doing the "Look Up" pose. 

He overdid it though...

Oh yes Andrei held on to that pose for quite a while!

Ha ha ha ha!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Anyone who knows ERICJAZ FOODIES could attest that we always put our family before everything. We do not go out and spend gazillions in bags or signature clothing. We have forgotten night outs or partying with friends unless we do it together -- and if we do so it wouldn't be on a school night. Whatever we do our priority is to build memories with the little lords and we really save to have unforgettable weekends with them. It may be costly at times but the moments of togetherness with my boys (while they are still little) are priceless.

That is why we were so thankful that the very sweet Jane Go (SUGAR SPICE AND EVERYTHING NICE) invited THE YAPPY BUNCH for a 3 day staycation in B HOTEL. I mean WOW, 3 days??? The last time we did a hotel vacation like that was for me and my husband's wedding night (which was ahem, not enough aka "bitin", hence, the second night! Ahem.... ) So imagine our excitement building up because I have been reading a lot of raves about B HOTEL. My boys even made a countdown and could barely sleep!

And wow, what a vacation it was! You could tell how much my little guys enjoyed the staycation because just now, Andrei was already asking when we are going back to B HOTEL. It's a great thing too that a room was very affordable because we could schedule family weekend in no time.

For one night only though... Unless it gets... ahem... bitin... he he he!

From our humble abode we drove towards Muntinlupa City...

No traffic... Spacious roads... Toto, we're not in our beloved Mandaluyong anymore!

Master Mati was very excited for our B HOTEL staycation!

And there it was from afar...


Friday, April 11, 2014


I remember that when I was still studying like 5 years ago (tee hee) summer vacation meant doing totally nothing -- nada... zilch... don't even lift a finger for ANYTHING. For 2 months I will be free from the confines of a classroom and I will just laze around the house, wake up at noon, watch television, and just sit around some more. Heck, if I wanted to scratch my big tummy while exploring the wonderful world of idleness, then I will do so. Only the prospect of lunch or dinner will stop me. He he he he he!

Fortunately, for my Mati and Andrei, they will not succumb to the same amount of unproductive oblivion that I committed myself to before. Sure I was enjoying my time as a tree for 2 months but it may also be because there was no fun activity that would rouse my interest.  Now, the little lords have so much to choose from as different fun summer activities keep on sprouting up here, there, and everywhere that my boys were almost tempted to double book!

For this summer, I already enrolled the boys to do the usual fast food kiddie crew and basketball clinic that they chose to do. However, upon chancing the blog entry of my KTG mate THE MOMMIST (SEE HERE), I was all juiced up with all the fun and educational activities for my kids!!!! 

photo grabbed from THE MOMMIST

THE MIND MUSEUM awesome summer adventures!

I know right? Where were they while I was growing up and watching betamax??

Thursday, April 10, 2014


It was a lucky Tuesday night for me and the Chinese Adonis because not only was I able to get out of work early ("FREEDOM!!! FREEDOM!!!!) but we received an invite to taste the new dishes from BOON TONG KEE in Quezon City! Ever since our first meal in the famous Singaporean franchise with the KTG (SEE HERE), my husband and I would frequently pig out on our favorite Hainanese Chicken and Ribs in their Powerplant Mall branch.

We already love everything the way it is... but now we get news that there would be MORE of us to love?  

A lucky Tuesday night for us indeedy!


photo from Boon Tong Kee FB account :)
Beside the new dishes in BOON TONG KEE, the restaurant was also celebrating the visit of the man who started it all from his simple stall from 1979! Mr. THIAN BOON HUA!!! It has already been 35  years since he introduced hungry diners to his very moist but deliciously seasoned steamed chicken and now his genius is filling up our tummies with more delicious Singaporean food!

I was not able to get a picture with Mr. Hua but I was able to meet him and shake his hand. The guy was truly humble but you could see that his passion for giving us the perfect Hainanese Chicken still burns as it did 35 years ago. 

BOON TONG KEE in Tomas Morato, Quezon City was as cozy as I remembered it to be. It is actually more spacious and chic than the Powerplant Mall branch. If my mental institution in Mandaluyong (tee hee) was nearer here, the Yub and I would indulge in our Singaporean favorites in this BOON TONG KEE branch!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


It may be "no more classes, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks" for the boys but Yub and I were also having a lot of fun during their summer vacation. Normally, we wouldn't go out during weekdays because we would stay at home and help the kids with their schoolwork. At the same time, we would like to get enough beauty rest since one of us take turns in waking up at 5:30am to get the boys ready for school. But ever since we tucked away their school bag and uniform out of sight for 2 months, Yub and I have been making the most of it and having date nights every single day! And on one particular night, we trooped over to MUNCHTOWN in Greenhills just because we felt like having burgers or dogs on a weekday and staying out late just because we wanted to.

Oh and by the way, Mati and Andrei were also having the time of their lives because no matter how hard we invite them, they said they need a "summer vacation" from us as well!

Why those little!!!

Kidding! Tee hee! 


Monday, April 7, 2014


It was a great Fridate with Albert, Suet, and our son Mati, but even after stuffing ourselves silly with delicious Thai food from SILK ROAD (SEE HERE!!!!), we were still in the mood for a "sweet" night cap. Actually I'm not really sure if it was the gluttony convincing us to get more dessert calories into our system or if it was we were having a lot of fun gabbin' and grubbin' that we didn't want to end the night... YET.

With the after dinner night finalized, we trooped over to the famous coffee house in Bacolod which set foot in Manila...


Sunday, April 6, 2014


BANANA LEAF CURRY has always been one of our usual choices when we want to indulge in delicious Asian food that is not heavy in our pockets. What was not to love about it? The servings were good for sharing while the food was cooked to suit our simple but ALWAYS hungry taste. So when we went out with friends to celebrate the Chinese Adonis' birthday for his usual week long celebration, it was no wonder that the leading contender  for our meet up was our "usual" BANANA LEAF CURRY!

And as USUAL, it was a night for us and our tummies to remember!


When I meet with my "Pretty Mommies" group, we always have it in PODIUM since it closes late (10:00pm) even during on weekdays. 

Friday, April 4, 2014


Every time me and the Chinese Adonis have dinner at one of restaurants along the stretch of SM Aura Skypark, we often pass by this place shrouded in black cloth. At first we would just dismiss that it may be something bleh under construction. But then we saw the sign MAGNUM  and right then we knew that  we should count the number of days, hours, minutes, and dagnabbit, even seconds to get a taste of its succulent ice cream... PLUS... OOOH...SOOO MUCH... MOOORE.....

(I was actually going for how the other sexy ladies do it in car commercials but I remember how my husband hysterically laughs when I attempt to do it, so never mind).

Anyway, the Chinese Adonis and I were so thankful to receive an invite to bask in the creamy glory of goodness of MAGNUM MANILA treats before its opening on April 8 (Tuesday). Even if we haven't had dinner yet, having our luscious dessert FIRST, was in order (pun intended). And remembering how fudgy and rich MAGNUM bars were, we were willing to forego even the usual 3 meals a day in order to indulge in these creamy temptations without any sort of remorse over our so called "diet".

Don't worry, one bite from your MAGNUM MANILA desserts and you'll be transported into a dimension where the word DIET is a virus and shouldn't be uttered out loud. Either that or you'll be so busy groaning like the sexy ladies from car wash commercials while eating your MAGNUM bar to even remember it. He he he he he!


Tuesday, April 1, 2014


On a Friday night, we met up with one of our new favorite foodie couple Albert and Suet for some Thai food. 

"New favorite foodie couple" you wonder? Well you would put them up your list as well especially if they made you a SUSHI CAKE for your BIRTHDAY! Ha ha ha ha! Sorry, I'm such a pathetic "food-weathered friend" I know! H aha ha!

Anyway, we remembered that we had such a gastronomic night in the now closed Thai Bistro in Robinson's Magnolia (SEE HERE) that when Chef Cecille Chang reopened the doors of her wonderful Thai food creations via SILK ROAD, we knew that was the next place for us to be.

Of course, besides indulging in our usual SILK ROAD THAI BISTRO favorites, we were also there to ogle at the ultra hot Chef Cecille! He he he he!



My brother and his family, who lived in Antipolo, stayed over our house one weekend. When he is here, we never fail to pull out our usual FOB (fresh off the boat) jokes at their expense and that "Ke ganda ganda talaga dito sa Maynilah" (in our exaggerated Caviteno accent) for laughs. Then one joke led to another resulting  to his craving to try out what "Manila has to offer". With that, he invited us to have dinner out at the TIPSY PIG and we all happily agreed because he offered to treat us as well.

I sure do hope though that they won't leave their slippers at the entrance.

KIDDING! Bwa ha ha ha ha!