
Thursday, April 5, 2018


THE YAPPY BUNCH are with my Gatdula family celebrating the Lenten Season in my Father's hometown in Cavite. Though my Dad is not anymore with us, we know that he's just there "helping" and "enjoying" every day of this longtime Gatdula tradition.

As expected, we all had an enjoyable yet meaningful time. To think that every year we are at the same place doing the same things eating the same food, but everything is still fun and memorable for us! 

Sharing with you our great times and delicious food in this second part of our Holy Week. 

Breakfast for day TWO!!!

The Yubhub said he will only eat fruits this morning so that he could devour all of the grub for lunch.

As for me, I'm on vacation! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I'll be enjoying my usual garlic rice, fried egg, tuyo, sardines, and tomatoes.

Yup! I'm living the LIFE!


The Yub and I got ready to go around town and when I said goodbye to my Mom, she was checking on the dishes to be cooked for lunch.

At the other side, the GAT'S staff were shucking oysters.

Our long time guy Joseph was grilling some  liempo.


The little lords were with my brother so the Yub and I had an instadate!

Our first stop is to visit the miraculous Mama Mary located in a chapel in this huge lot with mango trees. Could you see how far it goes?

Their chapel was being renovated that's why the miraculous Mama Mary was staying in her caretakers home.

Isn't she beautiful?

When I see her, I am awed by her beauty.

From Mama Mary's place is a small chapel that also represented God's home.

It is also a house of prayer.

Driving out, the Yub and I were debated whether this beast was a ram, a goat, or a kalabaw?

Yup! KALABAW it is. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Next stop is to visit somebody VERY close to my heart....

Heya Daddy!

My Mom joined us yesterday and bought flowers for him.

Like yesterday, the Yub and I prayed the rosary for him too!

After visiting Daddyowzers, the Yub and I attempted to go to this new resort located at the other side of town.

Yun lang, to get there, we had to cross this long hanging bridge that seemed to be decades of years old already.

The Yub was like... TARA NA!!!!!!


Yup! I tend to be dramatic when it comes to heights. He he he he he!

I got to admit though, the view was BEAUTIFUL.

Kaya picture na lang kami!!!!!!! Thanks "Allen"!

He he he he... For this picture I stopped 2 kids who were going to pass the bridge. As he was about to take our picture, the kid shouted to his companion "Uy antayin mo ako Allen ah!!!!!". Ha ha ha ha ha! Wala nacute-an lang kami.

Allen waited naman. He he he he.

After the bridge we went to the Roman Catholic church in Maragondon, Cavite.

There were many catholics doing the bisita iglesia.

We were so stinky and sweaty at this point.

When we got back home, LUNCH AWAITS!


Oysters! My favorite!

Grilled Liempo!

Kare Kare!


Anthony was fasting so he only had a small plate of fish and rice.

The other guys were watching Thor Ragnarok.

My full plate!!!!

I devoured my plate of kare kare with rice. And to add more excitement to my meal, I put all of the talaba in this spicy vinegar mixture.


Later on, it's time for the second and last procession of the week.

Once again, my bunsoy was like a master Jedi carrying two candles. He he he he he....

I spy our karo!

Master Mati and Lola!

I wasn't able to take good pics of the family because they were praying the rosary while walking in the procession.

Same goes for Ate Jit and Anthony.

Except for us. He he he he. Yes we're bad sorry. Next year we'll pray na.

The view from behind.

Normally the thought of walking for an hour would get me complaining. But I don't mind doing so for Holy Week. He he he he...

For the second night, it's Kuya Jay and Rogee at the front.

My brother Kuya Jon prefers to be at the side.

And we're near the end point.


Our group for HOLY WEEK 2018.

Missing Daddyowzers of course.

Since Lester was the one with the camera awhile ago, we had a pictur with him!

THE YAPPY BUNCH with my Mom!

Ugh! I hate flash talaga. He he he he he...

And the Androse!!!!!

Our very beautiful karo.

One more picture before Andrei takes it down all by himself.


For our dinner that night, we had Arroz Caldo.

A VERY thick pot of Arroz Caldo.

I'm not really a fan of Arroz Caldo so I just had some Palabok and bread.

The family that eats and chats always together, STAYS together.

The cousins however were watching the movie "Heathers".

Yeah. Not really Black Friday appropriate.

After finishing his bowl of Arroz Caldo, Andrei helped out in taking down the decors of our karo.

Awwwww... Thanks for helping Andrei!

As always during Black Friday, the ladies who will be doing the "Bati" or "Salubong" for Mama Mary on Sunday practiced in front of the church.

It already became tradition for us to watch after the procession.

As for Andrei, he's more concentrated on the one playing the snare drums!

After the "Bati" practice, we lighted up some candles for Mama Mary.

And then proceeded to Aglipayan Church where my Lolo used to be a Bishop.

When Andrei saw there was a donation basket at the foot of Jesus' statue, he immediately dug into his pockets.

Offering prayers for Jesus.

Sorry. I just had to do it. He he he he....


We were all discussing how we fancied the simple decorations of the altar for the Holy Week. The sacristan there told us that the head of the Aglipayan Youth Organization conceptualized it.

Afterwards it's time again for our usual... 


This time, Andrei's with us na! Yay!

As usual, after our long walk, we dropped by 7-11 for some cold sustenance.

The Yub treated the kiddies to around the town SEVERAL times!!! Again, the cool night made it perfect.

It was extra fun too because they were all singing Ticket To Ride. I just put a stop to it when Andrei started screaming. Aysus talaga!

After our enjoyable joyride, I went home to my midnight snack. He he he he he!


The next day....

After packing, we just lounged around the house.

The Yub watched LORD OF THE RINGS, Tagalized version. He he he he he...

For lunch we just had the leftovers from the previous days and some fried chicken!

If you're looking for Andrei, he went ahead with my brother's family (and Kermit) for a weeklong vacation in their home.

Iniwan ako huhuhu!!!!!

And then it was time to pack it all up in the pick up and go.

Till next year po.

Thanks to the GAT'S CONDO staff for all the help!! It wouldn't be a stress free Holy Week without you all.

Going home the road was clear so the drive was smooth. Yay!


Even if it would be so nice to go home and lounge into our own house and sleep on my own bed, I still felt a slight pang of sadness that Holy Week is over. It is, after all, our family tradition and has become a sort of vacation reunion as well. E buti sana if every month may Holy Week. He he he he he he! A LOT could happen in a year kumbaga that's why I really relish and appreciate special events like these with the family.

Oh well... Till next year again!!!! 





  1. I stumble to your blog page while browsing for blogs about Canyon Cove and the Holyweek adventure 2018 and was surprised to see that you're from Cavite. (yep, CaviteƱa here). and then while reading the holyweek blog I am again surprised to see your late father's surname. (YAASSS Gatdula din po.) So I kinda take every blogs you got here and tbh, it was so downright straightforward and helpful. I'm quite entertained as it is not a pretentious lakwatsera blogs! I am even reading it in full kikayness voice!. Goodluck and more adventures to come!

    1. Huloooooooooooooo!!! You're also Gatdula?? Baka kamaganak kita! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Yayyy! Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm happy that you're liking something that I created from the heart. ERICJAZ FOODIES is actually my online diary (that's why it could get so detailed at times ha ha ha ha) that I'm honored when somebody reads my personal experiences. Ay naku! I don't like also the IG or blog posts that are too set up! Oh well to each his own pero its not my style talaga.

      Ha ha ha ha ha! I bet my voice is higher than yours. Ay promise. Sasakit tenga mo. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Thanks again and hope to hear more from you soon! Mwah mwah mwa mwah!!! Take care!!!!
