
Thursday, October 15, 2015


We recently celebrated the blessing of THE GRILL BOY in Spark Place and it also marked the official opening of this new ERICJAZ FOODIES favorite!

You might doubt our love for THE GRILL BOY since we always profess our fanaticism over a new restaurant.  But if I tell you that the Chinese Adonis left his line for the confession booth that morning just so that he'd be on time for THE GRILL BOY favorites, then would you believe me?

As much as I want to say that I am exaggerating, unfortunately, I'm not. You cannot really make up these types of things.

Oh and just in case you're shocked at how much we'll go far for food, don't worry, the Chinese Adonis promised to go to confession next day at church. Ha ha ha ha ha!

But still, that impulse move gives you a very clear picture of how much we love the delicious food of THE GRILL BOY that we don't care if we commit a sin.... a dietary sin that is. Because whenever we're at THE GRILL BOY, we are indulging and pigging out more than we should. And the great thing is, we're not sorry at all! It is just THAT awesome for us!

Congratulations to Richie of THE PICKIEST EATER and Rina of RINA'S RAINBOW!!! You have OFFICIALLY hooked us again to THE GRILL BOY! 


We were just in time for the blessing!!! Yipeee!

Going inside, the place was packed!!!! It was great too that my husband and I saw a lot of familiar faces from our foodie world!

Pretty ladies!


The very pretty NINES VS. FOOD!

The always fresh and demure lady of THE HUNGRY KAT!

Hottie mommy Raquel, Marketing Manager and Head PR of VIKINGS AND FOUR SEASONS HOTPOT BUFFET!!!

The very pogi little guy of THE FOOD ALPHABET and my future godson, Sky!

MORE KTG peeps and Mr. Dennis Nakpil, owner of Dencios!

Plus the ever smiling staff of THE GRILL BOY!

AND, last but not the least, some Chinese hungry ogre! Ha ha ha ha!

After all the niceties plus the HI's and HELLO's, it's time to eat at THE GRILL BOY!!!!!

There was a buffet line and I loaded my plate with barbecue, chicken fingers, pakbet, grilled liempo, and pancit canton!


While the Chinese Adonis and I were eating, I was so happy that we were served with THE GRILL BOY's Crispy Pork and Mango Salad (P66.00)! Believe me when I say that this is a meal necessity here! 

I'm sure you'd agree with me when you get a spoonful of the fresh tomato and onion salsa with green mangoes that are tossed in fish paste (or bagoong). I bet you'd be reaching for that extra cup of garlic rice in no time!

We also feasted on these popular barbecue specialties of THE GRILL BOY!

THE GRILL BOY Liempo (P99.00) had a nice smokey flavor at every bite of their tender chops of pork!

The Chinese Adonis is always raving over THE GRILL BOY Pork Barbecue (P98.00) because it had all the "malinamnam" flavors that he is looking for in every juicy mouthful!

The Pinaputok na Bangus (P99.00) was light, healthy, but still ultra satisfying!

The same goes for THE GRILL BOY Tuna Belly (P99.00). The fish was juicy and sweet on the inside.

We were overjoyed of course when we were served with a hot plate of popping, sizzling, mouth-watering THE GRILL BOY SISIG (P165.00)!!!!

Wait for it to sizzle some more to have that nice crunch OR spoon it over to your rice immediately. It doesn't really matter...

This pork sisig is something that you shouldn't miss and ALWAYS eat when you're at THE GRILL BOY!!!!

It's actually very addicting! Egad I'm drooling out my open mouth right now.


After eating, we chatted with our foodie friends and played with Baby Sky!


Congratulations again Richie and Rina!!!! Thank you for inviting us! We definitely reached our pig-out quota from all our favorites from THE GRILL BOY! We also had such a great time chatting and gabbing with you guys

As it has officially and lovingly opened, please check out THE GRILL BOY very soon and you'll see why we are so devoted to it!!!!

Hopefully you won't do anything as drastic as leave a confession for it, but I'm sure you'll find yourself always drooling and craving for it ENDLESSLY like we always do!

SEE YAH!!!!!!!!!!!

2nd.Flr. Spark Place Bldg.cor. 10th Ave.
Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines

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