
Monday, March 5, 2018


VALENTIMES arrived. And even if I'm normally very excited for this  happy hearts day celebration every year, I have to admit I was not that into it as I was before. Of course, a big part of my lack of enthusiasm was losing my first Valentine  and I was expecting (or dreading) that everything will be different this year.

It turns out, everything went like it was before: I received flowers, I got kisses from my boys, some officemates gave me chocolates, had great dates with the hub and the family -- I actually had a lot of fun during VALENTIMES.

But how did it REALLY turn out?

See below!


When I woke up, lo and behold, somebody was creepily standing there with a proud smile. If it weren't for the flowers, natadyak ko to ng di oras. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry. I'm an aswang talaga in the mornings.

When I came to my senses na... Awwwwww... Thank you so much Yub!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!

When I got downstairs, I got some candy hearts from my sister and more flowers from my Kuya Jon.

On my way to office, I saw many posts about VALENTIMES. My favorite would have to be this one.

I read this in the voice of Ken Jeong from The Hangover movies. Ha ha ha ha ha!

A close second would have to be this one.

Now I wonder how THAT happened??? Hmmmm.... Tee Hee!

I also received some chocolates at the office. Yay!

It was an ordinary workday at TAPE but all throughout the day, I kept on receiving forwarded Valentine messages on Facebook. I know it's the thought that counts, but promise, it's something I could do without. The other personal messages got bumped waaaaaay down tuloy. Call me mean but I'm just not a fan of memes, gifs, etc. I'd rather get greetings that were really thought of. 

For those who kept on sending forwarded messages that day, I sent them THIS!

O e di nashock sila. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

That night, the Yub took me out for our VALENTIMES date!

WOHOOO! We're going to have steak!

The restaurant may be JOHNY'S STEAK AND GRILL but they had their VALENTIMES set up in B HOTEL.

I love it! Simple... and red!

The Yub did good tonight as he looked for the restaurant and reserved us a table in advance. I'm happy that he did because some of my friends were not able to go on a date because most of the restos were fully booked.

Uuuuuuy baka maka-iscore siya tonight.


There were no frills or cheesy table set up. What's important for me is the food!

JOHNNY'S STEAKS gave out roses and VALENTIME cookies though! Yihiii!!!!!! 

Ordering up!

Our server from JOHNNY'S STEAK AND GRILL was very fast and friendly. His VALENTIME spirit just made the night more special.


The Yub and I unashamedly love VALENTIMES and do all the cheesiness that go along with it -- flowers, dinner, chocolates, (if I wasn't in mourning, I would be wearing red too!).

Yep! We're corny and we're proud of it! It's so fun to be baduy kaya. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Since we're going to have steaks, I ordered a glass of red wine. I now cannot have meats without it. I'm such a drunk.

Is it just me or are those wine bottles on the ceiling?

While waiting for our orders, the Yub tried all the app rage in Facebook (at the time of our date).

He he he he he!

I guess this is accurate because Yub's girl version is his sister!

We also played with some filters and sent it out again in FB messenger. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Later on my cutie godson called to make kulit. Ha ha ha ha ha! He does that from time to time and I would chat with him.

I have the coolest inaanaks, I know!

Our orders took about 20-30 minutes to arrive but we didn't mind because we enjoyed the soft live music and being silly with each other.

Yohoo! Food is here!

Now let's EAT!

Since I love meat with loads of fat, I got the Beef Rib Eye with sides of grilled vegetables, mashed potatoes, and peppercorn gravy!

Isn't that beautiful???

As for the Yub, he ordered the JOHNNY'S STEAK AND GRILL US Beef Rib Steak with onion rings and steak rice!

Oh... yeah....

Those Onion Rings were VERY yum! Crunchy and lightly salted! I could munch on another plate if I wasn't shy.


The steak rice was just alright and tasted like it was just fried in its own oils. Although I think that's how it should be.

Ahhh... My lovely date... este plate pala.

My steak was perfect. It just needed a small dash of salt.

TEE to the HEE.

My fatty steak worked so well with the crunchy and herby vegetables. To combat the spice from the grilled veggies, I would have a big forkful of the creamy mashed potatoes.

Medium rare... Just the way I liked it!

The Yub and I also ordered corn because we feel that it would complete Yub's steak triumvirate. He he he he he!

I know I should be dieting but I CAN'T STOP EATING!!!

Ang cute ko pa in the pic in fer... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

DONE... with feelings.

After that heavy meal, a cup of hot coffee was perfect.

Our server gave us complimentary dessert!

Yowza! This is the perfect dessert for me -- gooey, fudgy, and chocolatey!

Good job Yub! I really enjoyed our date... 

I still won't go all the way though. Ano ka shinushwerteh???? Maria Clara to! He he he he he!

Yub's bill!!!

Thanks for dinner Chinese Dimpol!

As we were about to go out, we saw this lovely VALENTIMES setting adorned with flowers.

Syempre we had a picture with me flashing the peace sign...

And me putting small sungays on the Yub.

Wacky shot!

Our official VALENTIMES shot. Naks!
Thanks talaga Yub for the wonderful night. This is one time in a year where you do all of the planning and it's always so perfect!!!! Sa uulitin!!! 

When we got home, I offered my flowers to Mama Mary and Daddy. My Mom and sister did the same. 


Every VALENTIMES, I would take the boys out for a date. However, Master Mati got sick that I was not able to treat them out na.

Come Friday though, our VALENTIMES date pushed thru. Yun lang, the Chinese Dimpol joined us (sya magbabayad ng sine e!).

Again, I was supposed to treat my fam to some Japanese food but because we got stuck in traffic, we only had 30 minutes till the showing of the movie.

With that, the boys chose to just have dinner in KFC!

It was actually a great choice because we sure ate A LOT!

I'm trying to quit carbs but the KFC sisig rice was so good that I almost finished it! HALA!!!!!

Okay lang. It was a great dinner with my guys!

Afterwards, we proceeded to watch Mati's wish -- BLACK PANTY... este BLACK PANTHER!

And as usual.... my baby bunsoy fell asleep. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Me and Master Mati were wide awake! We're such Marvel fans! Even if downloading is the cheap and convenient alternative, we'll ALWAYS watch go to the theatre for special movies such as this!

The movie was good and BLACK PANTY  este BLACK PANTHER is so pogi!

Master Mati is more pogi though.

My VALENTIMES was awesome and I got to celebrate with the people that I love.


It’s my first Valentimes where I didn’t receive flowers from my favorite “Roger.” Everything was so great today and I had a lot of fun, but when I got home from my date with the Yub, I just can’t help but cry upon realizing that I will be the one to offer my Daddy flowers every Valentimes from now on.

My Daddy made all of my Valentimes so memorable before (even having flowers sent to my school or office just so that people will think I have an admirer haha) that now I feel something (or someone) is missing at what is supposed to be a happy and romantic day.

Love you so much my Roger. You’ll always be my first Valentime.


Even if I had heart warming VALENTIMES celebrations, I suddenly became depressed at the realization that the person who inspired me to be corny, cheesy, and be an ultimo romantic, was gone. 

Of course, I'm thankful that I have the Yub and 2 boys who would somehow make my VALENTIMES week kilig to the bones. But still, I cannot EVER forget my first VALENTINE.


B Hotel Quezon City, 
14 Scout Rallos Street, Laging Handa, 
Quezon City
02 9905000




  1. Your story about you mourning on a valentimez day is sad. I definitely can relate. Coz my mom also passed away last 2016 and her birthday is on Valentine’s Day. We used to celebrate valentines celebrating my mom’s birthday. Now we celebrate by visiting her at the columbarium.. Then after the visit, a simple dinner date with my fam and malling. It’s hard to lose a parent. And for me, it is heart breaking to lose a Mother. I miss my mom so much. I know she’s watching me now from up above with Jesus. 😢 Anyway my condolences to you for losing your dad. I know it must be painful, unreal and unacceptable... for now. God bless! ✌🏼

    1. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure she was (and is) a wonderful woman for her to love her and honor her so much. :( Yes you're right. It is so hard to lose a parent. You would think that because we're older and don't need them as much, it would be easier right? Pero hindi pala. I know that I would always need my Dad and my life is just so sad now without him. Of course, I'm still thankful for my boys, pero iba e. He gave my life so much romance, so much sentiment, so much color, basta ang dami. Now that he's gone, wala. Damang dama talaga. Most of the time I would just cry and face it by myself. My husband kasi is not like that. Walang pumalit sa kaniya for me. My sons na lang talaga they give me strength and smiles. When I'm so sad, they see me and cheer me up.

      Haaaaaay... thanks. God bless you and your family too. Take care.

    2. That’s ok. It really happens that you will cry whenever you remember your dad. Especially it’s only been a year. Just be hopeful that one day your tears will dry up and learn to accept his passing. And also focus on your living family.. your mom, kids etc. I know it will take time, but have faith that everything will be alright even without your dad. Kaya for the meantime, ikain nalang natin eto hehehe. Smile and have a wonderful Tuesday TC

    3. Huhuhu... Mas sasaya ako kung may manlibre sa Spiral... huhuhu... Kidding. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Thanks :) Ay matindi my drama kaya I won't bore you with it. Minsan lang talaga I want to honor him in my blogs. He he he he he he! Thanks again. :)

    4. Hehehe your blog, your rules. Libre? Pizza Hut nalang hahaha. Hanap tayo sponsor

    5. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Kidding!!! Have a great Tuesday!! Thanks.
