
Monday, October 14, 2019


EAT BULAGA is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this year and we are all excited.

Well for one, I bet you don't see ANY show here celebrating its 40th year on the air. YEP. We're not the longest running noontime show for NOTHING. He he he he he he! The competition all ate our dust! Har de har har!

Wohoo!!!! EAT BULAGA is 40 baby!!!!!

Hala! The show is older than me pala... He he he he he he!

Could you find me? :) 

On the actual day of the anniversary, we had a mini-party in the office. 

Admin Department!

And of course, pictorial with the Titas of TAPE!

Sige... Good luck to the others who want to have pictures with the sign. He he he he he!

We are SO photobombing experts!

Look at me doing those popular IG poses.

Why is it that when I'm the doing it, I LOOK WEIRD?!

O di ba, we really didn't leave the balloon signage so that we could have MORE pics.

And yup, you read that right. Tita Flory is a pioneer and has been a Dabarkads since day one!

We had simple catering and a lechon that day.

Now you see it....

BURP. Now you dont.

The Anniversary party will be sometime in August. Let's see what happens then!

Come August, it's our Thanksgiving celebration!

We were early in the studio and waited for the mass to start.

While waiting.... You know the drill. 

Behind the scenes of our picture. He he he he!



Ha ha ha ha ha!

Kidding! We just love to bully each other. 

As always, we started our anniversary getogether with a mass.

Our priest is Fr. Jeff and he gives very good and enlightening sermons.

After the mass, we proceeded to the parking area for merienda cena. 

Usually we would rent a venue but since it's our 40th Anniversary, it should be special so we maximized the use of our new studio. He he he he he!

My favorite part in any party -- eating time!!!!

(seated from l-r) MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH, Tita Grace, Mam Zeny, Tita Josie, Mam Jeny, Ryzza, Ate Sheila, Tita Helen, and Jai!


There was a buffet line at the other side but since we're senior citizens (he he he) it was arranged that food will be served to us.

Filipino Salad!

CEBU LECHON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chicken with Gravy.

Pancit Luglog.

This was supposed to be a "assemble your own" but the servers gave us a big platter with everything we wanted on it instead. 

Fish with Cream Sauce!

Lapu Lapu!

My plate! My first serving but not the last PLATE!

For dessert, we got our favorite coffee with freshly cooked bibingka and puto bumbong!

THIS IS THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Of course, like what they do every year, the EAT BULAGA hosts asked to have pictures with me.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAY.... Hindi na sila nagsawa??


Cute! Photobomber Bossing. Nobody knew he was there except me. H aha ha ha!

With Ate Pia and Luanne!

With Ryzza!

With Kuya Jose!

With Ryan!

With Kuya Anjo!

With Tito Jimmy!

With Tito Sen!!!!!

With THE Henyo himself, Tito Joey!

With Bossing!!!!

Tee Hee! Got a solo pic with him because he's so pogi talaga! BOSSING SA KAPOGIAN!

Pasmado pa ako. Hala!

Tee hee... Tita Flory and I went to the dressing room to get in on the picture action. He he he he he he!


I also had a picture with my "batchmate".

Sayang I didn't see dear Liza and Rey! We're the only ones left from 2008!

With Direk Poochie!

With our admin gang!

I swear, even if I don't win anything later, at least I'm so sulit with all my pictures with my favorite Dabarkads of all!

Missing Tita Josie and Mam Zeny here!

After eating, we had our usual raffle and games!

All of us got raffle numbers!

Direk Poochie was always our designated main host. The EB talents would go onstage to support her.

Here, we have Kuya Jose and Wally!

Halaaaa... Sana mapili kamiiiiiii!


Tita Flory made this announcement that whoever wins in our floor would treat everyone with cake.

So if we have 14 winners, we'll have 14 cakes too!


Everyone is part of the raffle. And to make it extra fun for everyone, there is no "waive"!

Equal opportunities for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When somebody wins the raffle, Kuya Jose and Wally would make them dance.


Ha ha ha ha!

For the next game, we had Sugod Bahay for girls, boys, and LGBT!


I was actually on my way to the restroom but when somebody gave me the requirement to join (P5) I  I made "sugod" na din. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Come on!!! Pick my number!!!!!

Huhuhu... I lost here too!

After all the raffles and games, our President gave us his congratulations and message about the company. 

Not only is our President the most generous one EVER but he really knows how to encourage and inspire his employees. That's why we all love him as well!

Oh well... It's really like that. You'll lose some and win some.

In my case though I may not have won anything in the raffle and games but I know that I'm a winner with this job. 

So honored to be part of the EAT BULAGA family. If I can, I'll stay for 40 years more!!!!!







  1. Hi jaz, congratulations to you and to the rest of the EB dabarkads!btw, may i know the name of the caterer?

    1. Huloooooooooooooo pohzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!

      Thanks!!!!!!! 40 years whew!! Galing talaga nila!

      Our caterer is LA COMIDA. We always get them for our events. The kare kare is the best for me!!!!

      84, B. Gonzales Street
      Quezon City, Philippines
      Phone (02) 927 6984

  2. Wala na ba si Papa Alden, Ms. Jaz? Tulad ng sabi ko last year, pag may opening ng taga-punas ng pawis niya, mag-aapply ako :D :D

    Congratulations to you and EB!! Galing mag-alaga ng employees ang boss :)

    1. Hulloooo dear Yanna!!!

      He's still with us but, like Maine, has many commitments for THE GIFT and his recent blockbuster movie.

      HA HA HA HA! Hala ang pretty mo naman para maging tagapunas ng pawis!!!!!!!

      Thank you soo much!!! Tama na tama ka dyan!

      Have a great weekend!

  3. Hello ms Jaz,

    May I please ask for the name of the supplier ng tshirts? Planning to have this in our company's anniversary party

    Thank you

    1. Heloooooooooo!!!

      Sorry for late reply. I got sick!!!! I had measles. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

      Our supplier is DARYL MAGDAONG. You could contact him at 0926 7024591! We always get our shirts and jackets from him. :)

      Go go go!!!!!!!
