
Wednesday, February 19, 2020


And how was your VALENTINE'S? Or as I call it, VALENTIMES!!!

To be honest I was not really expecting much for VALENTIMES. I was angry with the Yub for something and didn't feel like going out AT ALL. Plus, I'm sorta lazy with the plans for that weekend.

Then on the day of VALENTIME'S I saw THIS again -- my Dad's last card noting it as "From a secret admirer," and I remembered how he made such a fuss about VALENTIME'S every year.

When we were still little brats he would always give my Mommy flowers and box of chocolates (the one that Forest Gump loved -- assorted). Tee hee... I remember my siblings and I would look hungrily as my Mommers opened her box of chocolates and she would just give it all to us to devour.

As we grew older, my Daddyowzers would then order flowers and have it delivered to me "from a secret admirer." (I was an ugly duckling then so I guess he took pity on me. Ha ha ha ha ha). I

Even after I developed into a ravishing young lady (he he he he he) he continued sending me flowers with the usual "From your secret admirer" or "From: Roger" (his codename).  Sometimes he would even request our driver to give the bouquet of flowers at my work so that my officemates would see how I had "somebody". Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

So yeah. My Dad is the reason why I'm such a romantic. VALENTIME'S was such a big deal to him that he would give flowers to all of the girls in the family and household (yep, his secretary and help included) and be extra mushy to my Mommy.

That's why I realized, I shouldn't be such a crab this VALENTIME'S. This is one of the events where Daddy made it more meaningful for me and I should honor his loving efforts  by having fun this day of hearts.

I'm sure he would've loved it that way (pun sorta intended).

Sharing with you my VALENTIMES' celebrations this year and I hope "naka-iskor" kayong lahat!

Tee to the hee!!!!!



The note that changed my mood.

I think this is the last of the "secret admirer" notes ( given 2014). Because afterwards he got sick and would just sign his cards with "Roger."

Flowers from the Yubhubbers.

I was still in a crabby mood that morning that when I saw this waiting in the car, I demanded that it just be thrown inside the house.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 

When I got to the office....

Awwwww... Thanks Tita Josie and Ate Alona!


Throughout the day, the Yub was texting me that we should go forward with our Valentimes date. I was crabby and didn't want to talk to him.


So I sorta forgave him and agreed to go on our date. Turns out, he made reservations in HOUSE OF WAGYU. ABA! LQ?? What LQ??? Asus ang sweet sweet nga namin e!!!
He he he he he!

However since he thought it's going to be traffic, he made reservations for 9:00pm. To our surprise, I got out of work early, there was NO traffic, and parking was so many in Greenhills that from Quezon City we were all settled there by 7:30pm!!!!

We waited in Starbucks and just made kwentuhan.


I sincerely told the Yub that I'm fine with Chili's (my favorite and it has a promo) or have Grab delivery at home. The Yub insisted that we go for HOUSE OF WAGYU since there's a promo naman.

At first we ordered steak for 2, but remembering how we usually shared an order whenever we eat here and it was already more than enough for us, I said we should just get the 220g steak.

First course, the soup and bread!!!!

We SO love the freshly baked and toasty bread in HOUSE OF WAGYU! I swear I could eat a whole basket by myself!

The Yub ordered Gambas for appetizer and we dipped our bread onto the Garlic flavored butter. So good!

The soup also was something. Creamy yet light. It definitely made me more excited for the meal to come. 

The meal also included salad. The Yub doesn't eat vegetables so I got his share also!


Yihiiii.... Grade 6 Wagyu!!!!

This was so much tender than the Grade 10 that we would usually order.

For sides, I got mashed potatoes.

As for the Yub, he got steak rice.

He said the steak rice from Mamou was much better.

Happy Yub...

Happy Me!!!!!

I had wine pa!


The cheesecake was light and yum!!!

Thank you Yub for the delicious date!! I told you, I'm already happy with Chili's or having food delivered but I appreciate how you really made pilit that we go here.


Yun lang because (WARNING TMI) I got sooooo full here that while buying the donuts in Krispy Kreme for the boys, as in my tummy REALLY grumbled!!! Hala! The restroom there was not super clean but at least it flushed properly. Haaaaay buti na lang.

TEE HEE!!!!!

When I got home...

I saw that all flowers given to me and my Mom were all offered to Mama Mary....

Syempre to Daddy too! He is, and forever will be, my Valentimes nga naman.

Kuya Jon gave me flowers also. Yayyy!

The heart donuts we gave the boys.

Hope they'll like this for their baon the next day (it's exam week and they have classes on Saturday).

And before sleeping, I greeted my crushes with Happy Valentimes and added my usual "pahingi ng load".

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

That Saturday....

Like their Daddy, the boys are not the romantic and society-influenced mushy type (who would make colorful cards or put up a "show"). But I was so grateful that when they got home after their exams, they were so willing to help me clean my room. As in Mati vacuumed while Andrei took care of my messy shelves. There was even a memorable part when the radio played "Livin On a Prayer" and we were all singing so loud. Great times!

I may not have gotten cards or anything pacutesie from you guys but this Saturday will forever be in my heart. I'm so thankful to be blessed with such dependable boys!

That night, the Mommies of Mandaluyong met up for a post Valentimes date night!

I requested for a special place when making reservations and we were given this corner table with a beautiful view!!!!!


I love that it's quiet too and far from the hustle of the buffet. 

Early birds AS ALWAYS -- me, the Yub, and Master Mati!

I invited the Matster because since he loved eating, he might enjoy the food there.

I was right!

I told the others that we're already hungry and will start eating (the buffet ends at 9:00pm after all).

The Yub enjoying his first plate.

My pogi binata!

Single pa yan!

The Campos and Gem are here! 

Ayan... Time to eat MORE.

Yummmm.... This is mine!

My second set of food.

I asked the Yub to get me Cochinillo and he gave me a small plate filled with sauce.

My 3rd plate!!!!

Gem ordered sangria.

Ayan we're complete na!

While eating, serious chika went on!

Syempre I'm not yet full so I got my 4th plate.

Then dessert!

I was SOOOOOOOOO full at this time.

I then requested for the Mariachis to sing at our table.

They added so much fun and kalog-ness to our dinner.

We requested for Make It With You... Bakit Ba Ganyan.... and I forgot the last song. Ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm thankful that Mati's here to experience this with us.

Cheers everyone!!!!!


Our bill. I think for the food served, the price is reasonable na.

Even if we've talked and ate a lot, we're still not ready to go home.

I suggested that we have mushy pics around the mall. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Team Navarro!

Team Campo!


Hindi bagay. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Talagang hindi. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Mati wants to have an emo pic with the ladies.

Mga bihag sa kagandahan... Ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry can't help it.

Afterwards we had coffee in Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf!

It was an awesome night! Thanks BPs!

The next day was Sunday and the family had mass together.

There, the boys saw the relic of St. John Baptiste dela Salle!

We then had a Kimpura Teppanyaki lunch courtesy of Ate Jojit as her Valentimes gift to Mommy!!!!

Yayyyyyy! Nadamay kami.


Kuya Jon... Mati... Anthony!

Mommy... Andrei... and Ate Jit!

Me and the Yub!!!!!!!

While waiting for our grub we had some Tekkamaki...

Salmon Maki!







He he he he... We were already chomping on the appetizers before remembering to pray. Tee Hee!


Thanks ate Jit for the treat...

But really, the star of our lunch is Mommy! Happy Valentimes po to you!

ABA! May bruhito pang nangaasar. He's with his real Mommy daw.

For dessert, Mommy treated us to some Milk Tea.

Macau Imperial Tea!

It's my first time to try the Cream Cheese with Black Pearl and it was SOOOOOO yum! I love it na!!!!

Teee Hee... We fixed the table and really waited for her. Ha ha ha ha ha! Thank you po!

For dinner, we were supposed to go out because the boys don't have classes the next day. When asked where they wanted to go, the boys said they would rather stay at home.

That's great! I was actually guilty at first that we haven't taken them out for Valentimes and I was feeling a bit lazy that Sunday because our Kimpura lunch got us all bondat.

Good thing that the boys were feeling the same!

We just ordered our favorite Mang Inasal for dinner and I cooked some of that black noodles that was made famous by the movie "Parasite." 

The noodles were mighty good. It was just so much for us! Ha ha ha ha!

After our simple dinner, the family just watched one of my favorite movies, THE PRINCESS BRIDE!

They all loved it!

Don't you agree that a great way to end Valentimes is by watching something romantic that the whole family will love?


Sometimes talaga the simplest way is the best way. 

And that's it for our VALENTIMES 2020!








  1. "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


    Belated Happy Valentimes, Ms. Jaz :)

    Very good talaga sa Alba's in Estancia. We ate there for my sister's birthday last year. Kami we requested a couple of The Beatles and Trios Los Panchos :)

    Nice din ang best seller ng Macao Imperial, kaso some branches lamang na yung cream cheese kesa sa actual milk tea hahaha.


      Di baaaa? You're a kindred spirit because you know that line. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

      Thank you! Belated Happy Valentines to you too!!!!

      Alam mo, since I enjoyed our Valentimes dinner so much, dun uli kami for my bday dinner with friends!!! Yeheyyyyyyyyyy! Same group. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

      Ahhhhhhhh sige. I hope di ganon sa branch where I always go to. HALA IM' CRAVING AGAIN!!!

      Thanks muchos dear Yanna! Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnesss! Have a great weekend.
