
Monday, January 28, 2019


THE YAPPY BUNCH were going to BAGUIO to have a pre-birthday celebration for the bunsoy Andrei and while we were planning it, he requested to for his Lola, my Mom, to join us.

That's great!!! I thought to myself. I was really planning on treating my Mommy to join us in BAGUIO and it felt good that my own son was thinking of the same thing.

Yup! My boys love their Lola (and Lolo Pogi - rip) soooo much!!!!

So when we were plotting our itinerary and planning our BAGUIO trip, we looked for hotels that would comfortably accommodate my family. We already stayed in  somebody's house, GRAND SIERRA PINES, and CHALET HOTEL, so we wanted to try something else.

When I was deciding where to go, my bunsoy whispered if it was okay to get his own bed. He said since it was his (pre) birthday celebration, maybe he doesn't have to share with his Kuya even just this once. Okay I said. I thought since my Mom will be joining us, it would be better to get a separate room for her anyways.

When asking around, my Mareng Gail recommended that I check out NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL. She stayed there before and loved the spacious rooms, queen-sized beds, the heated pool, and the buffet breakfast! The best part too was that it was super affordable.

SOLD! He he he he he!

I checked out NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL online and saw that yes, booking two rooms for two nights was still within my budget. I was glad too that even if it was a long weekend, there were still rooms available for us.

So YAYY! We're booked and ready to go!

Another great thing was that I discovered our good friends THE FOOD ALPHABET family also made reservations in the same hotel that weekend.

See? Everything was meant to be.

(Ang OA... he he he).


We're here in NEWTOWN!!!!

Haaaaay! FINALLY after 11 hours!!!

Yup! I won't stop ranting about it.

NEWTOWN PLAZA was a fairly new hotel but it was already very popular with vacationers. 

It was located near WRIGHT PARK and BOTANICAL GARDEN so it's an ideal place to stay in if you want to be touristy for the weekend. 

They had a spacious and bright lobby that it made us forget how tired we all are.

Imagine if we arrived and it was all tight and smelly di ba? Extra stress!

Time to check in.

Check-in was easy breezy!!! We requested for rooms that are close to each other. 

Our front desk officer was very nice and accommodating.

While we were checking in, my Mommy brought us all hot taho as our quick snack.

Look who I saw in the lobby -- my kumareng and THE FOOD ALPHABET's wife!!!

We all settled at NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL's public area with tables. There, we enjoyed our taho and breads.

The bunsoy Andrei played with my inaanak Sky!!

Aren't they cute?

After our snacks, we all went to our rooms to settle in and rest.


The place was nice and all but didn't anyone tell housekeeping that the hallway carpets needed cleaning? As in BLECH!

We are at room 703!!!!

We got the room with the balcony.


Drinks and Coffee station!


Yay for hot water.


(Take caution in using the toilet in the morning at about 8:00am to 9:00am. Egad! I guess everyone was using it that they ran out of water resulting to the toilet not flushing. Halaaaaaaaa!!!!) 


The NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL room was indeed spacious and the beds were big (queen sized).

It somehow lacked that homeyness that you would sometimes look for in a BAGUIO hotel. He he he he he! If I have to be honest, it's like a motel room of a higher level.

NOT that I've been at a motel room EXCUUUUUUSE ME. HELLOOOOO?!!!!!!

(Oops... ha ha ha ha ha!)


The NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL room was clean, the beds were comfy, and at least it got free water and coffee. So really, it's sulit for the price!

Our view!

Love the BAGUIO pine-scent!!!!

While Mommy and Master Mati are at room 705!!!!

Initially it's going to be Mommy and Andrei sharing a room. But I thought that Mati is old enough to be her bodyguard (plus he knows Kali) so he became her instant roomie!

My Mom and Mati settled in juuuuust fine!

WOHOOO! We have already rested so BAGUIO HERE WE COME!!!!!

We had an early dinner at O MAI KHAN!!

Then went biking in BURNHAM PARK!

The rest of us just waited and enjoyed the BAGUIO night weather.

We were really supposed to go to BURNHAM PARK the next day but THE FOOD ALPHABET suggested to us to try it out at night time. I'm glad we did because besides being a new experience for us, at least we scrapped it out of our busy itinerary tomorrow!

When we got back to the hotel, we saw their lovely store in the design of a Gingerbread house but with twinkly lights.

My camera doesn't do justice to the Christmas effects of this house. Loved it!!!

We went to our room tired but happy!!!

My bunsoy got his wish and had a big bed all to himself!!!

GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!


The next day...

We were supposed to go to breakfast earlier but like I said, THE TOILET RAN OUT OF WATER!!!!!! Nobody was able to do their any peepoopy for the morning because, ew, no water. 

We met my Mom and Master Mati in ELEMENTS for our buffet breakfast. The spread was quite good and we ate more than should (considering we can't use the toilet yet... ha ha ha ha ha).

After we have all freshened up properly (yayyy there's water na!!!), we all headed out to start our busy "touristy" day!

But not without having a picture by the Gingerbread house again!!!

It's still so charming even in the daytime. He he he he he!

Diplomat Hotel!

Lourdes Grotto!

The Mansion!

Late lunch at SIZZLING STEAK!


Horsey Horsey Tigidig Tigidig for Andrei!

Church for Mati and Mommy!

Whew!!!! You have remember too that traffic was bad in BAGUIO that weekend but we're still all thankful that we were able to make the most of our Saturday.

If you want to see a more detailed account of our day (BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Yeah right). Check HERE!

When we got back to our hotel, look who's waiting for us?

We haven't been with THE FOOD ALPHABET family the whole day because we were both have our own plans. So it's great to meet them up with some Starbucks.

When we got back, we wanted to have more picture picture outside the hotel but it was sooooo effin cold!!!!

Inside na lang.

Where nobody will judge us. Ha ha ha ha ha!

We went to my Mom's room to pick up Andrei. When he woke up the next morning, he was so amazed "HOW DID I GET HERE???" 

He he he he! Magic son. Magic!

The next morning, we did our AM rituals much earlier so that we'll not jam with the other hotel guests again and lose water.

We had different sets of dishes today and it was ALL yum!

When we got back to the room, I told the Yub we should give Andrei a small surprise since we are having his pre-birthday celebration (a cake seemed too much because his real birthday was 2 weeks away). So we just got a candle and lighted it up for him.

Awwww! Look at his happy smile!

My boys talaga appreciate the simple things!

Your very first song bunso!

We love you!

We saw this brown butterfly on the wall. Could it be my Dad???

I'd like to think so!

After I finished packing, I looked around and saw that Andrei disappeared. I looked for him everywhere (even in Mommy's room) and can't find him. 

Finally I heard some familiar video game sounds and saw him hiding in our cabinet.


Now it's time to do our usual PICTURES AROUND THE ROOM!

Bed shot!

Bed shot again!

Balcony Shot!

BYE shot!

We didn't do our other usual shots because my Mom was waiting for us na. He he he he he!

Let's go Hampie! Tama na yang muni muni mo!

Bye 703!!!!!

We "fetched" Mom and Mati in their room!

They were good roomies!

Master Mati said bye to their room.

Mati loved 705 because wifi signal was strong here. Ha ha ha ha ha!


We checked out early because we wanted to have a head start on the traffic. We really hope NOT to get stuck for 11 hours AGAIN!!!!

THE FOOD ALPHABET passed by to say bye.

And little Sky too!!!


Overall we had a good stay at NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL. I appreciated the price and the amenities that came with it. Of course, what's important was how much my bunsoy and Mom liked it. When the bunsoy was already happy that he had his own bed and my Mom saying we could stay here again next time, that convinced me that NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL was still a good choice.

Of course, we'll try other hotels again but NEWTOWN PLAZA HOTEL will be in our "nice" list. He he he he he he he!!!!

So yes, we could go back here again!!




Corner, Leonard Wood Road, 
No. 42 Claro M. Recto St, Baguio, 2600 Benguet
0917 655 9005



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