
Friday, May 31, 2019

BUDDY'S (2019)

When the Yubhub celebrated his birthday last March, he only requested for 3 things:

A. To attend mass.
B. To have BUDDY'S for his birthday dinner.
C. Not to receive ANY gifts from yours truly..... 

He he he he.... Okay fine. Only 2 out of 3 is true.

Anyways, it's fine of course but I was just concerned that my senior citizen Mom might not be suited for BUDDY's especially that the popular restaurant is always jampacked and standing room only. But she was SOOOO game and said how everything would be fine (after I raised my worries). See? She's not pintasero of a place (Unlike some people I know. Nitpicking fakers).

Good thing that when we got to BUDDY's, the place was nearly empty and we were able to have Yub's cravings ASAP (after a few minutes that's when the people came jamming the place up.)

I love it when our guardian angels help us out. I guess they're "hungry" too! He he he he he!!!

Or maybe, that's their "birthday gift" for the Yub this year! He he he he!!!



We're in BUDDYS!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


I know what you must be thinking...


Not only that, it's KIMPURA again on MY (belated) birthday. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Yep some time last March my dear HS friend Sandra invited me out to treat me on my birthday. When she asked me where, the usual "tug-of-war" of who will name what place, erupted. FINALLY, fickle minded me decided on Italian. So Sandra arranged for this restaurant she loved in Greenhills.

Then at the last minute while I was on my way to the venue, I texted her "Sandz, will you get mad if we switched to Japanese na lang again?" (I said "again" because we'll already been changing and re-planning the venue).

Her answer was, "He he he... Sige Japanese" -- you'll get the impression that she's about to wring your neck.


So KIMPURA it is because she hasn't eaten there yet and we felt that it was the best choice for Japanese in the Greenhills area.


Once again, my KIMPURA loyal heart (and tummy) is happy!!!!


KIMPURA baby!!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


The bunsoy Andrei recently learned that they will have his confirmation in school and he was beyond excited. It may not be obvious (because he's very  naughty) but he's the most religious one in the family, and got very curious with what's going to happen in the confirmation. We picked out his godparents and he counted the days till the date of the ceremony.

Yun lang, dear Andrei is sooooooo unfortunate to have an eng-eng Mommy. BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

You see, we are Filipino Catholic. So I thought that like in his first communion, they were fine with mix religions in the ceremony.

OH I WAS SO WRONG. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Turns out, you HAVE to be Roman Catholic to be able to be confirmed in Andrei's school. Ha ha ha ha! Oh well. I guess I was sleeping when they taught that in High School.

Andrei was soooo mad. Tee heee.....

ANYWHO, I guess it was a blessing because we discovered that Master Mati hasn't been confirmed as well. He attended this mass confirmation with his lolo in Cavite when he was about 3 years old and has forgotten about it. That's why he's open to having another one. With that, we made plans and listed down the godparents that the little lords wished for. The great thing too was that since we have our own schedule in our church, the little lords would be the only confirmants. We appreciated the solemnity and privacy that our own schedule would give. At least, we won't have to wait and crowd around with about a hundred students, parents, and godparents.

Now where to go after the ceremony?

It's quite difficult to look for a venue close to our chosen church because it was a Sunday, and most restaurants don't accept bookings that day especially for big groups.

So imagine my relief when CAFE MARY GRACE in Powerplant Mall agreed to my request and offered to put us in their function room at no charge.


This was a far cry from another restaurant whom I made arrangements with where I was at the mercy of the sungit receptionists. I loved the food as I've been there before but they were not very welcoming.

In the end, we cancelled our reservations in the first restaurant and went for CAFE MARY GRACE because of their friendliness and helpful attitude. The great thing too is that since it's in a mall, there would be a lot of parking spaces and our guests could shop around after our early lunch.

So yay! See how everything worked out for the better???

I guess sleeping that day in religion class was meant to be! Har de har har! Kidding!!!

Congratulations dear Mati and Andrei!!!!!!!!!!

Proud to be Aglipays!!!!!!!

Monday, May 27, 2019


MOTHER'S DAY arrived and I was happy with the celebrations that involved the Avengers, togetherness, and A LOT OF FOOD!!

Every MOTHER'S DAY season, I make it a point to take out the little lords for a date for that wee one-on-one time. Of course, it's more fun if we go out as a family but I see a different side my of boys when it's "just us", and they have a tendency to open up more. Not only that, it makes them feel extra special. There's a different kind of impact on them when you take the time to plan something that is exclusive just for the two of you. Proof of this was when I asked Mati before why he loved his Mommy, his answer was "because you take me out on dates."


I hope though when they grow up they would still remember our little MOTHER'S DAY tradition. Hmp! I'm sure, once they have their girlfriends or get married, I'll get a "Hu u" when I text them (jejemon pa no??). CHE!!!!  KUKUTUSIN KO TALAGA SILA. He he he he! But really, we cannot expect them to be little boys forever and there will come a time where we have to have to let them go.


Maybe that's the reason why I'm doing this -- so that just in case they forget about me when they're all grown up, I'll console myself with all the loving memories I had with them on MOTHER'S DAY in the past.

Tapos I'll be in a rocking chair with their photo album on my lap. I would gently touch our MOTHER'S DAY pictures together then look longingly at the window while my rocking chair slowly rocks.

EMO!!! Ang sarap ko din batukan no???

Besides my usual dates with the boys, I treated the BESTEST Mom there is, my MOMMYOWZERS to honor her this MOTHER'S DAY. Of course, my family cannot NOT be there. We always have an awesome time together too!!! As they say, the family that eats together, stays together. YES! HANGGANG TAKE OUT. He he he he he he he!

Yep. I always believe that if you put your family first, your children will prioritize your togetherness as well. Proof of that is my Mom -- she's a doctor who chose to stay home to take care of us. She and my Dad, though busy with the business and other matters, still put us first on their list, not their friends, not their career, it's US. So now, we are giving back all the love and family values that they have given us.

So here's to the loving Mom's who gave their EVERYTHING when taking care of their children.  Of course, I'm not saying that all Mom's have to quit their jobs. I know some working Mother's who are still so hands-on in taking care of their kids. Para-paraan lang yan. Not excuses. 
It's so easy to make reason out ("nagtatrabaho ako e", "may yaya naman", "lumaki naman sila na hindi naoospital" (duh) etc when really, gumigimik lang) but it takes a REAL MOM (and lady!!) to go beyond those and give their ultimate love to their sons and daughters.

(Belated) Happy MOTHER'S DAY to all!!!! Especially my dearest MOMMY!!!

And me!!! ( he he he he... singit ).  

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Call me childish...
Call me bratty...
Call me sexy (tee hee)...
Call me OA...
or call me maybe (sorry I cannot resist.. ha ha ha!)

But yeah, birthday celebrations are done when I say it's done.

As they say, "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."

Now wait a minute....

For my birthday celebrations early this year, I was happy to have spent it with family and friends over delicious food and wonderful company.

However, like all losers, I needed some "closure" or finality from all that birthday celebrations (otherwise, I wouldn't stop and use it to make the Yub treat me everyday!!!). So with that, I eyed a particular Saturday where my favorite dinner and a movie routine would be accomplished.

Because yeah, the perfect date is a dinner and movie don't you think?


Wednesday, May 22, 2019


ERICJAZ FOODIES was recently invited by DIAMOND HOTEL to experience their UNLIMITED seafood every Friday night.

UNLIMITED seafood? Is that even possible??

APPARENTLY with DIAMOND HOTEL, it is! And I'm not talking about the usual meh shrimps or mussels here. You'll actually be faced with bushels (YES BUSHELS) of the special seafood that you'll probably serve to your VIPs(ha ha ha ha)  like rock lobsters, mud crabs, blue crabs, alupihan dagat, garoupa, etc. etc.

Every Fridays for dinner, the CORNICHE restaurant of DIAMOND HOTEL is featuring SEAFOOD ALA MINUTE where for only P2,990.00 nett you could have plates upon plates of seafood cooked your way! Not only that, you could enjoy your unlimited servings of seafood with your usual favorites from DIAMOND HOTEL too (I call the sushi and roast beef!).

So gear up your appetite and get your tummy ready for this fresh from the sea battle. That's what the Yub and I did and we came out mucho victorious! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!! 


Tuesday, May 14, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH met up recently with our BAWAL PANGET family to celebrate my 44th....este... 34th birthday, and our venue for tonight was this curious little restaurant I often pass by in San Juan.


I've always wanted to try out CAFE SANSO because the restaurant seemed so stylish and artsy-fartsy.

Thursday, May 9, 2019


We were having my 44th... este... 34th birthday celebrations and my favorite foodie family of THE FOOD ALPHABET invited us to have a Korean lunch.

Me (with pa-pouty pouty effect): Wag na mare, nakakahiya!!!!!!

Mareng THE FOOD ALPHABET: No mare, birthday celebration namin ito for you.

Me: Mare are you sure???

Mareng THE FOOD ALPHABET: Oo naman. Tara na mare sa Saturday.

Me (kunwari  nagiisip pero decided na talaga): Hmmmm.... SIGE NA NGA!!!! Sure ka ha??? (Pahabol... he he he he)

Honestly though, as embarrassed as I was with THE FOOD ALPHABET family, I always have a great time with them that whenever there's an opportunity to meet up, we go. Great thing too that they invited us to go to JIN JOO KOREAN GRILL -- I had a delicious dinner there with my HS school friend before that it was indeed high time for a part two.

Tapos just in time for my 44th... este... 34th birthday celebrations pa!!!

BAWAL DIET. He he he he he!


Wednesday, May 8, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH went to Cavite recently for the family's long time tradition of participating the town's religious procession. We've been doing this for 39 years now (I'm sure I mentioned that already but I'm just dang proud of it! He he he he he) and there's no stopping us anytime soon.

In fact we could do this till infinity! Yup! No endgame for us!!! Tee heee!!!!!

Check out part 2 of our Holy Week in Cavite. I know it might be the same thing over and over again but I feel that we still made wonderful memories this 2019 that deserves to be recorded in my little online diary.

Yup! We have also recreated the picture above every year!

Monday, May 6, 2019


It's that time of year again where we all pack up and go to Daddy's hometown to participate in its annual Holy Week procession.

Of course, it may not be as fun as before (because our Daddy is not with us), still, HOLY WEEK in CAVITE is something we always look forward to because not only does it give us the opportunity to fulfill our religious duties/sacrifices but it also serves as an enjoyable reunion for my family.

To think that we have been doing this since 1980!!! Di pa ako pinapanganak non!! He he he he he!

But yeah, based on many things like this religious tradition, the laughs that we had, the delicious food that we ate, the several hours of non-stop chatting, the family togetherness that gave us a great time even if we're just in Cavite, and many, many, more, I think you could see why we're still so willing to do it for millions more of years to come!!!!


Sharing with you our 39th year of going to Cavite for the Lenten season. It will indeed be one of our family traditions that will go on forever.

Now pa lang Andrei declared that he will take over when he grows up!

Awwwww! Your Lolo would be so proud! 

Our karo since 1980!!

Thursday, May 2, 2019


TAPE INC has been operating close to 40 years and would you believe that I have officemates who have been working here since it started????


For others naman they're here for more than 30 years. As for  me, it's already been a decade.

If you're wondering why, it's because we have THE BEST PRESIDENT ever and we all love our jobs. Everyone here believes in EAT BULAGA that we are all so loyal to the show.


The TITAS of TAPE (as we have fondly called ourselves)  went out for lunch one time because a former officemate, Ms. Oying, is visiting from the US. Mam Leslie said it'll be her treat and invited us all to join them.

The place they chose for that lunch was a restaurant called NINYO. I thought at first that it's like Gerry's or Gilligan's type of restaurant where diners could down beer along with their sisig. "Okay" I thought. At least I'll have some of my favorite sisig with garlic rice......


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

If you've been to NINYO FUSION CUISINE AND WINE LOUNGE you'll know what I mean.


NINYO FUSION CUISINE was so near our office but far from the lines of popular fast food restaurants. You might even miss it because the lot looked like a residence filled with trees.

Even the entrance seems like a private home too!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Many months ago, I celebrated my 44TH este 34th birthday, and as expected we're going to have dinner that night!!!

Before, we would usually go out as a family for birthdays. But since my brother moved somewhere far, far, away, and my sister would sometimes go out of town with her husband, we would usually schedule our birthday treat during family Sunday lunch.

So since it's only going to be THE YAPPY BUNCH, Kuya Jon, and my Mom for tonight, where should we go?????

I was sooooo tempted to treat them to Kimpura (our favorite) since the bill would be more manageable without the other asungots (he he he he he) but then we decided it's better to just stick to the mall nearest to us (Powerplant Mall) since my birthday falls on a day where heavy traffic was expected.

I then remembered how much I was craving for pasta. With that, our automatic choice became CIBO!!!!!! Yayyy!!!! No objections there because EVERYBODY from the family loves CIBO.

Oh THAT, and if somebody requests for something else, I'll use it as excuse to make them pay for it.

YAAAAAYYYYY again! Tee heee!

