
Monday, May 27, 2019


MOTHER'S DAY arrived and I was happy with the celebrations that involved the Avengers, togetherness, and A LOT OF FOOD!!

Every MOTHER'S DAY season, I make it a point to take out the little lords for a date for that wee one-on-one time. Of course, it's more fun if we go out as a family but I see a different side my of boys when it's "just us", and they have a tendency to open up more. Not only that, it makes them feel extra special. There's a different kind of impact on them when you take the time to plan something that is exclusive just for the two of you. Proof of this was when I asked Mati before why he loved his Mommy, his answer was "because you take me out on dates."


I hope though when they grow up they would still remember our little MOTHER'S DAY tradition. Hmp! I'm sure, once they have their girlfriends or get married, I'll get a "Hu u" when I text them (jejemon pa no??). CHE!!!!  KUKUTUSIN KO TALAGA SILA. He he he he! But really, we cannot expect them to be little boys forever and there will come a time where we have to have to let them go.


Maybe that's the reason why I'm doing this -- so that just in case they forget about me when they're all grown up, I'll console myself with all the loving memories I had with them on MOTHER'S DAY in the past.

Tapos I'll be in a rocking chair with their photo album on my lap. I would gently touch our MOTHER'S DAY pictures together then look longingly at the window while my rocking chair slowly rocks.

EMO!!! Ang sarap ko din batukan no???

Besides my usual dates with the boys, I treated the BESTEST Mom there is, my MOMMYOWZERS to honor her this MOTHER'S DAY. Of course, my family cannot NOT be there. We always have an awesome time together too!!! As they say, the family that eats together, stays together. YES! HANGGANG TAKE OUT. He he he he he he he!

Yep. I always believe that if you put your family first, your children will prioritize your togetherness as well. Proof of that is my Mom -- she's a doctor who chose to stay home to take care of us. She and my Dad, though busy with the business and other matters, still put us first on their list, not their friends, not their career, it's US. So now, we are giving back all the love and family values that they have given us.

So here's to the loving Mom's who gave their EVERYTHING when taking care of their children.  Of course, I'm not saying that all Mom's have to quit their jobs. I know some working Mother's who are still so hands-on in taking care of their kids. Para-paraan lang yan. Not excuses. 
It's so easy to make reason out ("nagtatrabaho ako e", "may yaya naman", "lumaki naman sila na hindi naoospital" (duh) etc when really, gumigimik lang) but it takes a REAL MOM (and lady!!) to go beyond those and give their ultimate love to their sons and daughters.

(Belated) Happy MOTHER'S DAY to all!!!! Especially my dearest MOMMY!!!

And me!!! ( he he he he... singit ).  

MOTHER' DAY started early for me and the Master Mati when we had our date in Powerplant Mall!!!

We really enjoyed our last meal here so we thought of going back without the Chinese asungot. Har de har har!!!

Afterwards we went to our private screening of AVENGERS ENDGAME. 

Yep! I got the whole theatre to ourselves!!!


This is "take two" for us!!!

More on the blog coming soon!!!!

For THE YAPPY BUNCH official MOTHER'S DAY celebration, you might gwak at us, but sorry, it's really something I've been wanting to do a LOOOONG TIME.

MANG INASAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

I swear that one of the things I love doing is watching youtubers doing the unli-rice challenge. Because of that, I've always wanted to eat there but their branches were always jampacked with people. 

As a result, we would just take out our chicken. But I still wanted to eat there! I'm sure you'd agree that it's better to eat the food in the actual restaurant right?

So finally one night we were able to chance at a branch where there were some available seats. Sad to say though that the servers of this MANG INASAL branch didn't bus out their plates immediately. They were so nice and friendly, don't get me wrong. I guess, busing that night was not a top priority.

Yup! They were so fast and prompt naman with our soup!!!!


Cal and Ricky!!!!

Guess what movie we recently saw again? Shake and Bake baby! Shake and Bake!!!!

Jon Snow and Khaleesi!

I swear though if you EVER attempt to do something even just remotely close to what John Snow did to Daenarys, KUKUTISIN KITA! He he he he he he he!!!!!

First on our table to arrive is Mati's MANG INASAL Bangus Sisig (P99.00)!

It arrived well ahead of the other dishes so I told him to eat it already before it loses its sizzle. 

Our food arrives!!!

The Yub and I each had the MANG INASAL 2-pc Pork Barbecue set (P99.00)!

MANG INASAL's Chicken is good but I am more of a pork barbecue kind of girl!!!

My "battle" gear.

The Androse got the Chicken (P99.00) and was happy with it (as expected). 

ERICJAZ FOODIES with the little lords in MANG INASAL for MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!

Syempre I put A LOT of chicken oil on my rice. YUM!!!

The MANG INASAL free soup was good but you should also try their Misua!!! So flavorful and hot!! Too good with your rice dish!

The Yub forgot to order my veggie lumpia. To think that we kept on waiting for it!!!

Since the Master Mati was the first to finish, he volunteered to buy the lumpia for me.

AWWWWWWWW!!! Thanks dearest!!!!

This was super oily. I don't think I'll get this next time because I want more room for the chicken oil. He he he he he he!


WAKANDA FOREVER! He he he he he....

Le bill!!!


The Yub cannot believe that this is already his MOTHER'S DAY treat for me. "Yub kain pa tayo sa _____!!!" He planned.

No, I said. I'm already so happy with MANG INASAL wish coming true.

See? It doesn't take much to make me happy. As long as we're together enjoying delicious food, that's already a celebration for me.

The next day, I woke up to my baby bunsoy giving me THIS!!!

AWWWWWWWWWWWW! Thanks dear Andrei!

Going down I saw my Mommy checking out a delivery of roses from Anthony (Ate Jojit's hub). Awwww! So sweet!

She also got another bouquet from Kuya Jon.

As always, she offered everything to Mama Mary. It IS Mother's Day after all.

That morning, we attended mass.

For lunch, I treated the family to AMARE Italian Restaurant in Barrio Kapitolyo Pasig. 

This was one of Andrei's favorite restaurants in Baguio and we're happy that it now had a branch in Manila. Their pizzas are mighty good!

After eating, Master Mati went to his lola and read to her the card that he made.

He listed down 20 reasons why his Lola is the best Mom/Lola!

Take note of the small drawing of the TV below... He he he he he!


A Mother's Love never stops!

The Androse also gave his card to his Lola.

First page!!!!!!



Second page!

The bunsoy said he also has a card for his Mommy....

Then gave it to his Tita Jojit!


She's his real Mommy daw!


Awwwww... Thanks dear Andrei!

Wait a minute... "You get really angry with us....???"


Mother's get free Vanilla ice cream for dessert in AMARE!

Wohooo! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I got home the boys gave me their real gift -- a gold bracelet ordered online!!!

AWWWWW! Thank you!!!!

They used their own money and asked help from my Mom in ordering.

Wow... I don't care how much this is but this is now my favorite bracelet or accessory EVER.

Thank you soooo much my dearest boys!

The next day was a holiday because of the elections. I promised Andrei that we will be having a date at his chosen restaurant -- NIU.

It would have been fine to go out just the 2 of us but then the Chinese Panget was in his province to vote and Master Mati will not have a "date". He said he's fine to stay with his Lola but I know just how much he would love to eat at NIU as well.

With that I was able to convince Andrei to invite his Kuya. At first he was hesitant but later on he agreed since he didn't like his Kuya to be left alone.

When Andrei told Master Mati, my panganay looked at me agad and asked "Okay pa ba Mommy baka it would be too expensive na for you?" Awwwww sooo sweet but I could see how he was really wanting to go.

"Of course it's okay. Yayyyy!!!"


It's my date with the little lords at Andrei's requested place!

And THIS is why the bunsoy baby wanted to eat in NIU!!

Yup! Salmon Sashimi and Sushi pa lang, sulit na siya!

My panganay was a bit more reserved and got various appetizers.

He also got some Oysters to share.

THIS was my first plate. Yup! Japanese all the way!

My second plate!

That caviar was mighty good.

I also got 3 pieces of Foie Gras ravioli! YUM!

Plus noodles!!!!

My second plate of roast beef (eng eng me forgot to take a picture of the first one).

My second plate of Foie Gras...




After he wiped out his first plate, my big guy filled his second plate with sushi (nainggit sakin... ha ha ha ha ha)

When asked why he wanted to eat in NIU, my bunsoy baby said it's because he loved the Salmon and their Roast Beef!

Wow! My picky eater sure piled his plate!

After eating, I had a little surprise for my boys...

I love you so much my boys!

Words cannot describe how you two have made me so happy. You gave my life new purpose and meaning. You also made me a stronger person who will never give up. 

Kaya really, I know I get angry a lot when you two misbehave but it's just me training you to become the best version of yourselves (e.g. not picking your nose or fixing your crotch in public!).

Like what I would always say, I would like you two to be tough and to be able to take care of yourselves even when Mommy and Daddy are gone na.

And with what I'm seeing, you're doing a very good job. I tell you, it's so music to my ears when I hear people compliment you on your behavior and politeness. I'm so proud of you!

I will forever be your number one fan!

Yep! This may be MOTHER'S DAY, but hey, MOTHER'S DAY is also about celebrating and making your Mommy happy. Well you have given me THAT plus many more. So I am honoring that TODAY!!!!


The bunsoy curiously looked at the cake...

Parang may masamang balak. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

For dessert, I got some coffee plus Puto Bumbong.

The Androse got me a small bowl of Ice Cream too!

BURP! So full!

Yep! The Mommy is so happy!!! Thanks Andrei for choosing NIU!

After NIU, we went around.

The little lords were Marvel fans (obvious ba?? he he he he he) and were tickled pink with seeing the gauntlet.

"IT'S SO BIG!" Andrei exclaimed.

"Imagine how big Thanos is then!" I added.

Well is it as big as Captain America's ass?

He he he he!

Yup! That's America's ass!!! One of Mati's favorite lines in the movie. Bastus.

After Podium, I brought the boys with me to vote.

Syempre, they should also learn about their duties as a citizen. They cannot just subject themselves to being keyboard warriors only.

To think that Master Mati is going to vote na in the next elections. Woah! That'll be something.

Yep! The family that votes together, stays together (unless they voted for opposite camps... he he he he).

As you can see, everything is indeed a family affair for us!!!

(Belated) Happy Mother's Day to all! Hope you had a great celebration with the best lady of your lives.







  1. Happy mother's day ms Jaz :)
    And i really love the pretty dress you are wearing when you ate at looks so good on you <3

    1. Yayyy thank you!!! Happy Mother's Day too (belated).

      Naks thanks!!! I got it from Mosaic. Sayang lang medyo lumuwag sa pagkalaba ng labandera... Grrr... ha ha ha ha ha ha! thanks!! mwah mwah!
