
Monday, September 30, 2019


My little guys' summer vacation started in May that by the time their schoolyear was done, it was already in the middle of the rainy season. Oh well... So that meant we'll be doing our "summer" fun in the rain.

Though we were perfectly happy of course with just swimming in our favorite Valle Verde Country Club, we were somehow still craving for some sand and sun that summer vacation usually warranted. The Yub and I were planning something for the kids when our Bawal Panget Group (he he he he) wanted to have an out of town trip too. Wow! That would surely be fun!

Most of the popular resorts were already fully booked but good thing we found this simple and affordable one in Subic that garnered good reviews -- MOONBAY MARINA LEISURE RESORT.

Mabilis pa sa alas kwatro our good ol' friend Gem immediately booked for the whole gang that before anyone could change their minds, sorry, no can do. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Good thing because it was such a fun weekend that it would be a shame for those who'll miss it. As for us, we're thankful again for this opportunity to have another weekend of exploring new territory as a family -- the whole weekend was actually super fun because of them.

Check out our SUBIC TRIP with THE YAPPY BUNCH and our BP Family!

We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship....

I think I'm the only one in the family who remembers this TV show.

Ooooh... How strong naman Coco Martin!!! GROOOWL!!!!

This was back in June and we were all actually watching out for the ticket sales for WRESTLEMANIA MANILA to open.

When it finally did, my husband parked for awhile and purchased tickets online. We wanted to buy agad to get the seats that we wanted and even if he was driving, my husband stopped so that he could properly make the orders. Because that's how the Chinese Panget is, dependable and loving... (when I'm there to remind him... har de har har!)

Wohoo... It was a smooth and sunny drive to SUBIC!!!

Yeheeeyyyy! Even if this was at the end of June, we still have SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well almost!

We decided to have an early lunch in the popular MEATPLUS CAFE in Subic. There, we saw Team Virrey and Team Campo.

Teams Navarro and Quitoriano came later on.

How did we find MEATPLUS? Meh.


Wohoo! And we arrived!

Syempre Andrei immediately ran to the play area.

As the name suggested, the property had a majority of villas within the resort.

We went to their office to check in.

The front office attendants were kind but they are indeed strict in imposing the rules that 12 years old and above need to pay extra.

Other than that, it was easy breezy!

The little lords patiently waited for us.

And here's our villa!

Our room was located in the second floor.

Yep! We're in room F15!

We got the 1 bedroom suite so there was a separate living room for us.

I tell you the sight and the feel of that airconditiong during this hot weather was pure heaven!

We even got a small kitchen and dining area.

Le beds!!!!

Simple TV.

Peekaboo! I see you cutie pie!

There was also a door going to the terrace.

The view outside!

Shower area!

Wash area!

Beautiful area. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Team Campo's room was not ready yet (buti nga) that they hung out first in our room.


After a short rest, we proceeded to the swimming pool.

My little bunsoy was so excited to jump in!

And that he did with his Kuya! They were almost like little tazmanian devils who became small hurricanes into their swimsuits.

Later on, they were joined by the other kiddies!

Andrei and Sasha got addicted with the slide.

The happy kiddies!

Naku... It was such a challenge to get them to stay still and have a picture.

As for the Mommies, ahem, like Captain America would say, "we could do this all day!"


Okay fine. Let's have a sweetie pacutie pic with the Chinese Panget.

Wohoo! Now it's swimming time for all!

There were a lot of villas around and the management said they were fully booked but it was not evident in the pool -- we almost had it to ourselves.

And we're soooo fine with that!

And woah we were wiiiiild!!!

Bwa ha ha ha ha... Like our hairdos? Pareng Jonas and I made canvasses out of our "airports" and sported the oldies favorite "kiss me." Ha ha ha ha!

Wohoo! The gangs all here!

Hay naku! The Chinese Panget scratched his heel and was whining like a baby at the sides. CHE!

Battle royale with the kiddies.

Everyone had their own little fun corner.

Hey my big guy!!!!

The water was perfect but the company was better!

(Except for the Yub.... Grrrr).

Even if most of the BPs were still in the pool, my little guys wanted to get out of their wet clothes and take a bath. Andrei asked later if I could take him to the playground.

Of course!!!!

I'll join you pa!

I attended to something in the room so the Yub went with the Androse by the beach.

Low tide!

The Yub had a mini-date with the Androse.

The beach was not as "sandy" as we expected but the spacious rough roads were cool for some driving.


This trip would always be memorable because it's the day where the Chinese Panget first taught the Androse how to drive.


(Okay lang hindi naman namin sasakyan yan. BWA HA HA HA HA HA!)

My happy bunsoy!

When I finished, it was my turn with the bunsoy baby and did some explorins around the area.

(If you're looking for Master Mati, hay, he wanted to just stay in the room).

We checked out the waterpark near the resort. It was okay naman but we were already happy with the pool of MOONBAY MARINA. Andrei agreed and said that he didn't feel like trying it (which was our original plan for tomorrow).

Still, it was something to consider the next time we go here. 

The view was lovely outside and my bunsoy and I hung out a bit.

Yihii! It was a fun mini-date with the Andrei!!!

That night we had a Korean barbecue dinner!

After our delicious dinner, we all went back to the hotel for some wine, chips, cheese, and chika!

The little lords had their own mini-party with the boys in our room.

The girls were pranking them from the outside by ringing the doorbell and leaving notes. Ha ha ha ha ha!

We all transferred to Team Navarro's unit because we were not allowed to consume outside drinks in the restaurant premises.

It's okay because we're all noisy anyway.

I wonder if it has to do something with this?

Later on, the boys went to the other side while us girls talked about them at this side. He he he he!

Our side...

Their side!

At about midnight, the Yub and I went back to our room. I had a cup of coffee in bed.

The little guys were so tired but very happy. Though they were fighting the feeling at first, they immediately dozed off once they fell asleep.

It was a great first day of our family's first SUBIC Adventure!!

More to come on part TWO!!!!

Waterfront Rd, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Zambales
(047) 252 9718




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